Friday, March 13, 2020

BUSTED! Pelosi Tried To Sneak Abortion Funding Into Coronavirus Bill

“Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms,” they added. One official in particular highlighted a telling question, asking: “what the Hyde Amendment and abortion have to do with protecting Americans from coronavirus?
Trending Politics

"In yet another disgusting new display from a top ranking Democrat, White House officials revealed that Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempted to include potential funding for abortions while discussing provisions for the Coronavirus economic stimulus plan. 
"On Thursday, multiple officials familiar with the matter broke this news, claiming that, while speaking to U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin in a meeting, Nancy Pelosi had offered “several” ideas that would allow funding to facilities who perform abortions.
"These irresponsible actions from Nancy Pelosi caused disagreements between members of Congress, and delayed critical legislation meant to curb the looming effects of the Coronavirus on the economy.
"Here are the details that were first reported by the Daily Caller:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to include a potential way to guarantee federal funding for abortion into the coronavirus economic stimulus plan, according to multiple senior White House officials.
Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for “several” provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.
"In the statements from White House officials, they claim that the provisions she introduced would have opened up a potential channel allowing upwards of one billion taxpayer dollars to be used to fund abortions regardless of the Hyde Amendment, which blocks clinics who perform abortions from receiving any funding from the federal government." . . .
Emphases in the original

CNN’s Jim Acosta blasted for ‘trying to hurt Trump and divide’ America with coronavirus report

Fox News
“That CNN and its White House correspondent want to make a big deal out of a normal concern is just more indication of their wide-ranging agenda to pester the Trump administration."

"CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta’s latest report has been labeled “idiotic” and a “‘so what?’ moment” by critics who feel it’s simply the liberal network’s latest attempt to weaponize coronavirus against President Trump.
"Acosta’s story headlined, “Source: Trump is concerned about coming into contact with people infected with coronavirus,” cited a single source “close to” the president who said Trump is uneasy after coming into contact with a Brazilian official who tested positive for coronavirus.
“ 'This is the most idiotic thing I've seen all week. And this week that's saying something,” Media Research Center vice president Dan Gainor told Fox News. “Of course, ‘Trump is concerned about coming into contact with people infected with coronavirus.’ We all are. And we're all supposed to be. That's how you stop a virus, by being concerned about who you interact with and taking precautions.' ” . . .

CNN-like ‘Socialist News Network’ spoof warms up CPAC crowd: ‘From our studio to your breadline’
Kelly quickly joked that 150 million Americans lost their insurance when the president’s Medicare-for-all bill was passed, but Democrats are “confident the plan will end in huge savings after all those people finally die.” He then reported that Adam Schiff was confirmed to the Supreme Court, giving the court a whopping 27 Justices.

Coronavirus myths, debunked: A cattle vaccine, bioweapons and a $3,000 test

USA Today

"Fake stories circulated on WhatsApp have falsely stated that the virus has killed millions of people worldwide. Social media posts have claimed that drinking garlic water cures the deadly disease. Conspiracy theories that the virus is a bioweapon engineered in a Chinese lab have been voiced by TV pundits and even an American lawmaker.
"There's a lot of misinformation out there, and it's transmitting faster than the virus itself. We're setting the record straight.
"Hear a rumor you're not sure about? Ask us your questions here. We'll continue updating this story.
"A cattle virus we've known about for years is the real cause of coronavirus
"Absolutely not. Users on Facebook are spreading a photo of a vaccine used on cattle to falsely imply that the new coronavirus infecting humans globally has been known about "for years." That suggestion is false.
"When we say "the coronavirus," we're referring to a new strain of virus that emerged from a family of coronaviruses. Coronaviruses can infect animals and people, and we've known about other coronaviruses for years. The novel coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, was first publicly reported in late 2019.
"The vaccine pictured is used to combat bovine coronavirus, which is a virus that infects cattle. ScourGuard 4K is a vaccine for "pregnant cows and heifers" to help prevent diarrhea in their calves. The bovine coronavirus did not cause the current outbreak in humans." . . .
– Angelo Fichera, 

