Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 "Video released by the Israeli Police and the Israeli Security Agency appears to show the moment of rescue for three hostages inside Gaza. CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity of the video which was pre-edited and released to the media with blurs already in place. CNN political and global affairs analyst Barak Ravid shares his thoughts about the footage and CNN’s Paula Hancocks reports on what she has learned from a doctor leading the team treating the four rescued Israeli hostages."

Hostages Rescued, and Many Truths Revealed - American Thinker  . . ."Timing is everything in politics; there have likely been times in recent months when Gantz’s admonishments and self-righteous withdrawal from the government would have had some political sting.  But now?

"He chose the very weekend when so many of Netanyahu’s instincts have been proven correct, a weekend when Israeli forces heroically freed four hostages, a weekend when both “uninvolved” Gaza civilians and Arab reporters were proven to be active hostile combatants, and a weekend when the foreign sponsor of the latest sham agreement — America’s pretender-in-chief Joe Biden — embarrassed himself even more than usual on the world stage, demolishing what little moral high ground his administration ought to be able to boast in such peace talks.

"This was a good weekend for the Netanyahu government, and any good weekend for Israel is a very bad week for the global Left.

"With courage, tenacity, talent, and an incontestable moral high ground, Israel knows how to behave as a leader of the free world.  If only these United States, which used to own that title, still remembered how."

Combatting Our Homegrown Enemy

 Ed Thompson - American Thinker

Tocqueville’s Democracy in America was written at a time when the United States was still a relatively young nation. He pondered the future of democracy and the potential challenges it faced. He believed that democracy was a fragile and imperfect system, and that it required constant vigilance and effort to maintain. He was right. The time for that vigilance and effort is well past due.

"There is a War on America. This isn’t a threat of nuclear missiles from some foreign adversary like Russia or China. It is not about the Ukraine, Gaza, or Taiwan. This war rages right here on American soil and is being fought by home-grown and sometimes hidden armies dedicated to destroying all that is right and good for America and frankly, the rest of the planet.

"Before you conjure up visions of armed white supremacist militias sporting shaved heads and Swastika tattoos stockpiling weapons on a remote compound in the hills of Montana, stop. That is the fever dream the enemy is pitching, a misdirection flanking tactic in the War on America. J6 was never an insurrection at all, certainly not worse than 9/11, Pearl Harbor, or the Civil War. The Proud Boys were never seditious conspirators hell-bent on armed rebellion. Donald Trump is not Satan, Putin, and Hitler combined, an evil fiend determined to put all people of color in chains. That is, as Biden might shout out angrily in non-sequitur fashion, malarkey, another bill of goods that the real enemy wants to sell you to justify tightening the noose around those few freedoms that we have left. Those big lies are meant to push you cowering into a corner where you will hand over your freedoms, always for the greater good, as civilization dies with a whimper, not a bang.

"The homegrown enemy are not foreigners, although the open border may provide millions more recruits to the cause. No, this army was trained right in our universities and schools. You are paying for your own destruction. Neat trick if you can pull it off. The enemy has been busy.

"Over the past four years we have been subjected to severely altered and unreliable elections that bear little resemblance to the standard of elections from just a decade ago. We were forced to take an unproven shot, forced to cover our faces and stand six feet apart, forced to stay in our homes, all based on lies and exaggerations fed to us by our own government. We are force fed lies by the mainstream media on a nearly continuous basis, while the government censors the truth. The national debt clock spins out of control while the ensuing inflation drives more Americans into poverty. Any attempt to get injunctive relief disappears into a gaping abyss where the once-vaunted American legal system used to be." . . .

Ed Thompson is a podcaster, columnist and author of educational and fiction books with over 25 years experience as a tutor and teacher. Learn More

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Independent Reporter Calls Out CBS News' Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims

 Matt Vespa (  Adam Schiff clones all. TD

CBS News’ Lesley Stahl owes Donald Trump an apology. When the Hunter Biden laptop, which detailed the sordid affairs of Joe Biden’s son, was brought up during Trump’s interview on 60 Minutes, Stahl claimed the device couldn’t be verified. She wasn’t the only one. If the press didn’t utter the ‘unverified’ talking point, it was the Russian disinformation lie that the intelligence community manufactured to tilt the election. 

