Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thank you, Bernie, for forcing us to learn about socialism

Image by Mike Harris
Are You Enjoying Your 30 Free Trial of Communism? In keeping with the " national ‘Day of Satire". Hat tip to Exavier Saskagoochie

POLL: Most people unimpressed with their 30-day free trial of Communism

"A poll conducted by the Pew Pew Institute shows that a majority of Americans are unimpressed with their 30-day free trial of Communism.
“ 'It kinda sucks,” 19-year-old San Diegan Britta Fowler said of the trial. “I was expecting all this free stuff, which I guess we’re getting, but I also didn’t expect empty store shelves and house arrest for everyone. It’s really lame!' ” . . .

Liberal Nonsense Is Looking Dumber Than Ever Now

Sure, AOC is still nitwiting about it on the interwebs, but is anyone listening to her? She’s gone from center stage, revealed as what she always was – a trivial indulgence who was vaguely amusing in a time of safety and prosperity and who is a bad joke in a time where normal people are literally putting themselves at risk to help fellow Americans. We have no time for her ilk and their sophomore seminar obsessions. We have lives to save and an economy to rebuild.

"Remember the heady days of six weeks ago when the earnest wailing of liberal sissies about some imagined thoughtcrime drew respectful attention? Well, it never did from us, because we always knew these people we idiots deserving only of mockery, but some people – nice, friendly people who could not imagine the malignancy in the hearts of these fascists dipwads – took them seriously and actually cared.
"And then a disease came along that is impoverishing the people it isn’t killing. It’s time to put away childish things, folks, and America seems to be doing that. Well, at least the people who aren’t liberal blue checks. The rest of us have no time for such frivolous nonsense. And when we beat this pandemic, which we will, maybe we as a culture will put away childish things for good.
"Things like promiscuous racism whining. Ah, those were the days, back when blocking off travel into the US from that festering petri dish of disease that is China was RACIST! and probably SEXIST! and certainly a violation of the Logan Act to boot. Yeah, it turns out that keeping out inhabitants of the Land of the Commie Bat Gobblers wasn’t racist – it was prudent." . . . 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

I'll Have the Bat Soup - Hold the Deadly Virus. (Also titled: I'LL HAVE THE CHICKEN TESTICLE SOUP - HOLD THE DEADLY VIRUS"

Although, it occurs to me that, despite America’s terrible toxic whiteness, one way our culture is superior to others is that we don’t believe lunatic nonsense that wipes out entire species or launches viral pandemics on the world. Now back to Chris Cuomo’s riveting battle with the coronavirus.
Yummy!  What's a wet market?
Ann Coulter  "It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.
"No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!
"Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.
"First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.
"To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.
. . . 
"Second, the “what.” What exactly constitutes a “coronavirus death”?

"It turns out a person with Stage 4 lung cancer and a bullet through the heart will be counted as a “coronavirus death” if he also tested positive for the disease, OR merely exhibited symptoms associated with it (symptoms that are coextensive with the flu and pneumonia)."
. . . 
"Notice a pattern? While it’s true that “viruses don’t have nationalities!” -- and thank you very much for pointing that out, media! -- the carriers of viruses do have nationalities." . . .

Ian Macfarlane

If Biden is president, WHO will run this nation?

March 3: Trump Predicts Biden ‘Will Be in a Home’ if He Wins Election While the Country is Run by ‘Super Left Radical Crazies’
Ian Macfarlane
Biden to Trump: Here’s how to act like a president 
Joe has been the model for all presidents, second only to Abraham Lincoln.
NRO is no longer the National Review we knew for years.

Joe Biden Has Been Dropping Hints About his VP Pick
He’s not naming names — though there’s one that keeps popping up — but he has now committed to naming a woman as his running mate 
"Biden himself has dropped more than a few hints about who he’d want on the ticket with him since he entered the presidential race in early 2019. 

"There’s Stacey Abrams of Georgia — a star in the Democratic party who was mentioned as a possible running mate for nearly all of the 2020 candidates. But there are other names on the list, including a pair of senators from the state of New Hampshire and even possibly former Deputy Attorney General and #resistance hero Sally Yates.

