Sunday, August 11, 2024

JNS poll: Israelis support Donald Trump over Joe Biden

Caroline Glick

“Israel is the one, and you should let ’em go and let ’em finish the job,” Trump said. “He doesn’t want to do it. He’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian, he’s a weak one.”

"If Israelis were the ones who decided, presumptive Republican nominee and former President Donald Trump would defeat U.S. President Joe Biden in a landslide on Nov. 5, according to a JNS/Direct Polls survey of public opinion carried out on July 9.

"According to the survey, 55% of Israelis would prefer to see Trump elected, 34% prefer Biden and 11% don’t have an opinion on the matter.

"Israelis are unsure whether Biden is pro-Israel. Fifty percent said he is, while 43% said he is not and 7% don’t know.

Anti-Hamas Israeli
"Among young Israelis, the responses were even more dramatic. Seventy-four percent of respondents aged 18 to 29 said that Biden is not pro-Israel. Young Israelis support Trump over Biden 95%-5%.

"Israel and Jewish issues played a small but explosive role in the presidential debate between Biden and Trump late last month.

"In an exchange about what leverage Biden would use to get Hamas to agree to a ceasefire-for-hostages proposal that he announced in May, Trump accused the president of wanting to let the Palestinian terror group remain in power.

“ 'Israel is the one, and you should let ’em go and let ’em finish the job,” Trump said. “He doesn’t want to do it. He’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian, he’s a weak one.”

"Biden in his preceding answer claimed that he had “saved Israel,” but that the Jewish state had “killed a lot of innocent people.” . . .

When Harris says "I'm speaking!" you better listen

Tony Branco

 Harris was wildly insensitive to protesters at Michigan rally (

Although Democrats are divided on Israel-Palestine, many want to support the Harris-Walz ticket. Brushing off protestors makes that hard.

"Two weeks ago, I wrote about the dangers of idolizing Kamala Harris and dismissing her critics following her bid for president. Harris is not a perfect presidential candidate. This is a truth many knew but were avoiding in the excitement of the new Democratic ticket. The honeymoon is over." . . .

“ 'If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that otherwise, I'm speaking,” she told them.

"This response lacks critical thinking and is also wildly insensitive while having a rally in Michigan of all places, the state with the largest Arab American population by density." . . .

Notice in this speech Harris realized Trump's idea of no tax on tips is smart.

Kamala steals one of President Trump’s most popular proposals  . . ."This caps a career that began with her stealing another woman’s husband. As of yesterday, Kamala added a new theft to her political modus operandi: She stole Donald Trump’s popular proposal to stop taxing tips.

"Trump first voiced the idea in early June during a rally in Nevada (a state rich in service employees):" . . .

“If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that,” Ms. Harris said. “Otherwise, I am speaking.”   . . ."Notice that Kamala didn’t challenge the substance of the heckling. Instead, she simply said the equivalent of please, don’t say that out loud because it will keep me out of the White House. Unsaid was the implication that she might indeed abandon Israel if she got into the White House.

"Bizarre response or not, Kamala supporters were in heaven. I see that nagging teacher I hated back in junior high school, but others saw presidential power!"

Kamala Harris spent months shooting down concerns over Biden's mental competency | Fox News  . . ."Questions posed to Harris over Biden's mental competency were raised frequently beginning in the fall of 2023, as the president made recurring comments at public events that sparked concerns over his fitness ahead of the election year. The president is 81 years old and would have been 86 by the end of a second term.

"Harris suggested that "what’s on his birth certificate in terms of his age" is not "the measure of the man," when asked about Biden's age in a November 2023 Sirius XM interview.

" 'Let’s not get distracted. Let’s look at whether we have a president that’s actually produced, and followed through on his commitments and especially on long-standing issues that needed to be addressed," Harris said. "Joe Biden has done that. That’s the measure of the man. Not what’s on his birth certificate in terms of his age." . . .

Now Even the New York Times Wants Biden to Resign

With Biden's fake tantrums, his Walter Mitty fables, his molestation of females and general qualities as a national leader, one divines much more than simply senility, but a lack of character and intelligence. Those qualities also missing in many Democrats, media personalities, and entire press networks. The Tunnel Dweller.

