Friday, January 22, 2021

Moment Joe and Jill Biden were left awkwardly standing in the cold outside White House on Inauguration Day when doors to their new residence didn't open because chief usher had been FIRED five hours earlier

 UK Daily Mail "President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill were momentarily left standing in the cold on Inauguration Day after the front doors of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue weren't opened for them – a breach of protocol caused by the firing of the chief usher of the White House hours earlier.

"With the world watching on, the 46th US President and his wife walked up the steps of their new home for the first time on Wednesday, as a small crowd of family members followed behind.

"The couple posed for photos outside the large wooden doors of the North Portico, waiving to the crowd as a military band played ‘Hail to the Chief’ nearby.

"They then embraced one another, before turning to venture on inside. But there was a problem: the doors didn’t open." . . .

Bureaucrats Gone Wild, Season Two

American Spectator

Like his old boss, Joe Biden will weaponize America’s bureaucracies.

 Biden’s victory hardly means that voters want a rerun of the failed policies of the Obama years.

"Over the next few years, Democrats will try and impose some of their worst policies through regulation. Let’s revisit a few episodes of Bureaucrats Gone Wild, a Barack Obama production, to get a sense of what Biden’s reboot of Obama-era policies will look like.

"Episode one: The National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) effort to reorganize the U.S. economy in its 2015 Browning-Ferris Industries decision.

"Under the rule announced by the Board’s Democrats, if Business A by any means indirectly controls any of the terms or conditions of work done by employees of Business B, then A may be deemed a “joint employer” of B’s employees.

"Sayonara to subcontracting, outsourcing, and other third-party intermediate business arrangements, which liberal liturgy, as expressed in books like David Weil’s The Fissured Workplace, condemns as evil capitalist schemes allowing large firms to offload their responsibilities to workers.

"Browning-Ferris was also about Big Macs: Richard Griffin, the agency’s top lawyer, needed a new weapon in his war on McDonald’s — a joint project with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), whose Fight for $15 unionizing drive portrayed fast food workers as slave laborers." . . .

Do not assume laws from government are made by wise, informed legislators. Just know they are made to satisfy the narrow interests of leftist factions. TD

On Day One, Biden Destroys Women’s Sports With Anti-Science Executive Order

. . . "Biden reduced womanhood to nothing more than a feeling inside a man’s head."

 The Federalist

"President Joe Biden issued an executive order on his first day in office, mandating that any schools that receive federal funding must function as if biological males who claim to be females are the same, and vice versa, or risk losing that funding. This pro-transgender policy extends to male athletes who claim their gender identity as a female should allow them to compete on women’s teams, receive women’s scholarships, and be admitted in women’s locker rooms.

“ 'Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports,” the executive order reads, promising that the Biden administration is committed to “prevent and combat discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.”

"Biden previously promised to pioneer a radical transgender agenda, telling the mother of an 8-year-old, gender-confused child at a town hall that he would “flat-out change the law” and eliminate former President Donald Trump’s executive orders concerning sex and gender identity. His pledge received support and encouragement from now-Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“ 'Joe Biden said that on his first day of office, he will give transgender students access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity in all federally funded schools. Do you think he has the ability to do this, and do you agree with his decision?” a reporter asked Schumer.

“ 'I agree with the decision, and I know he’ll check things out thoroughly, legally,” Schumer said." . . .

Twitter -if one can take it seriously - Fumes Over New Executive Order With #BidenErasedWomen

“On day one, Biden reduced womanhood to nothing more than a feeling inside a man’s head, an insulting set of stereotypes, undeserving of female-only spaces and fair, safe sports categories. American women have absolutely nothing to celebrate today,” one user wrote.

‘Transhood’ Documentary Shows Parents Brainwashing 4-Year-Olds Into Transgenderism  "A new HBO documentary, titled “Transhood,” is pushing the limits of what America understands as the transgender rights movement. Following four so-called transgender children, aged 4, 7, 12, and 15, the documentary’s description says it demonstrates “how the kids are challenged and transformed as they experience the complexity of their identities.” While through the lens of leftist LGBT advocacy this might sound empowering, from a rational point of view, it is far from a positive development." . . .

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Harvard Students Launch Petition to Revoke Degrees of Trump Supporters in Government

 Legal Insurrection  “Harvard must revoke the degrees of alumni whose incendiary language and subversion of democratic processes–rooted in a history of white supremacist voter suppression–incited the violent insurrection on January 6.”

"Lehigh University has already revoked an honorary degree from Trump, and Middlebury Collegeis considering doing the same to Rudy Giuliani.

"What is now happening at Harvard is not about honorary degrees.

