Thursday, September 2, 2021

Watching America – Discover What the World Thinks of U.S.


Watching America

Biden’s presentation was a gross distortion of the facts. The U.S. suffered no losses over the past 18 months. The choice was between more of that and squandering everything U.S. forces in Afghanistan accomplished over the past twenty years.   Caroline Glick;Israel

Biden told Afghan president to lie about strength before Taliban takeover | World Israel News

Joe Biden's Catastrophic Judgment - (Israel)  ..."In the last two years of the Trump administration, Trump reduced the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan from 15,000 to 2,500, without inducing panic or emboldening the Taliban. He quietly evacuated U.S. civilians again without inducing panic or demoralization.

"Biden in contrast, removed the military forces without giving the Afghan government or military a heads-up, demoralizing them. He and his advisors repeatedly said that there was no reason to fear a Taliban takeover, so at-risk civilians had little sense of the urgency of the situation or the need to leave the country as quickly as possible.

"In a conversation with Israel Hayom, a former senior Trump administration official noted as well that unlike Biden, Trump was willing to listen to argument, and change his positions to align them with the situation on the ground when necessary."...

Phyllis Chesler (  ..."It’s Biden’s war now. He has shamed and dishonored our country in a breathtaking way. He brought it on himself, on our NATO allies, and on all the Afghans who came to believe in Western post-Enlightenment values. Biden shut the airports down and left military equipment behind before the very last soldier, the very last Afghan ally, dissident, gay, feminist were safely—very safely out.  Biden (his character, his flaws, his stubbornness), his administration, and whoever is pulling their strings are to blame."...

Brazil;Joe Biden’s Massive Mistake in Afghanistan..."Why was the enormity of the events in Afghanistan produced by so many serial errors? Ryan Crocker, ambassador to Afghanistan under the Obama administration, in which Biden served as vice president, wrote, “There is one overarching answer: our lack of strategic patience at critical moments, including from President Biden. It has damaged our alliances, emboldened our adversaries and increased the risk to our own security. It has also flouted 20 years of work and sacrifice.' ”

I’ve watched US policy pave the way for the terror attack in Kabul | The Independent  The US president has been determined to end involvement in Afghanistan quickly as possible, seemingly impervious to the consequences of that"

Afghanistan US retreat: Implications for Taiwan | The Manila Times   ..."Kurt Campbell, US coordinator for Asia-Pacific Affairs, made it clear in early July that the United States" does not support Taiwan's independence." This is the first time that the Biden administration has publicly expressed its position on the Taiwan independence issue. The United States keeps a distance from "Taiwan independence," and will not directly engage with China. It has also shown to its global allies that it will not return to its failed military interventionism. This is already the United States' national policy to shape its future from failure."

Four US mistakes lead to bankruptcies ( ..."The defeat in Afghanistan and passing the buck to the Afghan government dealt the reputation of the US government a double blow. All US media are criticising this troop withdrawal drama. It is believed that not only does it show the poor management of the Biden Administration, but it also shows that America will never build a functioning nation."...

Warning from Moscow: Lessons for Post-Soviet Eurasia from the Fall of Kabul  ..."Finally, neither the U.S. nor other Western powers are willing to engage in socioeconomic development, let alone social modernization, of friendly regimes."...

Biden told Afghan President they needed to 'change perception' of the Taliban's rapid advance | Daily Mail Online  

UK MPs criticise 'out of his depth' Joe Biden over Afghanistan withdrawal | Daily Mail Online

Mother of dead Marine calls Biden 'piece of crap' as president meets families of the 13 dead troops | Daily Mail Online ..."The mother of a Marine killed in the Kabul airport attack called President Joe Biden a 'dementia-riddent piece of crap' as the president meets with families of the 13 fallen service members on Sunday.  'My son was one of the Marines that died yesterday,' Kathy McCollum said in a radio interview on Friday of her 20-year-old late son Rylee.

