Monday, March 9, 2020

The mind and the character of Joe Biden

In fact, we’d have to wonder: Could his VP choice be Hillary Clinton? While her ego would normally preclude her from playing second fiddle to Biden, the opportunity could be irresistible if she’s in on the scheme and knows he’ll be removed and she’ll end up top dog.  Selwyn Duke
From the King of photosnark
Would a victorious Joe Biden be removed for mental incapacitation?
Note here that Biden has had two cranial aneurysms that required surgery. Not only can these conditions cause brain damage, but Biden was told before the second procedure that he had only a 35 to 50 percent chance of emerging from it “completely normal.” Add to this that he’s now 77 years old and, well, do the math.
The establishment begins the task of building up Joe Biden  . . . "Let’s talk for a moment now about Biden’s indecent moments. This discussion does not address his political miscalculations. It examines only those times in which Biden behaved in ways that most people would say were the antithesis of decency." . . .
Joe Biden is a man who has experienced true tragedies in his life, but being on the receiving end of life's hard knocks does not automatically mean that you are a decent person. Biden's record shows him to be a vicious, dishonest, corrupt, and sleazy man.
Media fact-checks an obviously humorous Trump campaign video about Biden  "On Saturday, while speaking in Kansas City, Joe Biden got himself tangled up in a sea of words and finally managed to cough up the phrase, “We can only re-elect Donald Trump.” Anyone watching the video understands that Biden was attacking Trump, not endorsing him. What made the video compulsively watchable was that it was yet another example of the scramble that is the 77-year-old Biden’s decompensating brain." . . .
. . . Here’s some representative outrage from CNN: . . .

Source: American Thinker

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