 Robert Spencer  

"It is easy to forget the fact, but the president of the United States is an old fellow named Joe Biden, a relic of the late 1980s political scene, a sinister corruptocrat who affects a genial, folksy mien. He's an octogenarian so deep in the grip of dementia that his frequent mental lapses led him to end his campaign for reelection after a disastrous debate with the man he had tried to destroy in numerous ways before a debate became unavoidable, Donald Trump. Yet, although the whole world knows, or thinks it knows, that Biden abandoned his reelection bid because of his cognitive decline, he continues to pretend to be president. Now, even the New York Times is calling for a halt to the charade.

"To be sure, the author of the Times column calling for Biden’s resignation was the Paper of Record’s resident conservative, Ross Douthat, so it cannot be taken as an indication that the Democrat Party leadership, which generally uses the Times as its press release service, is on the verge of administering the final coup de grace to the Biden “presidency.” Still, this is the Times, and so it’s an unmistakable indication that there are currents within the Democrat Party that want to jettison Old Joe now. 

" 'Douthat points out that the destruction of Biden’s reelection campaign headed off a scandal: “for a few weeks the media coverage of the Biden White House built up the idea that there was a major scandal here, implicating the inner circle that encouraged the president to run for re-election and practiced deception amid his obvious decline. The potential scale of that scandal has diminished now that the country is no longer being asked to entrust the Oval Office to Biden for another four years.”

"Nonetheless, if Old Joe would just get out of the way, says Douthat, Kamala Harris’ chances of being elected president would increase. “It’s possible,” he writes, “depending on Biden’s true capacities, that by rights he should have resigned and Harris should be president already — which probably would have put her in a better position to win the election even than her current honeymoon does.” " . . .

"Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 28 books, including many bestsellers such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About MuhammadThe History of Jihad, and The Critical Qur’an. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography." . . .

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Shouldn't this frighten you about Pelosi and today's Democrats?

Pelosi says it's her life goal to ensure 'that man' Trump never steps in the White House again   "Nancy Pelosi's influence can be seen all across the Democratic Party shakeup that in a few short, agonizing weeks has reengineered the 2024 presidential ticket and the race for the White House.

"It was Pelosi who publicly encouraged President Joe Biden to make a decision about his reelection campaign when he had already insisted he had no plans to step aside. Once he exited and endorsed Kamala Harris atop the ticket, it was Pelosi who was a big fan of her future running mate, Tim Walz.

"For the House speaker emerita the upheaval is less about Biden, a friend of 40 years, and more about Republican Donald Trump, the former president she refers to as “Bozo,” “a snake-oil salesman,” “what's his name” and the “Creature from the Black Lagoon.”

“ 'How can I say this in the nicest possible way: My goal in life was that man would never step in the White House again,” Pelosi said, slapping the table with every word.

"Pelosi spoke Wednesday with reporters and columnists about her new book, “The Art of Power, My Story as America's First Woman Speaker of the House,” which calls for an end to political violence in the U.S. But it’s this final unwritten chapter of Pelosi's career that shows the soft power she still wields that can change the course of history.

"Over and again, Pelosi declined to detail her conversations with Biden during this tumultuous period, or if the conversations happened at all. The two have not spoken since he bowed out of the race." . . .

Special Counsel Confirms Hunter Biden Was Taking Bribes

While VP Joe Biden lectured Romania on corruption, the Bidens received over a million dollars from a Romanian company controlled by Gabriel Popoviciu.

  Katie Pavlich   "While President Joe Biden spends yet another weekend in Delaware after the collapse of his 2024 campaign his son, Hunter Biden, is facing new and damning facts from Special Counsel David Weiss. 

" According to a new court filing, the younger Biden took millions of dollars from a Romanian real estate tycoon in exchange for U.S. policy changes toward corruption in the country. The exchange took place while President Joe Biden was the Vice President during President Barack Obama's administration. " . . .

. . ."Last year the House Oversight Committee, led by Republican Congressman James Comer, launched an impeachment inquiry into whether President Joe Biden accepted money in exchange for changes in U.S. policy during his time as vice president." . . .

Yet the corrupt Pelosi declares that Donald Trump will never see the inside of the White House again.

So what happens when you put Tampon Tim's maxipad dispenser in the boys' bathroom at a typical high school?

