Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Bernie and the Democrats: who dares believe a word they say?

Isn't Antifa's stated mission to attack Bernie's beliefs wherever they perceive them to be manifested? What about Bernie working with anti-semites while President Trump honors the Jewish state by placing the US embassy in Jerusalem?

Andrea Widburg  "Of late, Bernie has been making a big push about his being Jewish.  He's doing this because of concerns about the anti-Semites with whom he surrounds himself and his hostility to Israel.  On Monday, he undercut his own "I'm a proud Jew" message when he took on Phillip Agnew, a rabid anti-Semite and America-hater, as his newest senior adviser.
"Bernie's efforts to appear philo-Semitic arise from the fact that Judaism, unlike any other religion, has not only doctrinal components, but also genetic and cultural aspects.  Jews are a race because their genes identify them as Jewish.  Jews are undoubtedly a religion, as evidenced by the fact that millions of Jews live their lives to a greater or lesser extent in accordance with the Torah.  And finally, Jews are a culture, one that is distinct from other cultures and that is not dependent on religious worship or even on genetic Jewishness.  (Trump, for example, has a decidedly Jewish sense of humor.)
"Bernie is genetically Jewish.  He and his followers wield like a shield the fact that he had relatives who died in the Holocaust.  Bernie has an accent one associates with Jews raised in Brooklyn, and he undoubtedly is comfortable with some Yiddish expressions and probably likes chicken soup with matzoh balls (but who doesn't?).
"But what Bernie does not have is a religious or cultural affinity for Judaism.  As a socialist, he's hostile to religion.  As a communist, he's hostile to the world's only Jewish state.  During his three months in Israel, he lived on a kibbutz so Marxist and unsupportive of the Jewish state that Bernie, for many years, refused to name it.  Bernie is a Jew in genes only.  Nothing more.
"And like so many Jews who have turned against their lineage and their faith, Bernie is an anti-Semite.  The self-loathing Jew is a stereotype rooted in fact.  Other famous self-loathing Jews are Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky, and George Soros.  They are all dangerous people who use their troubled inner battles to damage other Jews.
"American Jews, even progressive Jews, are beginning to notice Bernie's anti-Semitism, and Bernie needs to win them back.  That's how we get ads like this:  Much more here

Sanders Rally Features Imam Who Claimed ‘Connection’ Between Israel and ISIS

Joe Biden isn’t much better, but the doom of Bernie Sanders’ campaign looms

FWST  "Backstage at a 1999 New Hampshire rally for his son, George H.W. Bush told me he knew two weeks before the 1992 election that he would lose to Bill Clinton. How in the world do you keep going? “Well,” he said, “you can’t just give up. You have to keep trying. And in politics, you never know what might happen.”
"That still holds true today. We don’t know what might happen before this year’s mid-July Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee. However, we’re getting pretty ominous indications of what’s ahead for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign for that party’s presidential nomination.
"It’s in trouble, serious trouble.
"Sanders is an old pro, very old. He’s spent virtually his entire career on a public payroll running for one office or another. And he knows trouble when he smells it.
"Of course, like Bush, he can’t admit the outlook publicly. That’s self-defeating. And being the front-runner, as former Vice President Joe Biden is now, has been a perilous place of late.
"So instead, Sanders talks about how close he and Biden are in delegate counts at this point, which is true. At least before the remainder of this month’s cascade of 1,100 delegate selections. Entering this week, Biden had 664 delegates, a third of what he needs to be the Democrat who faces Donald Trump on Nov. 3. Sanders is only 91 behind.
"But this time, Sanders is running behind his 2016 successes. All along, Sanders has been promising he can “expand turnout in a way that few other Democratic candidates can.' ” . . .

