Thursday, July 19, 2018

Putin’s False Equivalency

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Victor Davis Hanson  "We are in dangerous times. Amid the hysteria over the Russian summit, the Mueller collusion probe, nonstop unsupported allegations and rumors, the Strzok and Page testimonies, the ongoing congressional investigations into improper CIA and FBI behavior, and a completely unhinged media, there is a growing crisis of rising tensions between two superpowers that together possess a combined arsenal of 3,000 instantly deployable nuclear weapons and another 10,000 in storage. That latter existential fact apparently has been forgotten in all the recriminations. So it is time for all parties to deescalate and step back a bit.

"Trump understandably wants to avoid progressive charges that he is obstructing Robert Mueller’s ostensible investigation of Russian collusion, and he also wants some sort of détente with Russia. Mueller has likely indicted Russians, timed on the eve of the summit, in part on the assumption that they would more or less not personally defend themselves and never appear on U.S. soil.

"Add that all up, and Trump apparently has discussed with Putin an idea of allowing Mueller’s investigators to visit Russia to interview those they have indicted.

"But in the quid pro quo world of big-power rivalry, Putin, of course, wants reciprocity — the right also to interview American citizens or residents (among them a former U.S. ambassador to Russia) whom he believes have transgressed against Russia." . . .

Do we remember JFK's disastrous summit with Nikita Khrushchev?

Where were all the howls of 'treason!' when Kennedy met Khrushchev? "The media and Democrats are acting as if President Trump were the first president ever to meet with a tyrant and try to get along better.  They are truly disgusting, because they show how ignorant they are of history.
"How can they possibly forget that President Obama dealt with Russia, Iran, and Cuba?  There are so many such examples in the U.S. past.
But the press ran headlines such as "Shameful,' 'treasonous,' 'disgraceful': Trump slammed from all sides for news conference with Putin."
"Where have they been all these years?
"Lying to get a handshake deal with Iran that still pledges death to America was an especially dangerous bid to work with tyrants, and Obama did that.  That's quite a bit worse than President Trump trying to deal with Russia's President Vladimir Putin.  But the media and Democrats supported that Iran deal, and Obama got their applause.
"The following are some other examples of previous other meetings the howlers should have been howling about." . . .

Did President Trump bow before Putin?
The worst day of JFK’s life  . . . "Because of the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy said, Khrushchev “thought that anyone who was so young and inexperienced as to get into that mess could be taken. And anyone who got into it and didn’t see it through had no guts. So he just beat the hell out of me…I’ve got a real problem.”
"Reston rightly concluded in his New York Times report, which carefully protected his source, that Kennedy “was astonished by the rigidity and the toughness of the Soviet leader.” He said Kennedy “definitely got the impression that the German question was going to be a very near thing.' ”

Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed . . . "Although Kennedy was keenly aware of some of the risks of such meetings — his Harvard thesis was titled “Appeasement at Munich” — he embarked on a summit meeting with Khrushchev in Vienna in June 1961, a move that would be recorded as one of the more self-destructive American actions of the cold war, and one that contributed to the most dangerous crisis of the nuclear age." . . .

"This man is very inexperienced, even immature,” Khrushchev told his interpreter. “Compared to him, Eisenhower is a man of intelligence and vision.” 
 . . . "Khrushchev “thought that anyone who was so young and inexperienced as to get into that mess [i.e., the Bay of Pigs] could be taken,” the president said. “And anyone who got into it and didn’t see it through had no guts. So he just beat the hell out of me.” (Reston used Kennedy as an anonymous source in his article; he recorded these quotes in his notes.)" . . .

See the source image

12 Advances of Civilization by Flawed White American Males

The feminist male
David Walls-Kaufman  "Every time I see another disparagement of American history and American white males, I am poked to compose a list of their accomplishments that put everyone on the left to shame.  The left's contempt for America is total – suggesting that leftists see nothing redeeming in who we are.  This list should be burned into our memory to counter the left's fifty-year slander of American history.  The advances on this list are the result of a unique degree of freedom blended with the Founders' exceptional knowledge of history that created a trickle-down effect in moral influence that no one can match.
"Read 'em and weep:".
. . . 
12. Today, America heroically takes on socialism's pernicious bigotry and hate-mongering against freedom in the Democratic Party and the MSM in a head-to-head battle in front of all humankind, trying to put a nail in the coffin of the Left's return to rule by oligarchs.  The left champions corrupt elites like Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, and their super-rich donors, who the left agrees should be above the law, the IRS, FBI, NSA, CIA – with these institutions even helping to break the law and hide the proof.

