Thursday, August 29, 2024

Gavin Newsom to Decide After CA Democrats Pass $150,000 Home Loans for Illegal Aliens

 Breitbart (

"California democrats love illegal immigration so much they offer many incentives for them to come here." Bill Essayli

"California Governor Gavin Newsom will make the final decision on a bill that would make illegal aliens eligible for $150,000 in home loans for first-time buyers, after the State Assembly passed a final version of the bill on Wednesday."

"Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Corona) helped lead Republican opposition to the bill, but Democrats passed it by a three-to-one veto-proof majority, sending it to the governor’s desk — and drawing attention to the party’s pattern of creating incentives for illegal migration by heaping taxpayer-funded benefits onto people who are not supposed to be in the country at all." . . .

California Democrats’ Plan to Give Illegal Immigrants Taxpayer Funds to Purchase a Home - California Political Review (

. . ."At a time in California when the media home price is over $850,000, housing starts are halted by environmental or labor union lawsuits, and $1,500 a month gets you a 240 square foot apartment in Los Angeles or San Francisco, California’s Democrat lawmakers want to give public taxpayer money to illegal immigrants for a downpayment on a home purchase.

"Assembly Bill 1840 (D-Arambula), would give California taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants to help them purchase a home.


"Because, as the bill analysis for Assembly Bill 1840 says: "to “Expand opportunities for California households to accumulate wealth for themselves and their families, including ensuring that design of the loan product is not an unreasonable impediment to homeowner wealth creation.”

"Notice that Democrats say “California households” and not “illegal immigrants,” as if all California households will benefit from this bill." . . .

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