Sanders Responds to Clip of Hillary Trashing Him

Bernie claims to be honest and forthright, but he dodges penetrating questions as well as any other slippery politician, to youthful cheers of his audience.TD

Leah Barkoukis  "Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders responded to Hillary Clinton trashing him in the Hulu documentary, “Hillary”—saying he’s living in the present unlike her.
"Sanders’s response came during a Fox News town hall with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum after the moderators played the clip.
"Bernie just drove me crazy," Clinton says in the documentary. "He was in Congress for years. Years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him. He got nothing done."
"She added: "He was a career politician. He had—he did not work until he was like 41 and then he got elected to something. It was all just baloney and I feel so bad that you know, people got sucked into it."
"As the crowd booed loudly, MacCallum said, “That’s strong stuff. What’s your reaction?”
" 'Unlike Secretary Clinton, I don’t want to relive 2016. We’re in 2020 now," he replied."But, what I would say on a good day is my wife likes me," Sanders added. "But also, if you guys look at some of the polling they do for United States senators, in most cases I turn out to be the most popular senator in the country.' " . . .

Politicizing Coronavirus Will Cost Dems the House

Their rhetoric concerning COVID-19 has been both irresponsible and politically inept.   American Spectator
Politicizing Coronavirus Will Cost Dems the House  . . . "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, for example, issued a joint press release Sunday that included the following fiction: “President Trump continues to manufacture needless chaos within his administration and it is hampering the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.” Predictably, Pelosi and Schumer fail to provide any objective facts to support this claim.
"This is just the latest in a series of irresponsible assertions by the Democrats. The purported front-runner for their party’s presidential nomination, former Vice President Joe Biden, falsely claimed during a debate in late February that the Trump administration had hampered the federal response to COVID-19 by cutting funding for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH):  . . ."

Yellow Journalism: A dishonest claim about Trump 'storming out' on a coronavirus question  "The press has a lot to answer for in its coverage of the coronavirus — stoking fear, claiming chaos that isn't there, and blaming President Trump, whose response to the pandemic has been exemplary.
. . . 
"Helps to have some witnesses in the room.  Assuming that Saavedra is right, what a dishonest bit of sensationalism in such "journalism."  And apparently, the Daily Mail has changed the wording since the criticism.
"Whether it was from a desire for clicks, leftist bias, or just having nothing to report and making things up, it's not an honest characterization of the events." . . .
Trump Administration Aims to Calm Coronavirus Fears on Economic, Health Fronts
. . . "After Azar’s remarks outside the White House, HHS announced a diagnostic test for coronavirus designed for use in a system that can process up to 1,000 tests in 24 hours. The test will get financial support from HHS. " . . .
While the media are riveted by coronavirus, the Greece-Turkey border is exploding
"Even as Americans are obsessed with whether Trump is controlling the Wuhan Virus or whether Costco will have more toilet paper, unnerving things are happening on the Greece-Turkey border.  Turkey has unleashed tens of thousands of Muslim refugees who are headed to Europe, an invasion that, if successful, could destroy Europe's economy and will advance the demographic change started in 2015." . . .

Coronavirus, 2020 primaries should humble Democrats making predictions about Trump

Democrats may hate President Trump, but they love Michelle Wolf

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Unborn baby 'fighting for its life' during abortion   "A former affiliate director for Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, says she decided she could no longer be part of the industry after she watched an ultrasound of a baby being aborted and realized it was fighting for its life.
"Abby Johnson, who resigned as director of a Texas Planned Parenthood branch, now is the target of a restraining order sought by the organization.
"She talked about her experience with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on his Fox News Channel show:" . . .Video

Baby Born Alive During Abortion Left Screaming In Agony  "Two botched attempts at aborting a baby in Warsaw, Poland lead to the baby being born alive and screaming unaided for one hour.
"Witnesses say the incident was “horrific” and that the baby was visibly in agony but that personnel didn’t help the infant in any way." . . .

Michelle Wolf Leads Sickening ‘Salute To Abortions’