"Students and alumni are demanding that the school revoke earned degrees of people who worked in the Trump administration, and even people in other government positions who support him, such as Senator Ted Cruz.

"Michael W. Chapman reports at CNS News:

Harvard Campaign Seeks to ‘Revoke Degrees’ of Trump Officials and Trump Allies

Graduate students and alumni of the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) have launched a campaign and petition to revoke the degrees earned by Harvard alumni who worked in the Trump administration and Harvard grads in Congress who support the president.

“Harvard must revoke the degrees of alumni whose incendiary language and subversion of democratic processes — rooted in a history of white supremacist voter suppression — incited the violent insurrection on January 6,” reads the petition, which is headlined “Revoke Their Degrees.”

"Here’s an excerpt from the petition:

The campaign to subvert the outcome of the 2020 presidential election left five dead and nearly killed many more as armed, organized insurrectionists with Confederate flags and Nazi paraphernalia stormed the Capitol in search of members of Congress to kill or capture. Nationwide violence is expected in the weeks to come.

Is Harvard University prepared to take a stand for representative democracy and against violent white supremacy? . . .

. . . The fugitive cop-killer Assata Shakur is routinely celebrated by leftists on college campuses in the United States. The anti-Israel terrorist Rasmea Odeh was often invited to speak at American colleges until she was deported.America will not be lectured about Ted Cruz being a supporter of terrorism by students who attend a school that awarded a degree to Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber. I don’t recall seeing a petition demanding the revocation of his degree.

President Biden Signs Executive Order Prioritizing 'Gender Identity' Over Biology


"President Biden signed a host of executive orders on Wednesday, including one that takes aim at gender and sex-based discrimination. The newly-minted president said that his administration hopes to ensure that Americans receive “equal treatment under the law” without gender or sexual orientation as a factor. 

"The order goes hand-in-hand with a Supreme Court ruling from June of 2020 in Bostock v. Clayton County, in which the the high court held that workplace discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 

“All persons should receive equal treatment under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation,” Biden wrote on Wednesday. “These principles are reflected in the Constitution, which promises equal protection of the laws.  These principles are also enshrined in our Nation’s anti-discrimination laws, among them Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.).  In Bostock v. Clayton County, 590 U.S. ___ (2020), the Supreme Court held that Title VII’s prohibition on discrimination ‘because of . . . sex’ covers discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.”

"The president’s order would allow subjective gender identity to take priority in schools, and the administration said that children should not be concerned about “being denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.” In turn, the order would allow biological males to compete with biological females, for the sake of gender identity." . . .

Biden’s inaugural speech: Banal, slurred, and slightly vicious

Andrea Widberg  "Although Chris Wallace of Fox News declared that Biden's inaugural speech was "the best inaugural address I ever heard" in 60 years, I have to admit to being less charmed.  His slurred delivery, banal repetition, and vicious edge just didn't work for me.  What can I say?  I wasn't his target audience.

"First, lest you doubt me, Chris Wallace really did go all fan girl on Biden.  Mind you, we all saw this coming when he moderated the first debate.  Wallace doesn't like Trump, and, in the last year, he stopped trying to hide it:" . . .

. . . "I have to admit, though, that it would be out of character for Biden, who has been distinguished for his nastiness since entering Congress almost 50 years ago, as well as being out of character for the people with whom he surrounds himself.  And of course, it would be out of character for everything the Democrats have been saying and threatening for weeks"

Not true: National Guard troops gave their response to Democrat insults

Via Snopes: This video does not show members of the National Guard intentionally turning their backs on Biden’s motorcade.

This video does not show members of the National Guard intentionally turning their backs on Biden’s motorcade.. . . 

Andrea Widburg  "Democrats are ambivalent about the military, something clear from their approach to the inauguration. The Democrats summoned 26,000 National Guard troops to D.C., purportedly to protect Joe Biden from rioters. They then accused those same troops of being potentially dangerous White supremacists. Many of the troops responded, not by being dangerous, because they’re patriotic, constitutionally guided Americans, but by apparently turning their backs on Joe Biden.". . . 

. . ."It turns out that Leftists also like the military, not as a force against America’s foreign enemies, but as a force against Americans. That’s why the Democrats, working with their allies in the Pentagon, placed 26,000 National Guard troops in D.C. as part of Biden’s decidedly weird inauguration. Instead of crowds of excited Americans, Biden would take the oath of office behind massive fences, surrounded by ph[a]lanxes of National Guard troops." . . .
The FBI – another Democrat institution – therefore investigated the National Guard troops for ideological purity. It’s reasonable to believe that those who passed the test were nevertheless offended that their loyalty to American norms was being questioned. Many of them revealed that sentiment by turning their backs on the Biden motorcade, in much the same way that the New York Police Department earlier turned their backs on New York's cop-hating mayor, Bill de Blasio: . . .