"There will be tremendous pressure on Biden to choose a woman as his running mate after half a dozen women competed for the nomination but fell short. “There must be a woman on this ticket,” Cecile Richards, the former head of Planned Parenthood for America and founder of Supermajority, a new political advocacy group, told the New York Times this week. “What is really important to see is representation, a commitment to the issues that women care about and a commitment to do something about it.”

Bernie Sanders Ends Presidential Campaign, Paving the Way for Biden to Become Democratic Nominee

Legal Insurrection  This only leaves Biden. 
Bernie can always primary Biden in four years. Or maybe eight. TD

"Sanders said he will stay on the ballot and continue to collect delegates as a way to keep the pressure on the Democratic Party to accept his radical ideas."
. . . "However, Sanders also congratulated former Vice President Joe Biden because he will become the Democrat nominee. He will support Biden so he can defeat President Donald Trump in November.
"He said, “Together, standing united, we will go forward to beat Donald Trump.”
Sanders touted his connection with the youth, but he forgets that a lot of people change their ideology when they grow up. I used to like Sanders. Then I grew up and had to pay taxes." . . .

BREAKING NEWS: Bernie Sanders DROPS OUT of Democratic 2020 race leaving Joe Biden to go head-to-head with Donald Trump in November - after making voters get in line in Wisconsin

'I wish I could give you better news, but I think you know the truth,' Sanders said Wednesday. He pointed out that he was about 300 delegates behind the former vice president. 'The path toward victory is virtually impossible.'
'I have concluded that this battle for the Democratic nomination will not be successful,' Sanders continued. 'So today I am announcing the suspension of my campaign.'  

Bidenism: Falsely Claims Face Masks “Aren’t Being Produced” – 3M Alone Set To Make 55.5M Masks This Month

Did ESPN remove a cross from camera set?

The Palmieri Report  "Twitter user Vikeologist pointed out that ESPN seemingly changed the camera angle and removed a cross from the background.

Hey @ESPN, why did you make @JosinaAnderson remove the cross on the wall behind her? Absolutely pathetic!

. . . "My verdict on this is that it is unclear. ESPN could have called for it to be moved off the set or they could have just moved the angle of the shot. This would not be the first time that a Mainstream outlet tried to censor God.

"The silence of Josina is one of the things that is amazing to me. She could have easily debunked it but decided not to.

"We will update the story if we learn more….

The Palmieri Report is a Pro-America News Outlet founded by Jacob Palmieri two years ago at the age of 19. Since its founding, it has gotten over 1M pages views and over 20k followers. The Palmieri Report is dedicated to debunking the lies spread by the left-wing Mainstream Media.

How depraved is the 'resistance'? Enough to root for vast death by COVID-19

Patricia McCarthy   "As the therapeutic efficacy of hydroxychloroquine becomes more and more provable, the left gets more and more hysterical.  They have bet the farm on COVID-19 as a means of preventing President Trump’s re-election and then this old malaria drug appears on the scene.  The first trial came from China and no one should take their word for it but a doctor there realized that every patient with lupus, even if sick, was negative for the disease.  Then a French doctor, Dr. Didier Raoult, a world-famous microbiologist, tested the theory with more than a thousand patients and found it 100% effective, especially when combined with zithromax.  More than six thousand doctors around the world are using it to combat the disease with tremendous life-saving results.  Many of those doctors are using the drug as a prophylactic and it is keeping them from getting the virus as they care for sick patients.  Dr. Mehmet Oz has been amassing information about it and explaining it to the public on his television program." . . .

 . . . "America has a long tradition of an adversarial press, beginning in the revolutionary era.  Beyond that, President Lincoln was savaged by his opponents, those who wanted slavery preserved.  But no president in modern times has had to endure the incessant viciousness that Donald Trump has and he has put up with it with more grace than they deserve.  He bites back and often rightfully humiliates them for their perfidy, but they never learn.  They come back the next day and do it all over again.  They fear Trump’s leadership throughout this pandemic so frantically they are rooting for the failure of hydroxychloroquine and so for more deaths.  Christopher Hitchens perhaps had the media in mind when he wrote:  “A sure sign of ineptitude and malice is manifested when one's attacker is willing to cover himself with mud in order to try and make some of it adhere to his target.' ”  Full article


