Sunday, September 23, 2018

Is This Ford an Edsel?; ". . . the "Resistance" appears dead set on jumping every last shark in every last ocean".

Clarice Feldman  "There were two compelling stories this week: The Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court and the dueling tales respecting Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The latter was brilliantly handled by this site’s owner, Thomas Lifson, and I have little to add to his recitation of the events though I urge you to read it for a  concise analysis of what was reported this week." . . .

. . . Update from Clarice Feldman:
Now every single person who Ford says were witnesses denies it without reservation. The fourth is Leyland Keyer, a lifetime friend of Ford's who said she never ever was at a party where Kavanaugh was present. She is a PGA golfer and was Bob Beckel's first wife.  As Instapundit says: forget these continuing negotiations with her lawyer--just take the vote.

‘Simply Understanding How To Dress’ Is Just One Reason Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Make Monday Hearing

How on earth did the US Senate come to consider itself the "greatest deliberative body in the world"? Isn't it about time the late-night "comics" realized great what comedy material the Democrats are if only they did not do such great damage to this nation? TD

Weasel Zippers

"At this point, it’s Kabuki theater. How long did she need to write the letter accusing Kavanaugh, going to the WaPo and Ronan Farrow? How much ‘preparation’ to you need, if you’re telling the truth. She’s been preparing for months.
As Twitchy reported Thursday, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh informed Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley that he would be in the committee’s chambers Monday as scheduled and remained “committed to defending my integrity.”
Why can’t accuser Christine Blasey Ford make Monday’s meeting as well? Well, for one reason that we hadn’t heard until Friday afternoon, Ford “doesn’t want to fly” and might have to make the cross-country drive from California to D.C. — this after Grassley had offered to fly committee staffers to California to interview her at a place and time of her convenience.
Now The Atlantic has published a piece explaining why it would be nearly impossible for Ford to make Monday’s hearing.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Nope, This Is Not Political At All: Check Who’s Joining Ford’s Legal Team

Former federal prosecutor joins Kavanaugh accuser's legal team . . . "'Bromwich also represents former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

The Hayride
"McCabe was fired by the Justice Department in March before a scathing inspector general report concluded that he lied to FBI agents about his unauthorized disclosures to the media. A grand jury has reportedly been convened to examine McCabe’s actions. 

"McCabe was implicated in the latest DOJ scandal after The New York Times reported he had memos corroborating claims Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein proposed secretly taping conversations with President Trump and Trump administration officials possibly invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the president from office.

"The House Judiciary Committee has vowed to subpoena the memos.

"McCabe, whose wife ran for office in Virginia as a Democrat, is a common foil for Republicans, some of whom accuse him of being a part of the so-called “deep state,” referring to a conspiracy theory that a group of government officials are working from within the government to thwart President Trump’s agenda." . . .

Weasel Zippers

Kirsten Gillibrand cannot stand Brett Kavanaugh because of the unproven accusations against him...

If only he were a Democrat she would be fine with him. TD

At left, Gillibrand snuggling up to the husband of Hillary The-woman-must-be-believed Clinton.

Discussions regarding the Cruz-O'Rourke debate

Rick Moran: Cruz-O'Rourke debate exposes Beto as 'out of touch' with Texas voters
"The first debate between Senator Ted Cruz and his Democratic challenger Beto O'Rourke was, as expected, contentious and personal. But between the barbs and bric-a-bracs thrown by both candidates, a clear choice emerged from the verbal skirmishing.
"Cruz was successful throughout the debate at blowing up O'Rourke's carefully crafted image of some kind of "moderate," exposing him as a far left liberal out of touch with the majority of Texas voters.
"On every major issue, Cruz made sure to draw a very clear line between [them].
Democratic Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke during Friday night’s debate denied trying to flee the scene of a 1998 drunken car crash, despite police reports to the contrary.
Police reports published by the Houston Chronicle on Aug. 30 show that the witness who called 9-1-1 told officers that O’Rourke “attempted to leave the scene” after losing control of his car and hitting a truck.
The witness “then turned on his over head lights to warn oncoming traffic and to try to get [O’Rourke] to stop,” the responding officer wrote.
So if we can go back to someone who is 17, why can’t we go back to when someone was 26 and demonstrably guilty?
Beto did make a nice defense of his second chance and "restoration", but I'm sure no Democrat would allow that for Kavanaugh if he were guilty.

On the other hand....Beto O'Rourke Pins Himself In Corner Over Drunk Driving Claim
. . . "O'Rourke's claim directly contradicts the police report from the incident which stated that a reporter witnessed O'Rourke attempting to flee the scene and he had to stop him from leaving.

