Friday, October 9, 2020

Ruining kids to get Trump

. . . Maybe she wrote it. Maybe her parents did. I don't know. But it is a sound argument for the media to back off. It won't because the girl's mother is a Republican. Democrat kids can do drugs and steal money without consequence. Hunter Biden is 50 and still acting like a teen. Why not? His father's senatorship shielded him from the law for decades. But Republican kids have to grow up in a hurry. . . .
 Don Surber  "Claudia Conway is a 15-year-old dealing with her parents very public marital strife. To call her father a horse's ass is to insult that part of a horse. Her mother, Kellyanne, was a fixture in the Trump presidency, which is not very cool among her crowd. Moving from Alpine, New Jersey, to hostile anti-Trumpville has to be stressful.

"She discovered social media to air her views. The media latched onto her posts, and she became the anti-Kellyanne woman the media was looking for.

"Except, she is not a woman.

"She is a teenage girl in a bad situation.

"A situation the media enjoys exploiting. They amplified her juvenile writings, building her up for what they knew would be an inevitable fall. She needed intervention by the two adults who brought her into this world.

"Finally, Kellyanne quit the White House to try to save her marriage and her family. Then she and her husband put the clamp on further media interviews of their minor daughter.

"On Tuesday, she broke out of her social media lockdown for one post.

Hi everyone! Please get this on Twitter as I do not have access to my account right now. I am tired of the mainstream media using my situation and my views for their own personal benefit. I am a child and I am to be treated as one. This is severely impacting my mental health.
Also, I wrote this. It seems quite contradictory, I am aware, but after taking some time to reflect (instead of reacting impulsively), I have carefully evaluated my shortcomings and decided that this is no way to use my platform. These media outlets are blowing this out of proportion. 
It has come to my attention that my recent TikToks and comments have sparked intense controversy and uproar. This was not my intent. I am appalled at the mainstream media’s efforts to exploit a teenage girl, which is negatively affecting my mental health. I am not the “whistleblower” of our time. I am simply a fifteen year-old with a following and bad luck when it comes to media coverage. Leave my family and me alone.  . . .

Read her full article here.

Crush and Destroy Culture

 Richard Moss  "I have always felt that the term “cancel culture” was far too mannerly and tame.  It scarcely captured the degree of hatred the Left and its social-media zealots unleashed with any transgression from woke orthodoxy.  Even doctrinaire liberals, tried and true “progressives” with a lifetime of fidelity, have felt the sting of leftist vengeance after betraying the cause on a single, isolated point.  Individuals have been disgraced, careers ended, livelihoods wrecked, and reputations trashed over minor infractions of the ever-evolving progressive canon.  And that is how they treat former friends and allies.  Conservative foes are filleted and quartered outright in broad daylight. 

"I recently found myself the target of leftist vitriol and experienced the full fury of “cancel culture.” The events and tactics are worth reviewing. 

"I produced a 50-second pro-2nd amendment video in my backyard with my 25-year-old son.  I placed two Trump-Pence signs in front of us.  An American flag behind us. I spoke of my love of country, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights, in particular our Second Amendment.  I said that we were not looking for trouble but would not run from it, and tossed out a challenge to “BLM” (Black Lives Matter, the organization).  I closed by saying that I liked President Trump.  Of note, my son and I were holding our respective AR-15s.  Not pointing them, mind you, just holding them.

"The context, of course, is the more than four-month siege on America’s cities, the violence, rioting, and arson occurring since the George Floyd incident on May 25.  Many of us seethe at this ongoing disorder and the unwillingness of Democrat politicians that govern these cities and states to control it.  It is also galling to find our dominant institutions supporting the radical street thugs." . . . 

Rigged debate? Check out who the next moderator was caught tweeting to; UPDATE: People Calling For Debate Moderator Steve Scully To Resign Over Twitter Comments Criticizing Trump…

Tony Branco

 Monica Showalter   "Conservatives are constantly derided and gaslighted by the press for seeing evidence of media bias and collusion with Democrats. In this current round of presidential debates, Chris Wallace and Susan Page were clearly in the tank for Joe Biden. To varying extents they interrupted and argued with President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, while asking soft easy gentle and favorite-topic questions for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They also threw out harsh, nasty have-you-stopped-beating-your-wife bad-premise questions to Trump and Pence, while humoring senile old Joe and his fake-laughing sidekick.

