Saturday, June 24, 2023

Riley Gaines calls out 'disingenuous' US soccer stars Megan Rapinoe, Alex Morgan for stance on trans athletes

 MSN   "Riley Gaines calls out 'disingenuous' US soccer stars Megan Rapinoe, Alex Morgan for stance on trans athletes

"Former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines made it clear how she feels about U.S. Women's National Team players Megan Rapinoe and Alex Morgan defending the inclusion of transgender athletes in women's sports. 

" 'It's disingenuous and it's virtue signaling. They want to be seen as kind. They want to be seen as inclusive, but they know in their hearts, every single person knows they wouldn't have had the opportunities and the success they had without the women's sport and category," Gaines told "Fox & Friends" Thursday. 

" 'Now they've achieved what they've achieved. They've accomplished what they wanted to accomplish, so they don't care," she continued. "They would rather give girls up, give away our opportunities to be seen as kind and inclusive when in reality this isn't inclusive, it's exclusive."


Friday, June 23, 2023

Hunter Biden's Lawyer Attacks the IRS Whistleblower, Paints Joe Biden Into a Corner –


(See: Hunter Biden Claims Joe Biden Was in the Room While He Threatened Chinese Official to Pay Up, DOJ Sunk the Investigation)

. . ."If you’ve seen Hunter Biden’s lawyer on television, you know what kind of person he is. I’ll leave it at that and stick to what is in that statement, and there’s a lot to critique.

"For example, the idea that the investigation was so long because it was just so thorough is laughable. Five years is an eternity for a case that ultimately ended up with two misdemeanors of not filing taxes (resulting in no jail time) and pre-trial diversion. We know that the DOJ had Hunter Biden dead to rights as far as FARA violations and false statements go. We also know there were numerous other crimes evidenced on the infamous laptop, including possible sex-trafficking charges and drug charges. Yet, none of that made it into the final plea deal.

"The far more reasonable explanation for the length of the inquiry isn’t thoroughness but purposeful, politically motivated delay. Further, the investigation absolutely cut corners. Search warrants weren’t served, lawyers were tipped off, and charges in two venues other than Delaware were blocked by DOJ officials.

Five Quick Things: The George Floyd–ization of Adam Schiff -

"You can’t fight your war of attrition on local police without having a fraudulent hero like George Floyd to push the public relations, and so you can’t pursue the political annihilation of Trump without having an Adam Schiff being martyred to the cause of Our Democracy."

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

You can’t pursue the political annihilation of Trump without having a Schiff martyred to the cause of Our Democracy.

Jason Seiler

"Boy, what a spectacle the House Democrats made on Wednesday, no? You had to know they’d behave badly in response to efforts at holding Adam Schiff, their designated hitter when it came to spreading the Trump–Russia myth, accountable for his lies, but this?

"You’d look at that cast of characters straight out of the Star Wars cantina scene, and you’d struggle to find any coherent thinking behind it. (READ MORE: With Schiff, House Democrats Declare Moral Bankruptcy)

"The thing is, though, there is some.

"1. They’re Not Wild Animals; They’re Zoo Animals — And There Is a Zookeeper

"The impression you get from seeing the current batch of House Democrats, now that they’re not led by the doddering octogenarians Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and James Clyburn, is that they’re a collection of wackos, radicals, perverts, and hooligans: an unruly mob disguised as a congressional caucus.

"And that’s a rational impression. You can’t ascribe strategic thinking to a group that has, for example, the purple-haired cat-lady Rosa DeLauro so prominently included.

"But the Democrats in the House seem to have galvanized around three principles that they’ve made the core of their existence in this Congress — and that they’re hoping to ride back to power in 2024.

"The first is that they fight together. It would have been pretty easy to throw Schiff overboard and then go on the offensive against all the Republicans with so much as a hangnail of ethics. You’ve seen how the Senate Democrats have launched an unprecedented assault on the Supreme Court, which is a thinly veiled attempt to delegitimize the court before it explodes the regulatory welfare that is Chevron deference and, in so doing, knock out a key pillar of Deep State governance. 

"But they’ve closed ranks around Schiff, even though he’s a colossal liability. Think about it — poll after poll shows that Americans have lost faith in the government’s ability to operate honorably and to not meddle in elections, and what Schiff did was weaponize the source of that distrust. He’s literally the face of the lying Deep State, and he’s a smarmy jackass no more likable than Peter Strzok at that. And it doesn’t matter. They won’t leave any of their wounded in the field." . . .

