Friday, June 21, 2024

Zero Palestinian Refugees in America

  American Greatness (  Choice: protect our homeland or surrender to the borderless globalists?

"So, reject leftist “America last” policies that destroy our national sovereignty, endanger our streets, and jeopardize our economy. In the case of Palestinians, insist that the wealthy regimes of the Mideast manage this issue."


"For three years now, America’s sovereignty and safety have already been vaporized enough by Biden
"But the leftists, predictably, want even more. Now, they pine for a mass importation of Palestinian refugees into America. Fire alarm-pulling Congressman Jamaal Bowman of New York declared that “the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine.”
"Following the horrific terror attacks upon Israel from Hamas and the resulting swift Israeli Defense Forces response, American globalists ascertain yet another opportunity to import a wave of unvetted migrants likely to bring violence and social discord to our already frayed republic.
"In response, we patriotic populists should channel Michael Corleone responding to Senator Geary’s bribe demands in “The Godfather II.” Our answer on new Mideast refugees is this: nothing. Zero. Not one Palestinian refugee belongs here in America.
"The reasons: Mideast alternatives, dangers to American society, and the U.S. economy.

Middle East problem
"The wealthy Arab friends and Iranian regime foes of the United States must handle any refugee issues in their region. After decades of constant intervention in the Middle East, from Presidents George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama, common sense Americans smartly turn to an America First foreign policy of realism and restraint.
"Our nation spent trillions of dollars and lost some of the best and brightest young citizens fighting in the misbegotten adventures concocted by the globalist interventionists of Foggy Bottom, defense contractors, and Beltway think tanks. For these giant sacrifices of blood and treasure, the American people were “rewarded” with a region that is less stable, and every bit as hostile to American interests.
"So, it is well past time to insist that the nations we protected, the kingdoms that benefitted from decades of petrodollars into their coffers, assume real regional leadership. Palestinian refugees must head to Dubai, not Des Moines. They must flee to Kuwait, not Kansas." . . .


You knew the minute the words came out of Joe Biden’s mouth that his mass-amnesty announcement for illegal aliens was pure politics. “Folks, I’m not interested in playing politics with the border or with immigration, he said. “I’m interested in fixing it.” As usual from this president, that’s the opposite of the truth.

You will not like the latest DA Bragg outrage!


OUTRAGE: DA Bragg Drops Charges on Nearly All the Columbia Rioters Arrested – RedState   "No one is above the law — unless you are a friend of the Left in New York. While Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg digs up years-old misdemeanors and makes them into phantom felonies for his political opponents, he washes the slate clean for 31 of the 46 violent protestors arrested in the Columbia University riot. 
"The protestors were charged with trespassing and burglary after they stormed Columbia University and barricaded themselves within the college. Even though they were found (and filmed) inside the building and removed by police from the building where they trespassed, Bragg dropped the charges due to "lack of evidence." 
"Prosecutors largely cited lack of evidence, such as security video footage, that could tie the students or staff to the building takeover for leaving them free and clear without even a slap on the wrist.

"What more evidence do we need to see that the judicial system — and Alvin Bragg — are wholly corrupt and using the system for their own political whims? " . .  .

 Alvin Bragg drops all charges against Columbia's pro-Hamas vandals who took custodians hostage - American Thinker 

 Obviously, this is as political a move as any he's done against President Trump. Have the correctly leftist politics and Bragg couldn't prosecute you if he wanted to, he will always find a reason not to. Have the wrong politics, and you'll get hit with 41 felonies, no matter how invented the case or how creative the interpretation of the law.

Meaning this piece of work was rejoicing over Hamas doing this in Israel:

Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to families at an Israel bus stop! As we saw
 on US college campuses, Hamas murdered families and their children with glee! 
 "Momma, I killed ten people with my bare hands!"

 By what standard have these offscourings of society...bad choice of words; these whatever-they-are appear to be the cream of our college society. TD

"Cheapfake" That word caught the eye of the Babylon Bee satirists


KJP Claims Video Where She Said Biden Video Was A Deepfake Was Also A Deepfake | Babylon Bee  "In an awkwardly contentious exchange with reporters today, Karine Jean-Pierre claimed the video where she said embarrassing videos of President Joe Biden were deepfakes was also a deepfake.

