Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dear Kamala, We Want To Go Back. And So Should Everyone Else

 Issues & Insights

Lets go back before our own people shouted "death to America!" on our own streets

Kamala Harris used the same "we're not going back" line when she ran for president in 2019.

"We want to go back to a time before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris wrecked the economy, before they unleashed the inflation monster, before they threw open the border, let criminals run free, and exuded weakness abroad.

"In other words, we want to go back to a time when a tax-cutting, pro-growth, anti-regulation, strong defense president was in the White House and America was prosperous and the world at peace.

"What we don’t want is to go forward with the Biden-Harris disaster, which is what Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will give us, good and hard.

"So, as a reader service, we’ve gathered a brief sampling of reasons why the public should join us in desperately wanting to go back to the “failed policies” we had under Trump, and not continue with the “leadership” we’ve seen under Biden-Harris. (Readers are invited to add to this list using the comment section below.)" . . .

One item on the list is this particularly critical one:

National security. Under Trump, ISIS was quickly routed, Iran was on its knees, Russia made no moves against its neighbors, and Israel was signing peace deals with its neighbors. The Biden-Harris disaster in Afghanistan resulted in 13 dead American soldiers and left the Taliban with billions of dollars worth of U.S. weapons. Biden-Harris also unfroze billions of dollars in Iranian funds, which this terrorist nation then used to run a spy ring in the Biden administration, finance attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq and shipping in the Red Sea, and train Hamas for its ambush of Israel. Russia invaded Ukraine. China felt free to send a spy balloon across the entire U.S. And Hamas still holds Americans captive after almost a year of Biden-Harris dithering.

"So, please, for the love of God, take us back!"

ABC hackery prompts wave of angry backlash at moderators & network

Trump loses battle, wins war, as ABC hackery prompts wave of angry backlash at moderators & network

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Embarrassing Copy-Paste Plagues Harris’s Launch of Policy Platform



Embarrassing Copy-Paste Plagues Harris’s Launch of Policy Platform | The New Republic   "Shortly after Kamala Harris released her policy agenda on Sunday evening, users on X spotted something in the metadata: Much of the language appears to have been lifted from Joe Biden’s campaign website."

"On Sunday night, X user Corinne Green pointed out that the issues section of Harris’s website contained metadata with language urging voters to reelect Joe Biden. This language was visible when links to the campaign site were shared, and in the website’s description on Google searches." . . .

‘Change Agent’ Kamala Harris Apparently Copy-Pasted Her Platform Page From Joe Biden ( Daily Caller )   "Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign website apparently used code from President Joe Biden’s policy page to create its long-awaited “issues tab,” a social media user pointed out Sunday.

"More than a month into her run for the White House, Harris’ campaign unveiled a policy platform on its website. One twitter user, Corinne Green, noticed that the page appeared to use metadata that caused language encouraging Americans to vote for Biden to pop up when they tried to share or look up the issues page.

"The rest of the Harris campaign website appears to have its own metadata, except for the issues tab, Green posted on Twitter. Green later wrote that once she had pointed out the problem on social media, the Harris campaign issues tab appeared to no longer use metadata from Biden’s policy page." . . .

The Media Lies Add Up

 Victor Davis Hanson (

"Their new problem with Biden was not just his long-standing embarrassing dementia. Rather bad polls increasingly warned that voters no longer believed their lies and thus would likely not reelect Biden but would instead punish most Democrats in the upcoming Nov. 5 election."

"The public is exhausted after a decade of chronic untruth from the left-wing and its media.

"The 2016 presidential campaign will be long remembered for the false allegation that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to warp the election.

"Citing the bogus “Steele dossier,” loser Hillary Clinton and other Democrat grandees claimed that the victorious Trump was an “illegitimate” president.

"Almost immediately, the Left and media then pushed for the appointment of special prosecutor Robert Mueller. He assembled a “dream team” of partisan prosecutors to prove Trump-Russian collusion.

"Some 22 months later, Mueller found no evidence that Trump improperly won the 2016 election with help from any colluding Russians.

"More hysteria followed when Trump was impeached in December 2019.

"The Left claimed Trump had pressured the Ukrainian government to look into the family of Joe Biden (then a potential 2020 election opponent) for its corruption with Ukrainian oligarchs—as a condition for releasing military aid designated to Kyiv.

"Yet Hunter Biden was paid nearly $1 million a year by a Ukrainian energy company to enlist his father, Vice President Joe Biden, for quid pro quo services.

"In turn, Joe Biden himself later bragged that he had pressured Ukraine to fire its prosecutor, Victor Shokin —who happened to be looking too closely into the various shady schemes of the Biden family.

"The deceptions and lies continued." . . .

"We the media have “fact-checked” President Trump like we have fact-checked no other human being on the planet, and he’s certainly given us plenty to write about. That’s probably why it’s so easy to find lists enumerating and examining his mistakes, missteps and “lies.”
"But as self-appointed arbiters of truth, we’ve largely excused our own unprecedented string of fact-challenged reporting. The truth is, formerly well-respected, top news organizations are making repeat, unforced errors in numbers that were unheard of just a couple of years ago.
"Our repeat mistakes involve declaring that Trump’s claims are “lies” when they are matters of opinion, or when the truth between conflicting sources is unknowable; taking Trump’s statements and events out of context; reporting secondhand accounts against Trump without attribution as if they’re established fact; relying on untruthful, conflicted sources; and presenting reporter opinions in news stories,without labeling them as opinions." . . .

Megyn Kelly Says She's "Disgusted" by Terrible Performance of Biased ABC Debate Moderators   "Megyn Kelly begins the post-debate show by explaining why she's disgusted by the terrible performance of the ABC debate moderators, how they showed their bias over and over again, their non-stop Donald Trump fact-checks and ignoring the lies of Kamala Harris, and more."

