Friday, August 30, 2024

Where are you Little Joe?

 Silvio Canto, Jr. - American Thinker  

Furthermore, there is an appearances problem.  He is not just laying on the beach.  He looks like he’s checked out, and that’s why we are asking who is running the country.

"According to what we hear, President Biden is on the beach.  Can’t blame him because that Delaware coast is nice this time of the year, and every president needs a summer breeze to recharge the batteries.  Reagan went to the ranch; George W. chopped a few trees.

"So what’s wrong with Mr. Biden enjoying a little time off?  Nothing, except that he is always on vacation these days.

"Where is our president?  He is on the beach.  Who is running the country?   That’s the real question because that man on the beach does not look very engaged.

"This is from Katie Pavlich:

President Joe Biden left a week long California vacation Monday and headed back to the East Coast. His destination wasn’t Washington D.C. or the White House. Instead, he’s back in Delaware for an additional two weeks at the beach. His schedule remains blank after receiving the ‘president’s daily brief.’

The call time for reporters in Rehoboth, where Biden is staying in his beach house, was pushed to 11 am Tuesday morning. . . .

"Another day in the life of Joe.  He naps and the world goes on.

"Biden’s apologists will say that the nuclear briefcase and cell phone are nearby.  Yes, they are but who is running the country?  What happens if the Secretary of Defense is on the phone because missiles are on the way or because China invaded Taiwan, or that those aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean are in action.  Does anybody know?  That’s what worries many of us." . . .

"Tim Walz as the “emotional support candidate” for Kamala Harris during her interview with CNN."

"CNN anchor Dana Bash actually asked some decent questions, but what really struck me about the interview was that Kamala Harris, more often than not, avoided answering most of the questions, and Bash didn't seem to be concerned with getting an actual answer." . . .  Matt Margolis– PJ Media

Morning Greatness: Kamala-Flip Flops on Fracking in Softball CNN Interview › American Greatness (

Kamala Harris goes all in on fracking in testy interview exchange - POLITICO

"Vice President Kamala Harris vowed to make economic affordability the first priority of her presidency, defended her shifting positions on several key policies, and pledged continued support to Israel during a CNN interview on Thursday that marked the first extended sit-down of her candidacy.

"Harris, during the interview, offered a vigorous defense of her record as part of the Biden administration and hinted at expansive ambitions if elected in November. The interview took on increasing importance in recent days as Harris had not engaged in a lengthy back-and-forth with reporters since President Joe Biden left the ticket and endorsed her over a month ago.

"Harris didn’t create new problems for herself with a gaffe but she largely resisted offering much in the way of policy specifics, seeking instead to contrast her “new way forward” with attacks on GOP nominee Donald Trump over his temperament and most divisive policies." . . .

Trump-Vance Campaign Rolls Out Brutal New Ad Using This Line From Harris' CNN Interview (   

. . ."I just saw Comrade Kamala Harris’ answer to a very weakly-phrased question, a question that was put in more as a matter of defense than curiosity, but her answer rambled incoherently, and declared her 'values haven’t changed,'" Trump said. "On that I agree, her values haven’t changed - The Border is going to remain open, not closed, there will be Free Healthcare for Illegal Aliens, Sanctuary Cities, No Cash Bail, Gun Confiscation, Zero Fracking, a Ban on Gasoline-Powered Cars, Private Healthcare will be abolished, a 70-80% tax rate will be put in place, and she will Defund the Police. America will become a WASTELAND!" . . .
.: VP Harris keeps saying “my values haven’t changed” while not explaining why her positions have changed.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Douglas Murray rips into The View over ‘softball’ Kamala interview

Sky News Australia - YouTube

"Author Douglas Murray has ripped into The View after the program’s “softball” interview with Kamala Harris earlier this year where the Vice President shared her views on the border. "“How can I describe The View to non-Americans? It’s like Britain’s ‘Loose Women’ but less cerebral,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi. " 'It’s a very unfunny funny light daytime show.”