"Confusion arose this week after Jean-Pierre alleged that Biden had been the victim of a smear campaign by right-wing extremists to circulate doctored videos that make the president appear incompetent and feeble, though she now claims the video of her doing so was also a deepfake.

" 'That's clearly not a real video of me," said the black and gay White House Press Secretary, who is gay and also black. "These far-right conspiracy theorists will stop at nothing to spread their dangerous propaganda. Any evidence that allegedly shows me saying video clips depicting the president as unfit to serve were deepfakes is clearly a deepfake."

"Members of the White House press corps proceeded to play a clip of the video from a day earlier, which appeared to show Jean-Pierre labeling the negative Biden clips as deepfakes. "This is you," said one reporter. "We were here. We listened to you say it." . . .

Reparations Are a Drag on Reality

 Jim Thompson – RedState 

 Juneteenth is again behind us, but the call for reparations is not. In fact, it seems that June 19th is now a demarcation for silly people to make silly demands – like this woman:

      Tiktoker calls on White people to give money to Black people as a form of       reparations in honor of Juneteenth

"California used to be known for its majestic coastline and the movie industry. Now it seems, that every stupid idea has its genesis in California, or metastasizes into a greater cancer in Gavin Newsom’s state. 

"Another reparations bill has now moved through the California State Assembly. Because Democrats hold a supermajority, there is nothing to stop whatever absurdity Democrats invent. The latest reparation iteration would create an “agency” to help track black family lineage in preparation for reparations. Although California is swimming in red ink, it’s barreling toward reparations for Californians who were never slaves and who are several generations removed from a slave ancestor. 

"Senator Steven Bradford championed the agency idea. Although California wasn’t a slave state, Bradford thinks its citizens should pay for a sin they never committed.

“If you can inherit generational wealth, you can inherit generational debt,” Bradford said. “Reparations is a debt that’s owed to descendants of slavery.”  

"No one “inherits” the sins of their long-since-dead ancestors. I don’t owe anyone alive or dead for slaves my ancestors never owned. 

"Two years ago I wrote about my ancestor, Robert Thompson. He volunteered in 1861 to fight in the Civil War. During the Battle of Kinston, he was wounded and left on the battlefield. He was captured by Confederates and spent the rest of the war as a POW. He ended up at the infamous Andersonville prison. 

"Robert was the direct and actual victim of the injury he suffered. He left Andersonville weighing less than 100lbs. Crippled for life, he was awarded a pension. $12 a month. The demand for reparation for ancestors of slaves has never made sense to me. FDR sent thousands of Americans to internment camps because their ancestors were Japanese. They were proud Americans and suffered direct injury. Japanese Americans who suffered deserved every cent of reparation they got, and more. They suffered an injury." . . . 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

US Tank Destroyers | From Defunct to Dominant 1942-1945

National Museum of Military Vehicles   "The development of World War II tank destroyers commenced with the introduction of the M3 37mm towed anti-tank gun. Continuing to bide time until the military could develop better alternatives, the US initially integrated existing armaments with vehicle platforms such as the M6 ¾-ton truck and the M3-75 Half-Track. This progression led to the production of the Sherman-based M10 tank destroyer. Eventually, the United States designed and manufactured the M18 Hellcat almost entirely anew, though tank destroyer design culminated in the adaptation of a 90mm gun mounted on another variant of the Sherman tank, dubbed the M36 Jackson."

The "Deep Fake" strategy rolled out by Democrats

 Internet agrees as Greg Gutfeld slams left-leaning media for peddling 'cheap fakes' hoax to protect President Joe Biden - MEAWW News  . . ."During a press conference, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, "It tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republicans are here," describing the videos, which show the president appearing unresponsive or wandering, as "cheap fakes." . . . 