Sharyl Attkisson Dunks All Over CNN’s Brian Stelter With the Facts, Even Gives Him a New Nickname


"CNN has been a host of bad takes and bias of late. Ok, to be honest, they always are. But it certainly seems more so than usual in the last couple of days.
"From Jake Tapper retweeting George Conway to Anderson Cooper losing his mind, it’s been a festival of fail.
"Sharyl Attkisson pointed out media on the left, who have been all-in on trying to accuse folks on the right (and in particular the folks at Fox, their competitor who regularly beats them in the ratings) of downplaying the virus, themselves were the ones making downplaying comments.
"Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist highlighted Attkisson’s story, noting it was obviously a coordinated attack on Fox (their competitor) and Republicans." . . .

Brian Stelter
"That’s when Sharyl Attkisson let loose. Now, if you know Attkisson, she’s the consummate professional and does her level best to be objective and temperate in her comments. So when she levels Stelter, you know it’s well-deserved."

All the links are there, Einstein. Date for CDC comment? Current as of today. "Little Brian Stelter

. . . "Nor do Stelter or Kacynzki point to Democrats who were encouraging people to go out to parades and events in late February such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Biden adviser Ron Klain telling people to go to Chinatown (to virtue signal, and “fight racism”). De Blasio made comments even into the middle of March telling people to go out as usual.
"Nor do the CNN crew note all the actions the President took in January or the early comments warning about the seriousness of the virus from Fox people like Greg Gutfeld and Tucker Carlson." . . .

If Hillary Clinton Was President During This Crisis…

Trump has been right to focus on regulatory cuts during his presidency, as well as on private-sector healthcare solutions in lieu of Obamacare whose regulations led to fewer doctors and the closing of regional hospitals across the country – just when we need them most in this crisis!
RedState  "Throughout the Wuhan virus crisis, President Trump has been under relentless political attack by the Democrats and their legacy media allies. They began by accusing the President of “racism” and “xenophobia” when he implemented the China travel ban in January, and then expanded the travel ban to Iran, Italy and now Europe. Then there are the continuing accusations of “chaos and no plan” in the early days of the administration’s response to the virus while at the same time ignoring that the President had established the Coronavirus Task Force in January right in the middle of the Democrats’ farcical impeachment! Then there was the latest false accusation that the National Security Council staff downsizing got rid of the entire global health team,” as has been endlessly repeated in the Democrat-media echo chamber in recent days despite being debunked as described here. The legacy media have even been propagating the ChiCom Party line that is aimed at deflecting criticism and responsibility for the pandemic away from China and toward the US and President Trump in particular, as noted three days ago in The Washington Examiner.
"Despite Democrat-media claims to the contrary, there are several items that have been clarified in the context of the Wuhan virus crisis:" . . .

. . . "Now let us imagine that we are in an alternative universe in which Hillary Clinton won the election in 2016 and is the occupant of the Oval Office who is attempting to deal with the Wuhan virus crisis. What would we have seen unfold with her at the helm?" . . . More...

Bitter Hillary plays backseat driver to Trump's leadership on coronavirus . . . "Helplessly at the sidelines now, she snipes, like an irritable old lady in a rest home who can't be pleased.
"She's beclowning herself.  Most Democrats are smart enough to pay lip service tributes at least to Trump's leadership just to avoid looking out of touch with the public.  Hillary has no need to please the public, those deplorables, her term, and true to form, she never has.  That's an even bigger reason why she's not president."  More...

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

‘You Are A Fraud’: Rose McGowan Rips Alyssa Milano For Supporting Biden Despite Sexual Assault Allegations (UPDATED 4/9)


"Alyssa Milano is a liberal idiot that mercilessly attacked Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmation hearings. Her stance was, “ALWAYS BELIEVE WOMEN.”
"Always believe women, that is true, of course, if the man accused is not Joe Biden.
"This woman accusing Joe Biden has a far more credible case against him than Christine Blasey Ford had against Kavanaugh.
"For starters, Tara Reade could prove without a doubt that she knew Joe Biden. Tara Reade had proof that she had to take the gym bag over to Biden at the capital that day. She has two witnesses that remember her telling them of the sexual assault when it happened.
"I wrote about the assault here. Please read the original post. I do not believe this is an instance where a woman is going after a powerful man for notoriety. I believe that she is a true sexual assault victim, and we need to be her voice.
"An exert from my original article is important to remember timeline and context surrounding the lack of support from the Times Up and Me Too movement:
You are a fraud. This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie. You have always been a lie. The corrupt DNC is in on the smear job of Tara Reade, so are you. SHAME Alyssa Milano
I explained my silence on the allegations against Joe Biden in this clip.
I am still endorsing @JoeBiden. Listen to this clip to find out why. #MeToo #TimesUp
Via Chicks On The Right Group