"We knew the truth. It took the liberal media months to catch up, finally agreeing with The New York Post, which initially reported on the laptop’s contents. Emma-Jo Morris verified its contents. The FBI knew it was authentic as well, which was exposed during the Hunter Biden gun trial, where the jury is currently deliberating. Yet, what followed was that the New York Post’s social media accounts were frozen for days. The story was censored. Reporter Peter Schweizer spoke with Michael Shellenberger about the laptop, where he torched CBS News, adding that they could have easily verified it before the Trump interview: . . .

If Lesley Stahl, if any journalist had a shred of integrity, they would stand up and say, “I was totally wrong. What I said was false. I didn't do my job, and I apologize”. She's not going to do that. None of them are. And by the way, the people who have signed this letter, they're not coming back and admitting, “okay, I was completely full of crap. And I lied to the American people right before the election and it influenced the election profoundly.” 

Senator, the media has yet to apologize for running with a Russian collusion hoax for three years. You’re right; they’re not going to apologize. And they can’t whine or complain about why people dismiss them so often. We know who they are and who they serve. It’s not outrageous to call them enemies of the people. 

Anti-Israel mob chanting 'Long live Intifada' lights flares outside NYC exhibit that memorializes Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival victims

 NY Post (

We should have seen this coming when people like this began tearing down photos of the Israeli hostages. TD

A mob of anti-Israel protesters chanted “Long live the Intifada” during a depraved celebration Monday night outside a downtown Manhattan exhibit that memorializes the murder and rape victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival, where 364 people were killed by Hamas terrorists.

The deranged pro-terror crowd lit flares and waved a flag associated with the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street during what was billed by organizers as a “citywide day of rage for Gaza,” according to video from the scene.

. . ."One of the exhibit’s organizers, music mogul Scooter Braun, condemned the demonstration in front of the venue late Monday in a social media post.

" 'I don’t understand why protesting a memorial for innocent music lovers who were raped and butchered and kidnapped helps,” he said in an Instagram Story. “Go see the @novaexhibition and see the truth instead of standing outside listening to yourself.”

"Others offered sharper words for the protesters.

“ 'How utterly evil do you have to be to protest outside a site that memorializes the 1,200 victims of October 7?” former speechwriter for the Israeli government Aviva Klompas tweeted.

“ 'Tonight’s vicious targeting of the exhibition is not pro-peace. It is repulsive and vile,” added Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine in a post on X. “I condemn it in the strongest possible terms.” 

"US Rep. Michael Lawler (R-NY) also called the actions of the protesters “disgusting.” . . .

Palestinian childrens's TV

Hunter Biden convicted of felony gun charges, faces 25 years

 NY Post (  WILMINGTON, Del. — Guilty, guilty, guilty.

"Hunter Biden became the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime Tuesday after a federal jury found him guilty on three counts related to lying about his drug use in order to buy a gun.

"The panel of six men and six women deliberated for three hours across two days before convicting the 54-year-old of making a false statement in the purchase of a firearm, making a false statement related to information required to be kept by a federally licensed firearms dealer, and possession of a firearm by an unlawful user of or addict to a controlled substance.

"First lady Jill Biden, who was present at every day of the trial except one, was caught short by the speed with which the verdict was reached — entering the courtroom two minutes after it had been read.

"A few moments later, Hunter left the federal courthouse in Wilmington holding hands with wife Melissa. He touched his stepmother Jill on the shoulder before getting in a black SUV guarded by Secret Service agents — and ignored the nearby pack of reporters.

"Prosecutors from special counsel David Weiss’ office had argued President Biden’s son knowingly fibbed on a gun application form that he did not use controlled substances before walking out of a Wilmington shop with a Colt Cobra .38-caliber revolver on Oct. 12, 2018.

"In fact, Hunter Biden was hooked on crack cocaine at the time, a fact he acknowledged in his own 2021 memoir — which prosecutors used as evidence against him." . . .

Immigration of Cultures Hostile to the West Must End

 Phyllis Chesler Organization; The American Spectator 

"As we know, America’s cities have been flooded by unvetted “illegal aliens,” (whoops! By undocumented wonderful people), primarily men, some of whom have proven to be criminals who beat up police, murder each other as well as strangers, steal, and who sexually assault children and women both in their lodgings and on the streets." . . . 