CNN's Jim Acosta has and will be a real piece of work

 But he does mesh will with TV hosts who hate Donald Trump (and I cannot find a better word to use than "hate". Can you? TD)

Chris Wallace Says He's "Horrified" by Jim Acosta's Press Conference (  Feb 2020.

"Fox News anchor Chris Wallace was not impressed with CNN reporter Jim Acosta's behavior during a presidential press conference Tuesday in India. "It's not our job to one-up the president.' "

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace was not impressed with CNN reporter Jim Acosta‘s behavior during a presidential press conference Tuesday in India.n from Acosta, President Donald Trump criticized his network and said, “Didn’t they apologize for the fact that they said certain things that weren’t true? Tell me, what was their apology yesterday?”

For my publicity

"Acosta replied, “Mr. President, I think our record on delivering the truth is a lot better than yours sometimes, if you don’t mind me saying.” (Trump’s response: “Your record is so bad you ought to be ashamed of yourself.”)

"Acosta replied, “Mr. President, I think our record on delivering the truth is a lot better than yours sometimes, if you don’t mind me saying.” (Trump’s response: “Your record is so bad you ought to be ashamed of yourself.”)

"Wallace, speaking on Tuesday night at a Common Ground Committee event held at Columbia University, said he was “horrified” by Acosta’s behavior. He said that White House correspondents of the past, himself included, would never have behaved the way he did.". . .

Is Jim Acosta a good reporter or a bad one? - Quora  "To be a good reporter you have to start from a position of neutrality as you search for the truth and the facts that support it. The problem with reporters these days is they inject too much of their opinion and personal bias into the story. In Jim Acosta’s case, he seems to want to be the story. He could do well on the editorial page where opinions still matter. But he really doesn't belong in hard news with the level of bias that he displays routinely."

Jim Acosta violated one of the oldest rules of journalism (  . . ."The conduct of a handful of so-called reporters during President Trump’s news conference was disgraceful beyond measure. This is not journalism, this is narcissism.

"Naturally, the boorish Jim Acosta of CNN was the instigator. As is his habit, Acosta doesn’t ask questions — he makes accusations and argues. Almost daily, he does it with the press secretary; Wednesday, he did it with the president.

" 'I want to challenge you,” Acosta began after Trump called on him. Trump realized he’d made a mistake, murmuring, “Here we go,” and Acosta didn’t disappoint.

"He insisted that despite the president’s use of the word “invasion,” the caravan of Central American migrants “is not an invasion.' ” . . .

But we are witnessing something more insidious here than media trash talk. Plain and simple, we are watching expressions of personal hatred.

"Yes, it’s true that most journalists lean far left and their bias sticks out like so many sore thumbs. That’s been true for a long time, but political bias is an insufficient explanation for the Jim Acostas of our time.

They hate Trump. They really, really hate him. There’s nothing professional about it.

 CNN's Jim Acosta ends interview with pro-life guest after clash on SCOTUS ruling

Jim Acosta Is the White House’s Favorite Reporter - POLITICO Magazine  ..."The seven-minute exchange, in which Miller delivered a surprisingly personal rebuke of Acosta’s argument—“one of the most outrageous, insulting, ignorant and foolish things you have ever said”—was riveting television and spawned an entire news cycle’s worth of coverage, as commentators scored it like a heavyweight bout. Debate points aside, the battle cemented Acosta’s undisputed role as the chief antagonist for a network that styles itself as Trump’s chief antagonist, a sparring partner for the administration in the unscripted reality TV show that is the daily briefing." . . .

Robert Kennedy Jr SCHOOLS Anti-Israel Host: Why Is Your Mind Blaming Israel?


"I truly hope the Jewish American communities vote Republican this year. So much depends on this election, this election affects the entire world not just USA." Comment to the video.

Newsom Tells CA Lawmakers He'll Force Special Session If They Don't Pass His Bill to Increase Gas Prices

  Jennifer Van Laar – RedState

"Side note: While many will say, "California, this is what you voted for," pay attention - this method of addressing "price gouging" is undoubtedly what a President Kamala Harris would use if elected, so it behooves all Americans who want to be able to feed their families to have knowledge of what's going on here."