Dan Tige posted:

There were three possible reasons:
1. None of the troops respected the office of the President.
2. The troops were afraid that if they looked at Biden, they would turn to stone.
3. They were told to look outward because that’s where any potential threat might originate.

I’m guessing number three.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

First Duty of the Press: Make It About Race

Information Dominance
Information dominance does not make things true - it just means you can get away with the lies. Patriot Retort

Ann Coulter  . . . "Even after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, the media felt the need to pile up the false accusations.

"Their first order of business was to turn it into a story about race.

"The Trump riot has as little to do with race as any story in 21st-century America. COVID, immigration, tax cuts, the stimulus — I could come up with a racial angle for any of those.

"Your assignment: Make the siege at the Capitol a story primarily about race relations.

"You, a normal person, one week later: I’m stumped.

"But to our media, the main point to be made about the riot was: Can you imagine what would have happened if black people had done that?

"An unarmed Trump supporter crawling through a window at the Capitol was shot dead. Please name the black protester killed by the police throughout 2020’s incessant BLM riots, lootings and arsons. He’d already be on a postage stamp.

"During the 2015 BLM riots in Baltimore after a heroin dealer, Freddie Gray, died in the back of a police van, the mayor announced that she was giving “those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

"If you look at a mob storming the Capitol to protest Biden’s certification as president and immediately think, This is a story about black people!, you’ve got racism on the brain." . . .

Wow, Politico Is No Longer Covering Up Biden's Cognitive Decline

 PJ Media

Biden’s sole purpose was to play the role of an “electable” candidate who could appeal to independents and anti-Trump Republicans under the ruse of being a centrist just to get Trump out of office. For all intents and purposes, Biden’s job is complete, and a San Francisco liberal is now waiting in the wings to take his place at the appropriate time.

"On the eve of his inauguration, Politico published an article that contains an anecdote that is actually quite disturbing.

For higher-profile remarks, [Biden would] obsessively rehearse portions until he committed them to memory. And at times through the various iterations of outlining remarks, Biden could grow downright ornery.

“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”

The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.


"There are many troubling things about this story. Biden forgetting part of a stump speech is bad enough, but this is an incident that took place last year, but has only come out now. Biden’s handlers kept it under wraps until now. How many other examples of Biden’s cognitive decline from the 2020 campaign have been covered up? If it was leaked to the media earlier, they didn’t report on it then. The obvious question is “why not?”

"Obviously, Politico got the memo. The election is over. Trump is out of office. Biden’s cognitive decline is no longer taboo. It can be discussed ad nauseam by the media now because getting Biden into office wasn’t the primary objective of getting him elected." .  .  .

[WATCH] Joe Biden Glitches Again Mid-Sentence
Yikes! Can You Translate Biden’s Latest Gibberish?
Joe Biden’s Gibberish on How He’ll Approach China Is Both Hilarious and Scary
WATCH: Biden Literally Forgets Trump’s Name When Answering a Question About Cognitive Ability

Must-Read Thread Provides Timely Advice for the Media: 'Stop. Editorializing. The. News.'

 Sister Toldjah

"No, liberal media bias isn’t a new thing, and sneaking editorializing into supposedly unbiased reporting isn’t a new thing, either. But over the last four years, both have simply gotten way out of control in mainstream media newsrooms. Unfortunately, journalists, news anchors, and other supposedly “neutral” media figures are showing little to no interest whatsoever in changing course and getting back to the basics of reporting the news free from political spin while allowing the readers/viewers to formulate their own opinions.

"While there’s plenty of blame to go around on the issue of the coarsening of the public discourse, it is inarguable that left-wing agenda-driven news media outlets (and there are a ton of them) have greatly contributed to it – not just in their newsrooms, but also on the web, in particular on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. I have long argued that such platforms have escalated the decline of traditional, trusted, “shoe leather” journalism if for no other reason than that of the lure of RTs, likes, and favorable comments – and the desire to be accepted and loved by the DC Cocktail Circuit – overtakes all logic and reason.

"Simply put, the desire for “Twitter fame” and to be seen as a “woke journo” among some in the media has, more often than not, taken the place of the need to report things honestly and objectively while letting the chips fall where they may and not worrying which side you might have upset. Just in the daily White House press briefings alone, we saw performance journalists like CNN’s Jim Acosta and PBS NewsHour reporter Yamiche Alcindor constantly editorialize in their questioning as well as in how they framed their exchanges on Twitter.

