Get this, folks: Americans are spending almost a billion dollars a year on auto insurance for illegals. Brown is gifting illegals billions in welfare and housing while his constituents cannot find a place to live.Lloyd Marcus . . . "So I guess, according to leftists' perverse way of thinking, that Trump must be crazy, along with the 63 million Americans who voted for him.
"Meanwhile, leftists are ignoring glaring reasons to question the sanity of California's governor, Jerry Brown. The entire country is talking about the collapse of California due to decades of insane liberal policies. And what is Governor Brown's response? He implemented hundreds more destructive liberal rules, regulations, and giveaways to illegals. An article listing the top ten stupidest new California laws includes "Single-User Restrooms," "Controlling Cow Flatulence," "Legalizing Child Prostitution," and "Felons Voting."
"Governor Brown signed a new law making California a sanctuary state, doubling down on his bizarre quest to undermine American citizens. In essence, Brown gave federal law, President Trump, and legal California residents his middle finger. Numerous California families have suffered devastating losses of family members killed by illegals with long felony records who have been deported several times and welcomed back with open arms by Brown. One mom whose son was killed by an illegal with two DUIs and two felonies said Brown should be arrested for treason. Isn't it reasonable to question Brown's sanity?
"Liberal governing has transformed beautiful California into the poverty capital of America with the worst quality of life. Crazy taxes, crazy high cost of living, and crazy overreaching regulations have crushed the middle class, forcing the middle class to exit the Sunshine State. All that is left in California are illegals feeding at the breast of the state, rapidly growing massive homeless tent cities, and the mega-rich. Would a sane governor take pride in causing this to happen to his state?" . . .