Friday, June 23, 2023

Tucker Carlson's 'Wannabe Dictator' satire master class the left desperately had to ignore -

What probably ground their gears was that Mr. Carlson was using a formerly favorite technique the left employs for "proving" that the Republicans, pro-freedom right, and later President Trump was fascist in some form.

  American Thinker   "The walls are closing in on the fascist far left's echo chamber; that's the reason they couldn't allow their outrage to show over Tucker Carlson's takedown of their dear leader.

"If you're one of the 30 million people who have viewed Ep. 4 of Tucker on Twitter, entitled Wannabe Dictator (or on RumbleYouTube, or Odysee), you were treated to a master class in the deadpan satire that is the hallmark of Mr. Carlson as he mocked the left while having a rollicking good time doing it. " . . .

. . ."It's even more hilarious when you consider that they had to ignore this serious affront to their dear leader because he turned one of their formerly favorite techniques against them.  He invoked facts they are desperate to keep out of their echo chamber.  Mr. Carlson predicted this in his video presentation.

"No one is ever allowed to invoke the facts of history when it comes to Hitler or the Nazis unless the far left does it — as in the case of "Godwin's Law," where they get all authoritarian in shutting down historical debate unless it's framed a certain way.  According to the nation's socialist left, it is verboten to compare them to the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party." . . .

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