Saturday, September 9, 2017

UC Berkeley Mocked For Offering Counseling To Students Stressed By Ben Shapiro Speech

"Sticks and stones…

"Via Mediate:
There has been a lot of buildup ahead of Ben Shapiro‘s speaking engagement at UC Berkeley. Between the university initially blocking him from its campus and its efforts to limit the crowd size, it’s becoming quite the anticipated event.
Shapiro, conservative author and editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, has stirred controversy on college campuses in the past and was banned from speaking at DePaul University and California State University of Los Angeles, not because he himself or anything he says is controversial, but because students and faculty were simply outraged by his presence.
Ahead of the Sept. 14 speech, UC Berkeley sent out a newsletter to its students and faculty, which went over logistics and security of the event and encouraged those who plan to protest to do so peacefully. But then it said the following:
We are deeply concerned about the impact some speakers may have on individuals’ sense of safety and belonging. No one should be made to feel threatened or harassed simply because of who they are or for what they believe. For that reason, the following support services are being offered and encouraged:
Student support services
Employee (faculty and staff) support services

Upcoming Book/Excuse Tour Gives Democrats Hillary Fatigue Syndrome

"Hillary Clinton’s four month long reminder tour of the party’s most bitter recent failure will be a test for them. Will some members of the party who are more prominent start speaking out against her?
She isn’t doing much to earn “respected elder stateswoman” status from the Democrats. That is probably because she probably considers herself viable candidate, even if no one outside of her kitchen does."

The American Spectator

"Hillary Clinton’s continued obsession with inflicting herself upon a public that told her to go away almost a year ago is now giving agita to those who used to be close to her.
According to Politico, the Democrats are sweating her impending book tour.
President Donald Trump may be the only person in politics truly excited about Hillary Clinton’s book tour.
Democratic operatives can’t stand the thought of her picking the scabs of 2016, again — the Bernie Sanders divide, the Jim Comey complaints, the casting blame on Barack Obama for not speaking out more on Russia. Alums of her Brooklyn headquarters who were miserable even when they thought she was winning tend to greet the topic with, “Oh, God,” “I can’t handle it,” and “the final torture.”
Political reporters gripe privately (and on Twitter) about yet another return to the campaign that will never end. Campaign operatives don’t want the distraction, just as they head into another election season. And members of Congress from both parties want the focus on an agenda that’s getting more complicated by the week.
But with a new NBC News poll showing her approval rating at 30 percent, the lowest recorded for her, Clinton kicks it off on Tuesday with a signing at the Union Square Barnes & Noble in New York. She’ll keep it going all the way through December, all across the country.
. . .  

What’s changed in Britain since same-sex marriage?

"Shortly after the election campaign, Farron resigned. He stated that it was now impossible, for a believing Christian to hold a prominent position in British politics."
The Spectator, Australia

. . . "Freedom of religion: Much was made in the UK, about supposed exemptions, designed to ensure that believers would always be allowed to stay true to their convictions.
Four years later, the very same people who made ‘heartfelt promises’, now work tirelessly to undermine them. . . .
"It became clear, during this year’s general election, just how militant the LGBT lobby have become, following marriage redefinition. The primary target was Tim Farron, leader of England’s third largest political party, the Liberal Democrats. High-profile journalists had heard that Farron was a practising Christian. In every single interview thereafter, they demanded to know. Did he personally believe homosexual sex to be a sin? He practically begged the commentariat, to allow him to keep his personal faith and legislative convictions separate. For decades, he pointed out, he had out vocally and legislatively supported the LGBT Lobby. Likewise, he had long backed same-sex marriage, voting for it enthusiastically. This simply was no longer enough." . . .
It appears that standing up for your biblical beliefs not only causes you to be persecuted, but unable to find work and support your family.  Is the day coming when even government benefits will require our adhering to a certain political stand?  We do not learn from history.

In Berkeley, The Renaming Of Campus Buildings Takes A Turn To The Bizarre

How is it that our nation's culture and history are being radically changed by people we find unlikable and whom we have no respect for?

Hot Air

"The student body at Berkeley has a lot on their plate these days what with the imminent arrival of Ben Shapiro sending everyone scrambling for their safe spaces and all. But with so much to be done on the social justice front there’s simply no rest for the weary.
"In case you hadn’t heard, there are offensively named buildings to be tackled on campus. We must wipe away all vestiges of racism or colonialism or… something. With that in mind, the students are looking to change the name of Barrows Hall. That one clearly has to go because of the evil, sordid history of the man it was named after. (The College Fix)" . . .

Even with Irma knocking at our door, we here in Miami are NOT FREAKING OUT AT ALL!

Dave Barry

. . . "When we’re not eating our hurricane supplies or waiting in line to buy more, we’re going on the Internet to check the computer models, which are these little lines on a map showing where various computers think the hurricane will go. Checking these lines makes me nervous, so I try not to do it too often. Once every six minutes is plenty. I root for the lines that have the hurricane going away from South Florida, but there’s always at least one line going straight toward me. If you zoom in really close, you see a little square at the end of this line labeled DAVE BARRY’S HOUSE. Sometimes I click on this line with my mouse and try to drag it out to sea, but evidently computer models don’t work that way." . . .

