Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Oh, No! Just when it seems liberals can't get more silly, they come up with THIS!

There seems to be no joy in the lives of these people. TD

Prof: Snow White, Sleeping Beauty Promote 'Sexual Assault on an Unconscious Person'

. . . "Here’s a perfect (if laughable) example of this disconnect: a Japanese professor named Kazue Muta thinks the princes from Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are sexual predators. This sounds ridiculous (because it is) but it actually gets to the heart of this whole sex conundrum.
"Muta sent out a tweet last month which translates, “When you think rationally about 'Snow White' and 'Sleeping Beauty,' that tell of a ‘princess being woken up by the kiss of a prince,’ they are describing sexual assault on an unconscious person. You might think I’m ruining the fantasy of it all, but these stories are promoting sexual violence and I would like everyone to be aware of it.” So basically, because the princes kissed their princesses while the princesses were sleeping (and therefore couldn’t give verbal consent that a kiss was acceptable to them) the princes are guilty of sexual assault." . . .

So, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation would have been sexual assault? How about chest compressions?

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