" '[He was] getting ready to come home from freaking Jordan to be with his wife to watch the birth of his son,' McCollum said. 'And that feckless, dementia ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die.'

Biden Lies to Rabbis and Claims He Came “Out of the Civil Rights Movement” In Delaware During the 1960s

 The Gateway Pundit  "Joe Biden is legend in his own mind and routinely lies about his past accomplishments.  "Biden lies about everything from staring down a dangerous gangster named “Corn Pop” to “driving an 18-wheeler.” "Biden lied to rabbis on Thursday during a meeting with the religious leaders before the holiday season. "Joe Biden falsely claimed that he came “out of the civil rights movement” in Delaware during the 1960s.". . . 

Monica Lewinsky Voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election


"Though she has a much dissected (and soon-to-be televised) past with former President Bill ClintonMonica Lewinsky supported his wife, Hillary Clinton — when it came to the election, that is.

"According to a new profile of the 47-year-old Lewinsky in The New York Times, she voted for the former first lady and secretary of state in the 2016 presidential election.

"The piece, which details how Lewinsky retreated from and then carved out a new role in the spotlight, also quotes her reflecting on how her view had changed of the '90s Clinton affair and all that surrounded it.

" 'It just doesn't impact me the same way, you know?" Lewinsky told the Times when asked what sort of effect the couple has on her now. "They don't loom nearly as large as they did for two decades in my life."

"Lewinsky is making the media rounds ahead of the Sept. 7 premiere of Impeachment: American Crime Story on FX, for which she served as a producer.". . . 

Gloria Romero endorses Larry Elder in California recall -

  Washington Times  "Former California Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero has endorsed Republican recall candidate Larry Elder, making her the highest-profile Democrat to break ranks as Gov. Gavin Newsom’s political fate hangs in the balance.

“ 'Yes, I’m a Democrat,” Ms. Romero says in a 30-second video ad. “But the recall of Newsom is not about political parties. It’s about Newsom. Larry Elder for governor.”

"The ad released this week comes with polling showing Democratic voters less engaged than Republican voters in the Sept. 14 special election in a state where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 2 to 1."...

Greg Gutfeld Is Humiliating Liberal Late Night Hosts; A conservative counterculture is rising.

 Gutfeld’s triumph is deserved not because he’s more conservative than the other two, but because he’s much funnier. Colbert and Fallon used to be, before they became embarrassing Democratic shills. They don’t tell jokes, they tell wokes. They don’t earn laughter from the audience, they get clapter — a Pavlovian response signifying audience agreement with their political point.. . . 

The American Spectator  "Before this century, conservative artists like myself had labored under a false premise — that money ruled the entertainment business. We made the logical assumption that in LA and New York, currency supersedes ideology. Sure, the Industry leans left, we thought, but not into a money pit. It had to provide just enough red meat to whet traditionalist audience appetites. In this small and nebulous space, we believed we could work and perhaps make a modest living without compromising all of our principles. That was until the last decade of nonstop progressive film bombs and plummeting TV viewership only prompted Hollywoke to double down on intersectional insulation and anti-deplorable insults. The undeniable truth is they hate us more than they like profit.

“ 'I do request people who are not vaccinated, don’t go to the cinemas,” Sean Penn said recently while promoting his new picture, Flag Day. Penn’s statement fully reveals the fanaticism of the liberal entertainment cult. They are no longer producers and performers,

they’re prophets. And we heretics will either be absorbed or purged. What they fail to realize — because of the self-worshipping bubble they dwell in — is that there are many more normal thinkers than there are of them. And the choices are no longer to watch or not to watch liberal garbage. Unwoke players are finally giving them a third option — conservative entertainment — which scored big this week in the late night TV talk show competition.