Coronavirus Achieves a Longtime Democratic Goal
Trump is finally canceling the campaign rallies they fear and loathe.
Speier of California
This cri de coeur came from Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) last Monday, one day after she accused President Trump of plotting to spread COVID-19 among his own supporters without mentioning the ongoing campaign events that were being held by Sanders and Biden. Speier has an affinity for false accusations. Last year she nominated Christine Blasey Ford for the JFK Profile in Courage Award. Blasey Ford’s act of “courage” was to accuse SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh — without evidence or corroboration — of sexually assaulting her 36 years prior to his nomination. It may be that Speier isn’t Trump’s most credible source of advice.
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A 'Never Biden' movement vows not to vote for Joe

The ex-veep has work to do to win over Bernie's base.

On Tuesday night, Joe Biden's campaign was celebrating his latest primary night triumph.
By Wednesday morning, #NeverBiden, #WriteinBernie and #DemExit2020 hashtags began trending on Twitter.  
"There's no question it’s been a banner two weeks for Biden. But lurking in the background of his sudden ascension to all-but-presumptive nominee is evidence that at least some Bernie Sanders supporters might not migrate to him in November, weakening him in the general election.
"The significance of the problem became apparent in the same string of primaries that put Biden on the cusp of the nomination.
" In Michigan — a state critical to Democrats’ efforts to reclaim their general election footing in the Rust Belt — just 2 of 5 Sanders backers said they would vote Democratic in November, regardless of who became the nominee, according to exit polls. Four in five said they'd be dissatisfied with Biden as the Democratic standard-bearer.
"Though it's unclear how widespread or adamant the #NeverBiden contingent is — will they really stay home when the alternative is another four years of President Donald Trump? — the misgivings at least put the Biden campaign on notice that it has significant work to do to bring along Sanders' base." 
"There is certainly anecdotal evidence that for many progressives, Biden represents everything they dislike about mainstream Democratic politics. On “The Young Turks,” which draws millions of viewers, Krystal Ball, the former MSNBC host, said she couldn’t vote for Trump." . . .

NYT Op-Ed Writer: Yeah, I Made A 'Trivial' Math Mistake on MSNBC. Also, You're Racist For Noticing.

Matt Vespa

"Look, folks, I have white parents. That’s what my mom, a liberal Democrat mind you, would say jokingly as to why I, for lack of a better term, sucked at math. I’m a bad Asian. I don’t like math or science. Well, I like science—I’m fascinated by stuff that explodes—but I never excelled at it. None of the Vespa kids did well in math. 
"You could never even say that joke or even kid about Asians and math nowadays because the political correctness police would cancel you faster than you can say Gulag Archipelago. But I do know simple stuff like if there was $500 million in a pot distributed equally to 327 million people, the split is not…$1 million per person.
"That’s what New York Times editorial member Mara Gay uttered on live television while being interviewed by MSNBC’s Brian Williams last week. Both were mocked and rightfully so. Now, Gay is out with a column saying how her people have been through worse than the Twitter mob or something. Also, you might be racist for noticing this error—typical (via NYT):
On MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour With Brian Williams” … we mentioned a tweet, written by someone else, about the enormous amount of money Michael Bloomberg had spent on his failed presidential run, about $500 million. Here’s what I said: “Somebody tweeted recently that actually with the money he spent, he could have given every American a million dollars.”
The math, as a few people have pointed out, was wrong. Overnight, I had become an online sensation, and not in a good way. The video had gone viral, first shared by the right wing, and then by seemingly everyone else, too
. . .

Yes, Bernie Sanders Should Apologize For Praising Communism

Tony Branco
The fact that people are besmirching America’s proud history of fighting Communism and even calling for ‘anti-anti-communism’ should outrage us all.