"Funny how that happens, again and again. It's almost like someone's slipped questions to the Democrats, or someone's working hand in hand with them. There was a funny feeling about how Kamala Harris, for instance, knew how to segue into the next question in the last debate.

"Now there's another funny incident and this one looks like proof: 

"Which is unbelievably disgusting. It's bad enough that the man selected to be the impartial moderator in this debate, Scully, once worked as an intern for Joe Biden. Now we've got him seeking advice from the rabidly Trump-hating Anthony Scaramucci, who was fired from the Trump administration for his foul language, lunatic love life, and outrageous handling of the press. Scully needs advice on how to handle Trump from a freakish turncoat like
Scaramucci?  It sounds like this guy is absolutely lost on the matter of handling candidates for one, but the fact that he chose Scaramucci as his advisor, instead of someone respectable sounds like he's already in the tank for the anti-Trumpsters." . . .

UPDATE: People Calling For Debate Moderator Steve Scully To Resign Over Twitter Comments Criticizing Trump…

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Pelosi's appeal to the 25th Amendment for help in removing President Trump

 Pelosi Floats Invoking 25th Amendment to Remove Trump for Health Reasons  "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday expressed doubts about President Trump’s health after his coronavirus diagnosis and announced that over the next day she will be discussing the constitutional measure that allows the vice president to take over if the president becomes incapacitated.

“We’re going to be talking about the 25th Amendment,” Pelosi said, referring to the constitutional provision allowing the vice president to take over as acting president if the president “is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

“I think that the public needs to know the health condition of the President,” Pelosi said, adding that, “there’s one question that he refused to answer … when was his last negative test?” . . .

Telemundo Deletes Twitter Poll following VP Debate After Kamala Gets CRUSHED by Pence 74% to 26%

Nancy Pelosi says Congress will discuss using 25th Amendment powers which could REMOVE Donald Trump amid fears COVID steroid treatment is affecting his mental health  . . . "The 25th Amendment's doomsday clause, section four, allowed a president to be removed from office against his will because of incapacity, whether physical or mental.

"But it could only be used to remove Trump with the assistance of Mike Pence and members of his Cabinet, which currently appears unlikely. 

"It does however allow Congress to appoint a body to assess the president's fitness - which gives Pelosi an opening and in the context of an election campaign, a chance to taunt her long-term enemy Trump, who for years has called her 'Crazy Nancy.'

"Pelosi has been sounding the alarm on Trump's mental state for the past few days after he issued a surprising tweet on Tuesday calling off negotiations on a COVID relief bill. His move crashed the stock market. 

" 'I've quoted others to say that there are those who say that when you're on steroids and/or if you've had COVID-19 or both - that there may be some impairment of judgment. But, again, that's for the doctors and scientists to determine, but it was very strange, really surprising and I'm rarely surprised, when the president took to the tweet and saying that he wants the Senate to have full focus on this confirmation of the justice and turned attention away, so we're stopping negotiations,' she told Bloomberg News." . . .

 25th AMENDMENT HOAX! Pelosi Questions Trump's Health, Says ‘We’re Going to be Talking About the 25th Amendment’  . . . "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a dramatic announcement during her weekly press conference Thursday by telling reporters that she intends to discuss a constitutional measure to remove President Trump from office, following questions regarding Trump's health as he recovers from coronavirus." . . .

McCarthy Blasts Pelosi's 'Disgusting' Reaction to Trump COVID Diagnosis

This Won't End Well: Rioters in Wisconsin Invade the Suburbs

PJ Media

"Townhall’s Julio Rosas was on the ground Wednesday night in Wauwatosa, Wisc., filming the not-so-peaceful rioters operating under some new grievance about a police shooting. Frankly, I don’t care what it’s about at this point. There’s no excuse for violence and property damage and I’m tired of giving it any credibility by mentioning whatever today’s grievance is, knowing there will be another one tomorrow. Violence in response to injustice is neither just nor useful.

