Saturday, February 29, 2020

Republican Senators Murkowski and Collins Join Democrats to Defeat the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

The Ohio Star

"Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted with Democrats Tuesday against protecting unborn babies after 20 weeks.
"Both Collins and Murkowski voted with Democrats against the Republican-backed Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, while Democratic Sens. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Doug Jones of Alabama voted with Republicans on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
"2020 Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts did not vote on either bill.
"As expected, Senate Republicans did not muster the needed 60 votes Tuesday to pass the pain-capable act, a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks and sponsored by Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Senate Republicans also did not muster the 60 needed votes to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill protecting babies born alive through botched abortions sponsored by Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.
"It was understood ahead of the votes that both bills lacked necessary votes to progress, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pushed the divisive bills forward in order to spur conservative enthusiasm by forcing Democrats to pick a side on issues like infanticide. McConnell has said that the bills pose “moral questions” that Democrats must answer, The New York Times reported.
"President Donald Trump has also harnessed outrage surrounding Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s infanticide comments to spur support for his 2020 presidential campaign." . . .  More...    Via Dale Brooks at Expose Liberals & Media Bias

Bernie Sanders Applied for 'Conscientious Objector' Status During Vietnam, Campaign Confirms

ABC News 2015

"After the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Sanders voted in favor of use of force."

— -- Bernie Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, his campaign confirmed to ABC News.
"As a college student in the 1960s he was a pacifist," Michael Briggs, campaign spokesman added in an email. "[He] isn't now."
Last week, the Des Moines Register ran a column from a Hillary Clinton supporter 
and Vietnam veteran, titled, "How can Sanders be commander in chief?"
"My question as a Vietnam veteran is: How on earth could a person claiming to be a conscientious objector become the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world?" questioned the column author Steve Wikert. According to a profile from the Vermont Senator's hometown newspaper, the Burlington Free Press, his conscientious objector status application was eventually rejected, but by then Sanders was too old to be drafted.
"Sanders's political and anti-war activism in the 1960s and '70s has been well-documented. While at the University of Chicago, he was a member of several progressive peace organizations, including the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the Student Peace Union.
"As a congressman and later senator, Sanders has rarely voted to authorize the use of force." . . .
Via Diane Kissee at Expose Liberals & Media Bias

Friday, February 28, 2020

Sanders Pretty Much Tells Rust Belt Workers He's Ready to Brutalize Them

" . . .What they don’t tell you is that millions of Americans will be punished and subjected to economic destitution because they work for industries liberal America hates. They hate you, remember that."

Townhall  "The Nevada Caucus has come and gone, but the debate leading to it had some rather worrisome tidbits if you’re a worker in the Rust Belt. The Democrats just hate you. That’s all we can gather from their agenda, especially Sen. Bernie Sanders.
"If he isn’t bellowing about health care, it’s climate change. We’re less than a decade away from all of us dying from global warming, according to the Vermont senator. So, that means we have to act now. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast—now! We’re all going to die…unless we do exactly what the Democrats want on this issue, which is typical. And in doing so, Sanders, like his former rival Hillary Clinton, may have had his own coal miner moment. You might remember from 2016 that the former first lady and two-time presidential loser promised to put a lot of coal miners out of business if elected president. 
"In 2020, MSNBC’s Chuck Todd asked Sanders what he would say to workers in the Rust Belt, specifically in the key state of Pennsylvania, who are in the natural gas industry. It supports hundreds of thousands of jobs. Banning it, which is what Sanders wants to do, will destroy this industry overnight. And Todd aptly noted The New York Times report that quoted top union leaders in the Keystone State stating that if Sanders or Liz Warren is the 2020 nominee, they will tell their people to either vote for Trump or stay home. " . . .

The Era of Limbaugh; Why Rush Limbaugh matters

Bold, brash, divisive, funny, and amped up, President Trump's style is similar to a shock jockey's. His presidency is another reminder of Limbaugh's staying power. The American right has been molded in his anti-elitist, grassroots, demotic, irreverent, patriotic, hard-charging image. Rush Limbaugh is not just a broadcaster. He defines an era.

