Friday, October 22, 2021

Rand Paul's Warning to Americans: ‘Be Afraid of Your Government'

 PJ Media

"In the wake of [Obama's choice for Supreme Court Justice] Attorney General Merrick Garland’s announcement that he plans to sic the FBI on concerned parents who speak out at school board meetings against critical race theory and COVID restrictions, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) blasted the Biden administration and said Americans should “be afraid of your government.”

“ 'Moms at school boards are being told that they’re criminals, potential domestic terrorists, for the crime of dissent, and I think criminalizing dissent is something that we should all be appalled with,” Paul told Fox News.

"Garland claimed that there has been a “disturbing trend” of teachers being threatened or harassed. PJ Media’s Megan Fox looked into these allegations and concluded they’re mostly bunk.

"When asked what he would tell Americans concerned that they’ll end up on some government list if they “say the wrong thing” at their local school board meeting, Paul didn’t mince words.

“ 'I would say be afraid. Be afraid of your government,” he responded. “That’s a sad thing from someone in the government to say, but the thing is, is those lists already exist.”

“ 'I think the problem is, it’s become so normalized to use government to search out and seek out your opponents,” Paul continued, before citing the abuse of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the Trump campaign as an example.". .

Brian Stelter Humiliated By Guest On His Own Show

 Red Voice Media  "Trying whatever they can to save viewers, CNN has stopped reporting on the news so much and has since become nothing more than a debate center for the liberal woke. Even when it comes to their debating, it is relatively relaxed given the list of topics they won’t and can’t talk about. 

"These include the Black Lives Matter riots, the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a Chinese lab, or the fact that President Biden might not have won the 2020 election fairly. And as Dave Chappelle is learning, don’t you dare attack the LGBTQ community." . . .

. . ."Knowing his bosses were probably already foaming at the mouths, Stelter tried to defend his company, but Weiss was way ahead of him on every front. Watch both Stelter and CNN get a lesson in telling the truth below." 

Kevin Jackson at The Blacksphere:   "In this interview, Stelter makes the cardinal mistake of asking a question to which he doesn’t know the answer. And when it comes to sane questions, Stelter doesn’t have a clue." 
"Thus, he asked this question, “So in what ways has the world gone mad?”. . . 

But Stelter must have been on drugs and didn’t feel pain from the shotgun pellets through the thrashing. Thus, he offered a follow-up question: “Who’s to blame?”  

"Round 2 of the onslaught commenced, as Weiss replied, “YOU!”  

“ 'People that work at networks like, frankly, like the one I’m speaking on right now, who try and claim that it was racist to investigate the lab leak theory,” Weiss shot back, adding later that CNN and the MSM’s actions were “disinformation by omission.”

"Real admiral, make-believe woman"; The madness of American culture

"Nevertheless, we're told that Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn, and that Richard Levine became Rachel.  If we point out the absurdity of either of those assertions and flat-out falsehoods, it's a fine, public shaming, and probably a trip to a re-education camp in the near future." 
Bookworm Room

Don Fisher, Jr.   "On Tuesday, the news item that caused the corporate media to swoon was that President Biden's choice for assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Richard "Rachel" Levine, was sworn in as the first "openly transgender four-star admiral."  Others insist the new admiral is a "female." Regardless of the qualifications for the job, which is largely a ceremonial position, we're told that this is HISTORIC! because Mr. Levine is a pretend woman.  I say "Mr. Levine" not because I'm mean or obstinate, but because that's still a biological fact.  Levine was born a man; decided that he wanted to become a woman; and, in 2011, says he "transitioned" to a different gender, defying many of the known laws of human biological science.

"When I read the news, I thought it must be some sort of a joke.  The obviously male Levine looked like a man pretending to be a woman, complete with long hair and lipstick.  RuPaul, in his full drag attire, looks more convincing as a woman.  Then I remembered who our president is and that the goals of his party are never about logic, qualifications, or science.  It's about promoting the perverse, delusional, and foolish.  In that case, they're winning.

"Notice how Levine is being referred to as the first "openly transgender four-star admiral" as if hordes of male military officers were secretly wearing dresses and lipstick as they trembled in closets until this glorious moment when they could cross-dress and publicly pretend they're something that neither God nor nature created.  Yes, making Levine a four-star admiral will change history, but for the wrong reasons when future generations read of our descent into madness and intellectual bankruptcy." . . .

. . ."For now, I'll continue to call "Rachel" Richard Levine because I'm sane and I understand that biology doesn't change just because someone wishes it to do so." . . . 

