Friday, August 30, 2024

Where are you Little Joe?

 Silvio Canto, Jr. - American Thinker  

Furthermore, there is an appearances problem.  He is not just laying on the beach.  He looks like he’s checked out, and that’s why we are asking who is running the country.

"According to what we hear, President Biden is on the beach.  Can’t blame him because that Delaware coast is nice this time of the year, and every president needs a summer breeze to recharge the batteries.  Reagan went to the ranch; George W. chopped a few trees.

"So what’s wrong with Mr. Biden enjoying a little time off?  Nothing, except that he is always on vacation these days.

"Where is our president?  He is on the beach.  Who is running the country?   That’s the real question because that man on the beach does not look very engaged.

"This is from Katie Pavlich:

President Joe Biden left a week long California vacation Monday and headed back to the East Coast. His destination wasn’t Washington D.C. or the White House. Instead, he’s back in Delaware for an additional two weeks at the beach. His schedule remains blank after receiving the ‘president’s daily brief.’

The call time for reporters in Rehoboth, where Biden is staying in his beach house, was pushed to 11 am Tuesday morning. . . .

"Another day in the life of Joe.  He naps and the world goes on.

"Biden’s apologists will say that the nuclear briefcase and cell phone are nearby.  Yes, they are but who is running the country?  What happens if the Secretary of Defense is on the phone because missiles are on the way or because China invaded Taiwan, or that those aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean are in action.  Does anybody know?  That’s what worries many of us." . . .

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