Beto O'Rourke admits that he drove drunk but then denied that he tried to flee the scene of a crash he caused.
The police report says that a witness told law enforcement that O'Rourke tried to leave the scene and that he had to stop him from leaving.
Cruz, O'Rourke Trade Attacks During Testy 1st Texas Debate

Beto gets BOOED by debate crowd, then slapped down by Ted Cruz!
Beto O’Rourke got booed tonight when he dismissed the “thoughts and prayers” that people offered up after the Santa Fe school shooting earlier this year:
. . . Video here.
"Then Cruz ripped into to him hard, telling Beto that his votes for more armed police officers in schools aren’t “thoughts and prayers”. 
"The crowd loved it, cheering for Cruz when he wrecked Beto."

Washington Insider Suggests Christine Blasey Ford Mixed Up Kavanaugh With Someone Else

PJ Media

 No matter if they're both innocent; "it's the seriousness of the charges"
 said a Democrat senator once (at least)
"On Thursday night, Washington, D.C. insider Ed Whalen, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), suggested that Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, probably mixed him up with someone else. If true, this theory would explain why Kavanaugh vehemently denies the assault — and being at the party where it allegedly took place.
"Whalen lit the spark for a firestorm of controversy on Tuesday by predicting that Kavanaugh will be "clearly vindicated" on the matter, "by one week from today." He tweeted, "I expect that compelling evidence will show his categorical denial to be truthful. There will be no cloud over him." He also predicted Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the first senator to see the allegations against Kavanaugh, would apologize.
"On Thursday night, he explained his reasoning in a long Twitter thread.
Ed Whalen started by laying out "one set of reasons" having to do with the location of the alleged assault." . . .

Wait–– The Kavanaugh Accuser's Attorneys Were Going To Headline A Democratic Fundraiser

Matt Vespa

. . . "Feinstein referred the letter to the FBI, days before the full Senate Judiciary Committee was about to vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination. It was a zero hour depth charge. Still, the Left torched Feinstein for sitting on the letter until the last moment. Ford now looks like a pawn in a character assassination attempt. She said she wanted to remain anonymous, so then why did you retain counsel and have an unnamed FBI agent administer a polygraph test. These are the building blocks for someone to go public. And speaking of lawyers, did you know Kavanaugh’s counsel was going to headline a Democratic fundraiser? They backed out, but one of Ford’s lawyers, Debra Katz, is antiTrump, which adds to the hyper-charged political atmosphere with this whole episode: 
Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin's campaign listed Brett Kavanaugh accuser's attorneys as headliners at a Washington fundraiser slated to take place next month, according to a copy of the invite obtained by CNN. Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, is being represented by attorneys Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, both of whom are listed as headliners in a "cocktails and conversation" event for Baldwin, a Wisconsin Democrat who is facing re-election this fall. People are asked to contribute up to $1,000 to attend the October 1 event, and a source familiar with the matter said it is slated to take place at their law firm Katz, Marshall & Banks. 9/22/2018 The timing comes at an awkward time as Ford is considering testifying Monday before the Senate Judiciary Committee and allege that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were in high school in the 1980s 

What if these Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, for example, take power over us after the 2018 elections?

Blue State Blues: Kavanaugh Circus Is a Preview of Democrats’ Return to Power - Breitbart News
If you like what you’ve seen Democrats do in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, you’re going to love what they do if they win the 2018 midterm elections.
. . . "They intend on turning the House — or the Senate — into a Star Chamber that could make the McCarthy hearings look like a model of procedural fairness.
They are not interested in oversight, any more than they want to hear from Christine Blasey Ford. They want to turn oversight into “overthrow.”
"McClatchy briefly sketched Democrats’ plans Thursday:
Democrats want to examine President Donald Trump’s tax returns. There’s talk of launching an independent commission into his administration’s handling of the hurricane that wracked Puerto Rico. Progressive activists are ready to start impeachment proceedings.
Get ready. If Democrats take control of a chamber in the November election, expect a flood of hearings, investigations, probes and special commissions starting in January.
"Last month, a spreadsheet emerged that listed 100 investigations that Republicans believe Democrats will launch the moment Nancy Pelosi seizes the speaker’s gavel. Many of them are redundant, or ridiculous, aimed only at embarrassing the president and preventing Congress from achieving anything more on his watch." . . .