. . .One expressed, "Cheap fakes = Painful truth," and another said, "If these videos are cheap fakes, why doesn't CNN and MSNBC show the unedited versions?"

"A person pointed out, "If the videos are fake, where are the real ones for comparisons???" One more shared, "So now they are now complaining about exactly what they have been doing to President Trump for the last decade."

"Used to be the news told us what to talk about. Now the news is what the public is talking about. No more legacy media," remarked an individual. 

"Another person echoed Gutfeld's views and wrote, "Why would anyone make a cheap fake? These clips cannot be made up. All we have to do is wait and they magically appear," while a follower elaborated, "Their favorite tool is gaslighting- and it works on an awful lot of people who are just casual onlookers..."

White House Demands Big Tech Censor Video Clips Of Joe Biden Behaving Like A Dementia Patient, Claiming Such Videos Are “Fakes” ⋆   "Joe Biden’s displays of mental incompetence have become so egregious that his team is now calling on Big Tech firms to censor video clips in which his confusion is on full display.

"During a parachute display and skydiving demonstration at the G7 summit in Southern Italy last week, he can be seen wandering off from a group of world leaders during a planned photo opportunity, appearing to completely miss the presentation taking place in front of him and turning in the other direction to talk to an officer who was packing up a parachute. He had to be guided back to his place by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who had to walk toward him backward so she could continue to face her fellow leaders.

"Video footage of this “senior moment” quickly circulated online as people wonder how someone who is so mentally unfit could run our country for another four years. This prompted a number of “fact check” labels and accusations from the media that the clip is being shared without providing context and that somehow the aging president isn’t nearly as senile as the clip would imply." . . .  

As his condition continues to decline, he is going to need an entire team of censors to try to discredit the growing evidence of his unsuitability for office.

Liberal media outlets 'running cover' for Biden by calling viral clips 'cheap fakes,' critics say (

Karine Jean-Pierre claims awkward viral Biden videos are 'cheap fakes' (

Vietnamese Community Furious Over L.A.'s 'Jane Fonda Day'

 Warner Todd Huston ( 

  "She has also said she often apologizes to American Vietnam veterans whenever she meets them."

"Vietnamese activists in L.A. are furious over the county’s declaration of April 30 as “Jane Fonda Day.”

"Only days after county officials announced the homage to the 86-year-old actress, members of the Vietnamese community were outraged.

"Activists immediately retaliated against the celebration by dubbing the month as “Black April,” referring the fall of Saigon, according to the Los Angeles Times.

"Fonda, who has been denigrated as “Hanoi Jane” for decades, is notorious not just for opposing the U.S. war effort but for actually traveling into North Vietnamese territory and giving aid and comfort to the Chinese-backed enemy.

“ 'She may be a very strong activist for climate change, but besides that, we also view her as being a person who was very cruel to the rights of the South Vietnamese people during the antiwar protests,” said L.A. resident Phat Bui, chairman of the Vietnamese American Federation of Southern California.

"Bui also sent a letter to county officials to change the date and added that choosing “such a date can inflict so much pain to our community and to the Vietnam War veterans.”

"U.S. forces fled the South Vietnamese Capitol on April 30, 1975. Members of L.A.’s Vietnamese community gather every April 30 to memorialize that dark day.

"Republican State Sen. Janet Nguyen blasted the county, saying Fonda Day was “alarming and profoundly disrespectful to over half a million Vietnamese Americans in California.”

" 'Rep. Michelle Steel, also a Republican, also blasted the county.

“To elevate Hanoi Jane over the Vietnamese Community, Americans who sacrificed their lives, and the loved ones they lost to communism, is deeply offensive to the freedom-loving Vietnamese Americans who bear such tragic and painful memories of the Vietnam War,” Steel said." . . .

Netanyahu Confronts Biden on Weapons Betrayal

Like Obama; a cowardly Democrat administration turns on our most faithful ally. TD

Caroline Glick In-Focus - YouTube  "Netanyahu calls out the Biden administration for withholding weapons, Thomas Friedman wants Sinwar in power and Bibi overthrown and the UN panel finds no conclusive evidence that a famine exists in Gaza."