Nobody price-gouges like my state!

"Grasping for relevance, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is in the midst of a bit of a temper tantrum this week with the legislature - threatening to convene a special session if they don't pass his proposal to further regulate California's oil and gas industry. Industry analysts say that the proposal, which would force refineries to "maintain a minimum fuel reserve to avoid supply shortages," would lead to increased prices for drivers in California, Arizona, and Nevada.

"This asinine proposal is from Newsom's California Energy Commission (CEC), which was formed in 2023 after a Newsom called a special session in 2022 demanding that legislators "do something" to prevent alleged price gouging by Big Oil. Commission members are political appointees, but the staffers are not. And, according to political consultant Rob Stutzman, the CEC's own staffers believe this proposal will make prices higher, not lower." . . .

It Sure Looks Like Kamala Harris Made Up Her Hard Knock Tale of Working at McDonald's

 Bonchie – RedState  

"It would seem odd for Harris to never mention this detail about her life story until she was in her mid-50s. She wrote multiple books, and none of them included her working at McDonald's. The multiple biographers who profiled her apparently never knew about it either. Only when it became politically convenient did Harris start making the claim." . . .She appears to have become Joe Biden, fabulist

Toon added by TD

"Did Kamala Harris ever work at McDonald's and if so, did the job help her "put herself through college?" Those might not seem like important questions on the surface, but when you consider the Democrat presidential nominee has been using the claim to fluff her supposedly hard-knock background, the truth of the matter becomes just a bit more relevant. 

"That's especially true given Harris' running mate, Tim Walz, has been caught in a litany of lies, including stealing valor about carrying weapons in war. Here's how the Harris campaign has been describing the supposed stint at McDonald's. 

Early this month, Harris’s campaign said she used her McDonald’s wages to pay for college. "Vice President Harris is the daughter of a working mother and worked at a McDonald’s to put herself through college," campaign spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said this month. A pro-Harris super PAC ad said she "work[ed] her way through school at McDonald’s." And former president Bill Clinton, at the Democratic National Convention, joked that "she’ll break my record as president who has spent the most time at McDonald’s."

"According to Harris, she "did fries" before moving over to work as a cashier, and that's just the first part of the tale that doesn't necessarily add up. The behind-the-counter dynamic at McDonald's doesn't typically have a specific person only cooking fries. With that said, it's at least possible she labored at a unique McDonald's that had her only cooking fries before moving over to be a cashier." . . .

"Then there's her post-college resume, which never mentions any job at McDonald's. In the same document, she mentioned fairly irrelevant details about her travel to Africa and India."

That's all OK with Sally Field.  Sally Field Returns to Social After Kamala Harris' Presidential Bid (  Sally Field has returned to social media, thanks to Kamala Harris‘ presidential bid.   

"The Oscar-winning actress posted two separate posts on her Instagram, sharing that she is back on the platform as a result of Harris running for president alongside Tim Walz as her vice president nominee.

" 'I’ve not been on social media. Not since it became public toilet paper for our former crook of a President. But ‘hope is making a comeback.’ So here I am,” she captioned a carousel of her with her dog, Dash, on Thursday." . . .

Gavin Newsom to Decide After CA Democrats Pass $150,000 Home Loans for Illegal Aliens

 Breitbart (

"California democrats love illegal immigration so much they offer many incentives for them to come here." Bill Essayli

"California Governor Gavin Newsom will make the final decision on a bill that would make illegal aliens eligible for $150,000 in home loans for first-time buyers, after the State Assembly passed a final version of the bill on Wednesday."

"Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Corona) helped lead Republican opposition to the bill, but Democrats passed it by a three-to-one veto-proof majority, sending it to the governor’s desk — and drawing attention to the party’s pattern of creating incentives for illegal migration by heaping taxpayer-funded benefits onto people who are not supposed to be in the country at all." . . .

