Saturday, March 9, 2019

Anti-Semitism Is Wrong, Even When a Designated Victim Like Ilhan Omar Does It

PJ Media
. . . And now the same process is happening with the Dems' purported opposition to anti-Semitism. If you haven't been following along, here's a quick recap of what just happened in Washington: Ilhan Omar is loudly and proudly anti-Semitic, her colleagues refuse to condemn it, and now, somehow, it's the Republicans' fault.
"I'm not Jewish, and I don't pretend to know what it's like to be Jewish. What I do know is that anti-Semitism is a litmus test to decide whether a person is capable of acting in good faith. If you genuinely believe that Jews have hypnotized the world, that anybody who disagrees has been bought off with Jewish money, and that Americans who criticize such rhetoric are more loyal to Israel than their own country -- all of which are things Ilhan Omar has said -- then there's just no reasoning with you. You are an insane bigot. I don't care if you're wearing a hijab or a MAGA hat, an anti-Semite is an anti-Semite.
"But the Democrats in Congress disagree." . . . Some of her Somali countrymen

How many and who would qualify for reparations?

"By pushing for compensatory reparations, Warren and Harris may be helping themselves, but they are further splitting their party along the lines of ethnicity and race and elevating an issue certain to divide their country more than it already is." 
Patrick J. Buchanan   "Having embraced “Medicare-for-all,” free college tuition and a Green New Deal that would mandate an early end of all oil, gas and coal-fired power plants, the Democratic Party’s lurch to the left rolls on.

" 'Presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren both called last week for race-based reparations for slavery. 

“ 'Centuries of slavery, Jim Crow, legal discrimination and segregation, and discrimination that exist today have led to a systemic wealth gap between black and white Americans,” Harris told The New York Times. “I’m serious about taking an approach that would change policies and structures and make real investments in black communities.”

"Echoed Sen. Warren: “We must confront the dark history of slavery and government-sanctioned discrimination in this country.” This history has crippled “the ability of black families to build wealth in America for generations.”

"That black Americans are handicapped by their history in this country, and cannot accumulate wealth as easily, and require compensatory reparations for slavery and segregation, is more than a controversial assertion." . . . 

. . . "Warren says Native Americans, too, must be “part of the conversation.” Apparently, they suffer from a similar handicap and need the same reparations.
"How far and fast has the Democratic Party lunged leftward? In 2016, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders all rejected reparations.
"Have Warren and Harris thought this through?"  . . .

Dear Diary… Jim Acosta Posts Mournful Photo of Dark, Empty White House Press Briefing Room

The Gateway Pundit  "CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta posted a photo Friday night of a dark, empty White House James S. Brady Press Briefing Room with the mournful caption, “The WH briefing room as it’s basically been for months. We see WH staffers taking pictures in here from time to time. There was one key official doing just that tonight. But it’s not really used for briefings anymore.' ”  
. . . 
"The White House press briefings were being used by some reporters to boost their marketability by being openly hostile and contemptuous of Trump’s press secretaries–and of Trump himself.

"Acosta briefly had his White House hard pass taken from him over his abusive behavior during a press conference by Trump on November 7 last year." . . .

Hat tip to iOTWreport :  "Jim Acosta, A Clown Without A Circus"

Time for Republicans to 'Resist'

Image: Tom Hilton via Flickr.
Keith Edwards  " 'Resist" has been the mantra and game plan for Democrats against Donald Trump and a Republican-led House and Senate since the 2016 elections.  With few exceptions, literally everything President Trump and the Republicans have tried to do has been met with resistance by Democrats along partisan party lines.
"Since the Democrats won back the House in 2018, they have become giddy with anticipation of impeaching President Trump.  Control of the House now gives Democrats control of committees and the power to investigate and subpoena witnesses.  So it's not surprising that the first order of business for a Democrat House is to investigate every aspect of President Trump's personal life, campaign, presidency, and business dealings in a fishing expedition in hopes of finding (or creating) something criminal or impeachable.

