Wednesday, August 28, 2024

"Everybody Loves Raymond" Star Patricia Heaton Says 'Christ's Biological Family is Being Murdered,' Argues Christians Must 'Stand' for 'Jews'

 RTM (  

"The actress also criticized what she called “left-wing, anti-Jewish professors” for influencing young minds."

"In a recent interview with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit, Hollywood actress Patricia Heaton, known for her roles in “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “The Middle,” issued a passionate plea for Christians to support Israel and the Jewish people. 
"Heaton’s comments come amid ongoing tensions in the Middle East and rising concerns about Jewish hate on college campuses.
"Heaton emphasized the religious connection between Christians and Jews, stating, “Christ’s biological family is being murdered.”
"'Our savior’s biological family, the Jewish people, are being murdered. We need to stand for them.” 
"She further explained that Christians are “grafted into Israel by the graciousness of God,” reinforcing her belief in the importance of solidarity.
"The actress expressed frustration with what she perceives as a lack of vocal support from the Catholic Church regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict.
"Heaton acknowledged the Church’s concern for Palestinian civilians but argued that Hamas bears responsibility for the current situation.
Hamas started a war, Israel’s defending Israel and Israelis and Jews, and so Hamas has to deal with what they started,” she said.
"Heaton voiced alarm about the rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses, describing it as a “real problem.” . . .


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