"Florida governor Ron DeSantis spoke to Rush Limbaugh last fall at a gala dinner for the National Review Institute. The radio host was there to receive the William F. Buckley Jr. award. "He actually gave me one of the greatest compliments I've ever had," Limbaugh told his audience the next day. "He listed five great conservatives and put me in the list." DeSantis's pantheon: William F. Buckley Jr., Ronald Reagan, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Limbaugh.
"Good list. No media figure since Buckley has had a more lasting influence on American conservatism than Limbaugh, whose cumulative weekly audience is more than 20 million people. Since national syndication in 1988, Limbaugh has been the voice of conservatism, his three-hour program blending news, politics, and entertainment in a powerful and polarizing cocktail. His shocking announcement this week that he has advanced lung cancer, and his appearance at the State of the Union, where President Trump awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, are occasions to reflect on his impact.
"It's one thing to excel in your field. It's another to create the field in which you excel. Conservative talk radio was local and niche before Limbaugh. He was the first to capitalize on regulatory and technological changes that allowed for national scale. The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 freed affiliates to air controversial political opinions without inviting government scrutiny." . . .

The only predictable fallout of coronavirus? Partisanship.

Knowledge of the physical universe has grown exponentially since 1918. So have the means by which we are able to express discontent, fear, blame, and unreason. Which is why I do have one prediction about the weeks ahead: Our politics will remain nasty, polarized, overheated, and dispiriting. Even as Mother Nature reminds us who's really in charge.

Matthew Continetti "The pundits are having difficulty settling on a historical analogy for the COVID-19 coronavirus. Will the spread of the disease be President Trump's Katrina or his financial crisis? Will it be similar to the H1N1 avian flu pandemic in 2009 or will it be politicized like the Ebola outbreak in 2014?
"Comparisons are tough. After all, the situation is unprecedented. The political consequences of COVID-19 are difficult to predict because of the interplay between a public health emergency and a fractured public narrative. Coronavirus is the first postmodern pandemic.
"It has the makings of a phenomenon not seen in a century. The Spanish Flu of 1918 infected an estimated one-third of the global population. It had a case fatality rate greater than 2.5 percent—slightly higher than the rate for coronavirus observed in China so far. More than 600,000 people died in the United States of "La Grippe." No one wants to see these numbers repeated.

What's Really Behind the Left's 'Cancel Culture'

Steve Mateucci  "After Bernie Sanders won the Nevada Democratic caucuses, liberal icon and MSNBC stalwart Chris Matthews compared Sanders's victory to Nazi Germany’s invasion of France.  Immediately after his comments, the leftist mob came after him, demanding that he be fired.  This wasn’t some neo-liberal Never-Trumpster who had been masquerading as a Republican for the last two decades.  This wasn’t some celebrity air-head running his mouth in the throes of emotion.  This wasn’t some lonely blogger writing uneducated opinions from his mom’s basement.  This was Chris Matthews, who wrote speeches for Jimmy Carter, spent six years as Tip O’Neil’s chief of staff, was the DC bureau chief for the San Francisco Examiner, wrote books about the Kennedys, had been the host of Hardball for over twenty years, and had the thrill of Obama’s presidency run down his leg.

"But you make one clumsy historical analogy which implies America’s leading Socialist might be as bad for America as the Nazi army was for France and suddenly you’re out of favor with your own constituency and you’re required to grovel to keep your job.
"The left has been demanding conservatives grovel and be fired at least since Richard Nixon dared to call Alger Hiss a communist.  But that wasn’t merely a reaction, that was a strategy.  The left wanted power and shutting up conservatives was their strategy for grabbing it.  But why would leftists try to silence other leftists? Back in the day, if a leftist strayed off the reservation, his comrades would ignore the sin so the sinner could keep spewing his leftist nonsense the other 99% of the time.  Those days seem to be gone.
"What happened?" . . .

Liberal Comics Defend Cancel Culture   . . . "Yes, a man who donated a cool million to a children’s hospital got “cancelled” for Tweets he sent as a teen. And Saturday Night Live quickly fired a new cast member after his racist comments not-so-magically surfaced.
"Still, cancel culture got hit with a few nasty uppercuts in recent weeks. Most notably, comedians Bill BurrDave Chappelle and Sebastian Maniscalco hammered Cancel Culture from their stand-up pulpits." . . .

"Cancel Culture" Cancels CULTURE

CruderQuotient1This has to end. Art and culture can’t exist when your every thought is monitored and censored

There’s a very good reason the media is silent about the Milwaukee mass shooting

For background to this story: Rashida Tlaib wrongly claims ‘white supremacy’ behind Jersey City slaughter

Andrea Widburg   "On Wednesday, an angry ex-employee got a gun, put a silencer on it, went to the MillersCoors facility where he had once worked, and shot five people to death before shooting himself. One would expect to have a barrage of news stories about America’s gun violence problem and the need to ban guns. After all, on Tuesday, before the shooting happened, the Democrat candidates were all over each other trying to explain why each would be more effective at destroying the Second Amendment. Instead, though, we got crickets.
"The reason for the media’s silence became apparent when the media identified the shooter: 51-year-old Anthony Ferrill was black. This meant that the media couldn’t use its white supremacist narrative to justify grabbing guns.
"The narrative broke down even further when social media posts revealed that Ferrill may well have been an Elizabeth Warren supporter, an assumption arising from the fact that his wife proudly posted a selfie of herself last year at an Elizabeth Warren rally:
On her various social media pages, which have now been deleted, Ferrill’s wife posted photos of her family and expressing liberal political views. In July 2019, Ferrill’s wife attended a speech by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren at South Division High School Gym in Milwaukee. Following the speech, Ferrill’s wife took a photo with the Massachusetts senator.

