Sunday, September 23, 2018

Is This Ford an Edsel?; ". . . the "Resistance" appears dead set on jumping every last shark in every last ocean".

Clarice Feldman  "There were two compelling stories this week: The Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court and the dueling tales respecting Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The latter was brilliantly handled by this site’s owner, Thomas Lifson, and I have little to add to his recitation of the events though I urge you to read it for a  concise analysis of what was reported this week." . . .

. . . Update from Clarice Feldman:
Now every single person who Ford says were witnesses denies it without reservation. The fourth is Leyland Keyer, a lifetime friend of Ford's who said she never ever was at a party where Kavanaugh was present. She is a PGA golfer and was Bob Beckel's first wife.  As Instapundit says: forget these continuing negotiations with her lawyer--just take the vote.

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