Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Democrats are fractured, in-fighting and preparing for defeat

Don Surber (

"This time, it is the Hyena versus the Lion. In both cases, the media wanted to give their favorite candidate the Cloak of Inevitability. Bear that in mind when you get a little down over the next 10 weeks. Campaigns are marathons but I do not believe the Lord spared Trump that assassin’s bullet to elect Kamala."

"This should be no contest. A failed vice president of a failed presidency is up against a successful president who has been indicted, convicted and shot. He’s a Timex watch who keeps on ticking.

"Oh, the fluffers in the press are trying to make Cackles look inevitable just like they made Cankles look inevitable up until Election Day 2016.

"But Democrats do not seem confident in Hyena Harris.

"Congressmen and senators seeking re-election dumped FJB only to have him replaced by his ignorant understudy. They had to pull the plug on the Demented One because the debate opened the curtain and showed he was just a humbug and not a wizard.

On June 28, AP reported, “President Joe Biden’s unsteady debate performance reverberated among candidates up and down the November ballot on Friday, but nervous Democratic candidates mostly kept their discomfort to themselves or downplayed it, even as gleeful Republicans looked to seize the opening.

" 'Wisconsin’s Democrat Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who is facing a tough reelection bid against a Trump-endorsed Republican, distanced herself from Biden and did not answer questions Friday about the debate or calls for him to be replaced at the top of the ticket.”

"Comrade Kamala is not running a presidential campaign. She is running an SOS campaign as in Save Our Senate. And Democrats cannot save the Senate because West Virginia, Montana and Ohio will flip. Chuck the Grillmaster Schumer wants to have a minority large enough to work with RINOs to stop Trump, something they have failed to do in two elections without an [unprecedented] mail-in cheating scam.

"The party definitely is not united.". . .    More here...

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