"On Tuesday, Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld (Gutfeld!) got higher ratings than both one-note liberal hosts Stephen Colbert (The Late Show, CBS) and Jimmy Fallon (The Tonight Show, NBC). Gutfeld drew 2.1 million viewers to Colbert’s 1.9 million and Fallon’s 1.2 million. Even better, Gutfeld won in the coveted 25-54 age range with 434,000 viewers, beating out Colbert’s 423,000 and Fallon’s 354,000.

"What must CBS and NBC be feeling to have their mighty networks beaten by Fox News, the frequent butt of their attempts at humor, and a comic right-wing pundit with a staff maybe 20 times smaller than their own?". . . 

Joe Biden owns the Afghanistan debacle all to himself -

At this point, we only need to turn to the words of French avant-gardist Jean Cocteau, which I translate as, “No matter how many times you deal with it, stupidity is always astonishing.”

American Thinker  "Joe Biden addressed the nation on his extremely flawed and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan.  His comments came a day late and a dollar short once again, despite claiming that the buck stops with him."  His address on August 31 blamed everybody but himself for the utter failure of his withdrawal.

"Once again, he threw his military advisers under the bus, stating that they unanimously recommended closing Bagram Air Base over Kabul International for the evacuation.  Anyone with an ounce of strategic planning training knew that this was a bad choice.  Why would you withdraw and surrender a base with a 30-mile defensible perimeter and air support over one crammed into a tight urban setting surrounded by high ground, cover and concealment, and civilian shields?  You know that General Mark Milley and secretary of defense General Lloyd Austin did not as a first choice recommend to the president surrendering Bagram over Kabul.

"If you listen closely to Milley's statements, the decision to close Bagram was due not to 

Donkey Hotey
strategy, but to personnel constraints.  In other words, "President" Joe Biden disregarded their advice to collapse the embassy and move it to Bagram, where they could more easily defend personnel and civilians while completing the withdrawal.  Think about it: the personnel (troops) were already present at the airbase to defend it.  But instead, Joe Biden and his ego, in a rush to be the "president" who ended this conflict from the American perspective, ordered that the personnel at the airbase be removed first.". . . 

Who Shall Rescue Us from Joe Biden? - American Thinker  "With placeholder president-in-name-only Joe Biden’s horrifying, juvenescent, and callow surrender of Afghanistan, the Dems’ and Never-Trumpers’ grand succession plan après Donald Trump has now utterly collapsed.

"President Joe Biden is officially a disgrace to the office, the nation, and its citizens.  Ruined by his native low IQ arrogance, malicious incompetence, and aging mental health infirmities, and shunned by our allies, Joe Biden has no standing.". . . 

The tumult of the Biden Afghanistan retreat has overshadowed his rudderless foreign policy, where flying the “pride flag” and being woke are considered important policy decisions.

We need to rub Democrats’ noses in the fact that they are responsible for the horrors in Afghanistan, as well as the decay in the U.S.

Guns for the Taliban but not for citizens


Guns for the Taliban but not for citizens - American Thinker

..."It is beyond doubt that the Taliban and their nefarious allies will use their newly-acquired sophisticated U.S. weaponry for violence and destruction.  Their targets are likely to be dissenters in their own country, their neighbor India, and perhaps even the U.S. and its allies. "Interestingly the Taliban and Biden are on the same page on gun control and even exhibit an identical level of hypocrisy.  After seizing power, the gun-wielding Taliban personnel went from door to door, confiscating weapons from civilians.  The Taliban are doing exactly what the Democrats fantasize about"...

Joe Biden owns the Afghanistan debacle all to himself - American Thinker  "Joe Biden addressed the nation on his extremely flawed and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan.  His comments came a day late and a dollar short once again, despite claiming that the buck stops with him."  His address on August 31 blamed everybody but himself for the utter failure of his withdrawal.". . . 

