Happy to defend the Obama admin’s outrageous expenses, they now attack the Trump admin
Obamas take shopping trip to New York "President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama landed in New York Saturday afternoon, and after taking a helicopter from JFK into Manhattan, drove up the West Side Highway, where the northbound lanes were shut down by police for their visit, past Ground Zero, into the Village for dinner at the Village's Blue Hill restaurant. From there, they went north to Times Square, where they went to to see a production of "Joe Turner's Come and Gone" at the Belasco Theater on West 44 Street." . . .
None of your business . . . "There was, of course, an ironic element of the trip. In February, Obama scolded corporate executives (while also costing Las Vegas some $130 million) when he said: “You can’t get corporate jets. You can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas, or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime.”
. . . "The leftist media has set up a rubric of which Saul Alinsky would be proud: we’ll do what we like, but you, you we’ll hold to your own standards. We are seeing this in spades right now as the leftist media runs wild with the travel costs of Trump administration officials.
"They are pointing out that Price and others are misusing their position to waste taxpayer dollars on military or private travel that cannot be justified. While they are quite right to point this out, they are also revealing their extreme political bias by daring the right to defend government’s fiscal irresponsibility.
"Where was all this outrage when then-president Obama and wife Michelle took separate planes, replete with Secret Service details, to the same destination on the same day?
"This happened a lot, yet we heard next to nothing from the leftist media.
"While not an exhaustive list, same day separate flights for the Obamas include:
- Hey, let’s hit LA. On separate planes, on the same day . . . at enormous taxpayer expense.
- How about heading to California? On separate planes on the same day . . . at enormous taxpayer expense.
- And then there’s Hawaii, what president doesn’t need two separate planes (one for himself and one for his wife and the family dog) replete with top Secret Service protection to go to Hawaii for the holidays?
- What about Michelle Obama’s outlandishly expensive trip to Africa, with hairdresser and makeup artist in tow?
- But it wasn’t just the Obamas’ travel (and lavish entertainment) at our expense that was ignored by the now suddenly and rabidly fiscal hawk media. They also ignored the same sort of travel by Obama admin officials that Price briefly enjoyed.
- Obama officials frequently took pricey non-commercial flights . . . to wherever, for whatever. . . .
Obamas take shopping trip to New York "President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama landed in New York Saturday afternoon, and after taking a helicopter from JFK into Manhattan, drove up the West Side Highway, where the northbound lanes were shut down by police for their visit, past Ground Zero, into the Village for dinner at the Village's Blue Hill restaurant. From there, they went north to Times Square, where they went to to see a production of "Joe Turner's Come and Gone" at the Belasco Theater on West 44 Street." . . .