Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris, female messiah?

 Eric Utter - American Thinker   

"Kamala Harris has an extreme left voting record. She botched the border. She appears to be an anti-Semite. She is for virtually unfettered abortion. She isn’t the Messiah. She’s a mess. She doesn’t deserve to become the Cackler-in-Chief. And that’s the truth." 

"The entire federal government apparatus, made-up largely of Democrats, uses taxpayer money to attack its political opponents and retain and enhance its power. The larger the government gets, the larger it wants to be. And too many people are either on the government dole or are too stupid to notice or care.

"This is why it is so dangerous for Republicans, and Trump supporters in specific, to be overconfident about the upcoming election.

"Democrats, being maniacally power-besotted and grotesquely evil, no doubt have tricks up their sleeve as regards the upcoming presidential election. They have not openly imported 10 million illegal undocumented immigrants for no reason. And they “harvest” ballots like a farmer harvests corn, though the farmer at least knows from whence the corn came.

"As recently as a few weeks ago, some Democrats—and their human remoras that make up the mainstream media (emphasis on make up)—were claiming that President Biden was in tip-top shape, vigorous and virile, focused and sharp as the proverbial tack. The White House doctor claimed Biden was “healthy, active, robust.” Age had nothing on Biden and was an arbitrary and moot issue! However, once top Democrats realized that a Biden victory would be so preposterous (after his debate performance) as to arouse suspicion even among the dullest of Americans, he was issued an ultimatum and forced to quit his campaign…and the media was given its updated talking points. At which time it turned on Biden like Michael Moore on a Whopper with cheese." . . .

"And started claiming that Trump was too old to be president." . . . Full article here.

Trump Didn’t Back Out of the September Debate — Joe Biden Did

  National Review

Donald Trump’s campaign on Thursday announced that he is not yet ready to agree to the details of a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, stating:

Given the continued political chaos surrounding Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until Democrats formally decide on their nominee. There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party — namely Barack Hussein Obama — that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out hope for somebody “better.” Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds.

The wording of the statement, using Obama’s middle name and trolling with the recent chaos on the Democratic side, is very Trumpy. But it’s dishonest for Democrats and their media allies to act as if Trump is backing out because he is quaking in his boots about the prospect of Harris.

Why Were the DC Protests So Out of Control? There Were Only 29 Police!


"Many people are wondering how and why the protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu got so out of control on Wednesday.

"In addition to the vandalism, tearing down of the American flag, and general violence, the police trying to control the crowd were violently attacked. 

"Well, there is a simple answer: there were only 29 Park Police who could defend the sites against the rampaging mob, and the Department of the Interior was unwilling to help those guys out. Dealing with a violent mob consisting of thousands of Antifa and pro-Hamas proto-terrorists, they were outmanned beyond belief." . . .

Fox News: Rashida Tlaib ripped for holding 'war criminal' sign during Netanyahu’s speech: 'Absolute disgrace'


. . ."Netanyahu tore into Gaza cease-fire demonstrations across the U.S. and accused Iran of funding those protests during an impassioned address. While many have praised him for his leadership and for his speech to Americans, not all politicians were happy to see him, with several Democrats skipping the event.

"Among those in the chamber was Tlaib, a Palestinian American who is one of Israel's harshest critics in the House of Representatives. Tlaib has called for Netanyahu to be arrested by the International Criminal Court (ICC). She staged a silent protest for much of his speech, holding a double-sided sign that read "guilty of genocide" on one side and "war criminal" on the other." . . .

GOP lawmaker says Tlaib should be ‘run out of town’ over ‘genocide’ sign (

Rashida Tlaib attends conference honoring terrorists, hosting terrorist speaker (   "Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib spoke on Saturday at a Detroit Pro-Palestinian conference that advocated on behalf of terrorism, honored terrorists, and featured a member of a terrorist organization as a panelist.

"Tlaib made a surprise appearance at the People’s Conference for Palestine, an event that saw dozens of the anti-Israel groups involved in the post-October 7 protests in attendance, while Dearborn Michigan Mayor Abdullah Hammoud gave a video address.

"The May 24-26 conference is set to have Wisam Rafeedie as a speaker at a workshop on Sunday, the last day of the event. According to Amnesty International, Rafeedie is an activist for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The PFLP is designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the US State Department." . . .

Democrats and Middle East affairs; Not Kamala's Thing

CACKLE! Kamala Reportedly Tried to Get Tough With Netanyahu About a Ceasefire and It Did NOT Go Well

"Beyond the fact Kamala is simply an unlikable and cringe-inducing harpy, she's just not cut out to deal with leaders around the world, especially Netanyahu. Take a look:"

Netanyahu reportedly believes Harris could jeopardize a hostage and ceasefire deal."We hope that Harris' public criticism of Israel won't give Hamas the impression that there is daylight between the U.S. and Israel and as a result make it harder to get a deal," an Israeli official told Axios. . . .