 Monica Showalter  "For weird characters like Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, now Kamala Harris's running mate, there is no such thing as human nature.

"Which is why he and his woke coevals are constantly in for a surprise when they make human beings into their guinea pigs for a Better World.

"And this is particularly obvious in matters involving children and their identities. It's very well known that boys, when given Barbie dolls to play with will turn them into guns for cowboy play.

"Writer Kira Davis saw what happened when Tim Walz's wokesterly idea of putting tampon and maxipad dispensers in the boys' room of her kids' high school in California.

"That of course meant that at taxpayer expense, the improbable specter of tampon and maxipad machines were installed in all public school bathrooms, including the boys' rooms -- and the boys weren't supposed to notice anything amiss."

 "Here's her tweet thread:"  

I live in CA, so #TamponTim's inspiration is our public school system. Last year my child's high school put pads and tampons in the boys bathrooms, for all those "people who menstruate." You won't be surprised to hear what happened next...1/

Well, perhaps some males will appreciate the gesture.

When Democrats meet.

Kamala Harris Colluded With Planned Parenthood to Cover Up Aborted Baby Part Sales


LifeNews   "Five newly-released undercover videos show Texas-based Planned Parenthood abortionists describing how they abort late-term babies alive and then dismember them to avoid the federal partial-birth abortion law and then sell the baby body parts for profit. Liberty Counsel’s client Sandra Merritt, and David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, filmed the videos in 2015 during an undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood. Then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris investigated and charged Merritt and Daleiden while the videos were blocked from public release by a court order. The videos have now been released after a congressional subpoena cleared the way for public viewing.

"In March 2024, a U.S. Congressional panel held an independent hearing for the purpose of “investigating the black market of baby organ harvesting” through abortion. During the hearing, independent investigator David Daleiden presented graphic videos and testimony on how the “industrial-scale abortion business” brokers lucrative deals for fetal organs taken from live babies by dismembering viable babies in utero to “skirt” partial-birth abortion laws. On July 30, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who chaired the panel, released the full versions of the subpoenaed videos.

"The videos reveal two conversations between undercover reporters and Planned Parenthood officials at the 2015 National Abortion Federation commercial trade show. In one video, Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, the Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, explained how to keep baby body parts intact while avoiding violating partial birth abortion (PBA) law, which prohibits killing a baby if any part of its body below the navel is outside the mother’s body." . . .

Kamala Harris Ordered Raid on Undercover Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Sale of Baby Parts, Seized Videos to Block Their Release to the Public   . . ."Instead of investigating Planned Parenthood's illegal activities, Harris launched a criminal investigation against Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which has continued for nearly nine years.

"This was not just an attack on a journalist but an attack on the First Amendment and the right of the public to know the truth about what goes on behind the closed doors of abortion clinics. Harris's actions were a clear attempt to protect her political allies at Planned Parenthood, even as evidence of illegal activity mounted." . . .

Next: did they check out her roof ? Remember this is for Kamala!  U.S. Secret Service Breaks into Massachusetts Hair Salon and Tapes Over Security Camera, Allegedly to Let People Use the Bathroom During Kamala Harris Fundraiser   . . ."However, what transpired next left Powers feeling violated and betrayed. According to Powers, Secret Service agents took it upon themselves to enter her locked salon, use her bathroom, and tamper with her security cameras—all without her consent.

"Security footage obtained by Business Insider showed a female Secret Service agent taping over the lens of a Ring security camera located at the salon’s entrance.

"The agents then proceeded to break into the salon, triggering the security alarm and using the facilities for nearly two hours before leaving the building completely unsecured." . . .

Surely there are better people in America than Pelosi, Walz, Biden and Harris

The stolen valor of Tim Walz   . . ."Walz actually did serve in the Army reserve for 24 years, reaching the rank of Master Sergeant—E8. He retired and was honorably discharged. The Stolen Valor problem has to do with how and when he retired, and his claims after retiring." . . .

Retired USMC Major Confronts CNN’s Brianna Keilar For Attacking JD Vance’s Military Service While Defending Tim Walz’s Stolen Valor

"J.D Vance WENT OFF on Brianna Keilar on Thursday.

“Brianna this is disgusting, and you and your entire network should be ashamed of yourselves,” JD Vance said. “When I got the call to go to Iraq, I went.”

