Friday, June 21, 2024

You will not like the latest DA Bragg outrage!


OUTRAGE: DA Bragg Drops Charges on Nearly All the Columbia Rioters Arrested – RedState   "No one is above the law — unless you are a friend of the Left in New York. While Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg digs up years-old misdemeanors and makes them into phantom felonies for his political opponents, he washes the slate clean for 31 of the 46 violent protestors arrested in the Columbia University riot. 
"The protestors were charged with trespassing and burglary after they stormed Columbia University and barricaded themselves within the college. Even though they were found (and filmed) inside the building and removed by police from the building where they trespassed, Bragg dropped the charges due to "lack of evidence." 
"Prosecutors largely cited lack of evidence, such as security video footage, that could tie the students or staff to the building takeover for leaving them free and clear without even a slap on the wrist.

"What more evidence do we need to see that the judicial system — and Alvin Bragg — are wholly corrupt and using the system for their own political whims? " . .  .

 Alvin Bragg drops all charges against Columbia's pro-Hamas vandals who took custodians hostage - American Thinker 

 Obviously, this is as political a move as any he's done against President Trump. Have the correctly leftist politics and Bragg couldn't prosecute you if he wanted to, he will always find a reason not to. Have the wrong politics, and you'll get hit with 41 felonies, no matter how invented the case or how creative the interpretation of the law.

Meaning this piece of work was rejoicing over Hamas doing this in Israel:

Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to families at an Israel bus stop! As we saw
 on US college campuses, Hamas murdered families and their children with glee! 
 "Momma, I killed ten people with my bare hands!"

 By what standard have these offscourings of society...bad choice of words; these whatever-they-are appear to be the cream of our college society. TD

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