Meanwhile, US college students learn to chant "Death to Israel! Death to America!"

Daily Mail Reveals Secret Democrat Plot to Replace Biden

PJ Media Never mind Biden's cognitive decline; Joe has always been the dimmest bulb in Congress. Joe Biden's Growing List of Failures | Opinion - Newsweek

"There is a secret plan to replace President Joe Biden as the Democrat incumbent for the 2024 presidential election, according to The Daily Mail. 

"There is fear among Democrat insiders that Biden's rapidly declining health may take the entire party down with him in November, according to a June 17 article. 

"Questions about Biden's fitness have been growing in recent weeks due to his several widely publicized gaffes, while his poll numbers continue to tank behind the presumed Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump.

"One of the more recent incidents concerning the 81-year-old president's health was on the 80th anniversary of D-Day when Biden froze up as President Emmanuel Macron of France came over to greet him.

"Then, on June 15, former president Barack Obama appeared to be guiding a zombie-like Biden off the stage at a Los Angeles fundraiser. 

"Only two days later, Biden stood frozen with a blank stare at a Juneteenth celebration at the White House, while dancers and singers moved about him before he was guided off the podium again.

"White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told the Daily Mail that nothing was wrong with the president's health at the Juneteenth event, while a spokesman for Nancy Pelosi said that the former House speaker still has "full confidence in President Biden.'"

"Meanwhile, several officials who had recently attended meetings at the White House, told The Wall Street Journal that Biden's mental capacities were in poor shape, sparking more speculation about his future as a presidential candidate.

"A Democrat strategist told the Daily Mail that if Biden did poorly with his first debate with Trump or he continues to see falling poll numbers, the top four leaders of his own party may come together to force him to step down.

" 'The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer," the strategist told the Daily Mail, adding, "It would have to be the four of them collectively."

"Biden is expected to fight back against any suggestion to step down since he remains the leader of his party and may insist on continuing to campaign through Election Day." . . .

The 10 Worst Things Joe Biden Has Done in His Political Career - Paste Magazine


The burden of a 40-year career: Some of Joe Biden’s record doesn’t age well - Los Angeles Times

There Will Be a Price to Pay: Consequences Are Coming for Universities That Allowed Pro-Hamas Mobs

 Guy Benson (

"An Israeli peace activist who was seized from her home on 7 October and held hostage for 53 days in Gaza has told the BBC how her ordeal destroyed her belief that peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis."

"Let's pause, right out of the gate, to reflect on how demented it is that the "woke" have taken up the cause of a theocratic, authoritarian, genocidal, bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic terrorist organization -- while endlessly criticizing the pluralistic democracy, in which women and minorities enjoy equal rights, that was brutally attacked by said terrorists.  Nearly everything that these fraudulent "progressives" purport to care about is exemplified by Israel, especially by Middle Eastern standards, yet they side with the medieval savages who represent virtually everything they claim to oppose.  In their broken and amoral oppressor/oppressed mindset, they gravitate toward the barbarians of Hamas, despite or even because of their heinous predations.  The terrorists are the (overall) darker-skinned, less successful, "colonization" victims, they believe, so they embrace their evil.  Hamas is also aligned with Iran and other anti-Western civilization forces, whereas Israel is successful and largely capitalistic, and generally allied with Western values, so the regressive "woke" legions see kindred spirits among the terrorists.  Then, of course, there's also quite a lot of Jew hatred running rampant throughout these sick circles."

"Western college campuses have been epicenters of this twisted, incoherent madness.  Far too many of these institutions have caved to loud, depraved voices, prompting backlash, investigations, and lawsuits.  The financial pain that will be deservedly visited upon schools like UCLA, over mind-boggling violations like this.  They have one of the best litigators in the country coming after them.  There will be a price to pay.  Columbia is also going to have to answer for astounding revelations such as these, likely through litigation.  Truly appalling:

. . .  


After This Failed Program, Does Anything *Work* in Joe Biden's America?

