Friday, March 13, 2020

America's Nightmare: a Characterless Grumpy President

"The truth is Democrats view black Americans as useful idiots, throwing us crumbs every election season. Trump has implemented real hope and change for black Americans."

As a proud and grateful American who happens to be black, I thought it was extremely racist and insulting for Biden to say that requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises blacks. Biden's comment reflects Democrats' constant bigotry of lowered expectations in regard to blacks.
Lloyd Marcus   Everywhere I turn, I hear pundits on our side saying Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for victimizing fumbling-stumbling Joe Biden, conspiring for him to be their presidential nominee.
In my view, Joe Biden is only a victim of his own arrogance, ego, and wickedness. When you look up “sleazy politician” in the dictionary, Joe Biden's picture is there. His modus operandi of becoming rich via political corruption is well documented.
My focus is on how Biden does not give a rat's derriere about the lives of Americans. He is nasty, rude, and even threatens voters with physical harm who dare to challenge his statements or disagree with him. Biden is quick to irresponsibly stir the pot-of-racial-hate and division for political gain.
Addressing a black congregation at a 2020 MLK event, Biden outrageously referred to Trump as “this president and his Ku Klux Klan...” Biden's cold and calculating proclamation must not be taken lightly. This wicked man insidiously sought to generate racial hate for Trump and his MAGA cap wearing supporters.
Biden calling Trump the KKK president furthers Democrats' and fake news medias' lie that the 63 million who elected Trump are white supremacists which makes America a hellhole of racism in which blacks are undermined and routinely gunned down by cops. This bogus evil narrative has led to senior and female Trump supporters being beaten, along with police assassinations. But Biden does not care. His deceptive message to blacks is “vote for me to keep racist white America and cops off your backs.” . . .

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