This May Shock You: The Electoral College Is Essential For Our Politics

Forbes   "Critics of the much-maligned Electoral College overlook one of its fundamental virtues: tamping down dangerously divisive politics. Advocates of replacing this “18th-century anachronism” with a straight popular vote implicitly assume the current two-party system would remain intact and that the candidate with the most individual votes—instead of electoral votes—would win the White House. That’s the way things work for every other elected office in the U.S.; why wouldn’t it be so for the most important one of all? 
"But the basic two-party arrangement we take for granted exists only because of the Electoral College. To win the presidency, a candidate has to appeal to people across the country. A nationwide coalition is essential to gaining a majority in the Electoral College. A narrow sectional or special-interest base simply won’t cut it. That’s why our parties are collections of many diverse interests and backgrounds, reflecting the character of this continental nation whose citizens, or forebears, have come from all corners of the world and reflect a wide array of cultures and beliefs. It’s why supporters of the Democratic and Republican parties are so often uneasy with one another. GOP voters in the Northeast, for instance, who tend to emphasize economic issues such as low taxes, are put off by social conservatives. 
"The system puts a premium on moderation. Yes, candidates can advocate bold programs, but they have to do so in ways that don’t alienate more tepid members of their party, not to mention independent voters. A radical idea usually goes through what might be called a marinating process, during which time people become accustomed to the notion, and even then it has often become a watered-down version of the original." . . . More...

Or...go with the "popular vote", letting the East and West Coast dwellers make the choice for us.

"Here's the basic Electoral College map, with states that Clinton won in blue and states that Trump won in red"

Business Insider

Monday, March 9, 2020

California Is a Cruel Medieval State

Victor Davis Hanson

The Golden State has become a cruel and unusual place because callousness and narcissism were redefined as caring and compassion.

     "One way of understanding California is simply to invert traditional morality. What for centuries would be considered selfish, callous, and greedy is now recalibrated as caring, empathetic, and generous. The current ethos of evaluating someone by his or her superficial appearance—gender or race—has returned to the premodern values of 19th-century California when race and gender calibrated careers. We don’t pay medieval priests for indulgences of our past and ongoing sin, but we do tweet out displays of our goodness as the penance price of acting amoral.
     "A paradox ensues that Californians both have a high, indeed smug, view of themselves and yet do a lot of damage to their fellow human beings. Their haughtiness is based largely on the reality that Silicon Valley, sandwiched between Stanford University and University of California, Berkeley, became the birthplace of the global computer, internet, social media, and a high-tech revolution. For progressives who deprecate the capitalist lifestyle, having a lot of money still allows one to say one thing and live out the opposite.
     "The state’s multi-trillion-dollar companies have hired tens of thousands of seven-figure, mid-level executives and computer experts who assume that life in the California coastal corridor is a birthright paradise.
     "The resulting tax revenue bonanza to the state allows one-party-rule to rid California of the old bothersome Reagan-Deukmejian-Wilson working- and middle-classes by embracing not-in-my-backyard zoning, identity politics, anal-retentive regulations, steep tax rates, utopian green agendas, open borders, and decriminalization of things that used to be felony offenses.
     "Indeed, the bigger and wealthier California became, the more the rich sought to privatize their lives and to give up on public services, the more the middle classes left the state, the more the poor from Mexico and Latin America crossed the southern border illegally, the more its schools deteriorated, and the more its infrastructure ossified and became decrepit, from century-old power transmission towers to pot-holed and jammed highways." . . .  More...

CNN “Religion Commentator” Edward Beck Slanders Christians: Throws the Body of Christ Under a Bus

Sarah Watching

"Have you ever had someone tell a lie about you? It’s a pretty helpless feeling.”
So begins a chapter on “Slander” by CNN Religion Commentator “Father” Edward Beck in his book Soul Provider: Spiritual Steps to Limitless Love. He continues:
You can dispute the lie, but once it is uttered, it cannot be taken back. It takes on a life of its own. Even if shown to be untrue, the lie exists in memory, at times destroying reputations and lives. Perhaps this is why slander has been seen as such a major offense by religious traditions.
Adamant that “no good can come from slander,” Beck next describes the disturbing root of slander and the necessary resolve to combat this “world of unrighteousness” (James 3:6):
Whether we torch a reputation for our own purposes or we find ourselves maligned for the sake of someone else’s designs, there is no good that comes from slanderRooted in insecurity and detached from reality, slander begins as words uttered and ends in lives destroyed. The surest way to prevent that destruction is to imprison malicious words with utmost diligence…” . . .

Obama's FBI let terrorists go who then killed Americans

"Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit reported, "New Study Finds FBI Dropped Investigations on Terrorists Behind: Ft. Hood, Pulse Nightclub, Garland and Boston Marathon Islamist Attacks."