. . . "If you listen closely to Milley's statements, the decision to close Bagram was due not to strategy, but to personnel constraints.  In other words, "President" Joe Biden disregarded their advice to collapse the embassy and move it to Bagram, where they could more easily defend personnel and civilians while completing the withdrawal.  Think about it: the personnel (troops) were already present at the airbase to defend it.  But instead, Joe Biden and his ego, in a rush to be the "president" who ended this conflict from the American perspective, ordered that the personnel at the airbase be removed first.". . . 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

'This Is Extremely Difficult for Me to Say': McCain Shares Her Thoughts about Biden After Afghanistan Speech

 McCain said she didn’t believe Americans and military would be able to tolerate several more years under the Biden administration.  

Political Cartoons (

Townhall  After President Biden addressed the nation on Tuesday, claiming the Afghanistan disaster was actually an "extraordinary success," Meghan McCain said she barely recognized the man she once thought she knew.

“This is extremely difficult for me to say: I once thought I truly knew Joe Biden and he helped me through pain and grief, for which I am grateful,” she told her 750,000 Twitter followers. “This man on tv giving this speech, I do not recognize this man. God help our country. God help the Americans we have abandoned.”

"She also expressed shock at the commander in chief’s claim that the Afghanistan withdrawal went as well as it could have gone. 

“ '13 American soldiers are dead - most of them between the ages of 20-23 because they were put in harms way chaotically in the line of fire of a suicide bomber,” she said. “Disappointed and disgusted President Biden says ‘this couldn't have been done in a more orderly manner.’”...

Taliban commit 'house-to-house executions' in Kabul after US exit as chilling audio demonstrates Afghans' fear

  Fox News  "Horrifying audio of distant gunshots appears to confirm reports of "house-to-house executions" as the Taliban asserts control of Kabul and Afghanistan after the U.S. military's departure on Monday evening.

 "An Afghan man who worked with Americans on the ground provided Fox News with the chilling audio featuring distant gunshots.

 "I think there's a conflict between the Taliban, I have no idea where I'm located. From everywhere I hear the sounds of shooting, gunfire. I have no idea how to leave," the Afghan man said in the audio clip, recorded around the time the final U.S. plane left Kabul.

 "Distant gunshots rang in the background in the audio clip. 

"Taliban militants were carrying out "house-to-house executions in Kabul" after the U.S. departure, a senior U.S. source told Fox News Investigative journalist Lara Logan."

Florida restaurant owner posts sign asking Biden supporters to take their business elsewhere

 Auntie Maxine Waters would appreciate this, eh?

Yahoo  "Angie Ugarte, the owner of DeBary Diner, posted the sign that criticizes the way Biden handled evacuations in Afghanistan, where a blast last week killed 13 U.S. service members.

“If you voted for and continue to support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the White House that is complicit in the death of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, please take your business elsewhere," the sign says. "God bless America and God bless our soldiers."

“ 'It was the only thing I felt like I could do,” Ugarte said, according to FOX 35 News. “I was just angry. I was just let down. I felt like one of those mothers, or wives, or sisters who were gonna get that knock on the door.' ”. . . 

Naturally Biden democrats rallied around him with a rash of negative reviews !  

If Democrats dislike your politics, they will drive you out of business and into poverty.  Even Tripadvisor had tointervene to protect their integrity:

Message from Tripadvisor: Due to a recent event that has attracted media attention and has caused an influx of review submissions that do not describe a first-hand experience, we have temporarily suspended publishing new reviews for this listing. If you’ve had a firsthand experience at this property, please check back soon - we’re looking forward to receiving your review!

Diner DeBary | Cuban Sandwiches | Debary Diner  Be sure to visit before Democrats try to assault it. 

If this sounds demagogic and slanderous, remember when Democrats are mentioned, I refer you to those led by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, everyone on the right side of the Judiciary Committee, Chuck Schumerglower; AOC and her squad, Maxine waters and all those glowering at President Trump during any address.TD



Unconditional Surrender, wouldn't you say?


Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: Taliban Celebrates “Victory”, Holds Mock Funerals for U.S. and NATO Troops

“Taliban leaders paraded at Kabul airport alongside troops decked out head to toe in western gear.”

