Thursday, October 8, 2020

Amidst Historic Ratings Plunge, NBA Commissioner Says League Likely To Pull 'Black Lives Matter' Messaging Next Year

Zero Hedge  

"It's amazing how when ratings plunge and ad revenue starts to dry up, moral crusades go right back out the window...

"Such is the case for the NBA, which has spent the better part of its shortened season on a political crusade on behalf of Black Lives Matter, leading to a sharp plunge in ratings that we have documented here on Zero Hedge.

"NBA Commissioner Adam Silver appeared to confirm early this week that Black Lives Matter messaging will be pulled from the court and from players jerseys next year. According to The Blaze, Silver alluded to the messaging being removed despite the league being "completely committed to standing for social justice and racial equality." 

"He said implementing the change is "something we're gonna have to sit down with the players and discuss."

"He told Rachel Nichols of ESPN: "I would say, in terms of the messages you see on the court and our jerseys, this was an extraordinary moment in time when we began these discussions with the players and what we all lived through this summer. My sense is there'll be somewhat a return to normalcy — that those messages will largely be left to be delivered off the floor.' " . . .

Let's hope this will go into the same dumpster as kneeling before BLM.

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