Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Shapiro At 'Sacramento Bee': Hollywood Got Caught, So They Lecture Us

Hollywood only steps up under pressure, so spare us the star-splaining on morality
"Spare us the self-righteous lectures. And try setting some standards for yourselves before you tell us all about how we’re the barriers between women and respect." Ben Shapiro

"Yes, the town that brought you the casting couch and the X-rated film now proclaims that it is the leading edge on behalf of female empowerment. All it took was the worst scandal in modern Hollywood history to make that happen.
"A few short months ago, Hollywood had nothing to say about the sexual abuse of women in the industry. Hollywood is a visual medium, and that means that powerful men in the industry have treated beautiful women as objects for their play and pleasure for literally decades.

"In fact, Hollywood’s leading lights cheered such men. Meryl Streep gave convicted child rapist Roman Polanski a standing ovation at the 2003 Oscars. In 2012, the Golden Globes honored Woody Allen, a man credibly accused of molesting his own seven-year-old step-daughter, with a lifetime achievement award. Seth MacFarlane’s Family Guy ran a joke about baby Stewie running naked screaming across the screen, shouting, “Help! I’ve escaped from Kevin Spacey’s basement!” Famed actress Jean Arthur, star of films including “Shane,” told author Joseph McBride that she quit the industry rather than deal with the molestation from studio head Harry Cohn; she even says she planned to murder him before quitting. Marilyn Monroe told a young Joan Collins that producers were like “wolves.” And modern actresses talked for years about the predations of figures like Harvey Weinstein. But nobody did anything. Nobody said anything.
"But now we’re supposed to believe that Hollywood has something to tell the rest of us about sexual abuse." . . .

UPDATEP. Gao opines over at Mark Steyn
Oh yes! All in black, but with cleavage down to the navel! And wearing those exposing gowns to promote the designers... flashing their flesh to sell products! If they didn't want to be 'exploited' then why wear what they were wearing? Can't they afford their own dresses? They give awards to themselves like crazy. How come no glamorous awards for the emergency room doctor and nurse of the year? Or the linemen who quickly restored power to millions suffering after the hurricanes? They save lives, not pretend to save lives or pretend to do jobs.

Oprah might run for president. We did the opposition research for you

Oprah is a fine person, but once again, this all shows liberals are silly people indeed. Perhaps the rest of us are not far behind them. TD

See the source image

Washington Post   "Since everyone's suddenly talking about Oprah 2020, let's talk about what her campaign might look like — or more specifically, what her opponents might do to it.

"There's no reason to think politics will become any less brutal in the next two years. And there's every reason to expect that opposition researchers would happily dig through Oprah Winfrey's storied history as a talk-show host, cultural icon, fake book promoter, advocate of mystical healing powers, fearer of hamburgers and apparent chum of Harvey Weinstein.

"Not to mention the child sex abuse scandal.

"Here's a sampling of the awkward and potentially problematic issues that Winfrey might have to explain on the campaign trail." . . .

See the source image

Hollywood culture: "They should hand out awards for hypocrisy, preening, and lack of self-awareness"

They should hand out awards for hypocrisy, preening, and lack of self-awareness.  . . . "No, for me it was when the house rolled over for Oprah Winfrey, the nation’s most prominent retailer of quack medicine, the celebrity shill who made herself some $3 billion pitching supernatural wishful thinking and life-endangering crackpot pseudoscience to poor people and women, and NBC declared her our next president in a tweet. Oprah, friend to women and the oppressed, the coming anti-Trump? Say what you want about our president, but no one has linked him to a surge in whooping cough." . . .

Weinstein accusers claim they weren’t invited to Golden Globes

Asia Argento, Rose McGowan, Rosanna Arquette and Mira Sorvino
. . . "Argento had a bit more pessimistic opinion of the omission. “It would have been too much of a downer… an embarrassment,” she wrote. “Victims aren’t glamorous enough.' ” . . .
James Franco’s Golden Globes Win Prompts More Sexual Harassment Accusers To Come Forward  "The “Disaster Artist” star was one of many Hollywood stars wearing a “Time’s Up” pin at the awards show, prompting two actresses to come forward with sexual harassment claims against the big winner, calling him a hypocrite for taking part in the demonstration, Fox News reports. "

Violet Paley tweeted:

Remember the time you pushed my head down in a car towards your exposed penis & that other time you told my friend to come to your hotel when she was 17? After you had already been caught doing that to a different 17 year old?