The Necessary (Temporary) Democratic Party Suicide

We have seen this party at its most disgusting during the Kavanaugh hearings and the Trump States of the Union addresses, along with the daily images of Senator Schumer glowering over his glasses at us through the TV cameras. The Tunnel Dweller

 Conrad Black

The Democrats and the United States need a Sanders candidacy, so the existing party can be completely defeated, humiliated, and rebirthed.
"The former mayor of New York City announced he was seeking the nomination because the 20 declared candidates were inadequate. He was correct—but so, on the face of things, is he inadequate. The debate in Charleston on Tuesday was like a scene from Lord of the Flies as a disorderly, screechy group of misbehaving superannuated juveniles spoke and shouted over each other, waving their arms in the air and exchanging epithets. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), her hopes withered by her mendacity, robotic uniforms, and humorless righteousness, is reduced to hurling vitriol at Mike Bloomberg.
"Bloomberg was more responsive than in his first debate, but still exuded a presumption that everyone in America is enviously fixated on the Big Apple, and his attempts at humor bombed somewhat embarrassingly. It is hard to believe that more than $400 million has already been spent trying to promote the idea that this is the redeemer of Trump’s (increasingly well-satisfied) America.
"Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), finally targeted as the frontrunner, was querulous and belligerent, shouting back at the audience and more demonstrative and short-tempered than ever. He is almost majestic, barricading himself into his praise of Fidel Castro and not budging an inch on the authoritarian extravagance of his compulsory medical care plan that would sweep away the satisfactory arrangements that 180 million Americans have already made with their physicians of choice.
"It is the majesty of a persevering and cranky old man, but it is also acoustically irritating nonsense and anyone who imagines that the American electorate is going to put this raving, neo-Marxist, charmless, cantankerous old dervish into the White House is in the same fantasyland as the candidates." . . .

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Trump #Resistance Desperate to Turn Coronavirus into an American Tragedy

American Greatness   "The Coronavirus, like everything these days, has turned into a political football. It’s so predictable but very unfortunate because pandemics are serious business.

"We had clucking from Pelosi and Schumer because President Trump didn’t ask for enough money, he asked for $2.5B and they said the amount should be $8.5B. Why not have a call and discuss what the proper amount is and what we need to do to prepare “just in case?” Why aren’t our elected officials working together for the public interest? Those politicians who would use this potential crisis for political advantage are disgusting, hateful human beings. The Democrats don’t want Trump to handle the virus problem successfully or smoothly because they don’t want the president to look good. But that also means they don’t care if you or your family get sick and die.

"We also heard criticisms because President Trump didn’t come out immediately with his hair on fire, screaming DANGER! DANGER! What is he supposed to do? Start a national panic? Hold a press conference wearing one of those containment suits and announce “WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!”? The president’s job in a time of uncertainty is provide reliable information and calm the public against a massive panic.

"Would any of the Trump critics support stopping all international flights from entering the U.S.? I think if the president did come out and suggest we shut the borders down for public health reasons all his “critics” saying he isn’t doing enough, would melt down. Has any member of the media asked the presidential candidates specific questions about how they would handle this health crisis better than Trump?  No, of course not, because the media and the Democrats want to score political points.

"Every effort should be made to prepare for a possible outbreak without regard for the political score board. I hope people see how they are held in contempt by the political elite who would risk their health and well being to obtain more power."

Corona Virus proves Trump is correct   
. . . "Corporations shipped jobs overseas to avoid environmental laws and high labor costs. CEOs generations later now deal with the problems that brought.

"Shutting the borders to Red China is not xenophobia. It is self-preservation. Having a self-described germophobe as president turned out to be prudent." . . .