"This latest “protest” saw a lot of broken windows and skirmishes with police. But it was this second video in Rosas’ thread that stands out. Rioters moved into a residential area and began throwing bricks and stones through windows. It’s a good time to remind these people that Americans just purchased guns in record numbers after a summer of riots and looting. Five million (at last count) new gun owners are packing heat just for this circumstance and there’s no way that this will end well for rioters if it continues." . . . 

But there are those Soros-financed Attorneys General we must remember.

Are Americans Tired of Being Called ‘Racist’ Yet? (UPDATED)

White people are bad, being white is wrong, and only a “right-wing terrorist” would vote for Trump — such is the general sentiment expressed by the Democratic Party’s national platform. The racism of white people is “systemic,” a word repeated 10 times in the Democratic platform . . .

The American Spectator   "What is “racism,” and why do Democrats so relentlessly accuse Americans of it? It is necessary to put scare-quotes around “racism” nowadays, because the word has been quite nearly stripped of meaning by its constant overuse as a political epithet. Depending on the context, sometimes “racist” is merely a synonym for white person (which seems to be the message of Robin DiAngelo and other proponents of Critical Race Theory), but during election season in the United States, it seems that “racist” is synonymous with Republican.

"It is this purely partisan definition of “racist” that former First Lady Michelle Obama demonstrated this week in a remarkable 26-minute video campaign ad for Joe Biden. Mrs. Obama heaped praise on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement as “an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity.” In fact, BLM is an avowedly Marxist revolutionary organization that has inspired the murder of police officers and incited violent riots nationwide. Of course, anyone who points out this fact is immediately subject to denunciation as a “racist,” and the purpose of Mrs. Obama’s video was to point the finger at President Trump. By criticizing BLM’s organized spree of vandalism, looting and arson, Trump was “stoking fears about black and brown Americans,” Mrs. Obama earnestly declared:

Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all. So what the president is doing is, once again, patently false. It’s morally wrong and yes, it is racist, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work…. Racism, fear, division, these are powerful weapons and they can destroy this nation if we don’t deal with them head on.   

 "The “tiny fraction” of BLM-inspired riots that Mrs. Obama dismisses as a trivial statistic inflicted billions of dollars of damage, mostly on small businesses in minority neighborhoods, but you are “racist” — guilty of “stoking fears” — if you express concern about this terroristic campaign of destructive violence. Trump is “racist,” according to Mrs. Obama, and everyone who votes for Trump is “racist.” Thus, what the former First Lady called her “Closing Argument” for the Biden campaign can be summarized simply: Democrats, good; Republicans, racist." . . .

UPDATE: Michelle Obama Brands Trump as 'Racist' in 'Closing' Attack

“I want everyone who is still undecided to think about all those folks like me and my ancestors … the millions of folks who look like me and fought and died and toiled as slaves and soldiers and laborers to help build its country,” Obama said.
Cec commented
2 days ago
Oh Honey, you have that backwards. Every time you are handed a microphone, you resort to lecturing whites about their racism, but you are the racist. You have always run down whites in "entitled" and really disgusting racist rants. 

VIDEO: Pence Presses Harris A Few Time Over SCOTUS Packing, Refuses To Answer…

 Weasel Zippers

Kamala Harris won — if the prize was awarded for the most lies in a debate   "The vice presidential debate is over.  If the winner is the person who quietly dominated the room, fought off two antagonists, never lost focus, and landed one deadly blow after another, then the winner must be Mike Pence, hands down.  However, if the score was for the person who lied incessantly and refused to answer a critical question, Harris is the winner.

"Before getting to the lies, the most important moment of the evening was Harris's refusal to answer when asked about packing the Supreme Court.  Pence had cornered Kamala, telling her to answer whether she and Joe would pack the Supreme Court.  It was a question that required a "yes" or a "no" answer.  Instead, Kamala squirmed, lied, smirked, and played the race card, all the while hoping no one would notice she hadn't answered. Pence noticed, though, and he put it on the record:" . . .

