Friday, June 21, 2024

Zero Palestinian Refugees in America

  American Greatness (  Choice: protect our homeland or surrender to the borderless globalists?

"So, reject leftist “America last” policies that destroy our national sovereignty, endanger our streets, and jeopardize our economy. In the case of Palestinians, insist that the wealthy regimes of the Mideast manage this issue."


"For three years now, America’s sovereignty and safety have already been vaporized enough by Biden
"But the leftists, predictably, want even more. Now, they pine for a mass importation of Palestinian refugees into America. Fire alarm-pulling Congressman Jamaal Bowman of New York declared that “the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine.”
"Following the horrific terror attacks upon Israel from Hamas and the resulting swift Israeli Defense Forces response, American globalists ascertain yet another opportunity to import a wave of unvetted migrants likely to bring violence and social discord to our already frayed republic.
"In response, we patriotic populists should channel Michael Corleone responding to Senator Geary’s bribe demands in “The Godfather II.” Our answer on new Mideast refugees is this: nothing. Zero. Not one Palestinian refugee belongs here in America.
"The reasons: Mideast alternatives, dangers to American society, and the U.S. economy.

Middle East problem
"The wealthy Arab friends and Iranian regime foes of the United States must handle any refugee issues in their region. After decades of constant intervention in the Middle East, from Presidents George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama, common sense Americans smartly turn to an America First foreign policy of realism and restraint.
"Our nation spent trillions of dollars and lost some of the best and brightest young citizens fighting in the misbegotten adventures concocted by the globalist interventionists of Foggy Bottom, defense contractors, and Beltway think tanks. For these giant sacrifices of blood and treasure, the American people were “rewarded” with a region that is less stable, and every bit as hostile to American interests.
"So, it is well past time to insist that the nations we protected, the kingdoms that benefitted from decades of petrodollars into their coffers, assume real regional leadership. Palestinian refugees must head to Dubai, not Des Moines. They must flee to Kuwait, not Kansas." . . .


You knew the minute the words came out of Joe Biden’s mouth that his mass-amnesty announcement for illegal aliens was pure politics. “Folks, I’m not interested in playing politics with the border or with immigration, he said. “I’m interested in fixing it.” As usual from this president, that’s the opposite of the truth.

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