Wednesday, April 8, 2020

I'll Have the Bat Soup - Hold the Deadly Virus. (Also titled: I'LL HAVE THE CHICKEN TESTICLE SOUP - HOLD THE DEADLY VIRUS"

Although, it occurs to me that, despite America’s terrible toxic whiteness, one way our culture is superior to others is that we don’t believe lunatic nonsense that wipes out entire species or launches viral pandemics on the world. Now back to Chris Cuomo’s riveting battle with the coronavirus.
Yummy!  What's a wet market?
Ann Coulter  "It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most avidly pushing the coronavirus panic are doing quite well.
"No politician or government official has taken a salary cut. To the contrary, dusty bureaucrats now find the entire country transfixed by their every utterance. Cable news hosts still make millions of dollars -- and now they get to work from home!
"Annoyingly, though, journalists can’t seem to relay the basic elements of a news story: who, what, where and why.
"First, who’s dying? It appears to be mostly the old, people with specific medical conditions and vapers.
"To be sure, that’s not as important as daily updates on Chris Cuomo’s personal battle with the coronavirus, but it might be kind of important to the 17 million Americans who’ve been thrown out of work, many of whom are not elderly, immunocompromised or vapers.
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"Second, the “what.” What exactly constitutes a “coronavirus death”?

"It turns out a person with Stage 4 lung cancer and a bullet through the heart will be counted as a “coronavirus death” if he also tested positive for the disease, OR merely exhibited symptoms associated with it (symptoms that are coextensive with the flu and pneumonia)."
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"Notice a pattern? While it’s true that “viruses don’t have nationalities!” -- and thank you very much for pointing that out, media! -- the carriers of viruses do have nationalities." . . .

Ian Macfarlane

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