"For starters, the House Judiciary Committee has sent out 81 subpoenas to anyone who was remotely involved in President Trump's campaign and administration.  It's not surprising that House Judiciary Committee Democrat chairman Jerrold Nadler of New York made it clear in an interview on ABC News's This Week that he thinks President Trump is guilty of impeachable offenses.  However, when pressed by George Stephanopoulos on that point, Nadler essentially admitted they haven't found any evidence yet — but they will.  

"President Trump calls what Nadler and fellow Democrats are doing "presidential harassment."

"With the shoe now on the other foot, Republicans should now Resist everything the Democrat-led House tries to do, beginning the resistance with the 81 people who have been subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Committee refusing to answer any questions by citing their constitutional rights under the Fifth Amendment."

Can we please get rid of daylight savings time?

Thomas Lifson  "Tonight we lose sleep thanks to the start of daylight savings time, an annual circadian rhythm disruption that results in excess deaths from sleep deprivation-related causes such as car accidents and heart attacks, a negative economic impact from reduced spending, not to mention widespread grumpiness, bleary eyes, headaches, and other discomforts. First implemented in Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I, and the USA followed, the whole enterprise is premised on the idea of saving energy by eliminating the need for artificial light for an extra hour in the evening. 

"Unfortunately, the evidence indicates that in practice no energy savings result.

"Like many people, getting enough sleep is a serious issue for me, and a struggle every day to get to bed and asleep early enough. The last thing I need is to lose another hour of sleep.

"Isn’t there a political constituency for dumping DST?  Two states, Arizona and Hawaii, already do not observe Daylight Savings Time, but where are the brave members of the House and Senate to introduce legislation mandating a national end to this absurd practice? I’d welcome hearings on the subject.

"Of course, it has nothing to do with removing Trump from office, so Democrats in the House probably are not interested.

"Still, it is time to end this ridiculous, costly ordeal."

Democrats Cave To Radicals, Condemn Everything

All stuff you can't make up. How can so few who know so little lead so many of the left through the door plainly marked "Ignorance"? (My apologies to Rep. Mazie Hirono for speaking without permission) TD

Daily Caller  "Democrats were unwilling to simply condemn anti-Semitism because too many of their members don’t have a problem with hatred of Jews and Israel. In order to spare herself embarrassment and a rebellion, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi turned a simple resolution into a left-wing fever dream. What finally passed the House, after much delay, was a condemnation of everything except anti-Christian bigotry.

"Immediately following the vote, Ilhan Omar, whose latest anti-Semitic comments led to the resolution debate in the first place, announced a joint statement with other bigoted Democrats that remained unrepentant. It was pathetic and we have all the audio." . . .

Ilhan Omar's ironic warning  "Ilhan Somali-refugee-who-might-have-defrauded-the-immigration-system Omar is on a roll, spewing anti-American and anti-Semitic nonsense as she struts the halls of Congress, emboldened by Democratic leadership and the media.

"She's taking aim at all sorts of people, including the unlikely target of Barack Hussein Obama when during a recent interview with Politico, she said (emphasis mine):

We can't be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies.  They just were more polished than he was[.] ... And that's not what we should be looking for anymore.  We don't want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished.  We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.

"Indeed.  Focus on the policies.  Beware the pretty face and smile.  Back at you, Ms. Omar.  And we're on to you." . . .