California Democrats’ Plan to Give Illegal Immigrants Taxpayer Funds to Purchase a Home - California Political Review (

. . ."At a time in California when the media home price is over $850,000, housing starts are halted by environmental or labor union lawsuits, and $1,500 a month gets you a 240 square foot apartment in Los Angeles or San Francisco, California’s Democrat lawmakers want to give public taxpayer money to illegal immigrants for a downpayment on a home purchase.

"Assembly Bill 1840 (D-Arambula), would give California taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants to help them purchase a home.


"Because, as the bill analysis for Assembly Bill 1840 says: "to “Expand opportunities for California households to accumulate wealth for themselves and their families, including ensuring that design of the loan product is not an unreasonable impediment to homeowner wealth creation.”

"Notice that Democrats say “California households” and not “illegal immigrants,” as if all California households will benefit from this bill." . . .

Kamala: balloons and bubbles

Bubble Girl - by Diann Russell ( 

. . ."Last week, The Hill spoke to some Democrat strategists about Team Kamala’s strategy of keeping their nominee in a hermetically sealed bubble.

"While most warned that Kamala would eventually have to answer questions about her agenda, one thought the Bubble Girl strategy was brilliant. She told The Hill that Kamala didn’t need to do interviews or press conferences. Instead, the campaign should only trot her out at rallies to read prepared remarks while her team releases press statements to generate media buzz.

"That would only work if the sugar high that followed Biden’s withdrawal from the race doesn’t wear off. If the sugar high ends, voters will wonder why Harris hasn’t emerged from her bubble to make the case for herself and defend her record.

"With polls showing that Independents fear a Kamala presidency will deliver the same disastrous policies that Joe Biden saddled us with, keeping Kamala locked in her bubble will do nothing to ease their concerns." . . .

 The deflated Kamala balloon - American Thinker   . . ."The big Kamala coup, takeover, or whatever you want to call an illicit, autocratic seizing of power was rushed and ill conceived. The Democrats hastily cobbled together a convention and campaign worthy of a 5th grade Media Literacy assignment, inspired by the Obama spectacle from years ago. The only thing that wasn’t recycled was the Greek column props, which is unfortunate, since they would have made a good staging for the “Drag Queens for Kamala.”

Comment by Megan Draper, M.S. (Edited):  "You can't turn a 30% popularity rating into a majority of voters with a pep rally. Which is all the DNC basically was. We know about Kamala from the Biden Administration. And we're sick of the Trans drag queens, homosexual flags with the endless "pride" months and tampons in boy's room DEI segregation nonsense that has emanated from the White House under this fake regime put into power by fraud and deceit.

"America has been made the laughing stock of the world by Harris and the planet is on fire by the ineptitude of this fraudulent regime.

"And then there is Michelle with her million-dollar mansions from coast to coast standing there telling Americans that they need to give up things so others can have their "piece of the pie". Such------it."

Kamala schedules her first interview (it’s pre-recorded) but brings along Low-T Tim—is he an emotional support pup or her master? - Olivia Murray  ..."Kamala can’t even answer soft-ball scripted questions alone with agreeable “journalists,” for whatever reason, how are we supposed to expect that she can take on the world’s tyrants? That she can make tough but smart decisions? If a few fake news friendlies in a controlled environment with no “on air” pressure is enough to throw her off her game, heaven help us if she makes it to the White House as “president.”

“I am woman hear me roar.”

Campus voters for Democrats

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

"Everybody Loves Raymond" Star Patricia Heaton Says 'Christ's Biological Family is Being Murdered,' Argues Christians Must 'Stand' for 'Jews'

 RTM (  

"The actress also criticized what she called “left-wing, anti-Jewish professors” for influencing young minds."

