Thursday, June 22, 2023

Hollywood just realized they committed “woke suicide” and there’s nothing they can do about it…

 Revolver News   "Hollywood is struggling big time in the age of wokeness. It’s a real challenge for them to juggle the intense pressure for diversity with the demand for captivating entertainment; as these two aspects don’t align. When Hollywood isn’t ruining old franchises like Indiana Jones with new, cringeworthy “girl power” remakes, they’re peddling LGBTQ+ flops that nobody wants to see." . . .

. . ."Many insiders are fuming over the quotas. Talk about stifling creativity, right? Movies will no longer be made to tell a captivating story. They’ll be made to meet diversity quotas. If you listen closely, you can actually hear the box office numbers dropping.

The New York Post:

Starting with the March 2024 awards, movies will not be considered for a Best Picture nomination unless they meet two out of four standards.

One of them is featuring a lead or significant supporting character from an “underrepresented racial or ethnic group,” have a main storyline that focuses on an underrepresented group, or at least 30% of the cast comes from two or more underrepresented groups (women, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ or the disabled).

A full outline of the standards can be found on the Academy site.

"Richard Hanania, the president of the CSPI center, wrote a fascinating blog post on this exact issue. He delved into the challenges that Hollywood is grappling with as they navigate this politically correct minefield of their own making.

Richard Hanania:

New stories need to avoid what are now seen as sexist tropes. Old ones, however, get grandfathered in. You don’t have to explain why The Lion King isn’t The Lion Queen. You can still make Spiderman movies, and you don’t have to justify why the lead is not a black lesbian. Or why a movie is called “X-Men” instead of “X-Persons.” There’s a subtle difference between the two titles. Think about what it means to say someone is a “good man” versus a “good person.” In the 1960s, you were free to choose either title, while today you would not only need new X-Men characters, but the name of the universe itself would have to pass a PC litmus test.

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