 Matt Vespa (

"Three years ago, Biden rolled out the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD), allocating $42.5 billion to bring high-speed internet access to rural America. And not a single home has been connected to the network. It’s a hodgepodge of government bureaucracy, red tape, and other aspects of Washington that perfectly illustrates why this is a classic tale of government action (via Washington Times): " . . .

. . ."Lawmakers and internet companies blame the slow rollout on burdensome requirements for obtaining the funds, including climate change mandates, preferences for hiring union workers and the requirement that eligible companies prioritize the employment of “justice-impacted” people with criminal records to install broadband equipment. 

[…] Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr said the program’s goal of providing high-speed internet to most underserved areas will not be fully realized until 2030, nine years after its enactment. . . .

. . ."Nothing will be shovel-ready until 2025-2026. Still, US Senators have wondered about all the extraneous provisions in the law regarding the funding requirements: 

  • Preference for hiring union workers, who are scarce in some rural areas. 
  • Requiring providers to prioritize “certain segments of the workforce, such as individuals with past criminal records,” when building broadband networks.
  • Requiring eligible entities to “account not only for current [climate-related] risks but also for how the frequency, severity, and nature of these extreme events may plausibly evolve as our climate continues to change over the coming decades.” 

Lawmakers also protested provisions in the BEAD program giving preference to government-owned networks, which critics say put taxpayers at risk and have sustained financial losses around the country. 

“Time and time again, such networks have squandered public dollars and left taxpayers holding the bag,” the National Taxpayers Union said in a letter to Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican. 

"And yes, there’s DEI nonsense in a bill trying to boost internet access for the rural poor. It’s no wonder why Biden isn’t touting this on this already thin sheet of legislative accomplishments. It’s in purgatory. Does anything in Biden’s America work? Planes are nearly crashing in airports nationwide; trains are derailing, there are no EV charging stations, and now no Internet."
Joe Biden's presidency: All crises and no solutions (   "Among his many self-inflicted crises, inflation and immigration perfectly embody Joe Biden’s failing, flailing presidency. Confronted with catastrophes of his own creation, Biden shows himself not just unable to solve them but even to deviate from the errors that produced them. Two crises, one cause, no solution — and even less leadership. Increasingly, it is clear that Biden’s approach is to search for others to save him from himself.

"There is no end to Biden’s self-inflicted wounds. There is also no Biden solution for them except more of the same. Abroad, they began with his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which has kept his administration backpedaling ever since. In the Middle East, he was played by Iran, first over the hopeless nuclear deal and most recently over a swap of hostages for $6 billion, which has since been temporarily paused. And when Iran thought Biden played out, it unleashed its client Hamas on Israel." . . .

Europe: Nazis' 'Do Not Buy from Jews' 2.0

  Gatestone Institute

  • Never mind that John Spencer, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, determined that Israel has consistently implemented more measures to prevent civilian casualties than any military in the history of warfare.


  • Since October 7, when Iranian proxies Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad committed unspeakable atrocities against men, women, children and babies in Israel, large parts of the international community have been in a frenzy over the Jews' puzzling inclination to defend themselves.

  • This is the same French government [which banned Israel from participating in Eurosatory 2024 defense industry trade fair] so obsessed with appearing inclusive and non-discriminatory that it recently supported a bill that outlaws discrimination based on hair texture, length, color or style.

  • Meanwhile, the French government did not think it necessary to ban the participation of China, presently indulging in two genocides – against Tibetans and against Uyghurs – from participating in Eurosatory. China's representation at the trade fair counts around 61 defense companies.

  • The French government also did not ban... Turkey, which has been taken to the International Criminal Court for committing crimes against humanity against hundreds of thousands of opponents of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruthless regime...

  • When there are no Jews to blame, evidently, crimes against humanity, genocide and human rights abuses are perfectly acceptable.

  • Since October 7, more than 19,000 rockets have been launched into Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey, primarily by the terrorist groups ruling Gaza, as well as from another of Iran's terrorist proxies, Hezbollah in Lebanon." . . . Full article here.