The Federalist "Earlier this week, Sean Guillory of The Moscow Times wrote an article defending Sen. Bernie Sanders’s recent comments praising deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. According to Guillory, anti-communism has been used in the United States as a cudgel to suppress legitimate grievances of minorities, the poor, and anyone who has ever fought for a more equitable society. Sadly, Guillory’s viewpoint distorts the true history of communism, flagrantly insults the millions who suffered under socialist regimes, and tars the honorable history of anti-communism in the United States.
"Instead of condemning Sanders’s praise of one of the most brutal dictators in the Western Hemisphere’s history, Guillory says Sanders should’ve never apologized: “no matter how much Sanders genuflects in the ritual denunciation of communist authoritarianism… he will continue to be treated as if his signature had been alongside Stalin’s on NKVD execution orders.”
"Guillory is attacking a strawman. No one is acting as if Sanders is as guilty as Joseph Stalin. That doesn’t exculpate him from making excuses for Castro
"Just imagine if the shoe were on the other foot. What if Sen. Ted Cruz had spoken positively of Augusto Pinochet’s liberalization of the Chilean economy, while downplaying or ignoring the thousands of deaths he caused? What if President Trump had praised Adolf Hitler for his great work on the autobahn? What if Sen. Marco Rubio sang the praises of Francisco Franco?
"Any politician who praised a fascist dictator would get dragged over the coals, with good reason. Yet Sanders got away with a relative slap on the wrist.

 Elad Vaida is a writer in Washington, D.C., whose work has appeared in The National Interest, American Greatness, The Daily Signal, and The New Lyceum. He is a graduate of Harvard University’s program in Middle Eastern Studies.

America's Nightmare: a Characterless Grumpy President

"The truth is Democrats view black Americans as useful idiots, throwing us crumbs every election season. Trump has implemented real hope and change for black Americans."

As a proud and grateful American who happens to be black, I thought it was extremely racist and insulting for Biden to say that requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises blacks. Biden's comment reflects Democrats' constant bigotry of lowered expectations in regard to blacks.
Lloyd Marcus   Everywhere I turn, I hear pundits on our side saying Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for victimizing fumbling-stumbling Joe Biden, conspiring for him to be their presidential nominee.
In my view, Joe Biden is only a victim of his own arrogance, ego, and wickedness. When you look up “sleazy politician” in the dictionary, Joe Biden's picture is there. His modus operandi of becoming rich via political corruption is well documented.
My focus is on how Biden does not give a rat's derriere about the lives of Americans. He is nasty, rude, and even threatens voters with physical harm who dare to challenge his statements or disagree with him. Biden is quick to irresponsibly stir the pot-of-racial-hate and division for political gain.
Addressing a black congregation at a 2020 MLK event, Biden outrageously referred to Trump as “this president and his Ku Klux Klan...” Biden's cold and calculating proclamation must not be taken lightly. This wicked man insidiously sought to generate racial hate for Trump and his MAGA cap wearing supporters.
Biden calling Trump the KKK president furthers Democrats' and fake news medias' lie that the 63 million who elected Trump are white supremacists which makes America a hellhole of racism in which blacks are undermined and routinely gunned down by cops. This bogus evil narrative has led to senior and female Trump supporters being beaten, along with police assassinations. But Biden does not care. His deceptive message to blacks is “vote for me to keep racist white America and cops off your backs.” . . .

The Great Coronavirus War Is upon Us
Victor Davis Hanson
If we stay calm and rational, we can defeat the enemy.

"Try this thought experiment. Envision the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, as a living, breathing enemy — which, of course, is exactly what it is.
"But imagine for a moment that we are in real war with a cognizant, thinking, and clever enemy whose sole reason to live is to hurt, maim, or kill as many of us as it can.
"COVID-19 may not have jets, tanks, or nukes, like our past enemies. But its arsenal, numbers, cunning, and willpower are said to be formidable.
"To win its war against Americans, COVID-19 must infect and sicken lots of Americans each day. If it cannot infect enough victims to multiply and sustain a hungry army of viruses, COVID-19 will soon sputter and die. It will get trapped in just a few hosts among an otherwise victorious and healthy nation of about 330 million.
"Nature has given COVID-19 some weapons that its defeated cousins — the H1N1 swine flu and the MERS and SARS viruses — lacked.
"It is more clever by being less lethal — and a little tougher in its ability to live outside a host. Viral resiliency ensures that it rarely turns into a suicide bomber by dying with a terminally sick host, and that it does not perish so quickly when orphaned in the air and on surfaces." . . .
The battle is upon us. But if we stay calm and rational, we can easily defeat the enemy, whose reputation is likely far scarier than its reality.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus and the pernicious effect of the media’s lies about Donald Trump