. . ."Tlaib, who has often heavily criticized Netanyahu and the Israeli government amid the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, held up a sign that said both “war criminal” and “guilty of genocide.”

"Other Republican lawmakers went after Tlaib for the sign as well, including Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), who captioned a picture of Tlaib with the sign on X with “Iran’s useful idiot.' ”

 Kamala Creates Diplomatic Flap Over Comments About Gaza, and Israel Isn't Happy – RedState  . . ."Exactly. That's why this is still going on because the Biden-Harris team keeps doing this thing of creating daylight rather than just saying, "Take out the terrorists." Kamala shows she has no more sense than Biden on the issue. Indeed, she's likely making the comments to appeal to the radical anti-Israel leftists because she will need their votes if she is the nominee. 

"In fact, another Israeli official said, "Harris' statement after the meeting was much more critical than what she told Netanyahu in the meeting." 

"Translation? She's saying one thing to Netanyahu and then trying to act like she's tough on him after the meeting to appeal. But now, Israel is calling her out on that game."

She reminds me of the school bully who would be friendly to us when with just the two of us, then push us around in front of the rest on the playground. TD  

. . ."Exactly. That's why this is still going on because the Biden-Harris team keeps doing this thing of creating daylight rather than just saying, "Take out the terrorists." Kamala shows she has no more sense than Biden on the issue. Indeed, she's likely making the comments to appeal to the radical anti-Israel leftists because she will need their votes if she is the nominee. 

"In fact, another Israeli official said, "Harris' statement after the meeting was much more critical than what she told Netanyahu in the meeting." 

"Translation? She's saying one thing to Netanyahu and then trying to act like she's tough on him after the meeting to appeal. But now, Israel is calling her out on that game. 

"That's not a particularly smart move by Kamala — did she think Israel wouldn't find out if she said stuff afterward that is different than what she told them? And that's not exactly a good recommendation for her character or why anyone should vote for her in the future if that's true. But as we've noted, it's not exactly like she has a lot of foreign policy experience, despite the efforts to paint her as the Second Coming." . . . 

Don’t be fooled by Kamala’s pro-Israel platitudes. She is pro-Iran and pro-Hamas. - Andrea Widburg  . . ."Six months after the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, when Israel was winning against its genocidal enemy, Kamala, the military tactician, having “studied the maps,” warned Israel away from attacking Hamas’s stronghold of Rafah because only in that way could Israel protect an enemy civilian population (a population, notably that strongly supports Hamas). In fact, Israel successfully attacked Rafah and spared the civilian population because that’s the type of military it is. Kamala clearly wanted to protect Hamas from a military defeat:" . . .*

Here’s Who Has Endorsed Kamala Harris So Far | TIME   "So far VP Harris has received the endorsement of 7 out of the 9 squad members.

Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) Ayanna Pressley (@AyannaPressley) Delia Ramirez (@DeliaRamirezIL) Greg Casar (@GregCasar) Summer Lee (@SummerForPA) Cori Bush (@CoriBush) Jamaal Bowman… Show more

Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Funnies: Hilarious Parody Campaign Ad Beautifully Exposes Kamala's Monumental Flaws

 Bob Hoge – RedState

. . . "Obviously, there are things that Kamala would never say, but she has regularly spewed out nonsense rhetoric that uses many words to say essentially nothing, and her record is truly horrendous, as even a cursory glance shows."... 

"Kamala Harris regularly seems like a parody of a vice president, but a new fake campaign ad created by a social media creator who goes by the name “Mr Reagan” hysterically points out her serious flaws as a presidential candidate and shows why we should be terrified at the thought of her taking on the job of commander in chief.

"Mr Reagan makes it clear that the ad is not genuine and titles it simply “Kamala Harris Campaign Ad PARODY.” Then he brandishes his sarcasm scalpel and rips the VP’s speaking style and horrendous record to shreds.

"The spot is "narrated" by Harris, but it’s clear that it’s done by either using an AI voice generator or by splicing together audio clips to make it sound like she said things she obviously didn’t. Mr Reagan intersperses those sections with real footage of Kamala making a fool out of herself without the aid of advanced technology.

"It made me laugh out loud:"

 Full Article.

Barack and Michelle Obama Endorse Kamala Harris, The Megan Markle of American Politics



Corn pop’s revenge. It was always going to be thus… - The Last Refuge   "Here we go, the manufacturing of Madame President continues.

As if the last four days were not enough pop culture to elevate Kamala Harris into the beloved Megan Markle position, here comes Barack and Michelle Obama.

