Our culture needs to be fixed. David Hogg is the poster boy for everything wrong with the leftist indoctrination that has characterized parenting and education for the last forty-plus years.Patricia McCarthy "The profane egomaniac whom the left-media are worshiping at the moment, David Hogg, is the poster boy for the ungracious monsters who characterize a portion of Generation Z, those youngsters born from the mid-1990s to mid-2000s.
This is the generation that has been the most seriously indoctrinated with leftist ideology rather than actual education. Given that fact, it follows that they are the least knowledgeable about the Constitution, let alone the rest of American history: the Revolutionary War, the Founding, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. They do not remember 9/11; they know only its aftermath. They have no memory of what life was like before that day of infamy. An awareness of terrorism is a sad fact of their lives – if not personally, then on the nightly news from around the world. At the same time, we are all instructed to respect Islam and are condemned if we utter the truth that terrorism is an Islamic problem. Young people today are taught to hate Jews and Israel but to love and venerate Muslims. They are taught to hate men, especially white men, and to revere a host of new gender identifications. Like the majority of teachers and professors who have indoctrinated Hogg's generation, Hogg feels justified maligning anyone who disagrees with him. The kid is such a jerk, such a despicable role model, and yet the left media cannot get enough of him.
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"Hogg is the best public relations voice for the NRA to come along in years. But he knows nothing about the Constitution, the Second Amendment, or why the latter is so crucial to the American idea. The kid is like an adolescent Obama: all hat, no cattle. He is full of bluster and fake rage, a self-promoter on steroids."