Friday, March 8, 2019

Yes, Democrats do want illegals to vote

2012: Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting 
. . . "Democratic party spokesmen justify their opposition to laws requiring proof of citizenship in order to register to vote by the absurd claim that poor people do not have birth certificates or passports. But we require everyone, including the poor, to produce such documents when becoming employed for their I-9 Forms. And if that is tolerable, then it must also be tolerable for the same documents to be produced to register to vote and some sort of photo ID in order to vote." . . .
.................................................................................................................................................... Democrats Want Illegals To Vote Because They Vote Democrat . . . "But a majority of those identifying themselves as Democrats do want illegals to have voting rights, along with 21% of Republicans and 30% of the non-affiliated.
"So much for holding U.S. citizenship in high esteem. Instead of Americans choosing the political leaders of their country, anyone who finds a way to get in and live here should be able to, most Democrats believe." . . .
Tony Branco
How the Democrats Lost Their Way on Immigration . . . "In 2005, a left-leaning blogger wrote, “Illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone.” In 2006, a liberal columnist wrote that “immigration reduces the wages of domestic workers who compete with immigrants” and that “the fiscal burden of low-wage immigrants is also pretty clear.” His conclusion: “We’ll need to reduce the inflow of low-skill immigrants.” That same year, a Democratic senator wrote, “When I see Mexican flags waved at proimmigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment. When I’m forced to use a translator to communicate with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration.”
"The blogger was Glenn Greenwald. The columnist was Paul Krugman. The senator was Barack Obama." . . .

House Democrats Vote In Favor Of Illegal Aliens Voting Washington Times : "House Democrats voted Friday to defend localities that allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections, turning back a GOP attempt to discourage the practice.
"The vote marks a stunning reversal from just six months ago, when the chamber — then under GOP control — voted to decry illegal immigrant voting. “We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues as he led opposition to the GOP measure. "The 228-197 vote came as part of a broader debate on Democrats’ major legislative priority this year, HR 1, the “For the People Act,” which includes historic expansions of voter registration and access, as well as a major rewrite of campaign finance laws. "The measure would have had no practical effect even if it had passed. Illegal immigrants — and indeed noncitizens as a whole — are not legally able to participate in federal elections." . . .

About the #WalkAway campaign

The #WalkAway Campaign website   . . . "The #WalkAway Campaign encourages and supports those on the Left to walk away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today. We are walking away from the lies, the false narratives, the fake news, the race-baiting, the victim narrative, the violence, the vandalism, the vitriol. We are walking away from a party driven by hate. We are walking toward patriotism and a new, unified America! We are the future of this great nation!"

When we see far-left socialists topple long-standing Democratic moderates and liberals . . .Erich Reimer writes:
As a former Democrat myself, I have spoken frequently in the national media in recent years on this trend because it is one that I feel speaks deeply to the current political and cultural movements happening in our country. . . .
#WalkAway Movement to Abandon Liberalism Goes Viral  . . . "The movement has been especially successful because its spokespersons have not been the sort typically associated with conservativism. Young and old, black and white, men and women, gay and straight—the campaign seems to elude stereotypes and pigeonholing.

"The popular young conservative commentator C.J. Pearson, for instance, has given the movement a significant push by highlighting the Democratic Party’s racist past. “The Democratic Party is the party of slavery. The party of Jim Crow. The party of segregation. The party of the KKK,” Pearson tweeted Saturday.

“ 'Democrats walked away from black folks long ago. Now, it’s our time to #WalkAway,” he added." . . .
How the WalkAway Movement Is Giving Disillusioned Liberals a Voice
Once a Democrat, founder Brandon Straka was just denied service at a camera store because of his newfound views
 “I’m shaking right now,” Straka tweeted on Thursday. “I just went into a camera store to buy a camera and a light and mic, etc. and they recognized me from TV. I was refused service because they said it was for ‘alt right’ purposes. That literally just happened.” . . .

Just one day after being exonerated by the House for her ugly anti-Semitism, Ilhan Omar steps in it

Pamela Geller   "Is Rep. Ilhan Omar turning into a Frankenstein? Now this Somali Muslim flame-thrower is attacking Barack Hussein Obama. And why wouldn’t she? After Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats folded and refused to name her in a resolution for her numerous anti-Semitic remarks, she claimed victory. Now, she is going after the big boss, Barack Obama. 