"He cited a new Inspector General's report, "Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Efforts to Identify Homegrown Violent Extremists through Counterterrorism Assessments."

"The FBI investigated and decided 6 Islamic terrorists posed no threat. They are:

  • Nidal Hasan, who later killed 14 people and wound 31 more at Fort Hood.
  • Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who later killed 3 people and injured 249 more in the Boston Marathon.
  • Elton Simpson, who later killed a guard but failed in his attempted attack on a Draw Mohammad exhibition in Garland, Texas.
  • Omar Mateen, who later killed 49 gay people at Orlando Pulse Nightclub.
  • Ahmad Rahami, who later injured 31 people in bombings in New York and New Jersey.
  • Esteban Santiago, who later killed 5 people and injured 6 more at Ft. Lauderdale Airport.
. . . 

Ugly Americans a destructive force for this nation (Updating)

"Lookatme!" Megan Rapinoe and her "endless spew of self-righteous drivel" . . . " Perhaps she really is “iconic” if your political and personal views align perfectly with Rapinoe’s. Surely, though even her allies must cringe occasionally at her antics, and pretending she is some unifying figure of diversity, rather than a polarizing loudmouth, particularly grates."
The Guardian loves her, hates Trump, but which one would you want beside your son's flag-draped casket?

https://www.usapoliticstoday.org/kamala-harris-money-funneling/"Sunday’s BET Awards saw rappers calling police murderers and California Congresswoman Maxine Waters and California Senator Kamala Harris were applauded and praised as social justice “superheroes.” Harris once asked, "someone who is about to become the head of one of the largest intelligence services in the world if they believe in climate change." Blaze TV’s Deneen Borelli has something to say about Louis Farrakhan, Kamala Harris, and Al Sharpton. They are toxic and dangerous.

Senator Mazie Hirono. . . “Of course it helps that there are women on that committee, but you know what? I expect the men in this country and the men in this committee … to demand an FBI investigation,” Hirono said. “But really, guess who’s perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country! And I just want to say to the men in this country — just shut up and step up! Do the right thing for a change.” . . .

Chuck Schumer is a thug  . . . "Speaking in defense of “fundamental rights,” Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer — who recently voted against legislation that would protect infants who survive botched abortions — stood atop the steps of the Supreme Court and said the following to a crowd of rabid supporters of legal abortion: 
I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have unleashed the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions

Rashida Tlaib on Abortion: ‘Maybe You Shouldn’t Want to Have Sex With Me’   " . . . as Dorothy Parker reminds us, “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.” And your hate-filled personality makes you ugly." . . .
How's this for ugly? New House Democrat Rashida Tlaib: 'We're gonna impeach the motherf****r    . . . "Or as Shakespeare wrote in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, “I am sick when I do look on thee “ . . .
“@RashidaTlaib retweets a vicious lie steeped in centuries-old accusations used to demonize Jews, then says nothing when it’s disproven,” he asserted. “An apology is overdue.”

California Gov. Signs Law Outlawing Suspending Students For Unruly Behavior  "California students who disrupt their classrooms can no longer be suspended for their unruly behavior, thanks to a new law Governor Gavin Newsom endorsed on Monday.
"Senate Bill 419, which will go into effect on July 1, 2020, will make it permanently illegal for charter and public schools to suspend defiant and disruptive fourth- and fifth-grade students, The Sacramento Bee reported." . . .

. . . "AOC is a puppet congresswoman with dangerous handlers including Saikat Chakrabarti, and the mastermind behind it all – Cenk Uygur. This video is packed full of evidence, and anyone who has followed AOC can easily make these connections. Her staff has an extremely socialist agenda." . . .

Pelosi And Her Democrats: ‘Let Us Prey’    "When Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump’s State of the Union speech last week, the truth came out:  She hates him.  So do the Democrats. We’re not stupid.  
. . . "We lost something, too.  News about Pelosi shredding Trump’s “manifesto of mistruths” overshadowed all the warm feelings that America could have enjoyed had the momentum of the evening’s most moving moments lingered into the next day.  Pelosi poisoned those moments and dragged the country down an uglier path. " . . .