By the way, I’m putting the big blame on the media, but Joel Pollak is correct to remind us that Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are doing it too. He’s says what they’re doing is disqualifying. I agree. I’d add that this shows that they are evil people (something I’ve been saying about Bernie for years, given his love for the second deadliest political ideology in the world, with Islam being the first). . .  
Bookworm Room*

The media’s lies about Trump and coronavirus are destructive, even as Trump does his best to slow the disease, allowing time for cures to be developed.

"At the beginning of March, President Trump said that, while the experts predict a 4.5% mortality rate, he thinks it will be lower than that. He noted that a lot of people have very mild cases, so they’re not counted when calculating the mortality rate. Some, he said, have infections so mild, they don’t realize they’ve got coronavirus and they go on with their normal lives. In the context of that statement (which has proven to be correct), Trump said this: “We have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around or even going to work, some of them go to work.”
"When I read that, what I understand Trump to have said is that our mortality rates our skewed upwards because, while we know coronavirus is contagious, we have no way of counting the cases that are so mild people go on with their ordinary lives, including going to work. If you’re only guesstimating the number of people who don’t show up at the ER, you’re going to have a seriously inflated mortality rate.
"But that’s not what the media said Trump said (and no links to scum media):
MSN: “Trump Tells People With Coronavirus To Go To Work” “President Trump makes false claims about coronavirus, suggests you can ‘go to work’ if you’re sick”
Common Dreams: “As CDC Says ‘Do Not Go to Work,’ Trump Says Thousands With Coronavirus Could Go to Work and Get Better
‘These are really dangerous lies.'”
Huffington Post, citing that famous medical expert, Chris Hayes: “Donald Trump Triggers Furious Backlash Over ‘Go To Work’ With Coronavirus Claim: “DEFINITELY DO NOT GO TO WORK IF YOU HAVE CORONAVIRUS PLEASE AND THANK YOU,” MSNBC’s Chris Hayes responded to Trump’s suggestion.”
"You have to be seriously stupid to think that Trump instructed people sick with a very contagious disease to “go to work.” Again, in context, it was obvious that he was saying that we’re undercounting coronavirus because some people have cases so mild that they go to work without realizing they’re sick and, therefore, they never get into the system to be counted." . . .
The media’s hysteria about coronavirus is intended to destroy the American economy because media types are focused single-mindedly on defeating Trump.
. . . "It’s late, so I’m not going to bother citing articles. You’ve seen it for yourself and you can easily confirm that the media attacks every single thing Trump has done. He’s racist, he’s paranoid, he’s lazy, he’s trying to hide things, he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s making political calculations, he’s firing important people, he’s not listening to the people around him. This is Trump’s Hurricane Katrina. PEOPLE WILL DIE!!  "That is not reporting; it’s propaganda, and it’s done with a single aim: To keep Trump from being reelected."

How can anyone of sound mind trust or respect Democrats?

First, we saw Democrats and their treatment of Judge Kavanaugh, then in the impeachment demagoguery, their childish behavior during States of the Union addresses, nightly angry briefings on TV. So did you expect them to act with classy bipartisanship during this health crisis?
Tony Branco
GOP Chair Explains, In Terrific Thread, What Dems Were Doing While Admin Has Been Working to Address Wuhan Virus  . . . "Democrats including Joe Biden have lied about Trump saying it was a hoax. Lied about saying the CDC was cut. Lied about Trump muzzling scientists. Biden even put out an ad including the lies, trying to stoke more angst." . . .