Babylon Bee: Arms Race Heats Up: Just As China Reveals Space Nukes, America Responds With Trans Admiral   

..."China, you've been warned," said Biden to a Chinese food delivery person he mistook for President Xi. "Our transgender admiral is fully armed and operational. If you cross us, we will unleash the full fire and fury of this deadly weapon upon you, make no mistake." 

"Military experts say that while a space nuke is somewhat impressive, it pales in comparison to the awesome power of diversity. "With Rachel Levine serving as admiral, nations around the world will bow before the terrifying might of our transgender empowerment," said General Milley. "We must pursue peace through strength. Strength of inclusivity."... 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

(An Honorable) Kennedy’s Examination Of This Biden Judicial Nominee Makes Us Sad

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) questioned a judicial nominee at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday;

Below: "Thomas can’t even cite the case law providing for them. A sane Senate Judiciary Committee would toss her with extreme prejudice from the pile of nominees. She’s clearly unqualified."

The Hayride: 'Is It Systemically Racist Or Not?': Kennedy Questions Judicial Nominee On LA County Superior Court   "VIDEO: Kennedy’s Examination Of This Biden Judicial Nominee Makes Us Sad"  

. . ."The questions she’s asked aren’t complicated. They’re simple. They’re the kind of questions any intelligent human being should be able to have a ready answer for.

"And Holly Thomas is thoroughly incapable of answering them.

"If you’re the Chinese Politburo member looking at America as a potential adversary, what does this do to/for your thinking about that future conflict? Would you be encouraged or discouraged from advocating hostile action toward a country where the Holly Thomases of the world are embedded in its leadership class?

"Holly Thomas has been a woke leftist advocate her entire career. But Kennedy asking her if the Los Angeles County Superior Court is systemically racist short-circuits her completely. If she says it isn’t, despite the fact that court routinely hands out jail sentences disproportionately to black and Hispanic defendants (because black and Hispanic people in Los Angeles County make up a grossly disproportionate share of the criminals there), then she puts herself in jeopardy of being seen as a traitor to the leftist cause. What’s more, such an answer will do damage to further efforts at making a more woke judiciary in L.A. County, efforts about which she’s clearly enthusiastic." . . .

You Are Passionately Committed To A Particular Vision of Law': Cruz Grills Biden Judicial Nominee

UPDATED: If you think "Lets go Brandon" was a mistake, remember this was NBC, home of Joy Reid, Ali Velshi, Nicolle Wallace, to name a few.


NBC Reporter Stays Silent as World Mocks Obvious Coverup of ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ Chant  If you believe she "mistook" that chant, perhaps, as Senator Kennedy once said, "you probably think that stripper really liked you". Remember this was NBC; the channel employing Joy ("She was Air Force, trained to kill!") Reid, Ali Velshi and so many more.

How 'Let's go Brandon' became an anti-Biden conservative heckle
..."The perceived media filter has also been a key component for the popularity of the Brandon meme. Some conservatives view Ms Stavast's attribution of the Biden chant as yet another example of the media covering up for and protecting Biden by downplaying what they view as the depth of the president's unpopularity."...

Wallace and her peers
UPDATE:MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace suffers ratings implosion  . . ."It was only a matter of time before lousy ratings caught up to cable news’ patron saint of mediocrity. Wallace’s particularly bland and ignorant brand of analysis and unrelenting cheerleading for the Democratic Party may have served its purpose when the Republican Party held the White House and the U.S. Senate, but now? Who needs analysis from a know-nothing, washed-up GOP operative? Very few people, apparently.

"The collapse couldn’t have happened to a more deserving anchor. She tied her success directly to Trump, and now she is living with the consequences of having centered her program entirely around opposing the former president. And make no mistake, few on cable television opposed Trump in a more laughable, ludicrous, and audacious manner than Wallace.". . . 

Superman colorist quits over comic's embrace of wokness: 'Tired of this s***'

Fox News  "A colorist involved in creating the Superman comic says he is quitting his position in response to the "wokeness" that has permeated the franchise.  

 " 'I’m finishing out my contract with DC. I’m tired of this s***, I’m tired of them ruining these characters; they don’t have a right to do this," Superman: Son of Kal-El colorist Gabe Eltaeb said during a recent podcast, according to Bounding Into Comics.