The left uses non-legal courts of inquiry to enforce politically correct opinions through fear of personal and financial destruction. Here it happens in Canada to Ezra Levant: Opening statement to Human Rights Commission

His magazine published cartoons about Mohammad and the Canadian government wanted to prosecute him by extra-legal processes. Levant declares that the government cannot judge his intent and acceptability
Picture your being required to sit before a panel chosen by Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer , Keith Ellisonand any number of other Democrats. Perhaps you will be told to shut up by the likes of Senator Mazie Hirono. The Tunnel Dweller

More on this: the questions Democrats are likely to ask in similar situations

Jay Marsolo:Democrats: Due process, presumption of innocence do not apply to Kavanaugh
If you do an internet search for "men released from prison for false convictions of rape," you will get many results.  There are many duplicates, but there is no question that we have wrongful convictions of men for rape and other crimes.Some notable examples are two New York men released after 26 years in prisonafter the woman admitted she lied.A Louisiana man was freed after 38 years for a false rape conviction.The Innocence Project's website has a list of cases where convictions have been overturned.Given this, one would think a man with a stellar record, such as Brett Kavanaugh, who gets accused in 2018 by Christine Blasey Ford, a partisan Democrat represented by a partisan Democrat attorney, of a never reported incident in 1982, would be treated fairly, with the accusation subject to close scrutiny.Democrats used to say they cared about due process and the presumption of innocence for those accused of a crime.  But such legal niceties don't matter when the end justifies the means.  The end is maintaining abortion and preventing Brett Kavanaugh from confirmation to the Supreme Court.

No matter how low the Democrats go, I'm not ashamed to be a man

Dennis McCarthy   . . . Being the father of a daughter and friend to many women who have experienced improper advances and yes, subtle and not so subtle molestations, I do understand how unpleasant, even horrific, these experiences can be.   As a man, I want to find each and every perpetrator and beat them to a pulp myself.  To me, that is my divine duty; women are precious to me and as a 74 year old big dude that is my charge.

"However, when I listen to all the noise surrounding the Christine Blasey Ford accusations, I feel that I am being drawn into a Kafkaesque novella.  She has surrounded herself with hard core liberal partisans whose only goal is to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation past the drop dead date and the entire proceeding runs out the calendar. These anti-men shriekers, Hirono, Gillibrand, Blumenthal, Whitehouse, Durbin, Schumer, Joy Behar, and many others, have contempt for men, especially white men. They actually think we have no credibility or even the right to express or defend ourselves, unless we are doctrinaire Democrats.  Any accusation, spurious or not, is to be taken at face value.  I am appalled.  Slow-Joe Biden said this out loud; men should presumed guilty until proven innocent. He obviously lacks any familiarity with the Constitution." . . .

Grassley vs Democrats; the battle lines harden

Kavanaugh Accuser Misses 10PM Deadline, Grassley Grants Demand For One More Day  "Update: Grassley has granted Ford an additional day to decide on next week's testimony. 
"In several late Friday tweets, Grassley wrote:
"Five times now we hv granted extension for Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w her desire stated one wk ago that she wants to tell senate her story  Dr Ford if u changed ur mind say so so we can move on I want to hear ur testimony. Come to us or we to u.s ...
Judge Kavanaugh I just granted another extension to Dr Ford to decide if she wants to proceed w the statement she made last week to testify to the senate She shld decide so we can move on I want to hear her. I hope u understand. It’s not my normal approach to be indecisive ...
With all the extensions we give Dr Ford to decide if she still wants to testify to the Senate I feel like I’m playing 2nd trombone in the judiciary orchestra and Schumer is the conductor" 

The one sure thing about the Ford accusation against Kavanaugh: Zero proof  . . . "We are told that a woman would never make stuff like that up but we know that is absolutely not true. The fake Duke University rape case and the fake Rolling Stone rape case about a fraternity come to mind. In those cases, the media were also willing to destroy young men’s lives with absolutely zero evidence that the stories were true. But there was an agenda to push that men abuse women so those boys’ lives didn’t matter." . . .
Faculty at Brett Kavanaugh’s Alma Mater Are Demanding Screeching Halt to His Confirmation  . . . "“Fair process requires evidence from all parties with direct knowledge and consultation of experts when evaluating such evidence. In subsequent hearings, all of those who testify, and particularly women testifying about sexual assault, must be treated with respect.' ” . . .  And be sure to buy her book...

. . . “Brett stood out as the most responsible guy who treated us with kindness and respect,” said Megan McCaleb, a former classmate and longtime friend of Kavanaugh.
"McCaleb said Kavanaugh dated her sister and some of her closest friends in school and treated them with respect and decency, to a point he still remains close friends with them today.  . . .
“Your cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the committee is completely inappropriate,” Katz wrote as she demanded an additional day’s delay in giving an answer.
More demagoguery that would have pleased Ted Kennedy. 