Hollywood holds a funeral    " . . . the hypocrisy hasn't gone unnoticed."
. . . "The final insult?  Like the casting couch, Hollywood's political bent is no secret.  It's a Democrat stronghold – not only for votes, but for massive amounts of political campaign contributions.  I have no doubt that Meryl Streep not only voted for Bill Clinton (unrepentant serial sexual predator), but most likely contributed money to the campaign of Hillary Clinton (Bill's enabler).  I also have no doubt that many of the women who walked the red carpet in black and proudly wore their "Time's Up" lapel pins at the Golden Globes also voted for Bill and contributed money to Hillary." . . .

Harper's BAZAAR gives name of stars who did not wear black  Outed!

Oh, No! Just when it seems liberals can't get more silly, they come up with THIS!

There seems to be no joy in the lives of these people. TD

Prof: Snow White, Sleeping Beauty Promote 'Sexual Assault on an Unconscious Person'

. . . "Here’s a perfect (if laughable) example of this disconnect: a Japanese professor named Kazue Muta thinks the princes from Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are sexual predators. This sounds ridiculous (because it is) but it actually gets to the heart of this whole sex conundrum.
"Muta sent out a tweet last month which translates, “When you think rationally about 'Snow White' and 'Sleeping Beauty,' that tell of a ‘princess being woken up by the kiss of a prince,’ they are describing sexual assault on an unconscious person. You might think I’m ruining the fantasy of it all, but these stories are promoting sexual violence and I would like everyone to be aware of it.” So basically, because the princes kissed their princesses while the princesses were sleeping (and therefore couldn’t give verbal consent that a kiss was acceptable to them) the princes are guilty of sexual assault." . . .

So, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation would have been sexual assault? How about chest compressions?

Monday, January 8, 2018

Soviet-style abuse of psychiatry is now practiced in the US

By Oleg Atbashian | First published in Bombthrowers

"Comrade Psychiatrist is unhappy with Mr. Trump's "delusional reformism' "

Soviet psychiatry coming to US

"American progressives have been enamored with many Soviet ideas in their time, trying to transplant them to the U.S. -- from government diktat and central planning to academic indoctrination and propaganda through entertainment. And while the Soviet Union has gone the way of the dodo, its glorious socialist legacy is still up for the picking.

"One of these unparalleled Soviet achievements is the use of psychiatry to silence dissent and delegitimize political opposition, allowing the KGB to lock up dissidents in mental hospitals nicknamed psikhushkas.

"In the United States today hundreds of zealous progressive psychiatrists are similarly diagnosing Donald Trump "in absentia" with a variety of incapacitating diseases, from narcissism to neurosyphilis, demanding that he be deposed (and hopefully locked up in a psikhushka along with his supporters).

. . . "No doubt, American progressive psychiatrists would be only too happy to diagnose "reformist" delusion in Trump and his supporters, who are known for their persistent calls to "drain the swamp." The rationale behind the "mental disorder" diagnosis seems familiar: no sane person who has attended public schools and watched CNN would oppose Obama's "fundamental transformation of America" or the candidacy of the honest, intelligent, healthy, and mentally stable Hillary Clinton.

"Therefore, only the mentally ill would challenge political correctness, the growth of government, redistribution of wealth, socialized healthcare, man-made climate change, multiculturalism, open borders, the media's trustworthiness, and the Democratic Party in general." . . .

. . . "Back in 2009, a conference of British "eco-psychologists" argued that "climate change denial" should be classified as a form of "mental disorder" -- a notion cheered on by American progressives.

"In 2012, a professor of sociology and environmental studies at the University of Oregon addressed a major international science conference in London with a message that any "resistance" to the man-made climate change theory "must be recognized and treated.' " . . .

Malpractice - A.F. Branco political cartoon
Malpractice – A.F. Branco Cartoon

'Oprah 2020': Winfrey's longtime boyfriend says star 'would absolutely' run for president

Fox News  "Oprah's longtime boyfriend Stedman Graham said in response to Sunday night's Golden Globe push for an Oprah Winfrey 2020 presidential run that if called, the talk show host will serve.