Luis Gutierrez could instigate civil war by calling on 11 million illegals to stand against the cancellation of DACA

I generally like to vet articles from places with "Patriot" in the name, but this video has some disturbing information in it. The left is winning the propaganda war by removing the term "illegal immigrant" and referring to just "immigrants", placing all in our history on the same plane. The premise is that everyone has the right to come to America and we have no right to refuse anyone. TD

Conservative Patriot  "The White House officially announced President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals a.k.a. DACA, and in no sooner after the announcement was made did the liberals in this country assailed the President for his allegedly ‘cruel’ and ‘unfair’ decision.

"There’s nothing illegal, however, in opposing a person’s views, but the Left’s excessively critical rhetoric has proved to be a powerful weapon known to instigate violent racial protests and intolerance, adding fuel to the already aggravated racial relationship in the country.
“ 'How far will Donald Trump go to appease the racist white nationalists who got him elected to the White House?” said one liberal website, adding that Mr. Trump is making these decisions in order to “erase the legacy of the country’s first black president.”
"Now, Democratic Rep. for the state of Illinois Luiz Gutierrez has joined in upbraiding President Trump, calling on all who oppose such decisions to riot on the streets, boosting illegal immigrants to do whatever it takes to protect themselves from being repatriated." . . .

Friday, September 8, 2017

Tehran Has Studied Pyongyang's Playbook Well

Weekly Standard

. . . "Iran has already learned a number of damaging lessons from North Korea. First, cheating on nuclear deals is permitted. North Korea cheated twice, and we kept coming back for more. President Bill Clinton announced the 1994 Agreed Framework as a deal that would “freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program,” but Pyongyang violated the agreement when it started a covert uranium enrichment program. Washington tried another nuclear deal with the Kim regime, negotiating the 2005 Joint Statement, but the Kim regime built a nuclear reactor in Syria during the negotiations. The reactor was eventually destroyed by Israel in 2007. Normally that would have ended negotiations, proving that North Korea was not a serious interlocutor. Instead, the Kim regime was rewarded for its nuclear proliferation when the Bush administration removed North Korea from the state sponsors of terrorism list in 2008." . . .

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Anthony Ruggiero, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, was the nonproliferation adviser to the U.S. delegation to the 2005 rounds of the Six-Party Talks and spent more than 17 years in the U.S. government.

Trump Derangement Syndrome, as Seen on TV .

"Cis-normative? Really? Are these words made up in some dorm room by guilt-ridden white liberals?

American Horror Story is tackling the 2016 presidential election through the eyes of a cult . . .   . . . "Frequent Murphy leading lady Paulson is playing Ally Mayfair Richards, a woman whose phobias are triggered by Donald Trump's presidential win, and Peters plays rabid Trump supporter Kai Anderson." . . .

National Review  "The seventh season of the FX Network horror anthology series, which has a different storyline each year, seems to be the first major Hollywood production to grapple with the Trump presidency on TV or at the movies. " . . .

"In another, huge and beautifully appointed home in the same town, the series’ central figure, Ally Mayfair-Richards, a lesbian who owns a restaurant with her wife Ivy (Allison Pill), is having a breakdown watching CNN. “Oh my God, Merrick Garland,” she exclaims. “What’s gonna happen with Merrick Garland?” Like I said: comedy gold. The eager, well-spoken progressives in the house are already turning on one another: One guest, a city councilman, berates another, saying, “Look at our friends on the couch and tell them that they might not be able to retain their rights as a married couple because you were too busy on Etsy to go vote!” Everyone is in general agreement that Trump is going to “get us all killed” and abortion will be banned, though it’s left unclear why anyone should much care about the latter detail after the first one comes to pass.
. . .
"If he promised to end abortion, start World War III, or force American women to dress like the Puritan Taliban, I missed it, and he’s also the first president ever to arrive in the Oval Office saying he was okay with gay marriage. The things about him that the Left most fears (or feared; AHS: Cult already seems a bit like a period piece from six months ago, when progressives on social media were collectively setting their hair on fire) are products of the Left’s imagination."

Satire! "17-year-old teenager sues his parents for being born white."

Did I remember to say "satire"?

World News Daily Report (Satirical Satire)

St-Louis, MO | A 17-year-old is undertaking one of the most controversial lawsuits of the history of the country as he is suing his own biological parents for being born white.

Anthony Dwight, 17, claims he has suffered his whole life from the shame of being born white.“When I was a kid, I’d spend hours in the shower trying to wash off the white off my skin, but it would never go away,” he recalls painfully. 

“Isn’t there enough white people on this planet already? Haven’t we inflicted enough suffering, racism and oppression in this world?” he asked reporters.
. . .

"White guilt

"The young man’s lawyer, Robert Hoffman, claims his client has suffered severe psychological distress, symptoms of depression and suicidal tendencies because of what he called “the burden of white privilege.”
“ 'My client did not choose to live this kind of life. Why would he have to carry the burden of hundreds of years of slavery and racism all because his parents had the selfish desire to bring another white child into this world,” he told the judge.