"As the last U.S. soldiers boarded a C-130 transport plane at Kabul airport on Monday, Taliban fighters rushed to the tarmac and declared victory nearly 20 years after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

"News reports said that Taliban gunmen screamed “Allahu akbar” and fired shots into the air as the last U.S. planes left the airport. Taliban and its supporters took to the streets of Kabul to celebrate a humiliating military withdrawal and airlift overseen by U.S. President Joe Biden.

The Taliban mocked U.S. and allied troops by parading fake coffins covered in their flags. “Fake coffins draped with the British, American, French and NATO flags were paraded through the streets of Khost in Afghanistan today as the Taliban celebrated the end of western ‘occupation’,” The UK’s Daily Mail reported.

"The Wall Street Journal reported jihadi groups celebrations:

"Taliban fighters and their supporters rallied across Afghanistan to celebrate the end of 20 years of foreign military presence on Tuesday, pledging to implement strict Islamic rule as ordinary Afghans, many of them bewildered and scared, grappled with the uncertain future ahead. (…)

"Senior figures in the Islamist movement posed in front of a C-130 transport plane at the Kabul airport, the hub of a chaotic U.S.-led evacuation operation in recent days. Fighters took selfies in the cockpits of Afghan military helicopters that had been disabled and abandoned.

“ 'We hope that Afghanistan will not be invaded again, that it will be rebuilt, remain independent, and that a holy Islamic system will rule,” Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said, as uniformed fighters in modern combat gear knelt on the tarmac and chanted “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great.' ”... Build back better, right? 

Gold Star Parents Lash Out at Biden Following Meeting at Dover Air Force Base

American Greatness  "Joe Biden’s meeting with Gold Star families at Dover Air Force Base on Sunday did not go smoothly, according to multiple accounts. One mother said on social media that she told him to his face that he has blood on his hands. According to several family members, Biden angered grieving parents when he repeatedly invoked his own son, Beau, who died six years ago of cancer, while talking to them.

"Gold Star father Mark Schmitz told the Washington Post that he did not want to hear about Beau, he wanted to talk about his son Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, so he and his ex-wife took out a photo of their deceased son to show to Biden. “I said, ‘Don’t you ever forget that name. Don’t you ever forget that face. Don’t you ever forget the names of the other 12,’ ” Schmitz told the Post. “ ‘And take some time to learn their stories.’ ”

"Schmitz said that Biden “bristled” at that, and responded defensively: “I do know their stories.”

"On Fox News Monday night, Schmitz told host Sean Hannity that Biden “talked a bit more about his own son than he did my son and that didn’t sit well with me.”

"The sister of Marine Rylee McCollum, 20, meanwhile described Biden as “scripted and shallow” following the family’s meeting with him at the Dover memorial service.

"Roice McCollum said that during the two minute conversation, Biden brought up his son, Beau, in “total disregard to the loss of our Marine.”

"Wall Street Journal columnist William McGurn slammed Biden for attempting to use his deceased son to shield himself from criticism.". . . 

Facebook-Owned Instagram Disables, Restores Account of Mom of Fallen Marine in Kabul (   ..."On Monday, Shana said Instagram disabled her account:

It seems Instagram took it upon themselves to delete my account because i am assuming it was because i gained so many followers over my sons death due to Biden’s negligence, ignorance and him being a traitor! I’m gonna assume that Facebook is gonna delete me next! Funny how these leftist one sided pieces of crap don’t want the truth to come out! Keep in mind i only posted about my heart break over my son. Those of u who follow me on IG seen the post. My post was even shared on the news and now IG has disabled my account because of that post! Guess today I’ll accept those interviews from newsmax,fox,etc…Instagram you can not silence me!!! You deleted my account because my sons blood is on Biden’s hands!! 13 Heros blood is on Biden’s hands!!!! #instagra