"In a video released by the Harris campaign (the Campaign Manager is Brian Fallon from Clintonian fame), Harris spoke to the Obamas by phone while she was in Indianapolis for an event on Wednesday. Barack Obama said he and the former first lady “couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office.” Michelle Obama then added: “This is going to be historic,” a nod to the beatification process currently underway to create the first woman president.'' . . .

In the background, ballot coordinator James Clyburn will be counting on this manufactured enthusiasm to generate the harvesting operation his ballot scanners need.  By my back of the envelope estimation, in the roughly 17 regions that Clyburn controls (central collection points for ballot counting), there are approximately 300,000 to 500,000 potential extra ballots per region.

Do you believe that the views of the Pro-Palestine student protestors will eventually become the mainstream . . .

. . ." orthodox opinion in the US, or are they bound to fail and the US will remain mostly pro-Israel?

"College students are almost never good representatives of American public opinion. Colleges select for a population that is young, white and wealthy and the lack of life experience makes them a peculiar population when compared to the general public.

"In the best cases, college students are able to be exceptionally moral when compared to the general population. This is why college students came to oppose segregation long before the general population.

"However, in lots of other cases, college students wind up throwing their weight behind destructive authoritarians because of the unnuanced worldview that college students tend to adopt. Ayatollah Khomeini is a good example of someone who won over college students despite his being a fiercely theocratic dictator. And you could find support for many different dictators, including Mao, Stalin and others, amongst the anti-Vietnam protestors back in the day.

"In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian war, I think it’s likely that the protests will have no impact on popular opinion.

"Americans by and large still think that Israel was in the right when responding to Hamas."

(Language) · Physician Jul 18  "Since most of the student protestors are “useful idiots” with little idea of how the real world is outside their safe spaces, from which they get extremely myopic, distorted and divorced from actual reality views, and most are simply following other virtue signalers who are either as poorly informed or full of shit, I suspect that the views of the American college students who extolled the virtues of the Hamas rapists and baby killers will go the same way as the views of those who supported BLM, Occupy Wall Street, Defund the Police, and the Seattle Autonomous zone- they’ll be seen for the idiotic, counterproductive, and objectively unsound and untrue bullshit, and the people leading and supporting them will be seen for the corrupt, hate-filled, anti-American and anarchistic bullshitters they are."

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Major General Higginbotham On Kamala Harris' Background.

For your knowledge and interest about Biden’s VP. - DocsLib   Kamala Harris' father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. 

Both of Harris' parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro-American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association.

 The group's leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on to arrange financing and facilitated for Barack Hussein Obama to be accepted as a student to matriculate at Harvard Law.

Following her graduation from college, Harris returned to California and subsequently became the mistress of the 60-year-old married Speaker of the California Assembly, Willie Brown, Jr. Brown's political campaigns were supported and funded by Dr. Carlton Goodlett, the owner of The Sun Reporter and several other pro-Communist newspapers.

Brown was elected as Mayor of San Francisco, and strongly endorsed Harris' Marxist political philosophy; he guided Harris' political rise in California politics, leading to her election as California's Attorney General. Willie Brown, Jr. is a well-known long-time Communist sympathizer. Willie Brown, Jr. was initially elected to public office with substantial help of the Communist Party USA. Today, Willie Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party's best friends in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

While serving as San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris mentored a young San Francisco Radical Maoist activist, Lateefah Simon, who was a member of the STORM Revolutionary Movement; Simon currently chairs the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Board. 

Simon has always been close friends with the founder of Black Lives Matter Marxist Domestic Terrorists, Alicia Garza, as well as STORM member and avowed Communist, Van Jones. Harris has been openly and aggressively supporting Black Lives Matter Marxists; Kamala Harris is still closely associated with Maoist Lateefah Simon and Marxist Alicia Garza.

Kamala Harris's sister Maya Harris was a student activist at Stanford University. She was  closely associated with Steve Phillips, one of the leading Marxist-Leninists on campus and a long-time affiliate with the League of Revolutionary Struggle, a pro-Chinese Communist group.

Soldiers from Nahal Oz base share their amazing stories of survival

 Shayan   WATCH: Soldiers from Nahal Oz base share their amazing stories of survival | World Israel News

"This photo was taken on the evening of October 6th at the Nahal Oz outpost. It was the last Shabbat for observation Sergeant Shachaf Nissani, who was supposed to be released from duty the following week, and she was celebrating with her friends. The girls in the picture had no idea of the horror awaiting them just a few hours later. Out of the 11 girls here, 9 were murdered (one of them in captivity), one was kidnapped and later freed in a military operation. Among the other observation soldiers on duty at that time, another 5 were kidnapped and are still in captivity, and 5 more were murdered.

"This single photo remains as a painful memento of the unimaginable massacre – they had warned, but no one listened to them. They marked their friend’s last Shabbat in the army, which turned into the last Shabbat of life for most of them."