"Earlier today, I came across a thread on this very topic from the late Herman Cain’s 2012 presidential campaign comms director Ellen Carmichael. Ms. Carmichael, who is now the president of a political comms firm, talked about how often it is now that unsubstantiated claims get passed off as fact in the media without any of the normal qualifiers they apply when it’s a Republican making them.

"Rarely do you see “without evidence” attached to sensational Democrat allegations, nor do you see the typical heavy degree of skepticism applied to claims made by Democrats in the same way you see it frequently applied to Republican claims." . . .

Here is typical CNN interviewing a candidate they like:  CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?"

13 Hard-Hitting Questions Liberal Reporters Asked Obama  "Liberal reporters are outraged that conservative media outlets are receiving a significant share of questions at White House press conferences.

"Only liberal reporters, the line of reasoning goes, are capable of asking the tough questions needed to hold those in power accountable. Here are a sample of questions asked of former President Obama by liberal news outlets." . . .

Politico puff piece backfired bigly

..."Translation: They are trying to make coherent the ramblings of the dumbest man in Washington. I do not envy the task of the corporate press. They must make the dumbest and most corrupt president look like a Lincoln."...

 Don Surber "The White House press has gone from rabid dog back to lapdog as President Donald John Trump departs. The puff pieces actually make for good entertainment because of the absurdity of trying to deify Joe Biden.

"Politico sent Natasha Korecki to write about the writing of Chairman Xiden's big speech today, a speech that Senator Chris Coons* hailed as the "most important inaugural speech since Lincoln."

"Never mind that the speech had yet to be written.

"Never mind that FDR had to pull a nation together amid a deep depression.

"Never mind that the same press hailed Obama's first inaugural speech as the greatest ever.

"Never mind that Lincoln's first inauguration speech led to a civil war, and his second led to his assassination.

"Fact check: This is the most important presidential inauguration in 4 years.

"The story began, "Joe Biden paces as he dictates long portions of his speeches to aides, spinning out thoughts that quickly pile into six, seven or eight paragraphs of copy, only to later be scrapped."

"So Xiden dictates a lengthy speech only to have his staff ditch it later when they write the actual speech.

"It is like they are working for Grandpa Abe Simpson." . . .

* Uncle Joe really, really liked Coon's daughter:

Surber also posted this:  Our constitutional Republic formally ends at noon Eastern, just shy of its 232nd anniversary on March 4

. . . "ITEM 2: People are banned from the National Mall as Democrats turn it into a warehouse of flags for the installation of Chairman Xiden as the head of state.
"As Terrence K. Williams tweeted, we have 25,000 National Guardsmen protecting 100,000 flags.
"As a reader tweeted, "Thousands of flags, inside a barbed wire pen. A metaphor for what’s coming?"
"As a reader emailed, "How appropriate. They were made in China."
"Democrats fear the people. That tells you all you need to know about the validity of the last election." . . .

Much to the media's surprise, rioters, relatives, and Trump himself got no Trump pardons

Monica Showalter  . . . "While the press was left empty with no Trump self-pardon, for those who get them, it's a huge relief. Trump may have been kind of stingy with pardons, but he did extend another act of clemency, sort of like a pardon, that was extremely generous and heartening:

This, from Politico:

President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced he will offer Venezuelan exiles protection from deportation, a move he has considered for years but refused to do until his last full day in office. . .

. . . "It was sort of like extending a hand to a friend - Venezuelan-Americans after all voted for Trump in Florida in droves, they're known as Magazolanos in those parts, and with many still bringing family members in to save them from starvation, they needed a helping hand on deportations. LIke the pardons, Trump was helping his friends. And it made sense. They were, after all, people who fled a socialist hellhole, so the protection extended is a standing rebuke to all those in Congress and the press, who tell us socialism is just dandy. Besides socialism, they also fled election fraud -- Venezuela has famously rigged elections. It's not as if they've been voting for this socialist mess as some [refugees] from other places have -- they've been voting and seeing their votes cancelled. That alone puts them in empathy with President Trump and the sentiment has been returned." . . .

This hope is dormant for now: Exiles support Trump on his visit to Doral in South Florida

Japanese Trump supporters rally in Tokyo ahead of Biden's inauguration  . . . Some Trump supporters in Japan are drawn to his hardline stance against regional rival China. Others like Kobayashi are part of conservative Christian sects and there are those who are supporters of QAnon, a conspiracy theory that posits that Trump is secretly fighting a global cabal of child sexual predators that includes prominent Democrats, Hollywood elites and allies of " deep state ".

"Tokyo has seen several pro-Trump rallies since the election, with participants waving their campaign banners and wearing their distinctive red caps. Wednesday's march was smaller than some previous events." . . .