Navy knew of Titan's implosion on Sunday, but allowed wall-to-wall media coverage to overshadow bad news for Biden and the Democrats

 Thomas Lifson   . . ."Hunter Biden’s wrist-slap plea deal, the Pentagon’s “accounting error” that is sending billions more to Ukraine, John Durham’s congressional testimony, and yesterday’s IRS whistleblower testimony were all shoved aside form media space by obsessive coverage of the “drama” whose grim conclusion the Navy picked up last Sunday.

"The technology of the SOSUS system that the Navy used to listen for the Titan may be top secret, but the existence of the system isn’t. There is a long Wikipedia article on it, for example. So, protecting national defense secrets was no cause to suppress the finding.

"Hey, the media got a compelling cliffhanger of a story to draw readers and eyeballs, the Coast Guard the useful information, and the Biden regime got a lot of silence on stories it didn’t want publicized, at least until the real powers-that-be decided to let the public know and signal the Bidens to prepare for the end of their grifting."

The Balancing Act: Who hates America more? Russia, China or Joe Biden and Democrats?

He wants to take our guns yet he just gave the Taliban some $83 billion in military equipment, making the group the best armed force of its size in the world.  

 Placerville, CA; Mountain Democrat  . . ."Who’s orchestrating this “defiling” of America? Is it avowed leftist Sandy Cortez (AOC), who has advocated thrift store shopping to her audiences while she is ensconced in the latest designer outfits. Maybe it’s leftist, “I own three homes” Bernie Sanders. Or other members of the leftist Cortez squad? Maybe Rashid Tlaib, “good for thee but not for me,” the leftist squad member who wants mask mandates for everyone but herself (ditto for ex-bartender Cortez  — and I write that in no derogation of an otherwise honorable profession). Maybe it’s George Soros.

"There are people buried deep in the bureaucracy who crave power against American ideals and work to destroy this country through the use of now meaningless words like racist and racism. If you don’t agree with the left, you’re a racist. But if you’re a white person, that in and of itself makes you a racist. 

"Most ironic is that this country was founded on merit, self-reliance, independence and hard work. The mantra of the left is a person’s failure is founded on victimhood and racism. The left wants everyone to be government dependent — part of the collective. Hard work and merit mean very little, if anything. That’s the reason socialism and communism fail; they defy human nature."

America's decline has to be by design

. . ."The cumulative effect of nearly two years of Democratic control has fundamentally changed the United States, just as the Biden administration  hoped it would."

Washington Examiner   "November 07, 2022 "Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele ruffled a lot of feathers when he declared in a March Twitter post, “The most powerful country in the world is falling so fast, that it makes you rethink what are the real reasons. ... Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.”

"Fox News’s Tucker Carlson played a clip from a forthcoming interview with Bukele on Tuesday night in which he expands on his tweet. “The demise of the U.S. has to come from within. The enemies have to be inside,” he begins. “No external enemies can cause so much damage as internal operations.”

"Sadly, he is right.

“Cities that were pristinely beautiful 30 years ago are wastelands,” Bukele tells Carlson. He cites Los Angeles, San Francisco , Philadelphia, and Baltimore and says he would not live in them.

"He continues, “When you look at how the cities are eroding so fast, this has to be by design. Who would make so many stupid decisions? ... They’re literally giving people drugs in some U.S. cities. Or they say we’re going to give you money if you don’t work.”

“ 'They make all of these laws that make no sense. If you have high crime, [they say] ‘Okay, I have a solution. Let’s defund the police.’”

"He makes the obvious point that those who make these laws know very well what the consequences will be.

“ 'They can’t be so dumb,” he concludes. “Of course, they’re not. They’re smart. They’re very smart people. So, why are they doing these things? Because it’s by design. It has to be by design.' ”. . .

Tucker Carlson's 'Wannabe Dictator' satire master class the left desperately had to ignore -

What probably ground their gears was that Mr. Carlson was using a formerly favorite technique the left employs for "proving" that the Republicans, pro-freedom right, and later President Trump was fascist in some form.

  American Thinker   "The walls are closing in on the fascist far left's echo chamber; that's the reason they couldn't allow their outrage to show over Tucker Carlson's takedown of their dear leader.

"If you're one of the 30 million people who have viewed Ep. 4 of Tucker on Twitter, entitled Wannabe Dictator (or on RumbleYouTube, or Odysee), you were treated to a master class in the deadpan satire that is the hallmark of Mr. Carlson as he mocked the left while having a rollicking good time doing it. " . . .