Kamala was helped in peddling her lies because Susan Page, the moderator, consistently attacked the Trump-Pence record.  She balanced those attacks by refraining, for the most part, from challenging Kamala on her or Biden's history, asking them only easy hypotheticals about what they would do better than Trump.  I wonder why.

Shameful moderator bias at the vice presidential debate   "One tragedy of this election season, and all modern election seasons, is that the Democrats' radicalism is being hidden from the American people by a complicit media establishment.

"It would have been nice, then, if Wednesday's vice presidential debate could have been a teaching moment where light was shined on Kamala Harris's and Joe Biden's toxic positions.  Unfortunately, moderator Susan Page's bias made this impossible.

"Page, USA Today's Washington Bureau chief, made sure to inquire about how Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation to the Supreme Court would affect abortion, exhibiting the typical leftist obsession with prenatal infanticide.  She asked Vice President Mike Pence how he thought his state of Indiana should legislate on the matter were Roe v. Wade struck down (I didn't know he was again running for the Hoosier State's governor)." . . .

Amidst Historic Ratings Plunge, NBA Commissioner Says League Likely To Pull 'Black Lives Matter' Messaging Next Year

Zero Hedge  

"It's amazing how when ratings plunge and ad revenue starts to dry up, moral crusades go right back out the window...

"Such is the case for the NBA, which has spent the better part of its shortened season on a political crusade on behalf of Black Lives Matter, leading to a sharp plunge in ratings that we have documented here on Zero Hedge.

"NBA Commissioner Adam Silver appeared to confirm early this week that Black Lives Matter messaging will be pulled from the court and from players jerseys next year. According to The Blaze, Silver alluded to the messaging being removed despite the league being "completely committed to standing for social justice and racial equality." 

"He said implementing the change is "something we're gonna have to sit down with the players and discuss."

"He told Rachel Nichols of ESPN: "I would say, in terms of the messages you see on the court and our jerseys, this was an extraordinary moment in time when we began these discussions with the players and what we all lived through this summer. My sense is there'll be somewhat a return to normalcy — that those messages will largely be left to be delivered off the floor.' " . . .

Let's hope this will go into the same dumpster as kneeling before BLM.

Kamala Harris's Ratings Plummet As People Realize They'd Have To Listen To Her Voice For Next 4 Years

 Parody from Babylon Bee

"SALT LAKE CITY, UT—Joe Biden's running mate appears to be in deep trouble after speaking in tonight's debate and letting everyone hear what her voice actually sounds like.

" 'This is a disaster for us," said campaign manager Jennifer O'Malley Dillon to anonymous sources. "We really didn't think people were actually going to watch this debate, let alone with the sound on."

Donkey Hotey
"According to polls of citizens who watched the debate, the very thought of hearing Kamala Harris's voice and signature cackle for the next 4-8 years makes 3 out of 4 people want to lay down in front of a steamroller. 

" 'Never thought I'd say this, but maybe my old lady's voice ain't so bad," said Bob Ataboy, a local factory worker.

"The campaign vowed to address this situation and has set up Harris for personal classes with famous likeability coach Hillary Clinton." 

Her record shows her to be a gifted shapeshifter.  . . . "Joe Biden’s running mate had the most liberal voting record in the Senate last year — surpassing even Bernie Sanders — according to government watchdog GovTrack.

"Harris advocates late-term abortion, thinks Catholics are not fit to serve on the Supreme Court, has tried to criminalize climate-change denial and the manufacture of guns, wants to give taxpayer-funded health care to illegal immigrants and, as California’s attorney general, wielded power like a callous autocrat.

"But, if by pragmatic, the Times means this Barack Obama protegé will be whatever you want her to be, it’s correct." . . .

Off limits are words such as “ambition,” “likeability” and “electability.” No photos looking angry because that “perpetuates racist tropes.” So is reporting, “even as asides . . . on . . . looks, weight, tone of voice, attractiveness and hair.” The Democrats are trying to stifle criticism before it begins.

The governor says it, I believe it. That settles it

California governor's office tells diners to wear masks "in between bites"  . . . " 'I'm very confused by this tweet. The image suggests you should only take your mask off once when you begin a meal but the text suggests you should put it back on between bites," journalist Matthew Fuhrman wrote, referring to the graphic shared in the tweet. 