Robert de Niro wants to see a ‘bag of s—t’ thrown in Donald Trump’s face
. . . "The “Irishman” actor told Moore about his gross fantasy when their conversation turned to de Niro’s previous statement that he wanted to punch Trump in the face.
“ 'It would kind of feel good to punch him — not hurt him — but just punch him in the face,” Moore told de Niro."

Do this on Jimmy Fallon's show, Bobby, and maybe someday he will apologize for 'humanizing you".

. . . The flip-flops go beyond a series of social issues or stands from his Massachusetts days — he is a serial flip-flopper. Immigration, healthcare, the stimulus, flat taxes, the recent Ohio initiatives — the propensity to change his positions appears to be part and parcel of who Mitt Romney is as a person." . . .  The Hill, 2011

Become a Democrat, Mitt, and get it over with.

Alyssa Milano and Michelle Wolf; the state of American culture and thought.

 And so on, and so on and...      Tunnel Wall home page. 

The mind and the character of Joe Biden

In fact, we’d have to wonder: Could his VP choice be Hillary Clinton? While her ego would normally preclude her from playing second fiddle to Biden, the opportunity could be irresistible if she’s in on the scheme and knows he’ll be removed and she’ll end up top dog.  Selwyn Duke
From the King of photosnark
Would a victorious Joe Biden be removed for mental incapacitation?
Note here that Biden has had two cranial aneurysms that required surgery. Not only can these conditions cause brain damage, but Biden was told before the second procedure that he had only a 35 to 50 percent chance of emerging from it “completely normal.” Add to this that he’s now 77 years old and, well, do the math.
The establishment begins the task of building up Joe Biden  . . . "Let’s talk for a moment now about Biden’s indecent moments. This discussion does not address his political miscalculations. It examines only those times in which Biden behaved in ways that most people would say were the antithesis of decency." . . .
Joe Biden is a man who has experienced true tragedies in his life, but being on the receiving end of life's hard knocks does not automatically mean that you are a decent person. Biden's record shows him to be a vicious, dishonest, corrupt, and sleazy man.
Media fact-checks an obviously humorous Trump campaign video about Biden  "On Saturday, while speaking in Kansas City, Joe Biden got himself tangled up in a sea of words and finally managed to cough up the phrase, “We can only re-elect Donald Trump.” Anyone watching the video understands that Biden was attacking Trump, not endorsing him. What made the video compulsively watchable was that it was yet another example of the scramble that is the 77-year-old Biden’s decompensating brain." . . .
. . . Here’s some representative outrage from CNN: . . .

Source: American Thinker


Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Humanity of a Fetus and the Inhumanity of Our Abortion Politics

American Greatness
When politicians like Chuck Schumer descend so low as to issue veiled threats of violence against sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices, it’s time for everyone to speak out, not just pro-life advocates.

"Wading into the abortion debate is a perilous undertaking, but Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) recent incendiary remarks cannot be ignored. “From Louisiana, to Missouri, to Texas—Republican legislatures are waging war on women—all women. And they’re taking away fundamental rights,” Schumer said last week at a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. “I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Leaders of the Democratic party, like Schumer, are engaging in what might be the most despicable form of pandering imaginable. To appease a militant fringe of nihilistic, self-absorbed “pro-choice” fanatics, they are willing to legalize murder. And as Schumer demonstrates, now they are even willing to threaten anyone who may object.
"Most people can agree there is a difference between consuming a morning-after pill and performing a late-term abortion. The former, however hideous it may be from a religious and moral perspective, is clearly more humane than the latter, which by any objective standard is the violent killing of a human being.
"New York, a bastion of Democratic Party power and Schumer’s home state, recently passed a law permitting “late-term abortions.” Specifically, the law permits abortions after 24 weeks if there is “an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.”
"Let’s not speculate as to how subjective the assessment of “fetal viability” or “patient’s life or health” may be. That’s fodder for endless debate. But what about a perfectly normal fetus that’s 24 weeks old? What sort of a human being is that? It’s certainly more than a lump of barely differentiated cells that can be terminated in the first few days after conception. So what is it? To answer that, the following story is enlightening.