Saturday, March 9, 2019

Democrats Cave To Radicals, Condemn Everything

All stuff you can't make up. How can so few who know so little lead so many of the left through the door plainly marked "Ignorance"? (My apologies to Rep. Mazie Hirono for speaking without permission) TD

Daily Caller  "Democrats were unwilling to simply condemn anti-Semitism because too many of their members don’t have a problem with hatred of Jews and Israel. In order to spare herself embarrassment and a rebellion, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi turned a simple resolution into a left-wing fever dream. What finally passed the House, after much delay, was a condemnation of everything except anti-Christian bigotry.

"Immediately following the vote, Ilhan Omar, whose latest anti-Semitic comments led to the resolution debate in the first place, announced a joint statement with other bigoted Democrats that remained unrepentant. It was pathetic and we have all the audio." . . .

Ilhan Omar's ironic warning  "Ilhan Somali-refugee-who-might-have-defrauded-the-immigration-system Omar is on a roll, spewing anti-American and anti-Semitic nonsense as she struts the halls of Congress, emboldened by Democratic leadership and the media.

"She's taking aim at all sorts of people, including the unlikely target of Barack Hussein Obama when during a recent interview with Politico, she said (emphasis mine):

We can't be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies.  They just were more polished than he was[.] ... And that's not what we should be looking for anymore.  We don't want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished.  We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.

"Indeed.  Focus on the policies.  Beware the pretty face and smile.  Back at you, Ms. Omar.  And we're on to you." . . .

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