“Tim Walz said he carried a gun in a war. Did he? No. It was a lie,” Vance said." ...

.Veterans Are Posting Pictures Of Themselves On Combat Duty “Not Being Tim Walz”  "U.S. military veterans have taken to social media to post images of themselves on combat duty in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other theatres of war, captioning the pictures “Me not being Tim Walz.” . . .

The Hill    "Third, on July 29 Trump was interviewed by Fox News host Laura Ingraham. She asked about remarks he made at a Christian voter gathering that some interpreted as dictatorial— eliminating the need for voting. Trump told the Christians, “You have to vote on Nov. 5. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore. I don’t care, because we’re going to fix it. The country will be fixed …”

"Such bravado prompted Ingraham to ask Trump, “But you will leave office after four years?” He replied, “Of course. By the way, and I did last time. I kept hearing, he’s not going to leave. He’s not going to leave. Look, they are the ones that are a threat to democracy.” . . .

. . .“ 'No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again…it was an excellent experience,” Walz said upon his return from the first of many trips there. Walz claims that his Chinese hosts lavished him with “more gifts than I could bring home.”

"Walz and his supporters would like us to believe that his cozy ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are not unusual. In fact, he is “hawkish” and staunch critic of the CCP’s human rights abuses, his media allies say. The Chinese have an expression for the practice of providing cover for the communist regime while issuing the occasional muted critiques: it’s called “big help with a little bad mouth.”

"As Breitbart News reported, Walz first visited China in 1989 under the auspices of a now-shuttered Harvard program called WorldTeach. Walz and became so enamored with the country that he and his wife honeymooned there after their marriage on June 4, 1994, the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Walz “wanted to have a [wedding anniversary] date he’ll always remember,” according to his wife." . . .

Good Samaritan with a gun saves a 15-year-old girl from being raped on a Texas sidewalk

Olivia Murray   "As long as you’re not in a Democrat stronghold, you can in fact come to the defense of someone weaker than you who’s being threatened and attacked by a violent assailant, without fear of being thrown in jail. While New Yorker Daniel Penny awaits trial, faces 15 years in prison, and is burdened by legal fees, Texan David Garza is being hailed a “quick-thinking hero” who saved a young girl’s life.

"Here are the details, per a report from the New York Post:

The assailant followed the teen into a gated apartment complex after she got off a Metro bus on Houston’s east side around 12:30 a.m. July 28, according to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

That’s when good Samaritan David Garza heard the girl screaming for help outside his apartment.

‘I looked out the window and I saw a man beating up a woman on the ground … trying to take her clothes off,’ Garza told KHOU.

Garza immediately grabbed his gun and ran outside to confront the attacker, security footage shows. He said the suspect had the girl by her hair.

"Below is the doorbell footage captured of Garza as he confronted the man, as well as a firsthand account from both Garza and another witness: . . ."

Friday, August 9, 2024

Harris Dismissed From Intense War Meeting, MAGA Suggests Alarming Reason (Of course)

 RTM  "Vice President Kamala Harris was reportedly dismissed from a high-level meeting in the Situation Room on Monday. 

"The meeting, which focused on escalating tensions in the Middle East, saw Harris leaving early, sparking speculation about her role and influence in the administration during this critical time.

"Reports from multiple sources, including Fox News, said Harris’s early departure was sudden and unexpected. 

". . .Vice President Kamala Harris was reportedly dismissed from a high-level meeting in the Situation Room on Monday. 

"The meeting, which focused on escalating tensions in the Middle East, saw Harris leaving early, sparking speculation about her role and influence in the administration during this critical time.

"Reports from multiple sources, including Fox News, said Harris’s early departure was sudden and unexpected. "

“It looks like Kamala can’t handle a Big Girl meeting any better than Biden can handle a Big Boy meeting,” Kyle Becker said following Fox’s reporting.

"Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit commented on the incident, stating, “Amazing. Kamala was such a distraction she was dismissed.” 

"Ryan Fournier wrote on X, “They kicked Kamala out of the Situation Room before the meeting even ended,” adding, “Tensions seem high between her and Biden!” . . .

The Democracy of Dementia: Bye Then, Biden

Taki’s Magazine

“Most contemporary politicians have crafted a world for us all to live in where, by design, there is little true respect for, or knowledge of, the past.”