Measure to split up California pulled from November ballot by State Supreme Court

Environmental group behind efforts to block split.  California is and probably always will be what it is by the will of environmentalists. TD

7News, San Francisco via Weasel Zippers  . . . "The California Supreme Court has blocked a measure that would divide the state in three from appearing on the November ballot.

"The court's ruling states that because there are questions about the proposition's validity, the potential harm of putting it on the ballot now outweighs concerns about delaying the vote until a future election

RELATED: Poll: One third of Californians still support plan to leave the US

"Prop 9 qualified for the November ballot last month.

"The proposal, led by venture capitalist Tim Draper, would split the country's most populous state into three new states of near-equal population: Northern California, California and Southern California, according to the proposal.

RELATED: Plenty of obstacles remain if voters decide to split California in 3

"Northern California would include cities between the Bay Area and the Oregon border. Southern California would begin in Fresno and cover most of the southern state. The "new" California would cover Los Angeles County and much of the coast below San Francisco Bay, the proposal said.

"Opponents sued arguing the proposal abolishes the state constitution, which cannot be done in a ballot initiative." . . .

Photo Of Smiling Chuck Schumer Eating Doughnuts With Vladimir Putin Breaks Internet

Daily Wire  . . . "The Senate’s Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, ramped up to Defcon 1 after President Trump met with Vladimir Putin.
Looks like a bromance to me.
“I’m from Brooklyn,” the New York Democrat said on the Senate floor on Tuesday. “We learned one thing there, if we learned anything: when there’s a bully around, as Putin is, you show strength. But President Trump showed abject weakness. You know what that means? The bully will continue to take advantage of him. If President Trump was such an easy mark in Helsinki, President Putin will realize he’s an easy mark elsewhere.”
"Yes, Schumer — had he been the one meeting with the Russian president and former KGB agent — would have been tougher.
"Which makes it hilarious that a photo of Schumer smiling and eating doughnuts with Putin has re-emerged." . . .

SAVED FROM SOCIALISM: U.S. Saves Baby Oliver After U.K. Doctors Said His Heart Couldn’t Be Fixed

Daily Wire

"After baby Oliver Cameron was denied necessary medical treatment and funding by the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), doctors in the United States were able to save his life.
"Baby Oliver was born with a rare heart condition known as cardiac fibroma. The socialized healthcare system in the U.K. was not equipped to perform the necessary surgery to remove the non-cancerous tumor in his heart. Oliver would have to be put on a list to receive a heart transplant, and even then, he would only be expected to live to the age of 15, at the longest." 
"But due to the innovation and ingenuity of the United States, the necessary surgery was not only available, but had a 100% success rate at the Boston Children's Hospital.
"The NHS, however, initially refused to pay for the roughly $260,000 parents Lydia and Tim Cameron needed to fund the trip and procedure required to save their baby.
" 'No parent should have to bury their child," Lydia said at the time, according to The Mirror. "For the NHS to say, 'we’re sorry, we can’t help.' is devastating.' " . . .

Conrad Black: "Trump Will Win This Round With the Deep State"

Trump could have handled things better in Helsinki, and should not have provoked a clarification from National Intelligence Director Dan Coats. But fundamentally he is right. And he will win. 
Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

American Greatness  "When the cant and emotionalism subside, the Helsinki summit will go down in history as a turning point in this American president’s struggle to disembowel the bipartisan regime of complacency and lassitude he successfully ran against. It may also be a modest inflection point in U.S.-Russian relations.
"President Trump knew what he was getting into in holding a press conference with Vladimir Putin. He knew the press would ask him whose version of Russian meddling in the 2016 election does he believe? Putin’s? Or that of former U.S. intelligence agency directors John Brennan, James Clapper, and James Comey? The question came and President Trump quickly moved to the missing Clinton servers and 33,000 erased Clinton emails under congressional subpoena.
"Trump’s response causes the ultimate evocation to the voters in this epic battle that has been lurching and raging over America and astonishing the world for two years. Many of the president’s political supporters expressed genuine regret. U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Trump had “missed an opportunity” to confront Putin publicly, and Newt Gingrich said that the president’s remarks were a “serious error,” requiring immediate correction. The departing NeverTrumpers like House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), and Senators Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), and John McCain (R-Ariz.), and even Trump late-comers like Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), were more critical. The Democrats offered almost uniform expressions of shock and anger that the president had humiliated the country.
"They all missed the point. The real issue surged to the surface and into the ether in a blinding flash about five minutes after the joint press conference ended in the form of a tweet from former CIA director John Brennan.
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