" 'It's up to the people," Graham told The Los Angeles Times. "She would absolutely do it."

"Graham's comment only reinforced growing rumors that Winfrey is seriously considering a presidential bid.

"NBC network and celebrities dubbed Winfrey "our future president" following her appearance at the Golden Globes and her speech referencing civil rights and the #MeToo campaign that highlighted rampant sexual harassment." . . .

Oprah Winfrey and partner Stedman Graham arrive at the 2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, California February 22, 2015.

Oprah for President? Could the TV star be the woman to take down Donald Trump?  . . . "In response to her remarks, social media users were quick to support a possible presidential bid by the 63-year-old with many seeing her comments has an opening salvo to a possible presidential campaign. 
"Taking to twitter, one user wrote: “Oprah went from being dirt poor to becoming an ACTUAL self made billionaire*, is intelligent, empathetic, hardworking & has done so much humanitarian work on top of being one of the best communicators on earth, why SHOULDN'T she run for president?! #Oprah2020.' ” . . .
*AKA, the hated one percent. Remember "Eat the Rich"

The Left Wants to Talk about Mental Health. Let's Start with Theirs

Megan Fox  "The new mantra against Donald Trump is that he's "mentally unstable!" "unfit!" "like a child" and "losing his mind." That's rich coming from the community that brought us giant vagina costumes as a form of protest." . . .

Pink Taco
. . .

"People who yearn to become entrepreneurs may find guidance at the new Feminist Business School, an online program that aims to help women launch businesses founded upon the theory of “feminine entrepreneurship” and “body-loving business practices.' ” . . .

Will This Photo Sink an Oprah Winfrey 2020 Candidacy Against Donald Trump?

PJ Media "Oprah Winfrey's Golden Globes speech Sunday night inspired calls for her to run for president in 2020, and on Monday, sources confirmed she is serious about such an endeavor.

"One photo might have the ability to sink her candidacy, however. Winfrey posed while kissing the notorious Harvey Weinstein. (Weinstein has been credibly accused by more than 50 women of using his position in Hollywood to force them to have sex with him in order to help their careers.)" . . .

"Winfrey's Golden Globes speech actually underscores the significance of this photo and her time working with Weinstein in Hollywood.
"Winfrey dressed in black, symbolizing her support for the "Time's Up" movement, an offshoot of the #MeToo movement against sexual assault. She became the first black woman to receive the Cecil B. DeMille award for "outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment." In her acceptance speech, she emphasized breaking down racial and gender barriers to success, and championed the cause of women who claim to be victims of sexual assault." . . .

The Wolf is at the door

"After all, this is the one task at which Obama – the ideal president in the view of Wolff and everyone else in his class – managed to succeed.  He couldn't enforce his line in the sand.  He couldn't stop the growth of ISIS.  He couldn't keep Putin from annexing Crimea.  He couldn't prevent the terrorist acts of the week that we had to get used to under his leadership.  But Obama could throttle the U.S. economy." *

*Wolffian economics  "Michael Wolff, author of Fire and Fury, promoted his book recently in aninterview on BBC Radio.  After boasting that the book spells the end of the Trump presidency – just like all the other phenomena that brought about the end of the Trump candidacy and presidency in the past – Wolff was asked whether Trump deserves credit for America's current booming economy.  He delivered himself of this gem of analysis:
He hardly has a staff anymore, since most people have left the White House.  And it may be that he will do nothing.  The economy is booming possibly because you'll have someone who's not capable of actually implementing any policies or regulation.
"I contend that these few sentences should receive far more attention than has so far been the case.  They tell us what Wolff – and really his whole media class – consider the role of a competent and functional White House.
"That role is to impose policies and regulations that will throttle the economy." . . .

#TheResistance pins its hopes on Michael Wolff, who admits parts of his book may not be true   "Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury” hijacked the news cycle this week.
"Fantastical tales of a White House in disarray, administrative turmoil, and anecdotes aplenty meant to justify Trump’s “unfitness” for the Oval Office made for some captivating reading.
"Excerpts allegedly quoting former White House aide Steve Bannon ignited a scorched earth flame war between the embittered exiled aide and Trump.
"Immediately, certain parts of the story were called to question as they didn’t hold up to basic fact-checking, begging the question: How much of “Fire and Fury” is true?