. . ."It's even more hilarious when you consider that they had to ignore this serious affront to their dear leader because he turned one of their formerly favorite techniques against them.  He invoked facts they are desperate to keep out of their echo chamber.  Mr. Carlson predicted this in his video presentation.

"No one is ever allowed to invoke the facts of history when it comes to Hitler or the Nazis unless the far left does it — as in the case of "Godwin's Law," where they get all authoritarian in shutting down historical debate unless it's framed a certain way.  According to the nation's socialist left, it is verboten to compare them to the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party." . . .

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Hollywood just realized they committed “woke suicide” and there’s nothing they can do about it…

 Revolver News   "Hollywood is struggling big time in the age of wokeness. It’s a real challenge for them to juggle the intense pressure for diversity with the demand for captivating entertainment; as these two aspects don’t align. When Hollywood isn’t ruining old franchises like Indiana Jones with new, cringeworthy “girl power” remakes, they’re peddling LGBTQ+ flops that nobody wants to see." . . .

. . ."Many insiders are fuming over the quotas. Talk about stifling creativity, right? Movies will no longer be made to tell a captivating story. They’ll be made to meet diversity quotas. If you listen closely, you can actually hear the box office numbers dropping.

The New York Post:

Starting with the March 2024 awards, movies will not be considered for a Best Picture nomination unless they meet two out of four standards.

One of them is featuring a lead or significant supporting character from an “underrepresented racial or ethnic group,” have a main storyline that focuses on an underrepresented group, or at least 30% of the cast comes from two or more underrepresented groups (women, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ or the disabled).

A full outline of the standards can be found on the Academy site.

"Richard Hanania, the president of the CSPI center, wrote a fascinating blog post on this exact issue. He delved into the challenges that Hollywood is grappling with as they navigate this politically correct minefield of their own making.

Richard Hanania:

New stories need to avoid what are now seen as sexist tropes. Old ones, however, get grandfathered in. You don’t have to explain why The Lion King isn’t The Lion Queen. You can still make Spiderman movies, and you don’t have to justify why the lead is not a black lesbian. Or why a movie is called “X-Men” instead of “X-Persons.” There’s a subtle difference between the two titles. Think about what it means to say someone is a “good man” versus a “good person.” In the 1960s, you were free to choose either title, while today you would not only need new X-Men characters, but the name of the universe itself would have to pass a PC litmus test.

For the Love of English, Stop Changing Definitions -

 Intellectual Takeout

". . .Some of the greatest societies in history have crumbled not from losing wars but from cultural decay of its citizens."

. . ."It seems that the English language today, at least in America, is in the throes of taking the descriptivist position to the extreme. We are now seeing a concerted effort to overturn the traditional definitions of words and terms in order to push certain political and social agendas.

"The back-and-forth of whether we should say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” is almost always a subject of disagreement that appears in the news around the holiday season. Though Merry Christmas has been the traditional sentiment shared by those who celebrate the holiday that occurs on December 25, progressives have urged us to say “Happy Holidays,” as it apparently broadens the scope of the holiday and untethers it from the traditional celebration of Jesus’ birth.

"But this was just the beginning of what has now become an all-out war on language. There’s a phenomenon of outlawing—or otherwise censoring—language that may be offensive to some people. And instead of questioning that perhaps someone’s feelings about a word are incorrect, some believe that it is better to just change the definition of words.". . .

Deep-sea robot Victor 6000 rushed to site in Titanic race-against-time rescue

 Deep-sea robot Victor 6000 to be deployed in Titanic rescue mission (  "Rescue crews plumbing the depths of the Atlantic for the Titan submersible that was lost Sunday with five people aboard will get assistance from the Victor 6000 robot — a highly advanced, deep-sea craft and one of the few vessels on Earth capable of reaching the wreck.

"The Victor 6000 was rushed to the search site aboard French research vessel L’Atalante, and its remotely operated vehicle (ROV) was deployed early Thursday, around the time oxygen was expected to run out.

"A 10-foot-long, remote-controlled robot with a bright yellow back, the Victor 6000 has been described as a “flagship device for underwater operations,” by the French network BMTV, and is capable of reaching a depth of 6,000 meters (20,000 feet).

"With the Titanic lying 12,500 feet beneath the waves on the ocean floor, the craft should be more than capable of reaching it." . . .