"In a recent interview with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit, Hollywood actress Patricia Heaton, known for her roles in “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “The Middle,” issued a passionate plea for Christians to support Israel and the Jewish people. 
"Heaton’s comments come amid ongoing tensions in the Middle East and rising concerns about Jewish hate on college campuses.
"Heaton emphasized the religious connection between Christians and Jews, stating, “Christ’s biological family is being murdered.”
"'Our savior’s biological family, the Jewish people, are being murdered. We need to stand for them.” 
"She further explained that Christians are “grafted into Israel by the graciousness of God,” reinforcing her belief in the importance of solidarity.
"The actress expressed frustration with what she perceives as a lack of vocal support from the Catholic Church regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict.
"Heaton acknowledged the Church’s concern for Palestinian civilians but argued that Hamas bears responsibility for the current situation.
Hamas started a war, Israel’s defending Israel and Israelis and Jews, and so Hamas has to deal with what they started,” she said.
"Heaton voiced alarm about the rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses, describing it as a “real problem.” . . .


Democrats are fractured, in-fighting and preparing for defeat

Don Surber (

"This time, it is the Hyena versus the Lion. In both cases, the media wanted to give their favorite candidate the Cloak of Inevitability. Bear that in mind when you get a little down over the next 10 weeks. Campaigns are marathons but I do not believe the Lord spared Trump that assassin’s bullet to elect Kamala."

"This should be no contest. A failed vice president of a failed presidency is up against a successful president who has been indicted, convicted and shot. He’s a Timex watch who keeps on ticking.

"Oh, the fluffers in the press are trying to make Cackles look inevitable just like they made Cankles look inevitable up until Election Day 2016.

"But Democrats do not seem confident in Hyena Harris.

"Congressmen and senators seeking re-election dumped FJB only to have him replaced by his ignorant understudy. They had to pull the plug on the Demented One because the debate opened the curtain and showed he was just a humbug and not a wizard.

On June 28, AP reported, “President Joe Biden’s unsteady debate performance reverberated among candidates up and down the November ballot on Friday, but nervous Democratic candidates mostly kept their discomfort to themselves or downplayed it, even as gleeful Republicans looked to seize the opening.

" 'Wisconsin’s Democrat Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who is facing a tough reelection bid against a Trump-endorsed Republican, distanced herself from Biden and did not answer questions Friday about the debate or calls for him to be replaced at the top of the ticket.”

"Comrade Kamala is not running a presidential campaign. She is running an SOS campaign as in Save Our Senate. And Democrats cannot save the Senate because West Virginia, Montana and Ohio will flip. Chuck the Grillmaster Schumer wants to have a minority large enough to work with RINOs to stop Trump, something they have failed to do in two elections without an [unprecedented] mail-in cheating scam.

"The party definitely is not united.". . .    More here...

CNN Analyst Agrees: Kamala 'Incredibly Weak' to Bring Chaperone to CNN Interview


And if after all this time Harris still needs a wingman and minder when doing an interview on CNN ... why should we have any confidence in her ability to deal with Russia, China, or Iran as the head of state?

"Smart strategy or "weak sauce"? Or both? 

"Kamala Harris finally committed to doing a sit-down interview with a major media outlet, choosing CNN's Dana Bash as her questioner. As John noted yesterday, though, she's bringing her "dad" along -- running mate Tim Walz. The aspirational VP hasn't done a media interview or press conference either since joining the ticket, but Politico explained yesterday that Walz has no idea what Harris' agenda is and worries about contradicting her later positions ... assuming she takes any. 

"Hence, it might be a smart strategy to put them together in the first major interview. There's another more important strategic reason to do so too. By pairing them together, the campaign hopes that Bash and CNN will focus on their relationship a lot more than on issues and policies, turning this into a human-interest interview rather than a hard-hitting political interrogatory.

"CNN's own analyst Scott Jennings sees through both strategies, calling it "incredibly weak" to assign a wingman to a major-party nominee. He told Anderson Cooper last night on the air that this betrays a lack of confidence in Harris by her handlers and strategists: . . ."

"And if after all this time Harris still needs a wingman and minder when doing an interview on CNN ... why should we have any confidence in her ability to deal with Russia, China, or Iran as the head of state?" . . .