"Wolff himself isn’t entirely sure all parts of the book he’s peddling as the ultimate insider account of Trump’s first year are actually true. In fact, he knows some of his sources were telling tall tales, yet chose to include their stories anyway." . . .

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Child abuse documentary Hollywood 'didn't want you to see' goes viral

American Thinker

The Guardian
The film An Open Secret died upon release in 2015, but is seeing a renewed interest online amid a cascade of allegations against Hollywood’s elite
"When the documentary An Open Secret tried to lift the lid on child abuse in Hollywood, it billed itself as “the film Hollywood doesn’t want you to see”. The marketing tagline did not exaggerate.
"The film died upon release in 2015. There was no theatrical release to speak of, no television deal, no video-on-demand distribution.
“ 'We got zero Hollywood offers to distribute the film. Not even one. Literally no offers for any price whatsoever,” said Gabe Hoffman, a Florida-based hedge fund manager who financed the film.
"It did not seem to matter that it was directed by an Oscar-nominated director, Amy Berg, or that it uncovered damning evidence of the sexual abuse of teenage boys by figures in the film industry.
“ 'There was nowhere to see it,” said Lorien Haynes, the film’s writer. “I don’t think it impacted at all. Nobody saw it. We released a film that didn’t [seem to] exist.”
"Now, two years later, multiple “open secrets” of predatory behaviour are detonating across Hollywood and the documentary that blew the whistle is getting millions of viewers – but still no distribution deal.
"Hoffman released the film for free on the video-sharing website Vimeo this month after reports about Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual assaults set off a chain-reaction, with James Toback, Tyler Grasham and Kevin Spacey among those accused of harassment and worse.

"Corey Feldman, a former child actor who says he was the victim of a paedophile ring, has raised more than $170,000 through crowdfunding for a purported $10m biopic about the abuse." . . .

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2017 (15th Annual)


The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2017 (15th Annual)

"Honorable mentions: Bill Clinton, Cher, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Stephen Colbert, Carmen Yulín Cruz, Lauren Duca, Lena Dunham, Keith Ellison, Jill Filipovich, Al Franken, Kirsten Gillibrand, Al Gore, Al Green, Kamala Harris, Chris Hayes, Jemele Hill, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Van Jones, Tim Kaine, Steven King, Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher, “Chelsea” Manning, Chris Matthews, Alyssa Milano, Ed Murray, Tariq Nasheed, Keith Olbermann, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Ben Rhodes, Linda Sarsour, Chuck Schumer, Starbucks, Brian Stelter, George Takei, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, The View, Joan Walsh, Wil Wheaton, Montel Williams, Sally Yates, Mark Zuckerberg (2016 list)"
. . . 
"13) Sheila Jackson Lee / Maxine Waters: Both of them are embarrassingly dumb for members of Congress, yammer on about impeaching Trump and blame racism for every problem in their lives. They're basically indistinguishable idiots; so why not let them share a slot on the list?"
. . . 
"Defining Quote: "Whether we realize it or not, most men hate women." -- Sally Kohn"
. . . 

'White Privilege': Part II in a Series of Widely Held Beliefs That Are Either Untrue or Meaningless

Daily Wire  "A pillar of contemporary leftism is the notion of"white privilege." Given that a generation of high school and college students are being taught that a great number of"unearned privileges" accrue to white Americans -- the charge of white privilege demands rational inquiry.

"The assertion turns out to be largely meaningless. And more significantly, it does great harm to blacks.

"First, no reasonable person can argue that white privilege applies to the great majority of whites, let alone to all whites. There are simply too many variables other than race that determine individual success in America.

" And if it were true, why would whites commit suicide at twice the rate of blacks (and at a higher rate than any other race in America except American Indians)? According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, white men, whom the left argue are the most privileged group of all in America, commit 7 of every 10 suicides in America -- even though only 3 of 10 Americans are white males. 

"Whatever reason one gives for the white suicide rate, it is indisputable that, at the very least, considerably more whites than blacks consider life not worth living. To argue that all these whites were oblivious to all the unique privileges they had is to stretch the de×nition of "privilege" beyond credulity. Second, there are a host of privileges that dwarf"white privilege." . . .