" 'Should we wash our hands after touching our mask each time we remove it between bites? What if I'm eating chips and salsa and I go for a double dip? Is that technically two bites since it's the same chip?" another person asked. ' . . .

Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites. Do your part to keep those around you healthy. #SlowtheSpread

Saving California Will Save America  "As proven by the torrent of executive orders issued by King Newsom during this COVID-19 pandemic, during a public emergency, constitutional rights and due process go out the window. In the coming years, with California’s one-party state leading the way, expect climate emergencies, systemic racism emergencies, and new health related emergencies to shred what is left of democracy in America.

"These “emergencies” are enabling the onset of political tyranny in California, with Governor Gavin Newsom as the figurehead. His most significant overseers are the teachers’ unions and Big Tech billionaires. These two blocs spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year on political campaigns and lobbyists, along with funding powerful nonprofit groups that agitate for politically useful agendas with respect to the environment, homelessness, social justice, and race and gender equity.

"All this well-funded advocacy is framed as “for the people” and “for the planet,” but in reality, everything Newsom, his predecessors, and his puppeteers have done has failed ordinary Californians, while delivering more power and more profits to California’s ruling elite. ' . . .

Newsom’s Car-Ban Publicity Stunt

"California governor’s executive order banning the sale of internal-combustion vehicles by 2035 is the latest example of posturing over governance."

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Debate Tip: Remember To Ask About White Supremacy! Full Coulter article posted here

Ann Coulter  "Unfortunately, this week’s vice presidential debate — occurring after this column goes out — is unlikely to be something you’d see in the Turkish parliament, like we had last week. But I expect one similarity: There will be ZERO questions about any major issues, like crime, immigration, globalism, the endless riots, our insane foreign policy or what Wall Street is doing.

"More like: Our next question is about transgender adoption.

"And of course, Vice President Mike Pence will be asked to “condemn” white supremacy. Redeeming America from the bogeyman of “white supremacy” is apparently the media’s main argument against Trump.

"Earlier this summer on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” the Democrats’ vice presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, cheered on the protests that have been creating havoc since May:

They’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up — and they should not. And we should not.”

"But Harris won’t be asked about that. According to USA Today’s fact check, she never said any such thing. The newspaper rated the claim that Harris supported the destructive protests — which, again, is on video — “PARTLY FALSE” on the grounds that Harris referred to “protests, not “riots.”

"Those were “peaceful protests”!

"Why are we required to pretend the Black Lives Matter “protests” are lovely little afternoon teas, while the antifa riots that inevitably follow are the problem? (If there is a problem at all, which there can’t be, because “antifa” doesn’t exist, nor do “riots,” but if they do, it’s white supremacists doing them!)"I’m open to the argument that an organization is not responsible for the things people do in its name — but that’s not the media’s position. Even if it were true that the BLM “protests” were peaceful (and it’s not), then why do the media always hector Trump to denounce “white supremacists” on the grounds that they certainly regard him as their leader!?

"Whenever and wherever antifa riot, they spray-paint “BLM” on walls, chant BLM slogans, vilify the police and scream about “black lives.” Quite obviously, they think they’re committing vandalism, assault and arson to help BLM. At the very least, BLM is not doing much to police their sworn allies.

"Even taking BLM “peaceful protests” on their own, they are not what most people regard as peaceful, like the anti-nuke protests in the 1980s, featuring singing, dancing, balloons and jugglers.

"The basic, factory-issue BLM protest, with no bells and whistles, involves angry marchers screaming, “F–k the police!” “Fry like bacon!” “I know you got a gun, but so do I!” “Your mother’s umbilical cord should have wrapped around your neck and choked you just the way you choked George Floyd, you filthy animal.” (Floyd died of a heart attack, not strangulation.) They nearly always include chants of the 100% proved lie about the shooting of Mike Brown, “Hands up! Don’t Shoot!” BLM protesters block traffic, stop cars and demand the drivers swear allegiance to BLM. They invade restaurants and shout in patrons’ faces. And let’s not forget the looting.

"Most people consider that, at the very least, obnoxious.

