Friday, March 8, 2019

Just one day after being exonerated by the House for her ugly anti-Semitism, Ilhan Omar steps in it

Pamela Geller   "Is Rep. Ilhan Omar turning into a Frankenstein? Now this Somali Muslim flame-thrower is attacking Barack Hussein Obama. And why wouldn’t she? After Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats folded and refused to name her in a resolution for her numerous anti-Semitic remarks, she claimed victory. Now, she is going after the big boss, Barack Obama. 

"MadWorldNews Rep. Ilhan Omar is refusing to stay in the Democratic lane and tow the party line. Forget about her immense hatred of President Donald Trump. The 37-year-old Somali immigrant is looking to take over the entire party and she just threw Barack Obama under the bus.

"Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar ripped former President Barack Obama in an interview published Friday, belittling his “pretty face” and saying his agenda of hope and change was an illusion, the New York Post reported. She cited the “caging of kids” at the Mexican border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch — and argued that he wasn’t much different from President Trump.

"Going after Obama, the “anointed one,” who Democrats have lionized as the leader of their party, is really baffling. Or is it? There seems to be a new coalition of hardcore leftists who make Barack’s politics look like child’s play. And this is very dangerous as it leads to extreme anti-Israel, anti-American sentiments." . . .

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