 "America is a country of immigrants. In 2021, I co-led a grassroots team that rescued almost 400 endangered women from Afghanistan; some went to Europe, some came here. Over the years, I have submitted affidavits for at least ten Muslim women in flight from being honor killed and in search of political asylum. Their legal team interviewed them. I also did and found their testimonies entirely credible.

"Call me a racist or an Islamophobe, (and many have), and you’d only be exposing your own considerable ignorance. 

"The hot button issue of immigration is not about race or racism. The two issues are unfairly linked. Unproven allegations of “racism,” (when immigration is discussed), can wreck someone’s reputation and lead to their being defamed, ostracized, silenced, fired, and sued. 

"For example, last month, in North Carolina, sixteen-year-old Christian McGhee was suspended from high school after he asked his English teacher to define whetherthe word “alien” referred to “space aliens or illegal aliens who need greencards [sic].” Another student joked that he was “going to kick Christian’s ass” for what he said. No action was taken against this student. The suspension forced Christian to miss an important track event.

"On May 5th, lawyers filed a suit against the Davidson County School District on Christian’s behalf.

"Immigration is about Islamism, about idiotically welcoming cultures that fiercely oppose human rights, women’s rights, democracy, fact-based truth, tolerance of difference, respect for intellectualdiversity; cultures that practice female genital mutilation (FGM), honor killing, Jew and infidel hatred, those who wish to live lives apart in accordance with their interpretation of Shari’a law, and who dream of aCaliphate replacing a Western way of life.

"Not all Muslims are Islamists. Many have come to the West to enjoy our freedoms. Those Muslims whom I know and with whom I work, are the bravest of dissidents and free-thinkers. Many support Israel. Some are ex-Muslims, others have converted to another religion or have become atheists. Some are religious Muslims who seek to reform Islam. They could not hold such views and safely remain in Muslim countries." . . . 

ESCAPE FROM HAMAS: What Israel's Hostage Rescue Tells You About Gaza   "An incredible Israeli operation rescues four hostages from Hamas captivity in the Gaza Strip.

"Yet in a new low, the mainstream media focuses on alleged Palestinian civilian casualties, accusing Israel of “war crimes” based on numbers provided by the Hamas-controlled “Gaza Health Ministry.”

"What does the daring rescue mission reveal about the coastal enclave’s “civilian population” and the way mainstream journalists operate?

"I go through the details on IN FOCUS."...

BBC Mocked for ‘Outrageous’ Suggestion IDF Should Have Warned Gazans Before Hostage Rescue Mission (   "The BBC is facing significant backlash because one of its reporters suggested to former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Jonathan Conricus that the Israeli military should have warned Palestinians before conducting Saturday’s daring surprise raid that rescued four hostages being held in Gaza for eight months.

"During a BBC News interview on Sunday, anchor Helena Humphrey questioned the IDF’s decision not to notify Palestinians before the successful rescue mission. 

"In a high-risk joint operation on Saturday, the IDF, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), Yamam (elite police counter-terrorism unit), and police rescued four hostages simultaneously from two nearby locations in Nuseirat, central Gaza.

“ 'Would there have been a warning to those civilians, for them to get out on time?” the BBC interviewer asked the former head of the IDF International Media Branch."

TD wonders if she is one of those who tore down hostage photos. Just asking.

Teens Face Prison Time for Leaving Skid Marks on 'Pride' Road Mural

 Leah Barkoukis (

. . ."The scooter company blasted the teens' actions and said it will implement a no-ride zone around the road mural to protect it. 

“All of us at Lime condemn these vile acts in no uncertain terms. At a time when our teams at Lime are beginning pride celebrations around the globe, it is disturbing to see the hate taking place in Spokane. Lime is taking immediate action against the perpetrators and doubling down on our support of Spokane Pride and Spokane Arts. Lime is proud to put time and resources into celebrating Pride Month each year and supporting LGBTQ+ organizations working to uplift and protect queer people in cities around the world. We will not let the hateful few spoil the joy of Pride Month in Spokane, and are grateful for those working to make Spokane more welcoming for all.”

"The teens could face years behind bars for the act of vandalism." . . .