. . ."In October 2023, dozens of Hamas militants entered Nahal Oz during the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel.The militants attacked the nearby military post, killing 41 members of the Golani Brigade and 20 soldiers in the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps. The militants deployed a flammable substance against the soldiers at the base, which also released toxic gases that caused suffocation.[13]

Aftermath of the attack

"Some of the militants also broke into the houses, killing 12 residents and taking others hostage.[14] The kibbutz was held by Hamas for 12 hours, until the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) killed the militants and took back control of the kibbutz. Hamas also took hostage a family of five, both parents and their three children, and retreated with them to Gaza. The kidnapping was livestreamed by militants using the mother's phone, alerting the rest of the family of the kidnapping. Arson and vandalism carried out by Hamas militants left a significant number of homes destroyed or uninhabitable, leading to the displacement of the residents of the kibbutz." . . .

Kamala Harris Finally Issues Statement About Pro-Hamas Takeover in D.C.

Step one: give Israeli families AR-15s. Step two: don't lock them up in a local armory. Step three: Hamas murders the key-keepers, so have multiple key people. TD . . .

. . . Because the useful idiots in Western streets want to help Hamas murderers and Jews will have to stand alone against them all.

After Promoting Fiery 2020 Protests, Harris Condemns Vandalism, Hamas Support, and Flag Burning – RedState   . . ."Earlier this month, Harris expressed sympathy for the protesters who created anti-Israel encampments on college campuses across the country. The VP told a left-wing magazine, The Nation, that the Gen Z campus squatters are:

...showing exactly what the human emotion should be.

Kamala Harris Finally Issues Statement About Pro-Hamas Takeover in D.C. (  . . ."But in the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attacks, when more than 30 Americans were killed by Hamas terrorists in Israel and eight were taken hostage to the Gaza Strip -- where they still remain -- Harris sympathized with the pro-Hamas cause. She also supports UNWRA, the "aid" organization infested with terrorists. " , , ,

Democrats side with Hamas

"People who have been lifelong Democrats refuse to accept the clear reality that the Democrat Party is rapidly become openly anti-Semitic. “This trend is accelerating, not slowing down.”

"On Wednesday, the prime minister of Israel visited the United States to address Congress nearly 10 months after Palestinian soldiers broke a ceasefire, invaded Israel, raped and murdered 1,200 civilians, and kidnapped 240 others. On top of these international war crimes, the soldiers were dressed as civilians.

Democrats snubbed Bibi. Biden, Kamala and Blinken were too chickenshit to greet him and his delegation of Israeli former hostages and families of the hostages. The U.S. government’s official policy now is to abandon Americans held hostage by the Hamas kidnappers.

Half the Democrats in Congress refused to show up for his address. Democrats had their little Nazi storm troopers burn American flags at Union Station and wave Palestinian and Hamas flags.

"What a difference from the way Biden and the rest of DC have treated Zelensky and the endless war in Ukraine, where after two years no one is demanding a ceasefire. Putin started the war. The war machine profits. The politicians collect their kickbacks. Everyone is happy except the 10 million displaced persons and the hundreds of thousands of war dead.

"The press portrayed the abuse of Bibi and Israel by Democrats as bipartisan because Republican Tom Massey did not attend the address to Congress.

"Pelosi boycotted the speech.

"Nevertheless, The Hill reported, “Pelosi says Netanyahu gave ‘the worst’ speech to Congress from any foreign leader.”

"The Hill’s story had no comments from any Bibi supporter and it had no story on the reaction from Bibi supporters. Today’s journalists do not write news stories. They write press releases.

"Business Insider, though, put what is happening in proper perspective.. . .

Speaker Johnson: VP Harris will ‘pay a price’ politically for skipping Bibi speech (    . . ."Vance will not meet Netanyahu this week, nor will he attend Wednesday’s address, a source familiar tells JI." . . . I so regret this Kamala-like action and hope Sen. Vance will explain it more sufficiently. TD 

. . ."Vance will not meet Netanyahu this week, nor will he attend Wednesday’s address, a source familiar tells JI. The Trump campaign pointed to his absence as a result of “duties to fulfill as the Republican nominee for Vice President.” 

"The source said the Ohio senator will watch the speech at a later time. Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller told JI that Vance “stands steadfastly with the people of Israel in their fight to defend their homeland, eradicate terrorist threats, and bring back their countrymen held hostage.” . . .

Political price: “I think it's an inexcusable political calculation that Kamala Harris has made. I think she'll pay a price for it politically, and I think she should. The idea that you would boycott right now, to me, is just beyond the pale. They had to rest on Sen. Cardin to sit in the chair, who's retiring from the Senate. I think that sends a strong message to the voters, and it's quite sad,” Johnson said.