Harpooning the Toxic Whale

Ann Coulter  "You might not have heard — because Trump is still president, so MSNBC and CNN were required to give hair-on-fire coverage of some mundane action he’s taken this week — but on Monday, Harvey Weinstein was convicted of rape and a criminal sexual act.
"I have some random thoughts on the case and the whole #MeToo movement. Apologies in advance that this has nothing to do with Donald Trump, Dictator."
1) Every time I hear about Weinstein’s predations, I wonder how many waitresses, real estate agents and housewives in Los Angeles might be celebrated actresses today, except that when Weinstein barged out of the bathroom stark naked and lunged at them, they fled the room and didn’t look back.
Our media are so infantile. Can’t we agree that Weinstein is a psychopathic scumbag without calling the witnesses against him “heroes”?
The true heroes are the girls whose names we don’t know — not the ones who were grossed out by the pig, but had sex with him anyway, then sent him emoji-filled, suck-up emails because they wanted to be “stars.”
True, we know there are some, like Gwyneth Paltrow, who turned him down flat, so kudos to her and to Brad Pitt, who accosted Weinstein afterward and told him, “If you ever make her feel uncomfortable again, I’ll kill you.”
Not to take away from that magnificent episode, but Paltrow is Hollywood royalty (the daughter of director-producer Bruce Paltrow and actress Blythe Danner), and her boyfriend at the time was an A-list actor. Still: heroes.
But how many actresses — whom we’re supposed to envy and read about their skin care regimes and Hollywood Hills homes and how they were ugly ducklings as children (they all say that) — are really no different from the average L.A. waitress, except they were willing to have sex with Harvey Weinstein or some similarly hideous beast?

"Definitely keep getting your political opinions from them, America. . . ."  Keep reading . . .

OUTRAGEOUS: Corrupt Chuck Schumer Asks DOJ to Investigate Richard Grenell for Bogus FARA Violations

The Gateway Pundit

In January 2017 Crying Chuck was on MSNBC and stated one of the most shockingly honest and corrupt statement in modern American history:
Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they’ve got six ways from Sunday of getting back at ya.  So, even for a practical and supposedly hard nosed business man he’s [Donald Trump] being really dumb to do this.From what I am told they [Obama’s corrupt Intel Community of Brennan, Clapper, Comey, etc.] are very upset about how he has treated them and talked about them [at the time they were months into a criminal and corrupt fraudulent coup of the President] . . .

The Democrat’s Hatred of President Trump and America Itself Is Appalling

Democrats used the killing of the terrorist general to attack this President and now the Coronavirus is a joy for them. 

 Sheriff David Clarke, Ret. "Over the last three years, these lunatics have tried to fake it, but their mask is off. We have watched them express outright hate for the Founding Fathers, the police, law and order, the rule of law, the Constitution, election results, and, most recently, the electoral college.  When I thought they had reached their wits ends, they put the pedal to the metal with their recent reaction to the killing of Iran’s top military General Qasem Soleimani.
"I never thought I would see the day when Americans would be so full of hate toward their own country that they would rally around the terror-supporting nation of Iran. Seriously. Iran is the same country that took over the U.S. Embassy holding 52 American citizens hostage for 444 days. Iran is where they cheered in the streets as nearly 3000 Americans died in the 9-11 attacks on American soil. Iran is where “death to America” is routinely shouted. It’s the place where advocating for wiping the state of Israel off the map is commonplace. Iran continually threatens its neighbors while developing nuclear weapons for offensive purposes. " . . .

Are the Dems rooting for the virus?
. . . "More likely, they’re just politically posturing. If Trump requests $2 billion to fight the virus, they say it should be $8 billion. If Trump had suggested $8 billion, I’m sure they would have said it should be $20 billion.
"Their demand for more money is not because they’ve talked to medical and other experts and done the math. They don’t even bother to say that they have."No, it’s because they want to be able to say down the road that the contagion grew into a deadly pandemic because Trump messed up."
"Democrats" includes the media, as we know:
“I think that is a huge mistake," Wallace said. "It’s not our role. Our role is to be observers, umpires, fact-checkers, investigators — it’s not to be advocates. It’s not to be opponents."
Wallace 'Horrified' Over Acosta's Behavior at India News Conference  "Fox News’s Chris Wallace said he was “horrified” over the way Jim Acosta responded to President Trump at a news conference in India on Tuesday, saying the CNN chief White House correspondent’s behavior “adds to the people questioning the credibility of the media.”
“ 'It’s not our job to get in fights with presidents. It’s not our job to one-up presidents. It’s our job to report on presidents,” Wallace said during a Columbia University event Tuesday night. 
“ 'But to the degree we have responded to his attacks on us with attacks or advocacy in kind, there’s a huge mistake, and I think adds to people questioning the credibility of the media," he added." . . .  The exchange between the President and CNN's reporter