" 'What really pissed me off was saying truth, justice, and a better world," Eltaeb added. "F*** that it was Truth, Justice, and the American way," he said. "My Grandpa almost died in World War II; we don’t have a right to destroy s**t that people died for to give us. It’s a bunch of f****** nonsense."

"DC Comics, the longtime publisher of Superman comics, recently announced that Superman’s new slogan no longer states that the hero is fighting for "truth, justice, and the American way" but now stands for "truth, justice and a better tomorrow." . . .


Moderate Democrats all but extinct

 Michael Goodwin

"The Wall Street Journal wrote Tuesday that President Biden was making another attempt to salvage his stalled legislative agenda by meeting separately with progressive and moderate Democrats.  

"The next sentence was more telling: The moderates were Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.). The progressives were too numerous to mention.

"If you get the impression there are only two senators holding back the great flood of government waste known variously as “Build Back Better and the “human-infrastructure” package, you’ve got the whole story — as told by the Washington press corps.

"For my money, the much more interesting angle, and far more important to the future of America, is what’s going on with the other 48 Senate Dems. All apparently are on board with the most expensive piece of legislation in history and are happy to be called progressives. 

"The legislation in question was crafted by Sen. Bernie Sanders, and he says the current price of $3.5 trillion is “the minimum” and “already a compromise.” Much of the bill remains a secret and some parts are still being written. 

"Yet the 48 already have said yes. Talk about a blank check."...

If You Can’t Tell A Man From A Woman, You’re Not A Health Official, You’re A Health Threat

America and her culture surely are now the laughing stock of this planet and that has to include the tens of millions of the voters who choose this administration. We have seen already how little respect our main adversary, China, has for us. Even if our next President is a courageous, respected individual, the world knows the character of our media, culture and this electorate cannot be taken seriously. TD

 The Federalist

"The left became impossible to parody somewhere in between “believe all women” and peak trans. The guys at The Babylon Bee are going to have to quit soon, if not because they cannot get any more bizarre than the left then because it seems like the left is using their headlines as an instruction manual.

"Here is what I am reacting to, and it is not made up. It is real. 

"Not only did Joe Biden appoint a man who claims he’s a woman, and whose poor public health decisions led to thousands of unnecessary COVID deaths, as assistant secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Biden has now made that man a four-star admiral and proclaimed we should all cheer at his administration appointing the “first” “female” “four-star officer.” I repeat, this is not a joke.

"This official, Rachel Levine, has zero military experience. He’s as much a soldier as I am (although I am 100 percent more female than he is).

"Here is the U.S. “surgeon general” saying “her [sic] service will undoubtedly advance the
@usphscc [U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps] mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of our nation.' ” . . .  
 20, 2021 By 

Everything is a mess, but at least we have a transgender admiral  

. . ."I am delighted to read that the Biden administration is committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity.  Just remember that the next time you fill up your tank, go out to dinner, go shopping for groceries, or read about the border.

Still wonder why our adversaries around the world hold this nation in contempt? Read on:

State Department puts virtue-signaling ahead of diplomacy with 'International Pronouns Day' tweet   . . ."Knowing someone who uses these pronouns does not indicate acceptance.  People can think the practice is stupid or dysfunctional but still know people who use them.

"Perhaps the most useful paragraph is the one in which it explains the mystery of what are called the Alphabet people: LGBT...etc.:

(LGBTQI+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex people, with the "+" signifying all the gender identities and sexual orientations that are not specifically covered by the other initials.)

"Keep in mind that this is almost certain to be revised and expanded."...

Meanwhile Obama still uses "I, Me, Mine".

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Media Gone Wild (Over Trump!)

Ann Coulter

"If you really, really miss Donald Trump, MSNBC may just be for you! Biden is cratering, fuel prices are skyrocketing (hey, anybody seen Greta Thunberg?), hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are pouring across our border, and the murder rate keeps hitting historic highs. "But the establishment media can't stop talking about TRUMP.
"So for my friends in the media, here are a few thoughts on your Trump obsession.
Rep. Liz Cheney, daughter of Dr. Evil, has become an unlikely hero among the Can't-Get-Enough-Trump media -- because she can't stop talking about Trump either.
"Cheney says: . . ."
. . . 
"But thanks, media, for so debasing yourselves with idiotic lies over the past five years -- e.g., Russian collusion, the "Access Hollywood" tape, Trump's remarks on Charlottesville -- that I had to look up a basic fact question for myself because I simply couldn't trust you." . . .