The Democrat’s Wuhan Coronavirus Bill Is Disgraceful, Partisan Trash

The Democrat's Wuhan Coronavirus Bill Is Disgraceful, Partisan Trash

"They just can’t help themselves.
"In the face of a declared pandemic, you’d hope that Democrats in the House could put together a decent, clean bill that addresses only immediate issues dealing with the response to the Wuhan coronavirus. That seems like a perfectly reasonable expectation for people who are trusted to do what’s best for the country. But nope, instead of looking to pass something with bi-partisan support that doesn’t contain contentious provisions, Nancy Pelosi decided to do what she always does. Namely, load the bill up with unrelated pork and abortion funding.
"How bad is it? Here’s a thread laying out some of the details.
. . . 
"The last thing this country needs is to start destroying small businesses that are already cash strapped in the midst of this crisis. But Democrats want to not only mandate largely unaffordable giveaways during the Wuhan virus outbreak, they want to mandate it forever. Your average business owner with 5-10 employees simply can not afford to give 14 paid sick leave (not mentioned in the above tweet, but that’s one of the provisions) to their employees during a pandemic, plus another 7 days of paid leave in non-emergency situations. That’s insanity. Heck, most businesses with 50-100 employees can’t even afford that. If the Democrats succeeded in their quest, it would absolutely tank the job market.
"It keeps going though." . . .

First, Pelosi Delayed Vote on a Wuhan Virus Funding Bill, Now She’s Allegedly Trying to Slip in Loophole to Help Abortion in Virus Stimulus Package

A new video of Biden emerges, again showing an old, confused man

Andrea Widburg  "On Tuesday, a viral video showed Biden exploding with rage when a union construction worker asked him how he was going to appeal to the average union man, considering his hostility to the Second Amendment.  Rather than engaging with the man in civil terms, Biden instantly told him, "You're full of s---."  The engagement went downhill from there.
"A short time later, another video taken later the same day emerged.  This one showed Biden walking to his car, surrounded by aides.  As he walked, reporters peppered him with questions about his interaction with the construction worker and about the coronavirus.  Biden appeared to ignore all the questions but for one: a reporter asked him if he had any regrets about his interaction with the voter regarding guns.  Biden had a short response:
" 'Well, I'm surprised that Sanders is joining Trump." . . .

. . . "It’s important to note that not only did this “answer” not have anything to do with the question, it appeared that it wasn’t a response to anything asked by the crowd. It’s unclear what point Biden was trying to get across, if any.
"Although this answer was painted as a “pivot,” it’s clear that the head-scratching statement came out of nowhere.
"Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, still fighting a race against Biden that appears bleaker by the day, is far from teaming up with President Donald Trump. By all measurements, the avowed socialist Sanders is the polar opposite of real-estate mogul and fiery conservative Trump.
"While this latest “gaffe” could be the result of the stresses of the campaign trail, it follows numerous calls for Biden’s mental health to be evaluated."

Who'd believe Governor Newsom would speak the classy words about Trump?

Lies & Fear from Crooked Media, Rabid Liberals Are the Real Viruses Threatening America; They’ll Collapse The Country to Gain Power & YOU ARE Simply a Pawn
"Chronic lies and fear from the crooked media and rabid liberals are the real viruses threatening America and these corrupt entities will employ fear to collapse the entire country to gain power — and You are simply a pawn — a pawn that will pay dearly.
"Are you being played? Again? Bank on it, while you still have somethng left in your account(s), as Thomas Paine details on the new Thomas Paine Podcast on Wednesday and on his Moore Paine Patreon show on Tuesday night. (Listen Below) — Warning, Some Explicit Language (Even an F-bomb by President Trump)" . . .

WATCH: California Gov. Newsom refutes media narrative, says Trump has said and done ‘everything I could have hoped for’ on coronavirus "California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom gave President Donald Trump and his administration full credit for an effective and satisfactory response to the growing coronavirus problem in his state, according to Newsweek.
"As the country deals with the spread of the virus and a continued shortage of available tests, the Trump administration has been criticized heavily by Democratic politicians and the media. Newsom, however, is pleased with how Trump has handled the crisis." . . .
Expect the Mayor to "clarify" his statement when the Liberals come with the torches and pitchforks.

Did Bill Maher Say He Hopes for a Recession ‘to Get Rid of Trump’?
. . . "A few Snopes readers wrote to ask if we could confirm that Maher actually said these words. The plethora of clips shared on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook left little doubt that the quote was authentic." . . .