I have never been able to take the political opinions of movie stars terribly seriously. Whilst still a young English teacher, I once taught a future famous Hollywood actress, whom I shall not embarrass by naming here. During a class discussion about politics one day, this girl, then aged 17, solemnly informed me how she would “never vote for the Conservatory Party, because the Conservatory Party are only for rich people, as only rich people have conservatories, don’t they?” (For U.S. readers: A conservatory is British English for what you call a “solarium” or “orangery.”)

"The premise wasn’t even correct on its own terms: My current two next-door neighbors on either side each have conservatories, and one is a window cleaner whilst the other works in a warehouse. Presumably, now that she’s a multimillionaire adult, my former student today habitually votes for the Conservatory Party on a regular basis herself? People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

"Clooney Tunes

"I thought of this perfectly pleasant yet politically ill-informed girl recently when I read her fellow Hollywood star George Clooney’s laughable open letter in The New York Times begging yet another well-known star of stage and prostate screening, Joe Biden, to stand down before it was too late on account of his clear senile dementia, as demonstrated in last month’s embarrassing TV debate with Donald Trump during which he is alleged to have literally shat himself. At last, a leader who always follows through! (Although, in today’s less-than-bipartisan spirit, opponents claim it was actually Trump who dumped.)" . . .

. . ."Maybe Clooney himself also has dementia? After all, he appeared to be suffering from false memories in his article himself, which he concluded thus: “Joe Biden is a hero; he saved democracy in 2020. We need him to do it again in 2024 [by immediately visiting Dignitas].”

"Sorry, George, but I don’t remember Biden “saving democracy” by winning the White House back in 2020. I just remember an obviously incapable Brezhnev-style gerontocrat scarecrow in a suit being installed in office following a gigantic nationwide media and Big Tech cover-up of his patent late-stage coffin-dodgery and his son’s equally dodgy laptop. But then, perhaps Clooney, as a fully paid-up member of the Democratic media-industrial complex, would just prefer to wipe the slate clean of all that."

. . .

What would a "two-state solution" bring to Israel?

 Gaza was unoccupied by all but anti-Israel Arabs and how did that work out in October? What did the "free-free Palestinians" do with the state they presently had? They left it, went into Israel and encountered these peaceful Israeli citizens at a bus stop and did what Hamas does.

What is the two-state solution for Israel and Palestinians? | World News | Sky News   . . ."Hamas, which controls Gaza, has committed itself to the destruction of Israel. However, in a revised charter published in 2017, it said it would accept a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders.

"The lack of consensus on the Palestinian side makes the solution difficult - and the admission of Israeli officials that they are no longer committed to it near impossible.

"The US has recently reiterated the two-state solution is the best way to ensure Israel's security, unify moderate Arab countries in the region, and isolate Iran.

"It has also called for the Palestinian Authority to be "revitalised" and able to return to Gaza having been ousted in 2007." . . .

When Israel's current Palestinian neighbors come by to visit:

We all would love to have a peaceful Arab neighbor next door to Israel. But in light of what her Arab neighbors have done, what would the world expect?
Perhaps the U.S. Congress will stand by Israel:
Israel war: Tlaib still has a Palestinian flag hanging outside her House office - Washington Examiner     "Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) still has a Palestinian flag hanging outside of her House office after the invasion of Israel by Hamas, during which hundreds of Israelis and some Americans were killed.

"Over the weekend, Hamas, a Palestinian militia group whose mission is to destroy Israel, invaded Israel and bombarded the country with missiles." . . .

"Scandal-plagued 2024 Democratic Party vice presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) appears to have forged close political ties with a radical Islamist cleric in his state who has praised the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel and promoted neo-Nazi propaganda film Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told. From 2019 to 2023, Walz either met with or attended events with Imam Asad Zaman at least five times.
"Walz’s relationship with Zaman dates back to early 2019. The imam participated in a press conference in January of that year with Walz, calling on the U.S. Congress to end its government shutdown. Then, in April, Zaman delivered an invocation before Gov. Walz’s State of the State address. A month later, Zaman was again present at a Ramadan celebration hosted by Walz." . . .
In the aftermath of the Hamas October 7 terrorist attacks against Israel, Zaman declared he “stands in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks.”