Lime Goes To Extreme Lengths To Stop Teens From Driving Over Pride-Themed Crosswalk | The Daily Caller   . . ."The “no-go zones” outlined on Lime’s website explain the company’s rental vehicles are not allowed to travel in these zones. The prohibited areas are “indicated by red shading and a restricted symbol,” their website notes.

“ 'If you enter a No Go zone, your vehicle will gradually come to a stop. You must walk your vehicle out of the No Go zone to resume your ride,” Lime’s website states.

“ 'All of us at Lime condemn these vile acts in no uncertain terms,” Hayden Harvey, Lime’s director of government relations, told The National Desk. “At a time when our teams at Lime are beginning pride celebrations around the globe, it is disturbing to see the hate taking place in Spokane.”

“ 'We will not let the hateful few spoil the joy of Pride Month in Spokane, and are grateful for those working to make Spokane more welcoming for all,” Harvey told the outlet." . . .

Washington teens arrested for scuffing Pride crosswalk with scooters could face 5 years behind bars (   . . ."Meanwhile, reactions to the penalty, similar to other charges previously brought for rainbow-colored crosswalk marring, were incredulous, “Since when do kids get LOCKED UP & charged with felonies for riding scooters in America…while rapists, muggers, car thieves, kidnappers, shoplifters, pedophiles & murderers get released by Democrat lawmakers in every blue city in America.” 

Gaslighted again: After Biden announces border crackdown, Border Patrol told to go back to catch-and-release

 Monica Showalter- American Thinker

Does the gaslighting ever stop with Joe Biden?  Less than a week after Joe Biden announced a border crackdown, the Washington Examiner, reports that the Border Patrol has been told to let the illegals flow on in: 

. . ."All of this stands in startling contrast to Joe Biden's national speech declaring a clampdown on the border and "immediate and fast consequences" for illegal border crossers.

"According to the New York Times, six days ago Biden was saying this:

In remarks at the White House, Mr. Biden said he was forced to take executive action because Republicans had blocked bipartisan legislation that had some of the most significant border security restrictions Congress had considered in years.

“We must face a simple truth,” said the president, who was joined by a group of lawmakers and mayors from border communities. “To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now.”

"Now we learn that the border stays open for huge numbers of migrants because Biden refuses to detain them, as the law requires, and would rather continue the catch-and-release policy to ensure the border flow.

"What a liar this creature is. As the left wrung its hands over the supposed crackdown and called him 'Trump,' he never meant a word of it. Border's still open and no surprise, the illegals are still flowing on in."

Why should Israel sign on to Biden's hideous ceasefire deal?

Monica Showalter - American Thinker

Why Israel, which just won back some of its hostages through military strength, should sign onto this makes no sense whatsoever.

RealityBites by Broc Smith

 . . ."Why Israel, which just won back some of its hostages through military strength, should sign onto this makes no sense whatsoever.

"There's not a word about security guarantees for Israel in it to start. If Hamas attacks again, well, Hamas attacks again. The U.N. will issue a stern warning

"As for the hostage exchange, that's nonsense, the Israeli hostages are innocent civilians. The Hamas militants sitting in jails are there for terrorism offenses. Releasing thousands of Palestinian terrorists would just free them up to strike again at Israelis and Israeli targets, which they have already said they would do. No promises to remain peaceful from them? Not even that much, no promises at all, not that they understand the honor system in any case. Color it done that they will engage in more terrorism.

"And Hamas has already shown what it's about -- rape, torture, and murder. Should Israel be out freeing rapists to rape again? Killers and torturers to do again what they said they would do again? Rapists, killers, torturers, and losers with 'woman issues' belong in jail, not out on the streets. These weren't just war crimes, these were crime crimes. Those who commit rape and kidnapping and looting and baby murder shouldn't come crying to anyone with civilized values that they don't like the punishment. Guys like this have to be in jail or civilization itself is in danger.

"Nobody should be forced to agree to letting these monsters out.

"What's more, the thugs still in Gaza need to be rubbed out for what they did. There needs to be some kind of punishment for this kind of behavior or They Will Do It Again.

"This agreement would leave the rapists and murderers of Israelis fully ensconced in power, proud of their perverse and sickening deeds, respected citizens on the world stage, as if they even wanted to be that. 'No justice, no peace,' as the lefties like to say otherwise. All they will do is plot new ways to kill Israelis.