"But instead of asking either of the Democratic candidates about their enthusiasm for BLM and antifa riots — I mean “protests” — the media insist on endlessly chewing over a worldwide threat that exists exclusively in their imaginations: WHITE SUPREMACY!

"If you’d asked me before the presidential debate last week, What if someone brings up the media’s “fine people, on both sides” lie about Trump? I’d have said: Nah, he clearly denounced “white supremacists” in that very statement; no one would be that stupid.

"Chris Wallace is! I thought he was stealing a 4-year-old, hacky idea from CNN’s Jake Tapper, but it turns out Wallace himself asked Trump this exact same question about condemning “white supremacy” during a primary debate in March 2016. Journalists are like 2-year-olds who won’t stop asking why the sky is blue or how high is “up.” (Or a similarly unanswerable question: Why on earth doesn’t Trump keep an MP3 file in his pocket of him saying, “… and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”)

"Inasmuch as the media are never going to stop demanding that Trump “condemn” white supremacy — and seeing as Trump refuses to just play the tape — how about turning it around and demanding that Biden denounce NAMBLA?

"I am calling on my opponent to condemn NAMBLA right here and right now. Do you, Mr. Biden, admit that a grown man having anal sex with a 10-year-old is wrong? Will you tell your supporters this right now? Pederasts certainly think you support them. They vote for you, they don’t vote for me!

"The question is more than legitimate: 1) Unlike “white supremacists,” the North American Man-Boy Love Association actually exists; and 2) while NAMBLA may not have officially endorsed Biden-Harris yet, we know they support him, as much as the media know “white supremacists” support Trump."

Gun-Wielding Missouri Couple Who Attempted to Protect Home from Rioters Indicted on Two Felony Counts

What George Soros and BLM want, they get. Putting the mob "in fear of injury"? How fearful must the McCloskeys have been when seeing this mob in their front yard while American cities were burned and looted by similar mobs. TD

 Legal Insurrection

“The government chooses to persecute us for doing no more than exercising our right to defend ourselves, our home, our property and our family and now we’re getting drug here time after time after time and for what?” 

. . . "The charges filed in July say that on June 28, Mark McCloskey, 63, pointed an AR-15 rifle at protesters and Patricia McCloskey, 61, wielded a semiautomatic handgun, placing protesters in fear of injury.

"Outside the Carnahan Courthouse on Tuesday, Mark McCloskey criticized the City Counselor’s Office for opting against prosecuting protesters for trespassing in Portland Place, a private, gated street. Nine protesters were initially served police summonses, but City Counselor Michael Garvin said on Sept. 29 that trespassing charges would not be pursued.

“The government chooses to persecute us for doing no more than exercising our right to defend ourselves, our home, our property and our family and now we’re getting drug here time after time after time and for what?” Mark McCloskey said. “We didn’t fire a shot. People were violently protesting in front of our house and screaming death threats and threats of rape and threats of arson. Nobody gets charged but we get charged.” . . .

Comment to this post: alaskabob | October 6, 2020 at 10:08 pm

Soros is getting his money’s worth. Resist and get punished later, don’t resist and get punished immediately. “Living while White” is the new risk.

Nightmare continues after BLM crowd returns to McCloskey’s home; couple waits with armed security  . . . "Residents of Westmoreland Place released a letter this week condemning the “horrific event” and the actions of their neighbors, the McCloskeys.

“Some of us choose to speak up following the horrific event that transpired on Sunday evening near our homes. As the undersigned, we condemn the behavior of anyone who uses threats of violence, especially through the brandishing of firearms, to disrupt peaceful protest, whether it be in this neighborhood or anywhere in the United States,” the letter stated.

“As residents of Westmoreland Place,” the letter added, “we seek positive action and constructive dialogue that builds and maintains a civil and good society.”

'McCloskey shredded CNN’s Chris Cuomo for pushing “an entirely false concept” during an interview this week as the liberal media pushed the narrative demonizing the couple for protecting their home.

“ 'A guy stands in front of me, pulls out two loaded pistol magazines, snaps them in front of my face and says, ‘You’re next.’ If you were there, Chris, I think you’d feel like you had a right to defend yourself, as well,” he said." . . .