Full article

Political Cartoons by AF Branco

Distinguishing Civil War from Social Anarchy

 . . . "In truth, that status quo has already been swept away by an increasingly polarized public.  Conservatives wish to roll back the damage that the socialists have done; socialists wish to finish their social experiment at any cost."
Mike Harris
E.M. Cadwaladr  "The antics of the left since the 2016 election have proven beyond any doubt that leftists are not going to give up their agenda quietly.  Their street activists have shown themselves more than willing to engage in violence – creating a mob to evict a Trump rally from Chicago even before the election, beating up Trump-supporters on numerous occasions, and threatening members of the administration in public.  Leftist-dominated universities have long had the habit of lionizing 1960s and '70s domestic terrorists – in some cases granting them professorships.

"Also worth mentioning are various "lone wolf" assassinations and attempted assassinations almost certainly inspired by leftist rhetoric, notably a string of police killings by the Black Lives Matter movement and the shooting of Republican House whip Steve Scalise.  Antifa is no more a "protest organization" than Mussolini's blackshirts were.  Assaulting people in the streets doesn't normally fit under the constitutional rubric of "free speech."  Antifa's goal is to influence politics by creating fear of bodily harm among its opponents.  That is the very definition of terrorism.
"Nevertheless, mob violence and even political assassination still fall far short of an actual civil war.  In the increasing volatile and dangerous atmosphere of our time, we cannot lose our heads. We must, despite provocations, do our best to understand clearly what is happening around us.
Civil wars are made by certain distinct actions of public officials and are not simply an emergent condition that occurs after a certain level of street violence is reached.  Simply defined, a civil war occurs when two irreconcilable governing authorities seek to control a single country by mobilizing organized bodies of armed men to fight each other. " . . .

More articles by E.M. Cadwaladr, including this earlier one titled, Churches for People Who Dislike God

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Why the Red Hen Is Different from Masterpiece Cakeshop

USSA News  "My good friend David Blankenhorn is one of the most admirable people I know, a man who has worked to strengthen the American polity and nurture social peace and progress. I have eagerly followed his work and participated in some of his projects. But there is one subject upon which we disagree sharply: religious liberty.

" 'David looks at the furor over the Red Hen denying service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders and compares it to Jack Phillips’s decision not to make a cake for a gay wedding. As a social media participant, I saw many folks make the same comparison going in both directions: Those who favored Jack Phillips complained about the hypocrisy of secular liberals cheering on the Red Hen; those who favored the Red Hen castigated the lack of consistency they saw in the views of those who supported Jack Phillips.
" 'In my view, being in business doesn’t mean that we throw out all of our convictions to become soulless creatures of commerce. If freedom means anything, it means freedom to choose the way we meld our deepest beliefs with the lives we lead among many others of diverse views. But to say that is, of course, to be forced to deal with the problem of Southern segregation—and indeed, facing that problem is key here because civil rights and gay rights are generally construed as being in the same category of rights unjustly denied.
" 'But we need to carefully distinguish Southern segregation from controversies such as the Red Hen and Masterpiece Cakeshop. Segregation wasn’t something that individual merchants dreamed up as a system. It was public policy. Given the power of that system and its ruthless implementation, one should not be surprised that it required the sweeping action of a larger entity, the Federal government, to take it down. Social bias against homosexuality of course has existed for a very long time, and there were legal ramifications to the bias; but homosexuals did not face anything comparable legally to the vast, diabolical system of segregation. It should be clear, then, that such a plan of reform to end segregation is not a suitable template for application to our many social disagreements. It would be one thing if we lived in a nation of government-backed Republican or Democratic restaurants and hotels, or if Christians were attempting to impose some kind of gay apartheid. But neither of those things is even remotely true. Just as some Jews have recently complained that comparing Donald Trump’s policies to the Holocaust mocks and cheapens the tragedies their people suffered, we could say the same of generalizing the Red Hen and Masterpiece Cakeshop in any way to compare them with Southern segregation." . . .