“ 'Because of the level of psychological distress of my client, we ask that his parents pay for all necessary expenses to change his racial status, including skin coloring treatments,” he added." . . .

Hillary In 2014: Illegal Immigrants Have Got To Go

Daily Caller
MoreHillary Clinton Retweeted JORGE RAMOS
No time to waste - we've got to fight with everything we've got to . Thanks, , for sharing these powerful stories.
. . . “It may be safer but that’s not the answer,” she said in a CNN interview with Christiane Amanpour. “We need to do more to provide border security…they should be sent back as soon as it can be determined where the adults in their families.”
“ 'I think all of them who can be reunited with their families should be…but we’ve got to send a clear message that just because your child gets across the border that doesn’t mean your child gets to stay,” she continued.
"In 2014, tens of thousands of young children were being sent to the border by their families in the hopes they would be allowed to stay in the United States." . . .
“We don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws and encourages them to make the dangerous journey,” Clinton said." . . .

Trump Orders Military to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles

First this from the NY Times: How the U.S. Could Respond to Another North Korean Missile Test

If North Korea launches an ICBM, Trump should shoot it down

North Korea Says U.S. to Pay Dearly for Haley’s ‘Hysteric Fit  . . . "Describing Haley’s comments to the UN this week as a “hysteric* fit,” a commentary by the state-run Korean Central News Agency on Friday warned the U.S. of unspecified retribution." . . . 
* If that word "hysteric" doesn't rally the feminists around our President then they really do hate America. 

From NewsMax: Trump Orders Military to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles  "President Donald Trump has given military orders for U.S. forces to shoot down and destroy any missile launched from North Korea and moving toward the continental United States, Hawaii, and Guam.
"Sources close to the president's national security team tell Newsmax the order was given to Pentagon brass in the wake of last month's threat by North Korea to fire a ballistic missile aimed at Guam, a U.S. territory.
" 'The threat provoked the president," one source familiar with the decision told Newsmax." 

Image: Trump Orders Military to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles

"The president also is said to be considering a new "shoot down" order for any North Korean missile launched and moving toward Japan or South Korea, another national security source told Newsmax.
" 'This is a clear exercise of self-defense, and there's no question we should do it," former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton told Newsmax.
"Bolton said U.S. allies South Korea and Japan "are in jeopardy" and said the United States must take steps to protect them under treaty obligations." . . .
Among these programs are the 26-year-old Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, (THAAD), whose "hit to kill" interceptors are designed to shoot down an incoming missile through kinetic energy that explodes the missile on impact.
"It's called stopping a bullet with a bullet," one veteran intelligence expert told Newsmax.
The technology appears to be working.
 North Korean Video Shows Missiles Destroying A U. S. City In A Giant Fireball

Hillary: Impossible to be her fault (Update)

Image result for hillary's book tour cartoon

Hillary 'Rodney Dangerfield' Clinton gets no respect  "The late Rodney Dangerfield found that his early attempts at comedy "didn't pay the bills," but his later "I don't get no respect" routine is legendary.  Hillary Clinton's early campaign attempts at humor were a flop, but her new and "surprisingly funny" campaign memoir routine is...well, not surprisingly, another flop.

"While Hillary's upcoming book tour promo at says Hillary will "connect with audiences with a story that's personal, raw, detailed and surprisingly funny" (emphasis added), Hillary's comedy theme seems to be that she "don't get no respect, no respect at all," channeling Mr. Dangerfield.
"Excerpts from Mrs. Clinton's forthcoming new book, What Happened, accuse Bernie Sanders, for example, of "resorting to 'innuendo and impugning my character.'"  Rodney Dangerfield might have added, "That's the story of my life.  I don't get no respect.' " . . .

UPDATE: Democrats not thrilled about Hillary’s book tour, call it “the final torture”  . . . "Callahan points out that big name Democrats have come out against Hillary and want her to go away:
“When you lose to somebody who has 40% popularity, you don’t blame other things,” Chuck Schumer told the Washington Post in July. “What did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump.”  And on and on and on...
From The Onion: Clinton Already Working On Follow-Up Book Casting Blame For Failures Of First [Book]

"CHAPPAQUA, NY—Saying it would provide a candid account of her experiences writing an unsuccessful tell-all, sources confirmed Thursday that Hillary Clinton is already working on a follow-up book casting blame for the failures of her previous memoir What Happened. “From my agent negotiating that underwhelming deal with Simon & Schuster, to the graphic designer’s lackluster cover art, to my so-called supporters who couldn’t be bothered to drop $17.99 for the hardcover copy—everyone had a hand in undermining my last book’s success,” reads a passage from the introduction to Clinton’s What Also Happened, which repeatedly decries her prior book’s “indecipherable” font and dedicates an entire chapter to lashing out at her copy editor for making her look like “an idiot third-grader.” “I’ll never forget how Amazon buried me and how Barnes & Noble completely sabotaged me by displaying my book way in the back in that no man’s land by the CDs. Frankly, it’s obvious I got screwed on all sides.” Accusing them of stealing her spotlight, the book reportedly concludes with a long list of every other celebrity who published a memoir in the past year."