...He just shook his head. After the decades of failures by the Deep State managing Afghanistan were exposed by President Joe Biden (D)'s horrific retreat, General Milley has become the failed, though still smirking, face of the Deep State.
American Thinker "When you're the author of a book titled The Deep State Revolution, and you live in a lovely little town located much too close to New York City, you constantly run into the judgmental politics of the left.
"When they will actually have a conversation — hardly a given with the woke — they say, if not with words, then with their expressions: "There is no Deep State."
"Not long ago, I would cite examples, but as neither The New York Times nor NPR nor CNN has not told those on the left about such things, their response was typically to dismiss me.
"Now all I have to say is "General Mark Milley."
"Suddenly, they mentally step back and have to consider the obvious truth before them. After all, can there be any reasonable explanation for the fact that General Milley called a Chinese general — Gen. Li Zuocheng — to inform him, in October 2020, that if an attack was coming from the United States, General Milley would call the Chinese military first to warn them?
"Clearly, this is a Deep State actor moving behind the scenes to get his way — even if his way means committing treason down the line. General Milley has thus become the personification of what conservatives mean when they say "Deep State": an arrogant, self-righteous, unelected, elitist official who thinks he can circumvent the American people's will via our elected representatives.". . .
General Milley Is Releasing A Revised Version Of 'The Art Of War' -- And We've Got Exclusive Excerpts | The Babylon Bee; Parody |
..."And here at The Babylon Bee, we're legit journalists, so we've got the exclusive scoop. Here are some excerpts from the upcoming revision of The Art of War:
"If you think you might attack an enemy, pick up the phone and give 'em a heads up. It's only fair."
"You have to be careful not to surprise your enemy. They really don't like it."
"Treason is not treason if it is the lesser of two treasons."
"Know thy pronouns, and know thy enemy's pronouns."
"The supreme art of war is to surrender to your enemy without fighting."
“All war is white rage.”
"If you surrender, you can never lose."
"If thy commanding officer sends mean tweets, thou need not follow orders or the chain of command." . . .