Saturday, January 6, 2018

'White Privilege': Part II in a Series of Widely Held Beliefs That Are Either Untrue or Meaningless

Daily Wire  "A pillar of contemporary leftism is the notion of"white privilege." Given that a generation of high school and college students are being taught that a great number of"unearned privileges" accrue to white Americans -- the charge of white privilege demands rational inquiry.

"The assertion turns out to be largely meaningless. And more significantly, it does great harm to blacks.

"First, no reasonable person can argue that white privilege applies to the great majority of whites, let alone to all whites. There are simply too many variables other than race that determine individual success in America.

" And if it were true, why would whites commit suicide at twice the rate of blacks (and at a higher rate than any other race in America except American Indians)? According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, white men, whom the left argue are the most privileged group of all in America, commit 7 of every 10 suicides in America -- even though only 3 of 10 Americans are white males. 

"Whatever reason one gives for the white suicide rate, it is indisputable that, at the very least, considerably more whites than blacks consider life not worth living. To argue that all these whites were oblivious to all the unique privileges they had is to stretch the de×nition of "privilege" beyond credulity. Second, there are a host of privileges that dwarf"white privilege." . . .

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