"MadWorldNews Rep. Ilhan Omar is refusing to stay in the Democratic lane and tow the party line. Forget about her immense hatred of President Donald Trump. The 37-year-old Somali immigrant is looking to take over the entire party and she just threw Barack Obama under the bus.

"Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar ripped former President Barack Obama in an interview published Friday, belittling his “pretty face” and saying his agenda of hope and change was an illusion, the New York Post reported. She cited the “caging of kids” at the Mexican border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch — and argued that he wasn’t much different from President Trump.

"Going after Obama, the “anointed one,” who Democrats have lionized as the leader of their party, is really baffling. Or is it? There seems to be a new coalition of hardcore leftists who make Barack’s politics look like child’s play. And this is very dangerous as it leads to extreme anti-Israel, anti-American sentiments." . . .

Hayden Williams' attorney: Greenberg previously involved in 'almost a dozen lawsuits'

Campus Reform

"Harmeet Dhillon, the attorney for Leadership Institute Field Representative Hayden Williams, who was assaulted on the campus of the University of California-Berkeley in February, told Fox's Tucker Carlson Wednesday night that 28-year-old Zachary Greenberg, who police say is the man in the viral video who punched Williams in the face, has an extensive history of involvement in the judicial system.
"Dhillon, who was present at Greenberg's arraignment in a California court where he pleaded not guilty to three felony charges and one misdemeanor charge, said that she throughout the course of her research on behalf of her client, Williams, she has uncovered several legal matters in which he has been involved. 
" 'Mr. Greenberg, over the last couple of years, has had numerous incidents where he's filed restraining orders against his roommates in multiple group houses and then moved out of those group houses. His roommates have put in evidence that has been more believable by the court that none of those incidents happened," Dhillon told Carlson. 
" 'He's also had a restraining order filed against him by a former roommate, which was granted by a court and as a result of that restraining he had to turn in his guns to authorities," Dhillon added. "He has filed several lawsuits against landlords that were later dismissed by the courts, found not to be valid, and he has filed small claims claims [sic] against roommates, again, found not be sustained for the most part." 
" 'Almost a dozen lawsuits that I've uncovered that this man is involved in," Dhillon said." . . . 

Majority of Likely Voters Agree with Trump: ‘We Have People in Congress that Hate Our Country’

Well, I can think of a number who hate men, if that counts. TD

CNS News  "A majority of Americans agree with President Donald Trump that some members of Congress “hate our country,” a new Rasmussen Reports survey of likely voters shows.

"Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last Saturday, March 2, Trump said:

“We have people in Congress, right now, we have people in Congress that hate our country.”
“And, you know that, and we can name every one of them, they want. They hate our country. Sad. Very sad. When I see some of the statements they made. Very, very sad.”
Tony Branco

The Chorus Against Joe Biden Running for President Gets Louder; Not Far Enough Left.

Legal Insurrection
The polls say one thing, but Democratic voters and operatives willing to go on the record say something different. So will Biden run or won’t he?

. . . "And just this week, a CNN focus group of Democratic voters echoed the sentiment expressed by the strategists:
The Democrats gathered by CNN, however, said they weren’t interested in Biden. Some said they wanted a candidate who was further to the left.
“I think we need a bold, strong leadership, and you’ll find that in the progressives,” Democratic voter Carol Evans said.
“We had the standard-bearer for the kind of pragmatic centrist candidate in Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Donald Trump is now president. He is not your average political candidate, so we really need to try to think outside the box because, you know, it seems like the dude is made of rubber. Anything you throw at him just bounces off, there’s nothing that sticks,” said focus group member Michael Milisits.
Another Democratic voter in the group, Russell Banks, said Biden “really comes from kinda the good ol’ boy politics from the past.”  Video

Interestingly enough, that same panel of Hillary Clinton voters said they also weren’t enthused about Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) running again, and encouraged twice-failed candidate Hillary Clinton to “stay away” from the 2020 presidential race. They did, however, shower praise on Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).