"The Horizon Arctic’s ROV had reached the ocean’s floor early Thursday morning, the US Coast Guard announced.

"Victor 6000 is equipped with a robotic arm, which could be used for dislodging the lost Titan submersible if it is discovered trapped within the Titanic wreckage.

"It can also attach the cable from the Horizon Arctic to the vessel to help pull it to safety.

" 'Victor is not capable of lifting the submarine up on its own,” Olivier Lefort from the French state-run oceanic research institute Ifremer told Reuters." . . .

America Wake Up to Woke

 Victor Davis Hanson

Five, wokeism is cannibalistic. Even the children of woke architects with perfect SAT scores and 4.0 grade point averages are being rejected on the basis of their race at their coveted Ivy League schools.

. . ."Those purportedly victimized by traditional America would find "intersectional" solidarity in their victimhood owing to the supposed sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other alleged American sins, past and present.

"The so-called white male heterosexual victimizing class was collective to be held responsible for their sinful triad of white "rage," "supremacy," and "privilege."

"Class considerations became passe. The Duchess of Sussex, and the billionaires Oprah Winfrey and LeBron James, shared grievances against all whites, whether they hailed from Martha's Vineyard or impoverished East Palestine, Ohio.

"A bicoastal elite would draft the woke agenda, and the oppressed would follow as ordered.

"That top-down blueprint would embrace massive multibillion-dollar reparations to blacks.

"In lockstep, all victims would rally around a Green New Deal that mandated high energy costs to discourage the consumption of fossil fuels.

"The new transgender canon mandated three sexes. Sex is socially rather than biologically determined. And there is a large, oppressed, and transgender population, which presents the subsequent great civil rights struggle for America.

"Historical wokeism lodged a list of grievances against the supposedly flawed American past. Indicting the dead required statues to be toppled. Names had to be changed. Histories were to be rewritten. Even the foundational date of America was to be reconsidered and altered.". . .

Hunter's 'White Privilege': Attorney for Black Rapper Furious as His Client Spent Years in Jail for What Biden Did


Federalist Papers    "Democrats and progressives are forever banging on about the inequities of the criminal justice system and how white people have it easy. Unless, of course, that white person is Hunter Biden, then it’s perfectly OK.

"On Tuesday, the Justice Department reached a sweetheart deal with the president’s son on gun and tax charges, leading to the 53-year-old Biden pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges that put him on probation for failing to pay federal taxes and into a diversionary program for lying to on a form to buy a gun, according to Reuters.

"This means that the president’s son, a polysubstance abuser for long periods of his life who lied about being a drug addict in order to get a firearm, won’t go to prison for the crime. This didn’t sit well with the lawyer for rapper Kodak Black, a rapper who was sentenced to nearly four years for committing a crime materially similar to the one Hunter Biden is walking free on.

"According to the New York Post, the Grammy nominee — real name Bill Kapri — was sentenced to three years in 2019 after pleading guilty to providing an incorrect Social Security number on a federal form to purchase a gun.

"Black’s criminal history would have precluded him from legally buying a weapon. He was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison; the rapper received a pardon from former President Donald Trump on Trump’s final day in office.". . .

Parody Babylon Bee   Judge Finds Hunter Biden Guilty Of Being 'A Lovable Little Rascal With A Heart Of Gold' | Babylon Bee    "The five-year criminal investigation of Hunter Biden came to a close this morning, with the presiding judge finding Hunter guilty of "being a lovable rascal with a heart of gold."
" 'I find the defendant, Hunter Biden, guilty -- of being an adorable mischief-maker," said Judge Haley Reinwald. "Now come over here and let me tousle your hair, you charming little scamp!"
"The verdict ended a lengthy investigation by the Department of Justice, which discovered that Hunter Biden had dealt cocaine, lied about his drug use to obtain a firearm, and hid millions of dollars from the IRS to evade taxes. "Such a sweet rapscallion, that Hunter Biden," said U.S. District Attorney David Weiss. "He gets into such hilarious capers sometimes! We are grateful that justice has at last been done. After years of work, the court has finally recognized what a beautiful soul is inside that delightful scoundrel."

. . ."It's an airtight legal defense," said CNN legal analyst Laura Coates. "Our sources have reported Hunter's attorneys met with prosecutors and simply said ‘Our client's last name is Biden,' at which point prosecutors agreed to forego any jail time for the charges. Prosecutors knew they could do nothing against the ‘I'm a Biden' defense tactic. It works every time.". . .