Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Gaslighted again: After Biden announces border crackdown, Border Patrol told to go back to catch-and-release

 Monica Showalter- American Thinker

Does the gaslighting ever stop with Joe Biden?  Less than a week after Joe Biden announced a border crackdown, the Washington Examiner, reports that the Border Patrol has been told to let the illegals flow on in: 

. . ."All of this stands in startling contrast to Joe Biden's national speech declaring a clampdown on the border and "immediate and fast consequences" for illegal border crossers.

"According to the New York Times, six days ago Biden was saying this:

In remarks at the White House, Mr. Biden said he was forced to take executive action because Republicans had blocked bipartisan legislation that had some of the most significant border security restrictions Congress had considered in years.

“We must face a simple truth,” said the president, who was joined by a group of lawmakers and mayors from border communities. “To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now.”

"Now we learn that the border stays open for huge numbers of migrants because Biden refuses to detain them, as the law requires, and would rather continue the catch-and-release policy to ensure the border flow.

"What a liar this creature is. As the left wrung its hands over the supposed crackdown and called him 'Trump,' he never meant a word of it. Border's still open and no surprise, the illegals are still flowing on in."

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