Hillary urges the FBI to give Kavanaugh's accuser 'due process' and investigate her sexual assault claim and says the American public 'deserve answers' on the allegations against him
If Judge Kavanaugh and Prof Ford were her husband Bill being charged by, oh, say...pick one: Juanita Broadderick: what would be her depiction by Democrats.
Past history shows that Hillary would make her life torture.  
Hillary Clinton is known as a champion of women and girls, but one woman who says she was raped as a 12-year-old in Arkansas doesn’t think Hillary deserves that honor. This woman says Hillary smeared her and used dishonest tactics to successfully get her attacker off with a light sentence—even though, she claims, Clinton knew he was guilty.
Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 while he was running for governor of Arkansas, says she will testify before the U.S. Senate if Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser will not.
Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 while he was running for governor of Arkansas, says she will testify before the U.S. Senate if Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser will not.
Well, for starters Bill and Hillary were political allies of Feinstein while Trump is not. And thanks to our school system, news media, and the TV shows we all watch do not expect a tide of indignation from the American populace over the treatment Judge Kavanaugh is getting. TD

Friday, September 21, 2018

Radical sexism in this country, balkanizes our nation further

Democratic Women in Congress Launch Campaign to Recruit More Female Candidates  "A group of female Democratic lawmakers launched an effort Thursday to recruit pro-choice women to run for office, a campaign they tied to efforts to peg 2018 as the second “Year of the Woman.”
Rep. Rose DeLauro

"Elect Democratic Women will be chaired by Florida Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel and raise money for female candidates within the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committees “Red to Blue” program, which seeks to identify and funnel support to candidates with a strong shot of unseating Republican incumbents.
“ 'Diversity *is a cornerstone of our democracy and right now, only 20 percent of Congress is female,” Frankel said. “We need our elected officials to better reflect our country and we can do that by electing more women who will bring different perspectives and experiences, thus making better decisions for American families.' ” . . .  *Diversity meaning, of course NOT a diversity of ideas.
Women’s March, Left Wing Groups Likely Violated IRS Rules With Their Kavanaugh Protests, Non-Profit Status Could Be In Jeopardy  "Left-wing nonprofit groups that orchestrated disruptions during Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings likely violated IRS rules, which can result in their loss of tax-exempt status, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation." . . .

Your friends with the masks and bike locks will stand by you!

Liberal, compassionate women of Hollywood speak out. Joy Behar declares “White, Old Men” Are Protecting A “Probably Guilty” Judge Kavanaugh…

Women who hate sexism speak out! Dem. Senator to American men: ‘Just shut up…do the right thing for a change’ — gets hammered by James Woods
"On Tuesday, Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hi., blamed all American men for the brouhaha surrounding Judge Brett Kavanaugh and unfounded allegations that he groped a young woman at a high school party over 30 years ago.
“ 'Of course it helps that there are women on that committee,” she said when asked about being one of four women on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  “But really, guess who’s perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change.”

Twitter link here.

The Death Threats Mrs. Kavanaugh Is Getting Will Churn Your Stomach

Daily Caller  "Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s wife Ashley Estes Kavanaugh has received a battery of death threats in recent days, after allegations appeared in the press that the judge sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford in 1982.
"The vivid missives are just one iteration of the inflamed rhetoric surrounding Kavanaugh’s nomination to the high court, following Ford’s accusations. The Ford family has similarly been threatened.
“ 'May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell,” one message to Mrs. Kavanaugh read.
Another told Mrs. Kavanaugh to put a bullet in her husband’s skull.
"The Wall Street Journal obtained the emails on Thursday, which were delivered as federal law enforcement is tracking an uptick in threats against Judge Kavanaugh and his family. "The messages were sent to Mrs. Kavanaugh’s work email address. The U.S. Marshals Service is pursuing the matter.
"The Kavanaugh family has drawn intense media attention since Ford’s accusations were publicized Sunday in The Washington Post. Mrs. Kavanaugh delivered cupcakes to a gaggle of reporters stationed outside their home on Tuesday.  . . .

Kathryn Watson   
Per our CBS News cameraman at Kavanaugh's house, his wife handed out cupcakes from Sprinkles to any of the photogs and producers who wanted them.
Collins and Feinstein threatened as well  "Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office has received threats of bodily and sexual harm against staff — some naming specific employees — following Feinstein’s involvement in allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Feinstein is the second woman senator whose office is reporting such threats. The White House said Thursday Kavanaugh and his wife have also received threats.

The office of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, has also been also receiving ugly calls and emails. Those against Kavanaugh’s nomination have pressured Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Collins, female Senate Republicans who support abortion rights, to vote against his confirmation.

“My office has received some pretty ugly voicemails, threats, terrible things said to my staff,” Collins said in an interview with WVOM in Maine on Wednesday.