I cannot forget Milano's great photo op, set up with the help of Sen. Feinstein and keeping her on camera at the expense of Brett Kavanaugh and his family. She even had a political sign on the back of her clipboard. Publicity for Milano with praise at Hollywood parties and TV talk shows. TD

UPDATE: Milano Utterly Destroyed By #MeToo For Saying: ‘Don’t Believe Biden’s Accuser’  . . . "She sought to explain her “silence” in the face of mounting criticism by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont Independent and Biden’s primary opponent.
“I never thought [Me Too] would be something that would destroy innocent men,” Milano said on SiriusXM’s Radio Andy. “We don’t want that to happen either. So we have to find this balance in the Believe Women movement and also giving men their due process and realizing that we’re destroying lives if we publicly don’t go through the right steps in order to find out if an accusation is credible or not.”
“ 'It’s got to be fair in both directions,” she added.
Milano's obviously sincerely devastated by her accuser,
 but as an actress, she is good at acting "obviously,
sincerely devastated". TD

"While Milano is refusing to believe Biden’s accuser without a “thorough investigation,” she believed Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation against Kavanaugh the same day the doctor came forward in the Washington Post.
"On September 16, 2018, after the Post named Ford, Milano went beyond merely calling for an investigation, instead, tweeting out her categorical support for Ford:" . . .

Rose McGowan Rips Media for ‘Covering Up Creepy Joe Biden’ Assault Allegation  . . . "The fact that Reade’s accusation is more credible than the accusation made against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, is not in dispute. For starters, there’s no proof Blasey Ford even knew Kavanaugh. Secondly, Blasey Ford’s own “witnesses” not only said they didn’t witness anything, more than one said the event never happened.
"Nevertheless, actress-activists like Milano and the establishment media ripped mercilessly into Kavanaugh while they now hang Reade out to dry." . . .  (Emphasis added by TD)

Have no doubt the HuffPo is just another MSNBCNN. See their content

List of S&P 500 companies Read the list and you may see companies in which you yourself have $500 to $1500, including companies that MSNBCNN find reprehensible. Maybe even funds Jim Acosta, Don Lemon and Mr. and Mrs. Morning Joe  have a mutual fund stake in. Imagine Donald Trump lusting for a 500-1500 dollar investment! That might just be enough to buy a new faucet handle for the Trump mansion. TD

Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report
"The president has repeatedly touted the anti-malaria drug as a coronavirus treatment despite a lack of medical evidence."
The story begins with these statements:
"President Donald Trump reportedly owns a stake in a company that produces hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug he has repeatedly touted as a coronavirus treatment even though his experts say there’s no strong evidence it works. 
"Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, The New York Times reported Monday.
"In addition, Sanofi’s largest shareholders include a mutual fund company run by major Republican donor Ken Fisher, the paper said. Trump’s three family trusts, as of last year, each had investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding was Sanofi, according to the Times. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross also had ties to the drugmaker, the Times reported." . . .
Then read on down to the finish and learn this:
. . . "The financial news site MarketWatch and The Washington Post later estimated Trump’s stake to be worth between about $100 and $1,500, though the Post noted his trusts may have amassed other investments since his most recent disclosure. “He does look to have more than that modest sum invested in Sanofi, because, unmentioned in the Times report, his trusts also hold broader European stock-market index funds,” MarketWatch pointed out." . . .
. . . "John Dillard, a spokesperson for Fisher Investments, called the Times article a “false report” and said Sanofi “is neither a material holding of Fisher Investments nor of Ken Fisher personally.” He also took issue with the characterization of his boss as a Republican donor, saying Fisher also had contributed to Democrats in the past."