Standing up for Trump after Helsinki

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

. . . "The Democrat-MSM complex depends for its effectiveness on people being completely oblivious to the past.  But life is not like that.  Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the USSR, for crying out loud!
"Consciously or not, President Trump has once again provoked his enemies to attack him on grounds that do not bear scrutiny." Video at the link.
. . . "Trump also added an important wrinkle to his clarification. To wit, that while the Obama administration did next to nothing to stop the 2016 meddling because it was certain Hillary Clinton would win, Trump said his team “has taken very firm steps to secure” the election system for the fall midterms." . . .

Stop Calling It 'Treason'   "There is loose talk of “treason,” and no one expected more from Jimmy Kimmel: He is a comedian and, as he has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt, a fool—a reminder that “comedian” and “fool” were at one point near-synonyms in English. But there is no Lear-style wisdom in Kimmel’s dangerous buffoonery, nor in that of Stephen Colbert et al., only the cynical, self-serving histrionics of high-toned bile merchants with time to fill between the Buick commercials." . . .
Rand Paul unloads on 'bigoted' John Brennan for attacking Trump

The loyal State Department translator who knows what Trump REALLY said to Putin behind closed doors - and is now facing calls from Democrats to testify under oath  No recording or notes made of this history!

Trump in Helsinki: The Score  . . . "Matlock righty asks how we can judge whether activity “interfered” with an election without assessing its impact: if the activity had no impact on the outcome, it could not be properly termed “interference.” This disclaimer has not prevented dozens of journalists and politicians from citing the report as proof that “Russia interfered” in the 2016 U.S. presidential election." . . .
"On this essential aspect of the Helsinki press conference, likely to be debated in history books and scholarly articles for years to come, I defer to the judgment of a man better informed than myself. I am satisfied that the ongoing corporate media/Deep State lynching of Donald Trump is based on a premeditated and consciously concocted falsehood. If this is true, and I believe it is, then God help us all . . . "  By:Srdja Trifkovic in Chronicles Magazine

John Brennan Misses Communist Russia  "He calls Trump a dupe, but Brennan actually was one for the Soviets"
"John Brennan’s anti-Trump tweets grow more and more maniacal. His latest tweet holds that Donald Trump’s Russian diplomacy in Helsinki “rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous.”
"That tells people all they need to know about the unseriousness of the left’s impeachment drive, not to mention exposing once again the demented malice behind the Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign."
Recall that Mr. Brennan referred to Jerusalem as Al-Quds, the Arab name for that city

Once Again, President Trump Is Magnificently Right—This Time About Russia  . . . "Unfortunately, the delusion that the United States would remake Russia in its own image persisted through the Bush and Obama administrations. I have no reason to doubt the allegations that a dozen Russian intelligence officers meddled in the U.S. elections of 2016, but this was equivalent of a fraternity prank compared to America’s longstanding efforts to intervene in Russian politics."

They said this, not me: Helsinki Is One of Trump’s Finest Moments
. . . "Wisely, for the good of his country and out respect for the truth, Trump refused to jump in the trap. And now the spoiled children who once again did not get what they want, are having a national tantrum. And moral cowards, like House Speaker Paul Ryan  (God bless Rand Paul), are terrified of these spoiled media babies and are seeking only to appease them." . . .

Political Hay; Everyone Is Smart Except Trump

American Spectator

"Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.
"They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC. Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. But — oh, wow! — can they ever stand up to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.
"Remember the four years when Anderson Cooper was President of the United States? And before that — when the entire Washington Post editorial staff jointly were elected to be President? Remember? Neither do I.
"The Seedier Media never have negotiated life and death, not corporate life and death, and not human life and death. They think they know how to negotiate, but they do not know how. They go to a college, are told by peers that they are smart, get some good grades, proceed to a graduate degree in journalism, and get hired as analysts. Now they are expert, ready to take on Putin and the Iranian Ayatollahs at age 30.
"That is not the road to expertise in tough dealing. " . . .

Watch: CBS Reporter Accidentally Witnesses Illegal Border Crossing, Gets Threatened

"And this goes on every day, multiple times a day all across the southern border.
Last week, CBS reporter David Begnaud posted a video online of his tense encounter with a human trafficker at the southern border as he witnessed two migrants guided across the Rio Grande “in broad daylight” just a few hundred yards from a border checkpoint.
Begnaud — whom John Sexton notes is the same reporter who debunked the false claims about the iconic “crying girl” photograph — went down to the border at Roma, Texas for a story about plans to survey the land for a future security fence. Stationed at a “lookout point” near a U.S. Customs checkpoint, Begnaud and his producer drove over the international bridge to the Mexican side of the river, leaving the camera crew on the American side.