Biden’s Health Official Sworn in as First-Ever Transgender Four-Star Admiral

 Neon Nettle

"Joe Biden's top health appointee was sworn in as the first transgender four-star admiral on Tuesday.

"Rachel Levine, who was born male but identifies as a woman, was sworn in on Tuesday as an admiral of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

"I'm doing this because of my dedication to service ... with the utmost respect and honor for the uniform that I will be wearing," Levine told the Washington Post.

“I stand on the shoulders of those LGBTQ+ individuals who came before me, both those known and unknown,” she said.". . . 

'Rachel Levine Is a 4-Star Admiral' Is Our 'Caligula's Horse Is a Senator' Moment "Legend holds that the deranged Roman dictator-emperor Caligula elevated his favorite horse, Incitatus, to the rank of senator. This historical tale has survived the ages to become a metaphor for abuse of authority. People generally assume that Caligula’s motive for this stunt was simple madness, but looking deeper, one finds a more sinister rationale: Caligula’s threat to elevate Incitatus to the rank of consul (an honorific usually granted to loyal senators) was at once a debasement of the office, a potent demoralizer of Roman patriots, and a flex of raw power.". . . 

"In an apparent attempt to compensate for being everything the radical left hates (an old white heterosexual male), Joe Biden has been a sucker for symbolic appointments and nominations. Before we knew who he’d pick as his running mate, we knew it would be a minority female. Since taking office, when various positions have been filled there has been an abundance of “the first _____ to serve as _____” in the accompanying press releases, fulfilling his pledge for a diverse administration for the sake of diversity.

"The Biden administration has taken this pledge to the extreme at times, such as his nominating of Rachel Levine to be assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services. Levine, who previously served as secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, was undoubtedly chosen solely because he is a man who thinks he’s a woman.". . . 

In-N-Out's Defiant Stand

Support In-N-Out!

Legal Insurrection

“It is unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe to force our restaurant associates to segregate customers into those who may be served and those who may not, whether based on the documentation they carry, or any other reason.”


“We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government,” In-N-Out’s Chief Legal and Business Officer Arnie Wensinger said in a statement. “It is unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe to force our restaurant associates to segregate customers into those who may be served and those who may not, whether based on the documentation they carry, or any other reason.”

"Think about it. It’s the only In-N-Out in San Francisco. Have you had In-N-Out? I think Whataburger is better, but In-N-Out burgers are delicious and addicting". .  . 

Thomas Lifson: In-N-Out Burger refuses to demand vaccine 'passports' in SF store, forced to close indoor dining   "The first prominent company to stand up to vaccination passport bullying is In-N-Out Burger, which should surprise no one familiar with the company's history and culture.  More on that below, but first, according to Amanda Bartlett of SFGate". . . 

. . . The quality of the food is miles ahead of the competition, and in the end, that's what matters.  I had one of their double-doubles for lunch yesterday and savored it all the more, knowing that this is a company standing up for my sovereignty over my own body and willing to stand up to bullies with their fake science."

In-N-Out Takes a Defiant Stand Against San Francisco's Draconian Vaccine Mandates

. . . "These vaccine mandates are part of California’s draconian effort to enforce vaccinations on the public, with major cities like San Francisco implementing what amount to the need for vaccine passports in order to use services within the city. The rules enforced on citizens don’t seem to apply to the rule-makers as it was revealed earlier this month that Newsom hasn’t vaccinated his daughter. This is the same Newsom that was caught dining in at the high-end restaurant “The French Laundry” after effectively locking down his state.

"In-N-Out’s decision to defy the vaccine mandates may come as no surprise to some who understand the company’s values. Despite being California-based, it is an openly Christian company with the owner, tattooed rocker Lynsi Snyder-Ellingson, not only promoting a Christian-based life to anyone who will listen but the company once angered Democrats after it donated $25,000 to the Trump campaign in 2018 according to SFGate.

"The discovery caused the leftist mob to become enraged and call for a boycott that didn’t get very far.". . . 

Travis Tritt: Vaccine Mandates Used to ‘Shame,’ ‘Discriminate Against People that They Don’t Feel Are Clean’

Breitbart  "Tuesday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” country music artist Travis Tritt elaborated on his refusal to perform venues that are imposing vaccine requirements for attendees.

"Tritt told host Tucker Carlson he had played 75 shows in 2021 and said that the term “super spreader” was not applicable to his events, given there had been no noticeable out-of-the-ordinary increase in COVID numbers after his concerts.

"He also called the mandates were divisive and used to “shame” and “discriminate.' ”. . .