"There shouldn't be any agreement at all until we hear Hamas's apology and promise to not Do It Again, just for starters, along with acknowledging Israel's right to exist, which isn't part of that deal at all and needs to be point one.

"That Hamas would be allowed to remain in place and in power at all is an outrage all by itself." . . .

Compromise is not in the Palestinian vocabulary - American Thinker  "The cultural and religious upbringing of young Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza is deeply influenced by their educational system, the media, and the mosque.  Compromise with the “Jewish usurpers” is unacceptable, haram." . . . 

Those Gazans who murdered and raped Israelis on Oct 7 were raised on this TV  

These children grew up to accomplish this:

Monday, June 10, 2024

"May Adir’s memory forever be a blessing"

ALL Category Sports (    "Hamas terrorists beheaded my son and tried to sell his head in Gaza,” revealed David, the father of Adir Tahar, a victim of a brutal terrorist attack on October 7th. He detailed the horrific treatment of his son's body.

" 'My son's death was incredibly difficult to come to terms with. The terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at him, then threw three grenades. The autopsy report showed that Adir's entire body was ravaged, and his head was missing. They took his head to Gaza. For two and a half months, I desperately sought information about its whereabouts. It was a grueling task - receiving a headless body," he explained.

"Adir's father, in deep sorrow, said, "I demanded to see the body. They warned me against it, but as a father, I needed to know every detail about my child’s death. Half an hour before his burial, the body arrived at the cemetery. When I opened the casket, I realized what I was burying. He was unrecognizable. As we buried Adir, I knew I was interring my child without his face, so I had to keep searching for it."

"The grieving father spent weeks searching for a lead. "I reviewed all the videos and eventually found footage of my son missing a critical part of his body." David recounted, "Three weeks ago, during the interrogation of two Hamas terrorists arrested in Israel, they confessed that one of them had attempted to sell my son's head for $10,000 in Gaza. The IDF then entered Gaza, searched an ice cream shop's freezer, and there, in a suitcase, they found my son's head, which had also been desecrated. At least I was able to bury him with the little dignity that remained."

"May Adir’s memory forever be a blessing." 💔

Leftists around the world left ‘heartbroken’ after four Israelis were rescued from Gaza

Palestinian civilians paid by Hamas to hold Israeli hostages in their homes: IDF   . . ."He reminded the international media, "Hamas intentionally hides the hostages in civilian neighborhoods."

 IDF Rescued New Hostages From the Heart of Hamaz! Everything Revealed! Operation Arnon!

Leftists around the world left ‘heartbroken’ after four Israelis were rescued from Gaza. I found this woman most disturbing as I wondered how she felt seeing the Israeli families shot to death, beheaded and burned alive.

"Author and Journalist Caroline Glick sits down with Avigail Gimpel - educator, author and burial society member who handled the bodies of the Oct. 7th massacre. "With so many claiming that the atrocities are exaggerated or untrue, it is crucial that we hear from someone who witnessed the brutality firsthand."

COVER-UP: Palestinian Chronicle, U.S. Press Go Into Overdrive After 'Journalist' Caught Holding Hostages – RedState . . . "What they found wasn't a Hamas command center, though. Instead, the hostages were being kept in alleged civilian households. Fierce fighting broke out, with a "journalist" named Abdullah Al Jamal killed as one of the apartments was breached. That led to immediate claims that Israel had indiscriminately gunned down a member of the press.

The truth was far more sinister. As RedState's Jennifer Van Laar first reported, the three male hostages who were successfully rescued were being held captive by Al Jamal. 

"As we noted in numerous stories about Israel's rescue mission, the four hostages rescued were not held in tunnels or prisons; they were held in the homes of alleged civilians in residential areas in Nuseirat. I say "alleged civilians" because if these people were holding Israeli hostages for eight months they're absolutely part of Hamas and are combatants, not civilians.

"One of those alleged civilians, it's now confirmed, was Abdullah Al Jamal, who bills himself as a journalist . . .

What is described above is the same game pro-Palestinians have been playing for decades. In Gaza, everyone is a "civilian." That means that no matter how many of those killed during the hostage rescue were combatants, they will be treated as innocents. The Hamas-controlled "Gaza Ministry of Health" does not distinguish between Hamas and civilians specifically for the propaganda boost.