Thursday, July 19, 2018

12 Advances of Civilization by Flawed White American Males

The feminist male
David Walls-Kaufman  "Every time I see another disparagement of American history and American white males, I am poked to compose a list of their accomplishments that put everyone on the left to shame.  The left's contempt for America is total – suggesting that leftists see nothing redeeming in who we are.  This list should be burned into our memory to counter the left's fifty-year slander of American history.  The advances on this list are the result of a unique degree of freedom blended with the Founders' exceptional knowledge of history that created a trickle-down effect in moral influence that no one can match.
"Read 'em and weep:".
. . . 
12. Today, America heroically takes on socialism's pernicious bigotry and hate-mongering against freedom in the Democratic Party and the MSM in a head-to-head battle in front of all humankind, trying to put a nail in the coffin of the Left's return to rule by oligarchs.  The left champions corrupt elites like Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, and their super-rich donors, who the left agrees should be above the law, the IRS, FBI, NSA, CIA – with these institutions even helping to break the law and hide the proof.

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