Passion, humor...and pets

On the issue of eating pets:...

Cats for Trump - Don Surber   . . ."Reports hold that the Haitians are eating and sacrificing household pets and park ducks and geese in Springfield.

"The local police deny this but last week, the mayor of Aurora, Colorado, denied that Venezuelans were taking over apartment complexes and extorting money from tenants. The mayor lied, so why should we believe officials in Springfield?

"I will not vouch for the veracity of the reports of voodoo sacrifices and third world cuisine. I do know the Haitians terrify people and that resonates in our presidential election which pits a border czar who believes in open borders against a builder of hotels and resorts who wants to complete the border wall he began.

"The American press denies that the Haitians are eating pussycats and geese. Rolling Stone said, “No, Migrants Are Not Eating People's Cats in Ohio.” It also said a University of Virginia fraternity gangraped a woman and wound up paying $1.65 million for the fake news." . . .

Haitian immigrants eating pet cats and ducks of residents in Ohio? Here's what happened - Times of India

Residents of Springfield, OH are reporting that Haitians are eating their family pets, another gift of the Biden-Harris mass immigration replacement plan. Liberals will soon be lecturing Americans on why they need to be sensitive to Haitian culture and accept this as the new…

 The Haitian cat diet story has produced an extraordinary number of memes UPDATED - Andrea Widburg

More here on this topic

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

We must banish the sickness that today's Democrats have infected American culture with, beginning-too late - with Kamala Harris

 [Nate Silver] also called out the media for their supposed lack of anti-Trump stories, noting that The Washington Post and others have covered Trump’s recent outbursts, but no one cares anymore."

                                           Kamala wants to be the one to interrupt

  “I’m speaking!” - by Diann Russell

Brutal Polling Slaps Kamala on Day of Crucial Debate With Trump  "Tonight’s debate is the election for both camps. The Waterloo moment is here. The race is virtually tied in the polls. There was no convention bump for Democrats; many are uneasy. You see it on social media, networks, and print. If the election were held today, Donald Trump would win. It’s the same result as it would have been before Democrats pushed Joe Biden off the political cliff. Meet the new boss, same the old boss—both getting beaten by the 45th president of the United States. It’s not a mystery. They all talk about Kamala’s higher ceiling, which is true, but you’ll never exploit that if you keep dodging the media like a scared little girl. 
"Second, Harris’ record is tied to Biden’s serial history of economic and foreign policy failure. Third, her agenda is absurdly left-wing and unelectable. No one trusts her, which is well since she has a laughable grasp of the issues: her plan to combat the inflation she caused at the grocery store is to enact Soviet-style price controls." . . .
President Trump -vs- Kamala Harris, 9:00pm ET Debate - Tuesday 9/10/24 - The Last Refuge  "The details of the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are now clarified."
 A Little Debate Preview ( Derek Hunter )   
. ."What can we expect from the debate? I suspect we’ll be hearing a lot of challenging of Donald Trump from the moderators and Kamala Harris. Since the mics will be muted when the other person is talking, Kamala can’t use her pathetic “I’m speaking” garbage, but that will not stop her from scrambling for the victim card." . . . 

 More Bad News Hits Kamala on Night of Crucial Debate With Trump   ...  "Ahead of tonight’s showdown, Kamala got slapped with a CNN deep-dive into her record, which shocked its hosts over the pungent odor of political insanity; the woman wanted to cut ICE funding and provide taxpayer-funded gender mutilation surgeries for illegal aliens. She’s been slapped with brutal polls showing the race virtually tied, which is a Trump win in the Electoral College—Nate Silver gives the former president a 64 percent chance of clinching 270. And now, her policy section rollout struck disaster as the source code shows it’s a copy-and-paste job from the Biden 2024 website. The push to cast her as the “change” candidate imploded, though we knew this wouldn’t work. She’s been in the White House for the past three-and-a-half years. Harris is the incumbent. The revelation comes from a damning piece in The New Republic which warned that the Harris camp can no longer afford to run on vibes, brat antics, and joy [emphasis mine]: . . .

. . ."The fact that this campaign tried to claim that she was any different than Joe Biden or bore no responsibility for the sucky policies of the past four years was never going to fly. She’s the vice president of the United States. Joe’s failures consume this woman, who is an all-around political disaster on her own."

Sad to say, I have struggled to find respect for many American voters. I see so many keffiyeh-wearing sheep in the streets chanting for men who massacred families, leaving children to bleed out in front of their families, who put infants in toaster ovens alive, who taught likely Democrats to chant "Death to Israel! Death to America!"  Do you think Trump supporters coated historical monuments with layers of paint? Burned American and Israeli flags?

One must hope these people are outnumbered by those sickened over the disgrace brought on America by Biden's inept actions and words, and his sick, vitriolic speeches. TD

Harris Will Defeat Herself During Debate; She simply cannot speak extemporaneously for the length of time required by the format.

They said that not me. TD

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics 

 In 2020, you will recall, a single exchange with then-Democrat Tulsi Gabbard essentially destroyed the Harris presidential campaign. 

                                                                                          via GIPHY

"ABC News has now published the final rules for Tuesday night’s presidential debate, and they are essentially identical to those which governed the June 27 encounter between former President Trump and President Biden on CNN. They contain nothing that should worry anyone who can stand on stage for 90 minutes and provide coherent two-minute answers to questions involving the major issues of the day. Yet Vice President Harris will be on the stage with Trump Tuesday night precisely because her boss couldn’t get over that low bar. Nor is it obvious that she can clear it either.

"The Harris campaign is well aware of her rhetorical limitations, of course. Consequently, after insisting that Trump was somehow obligated to debate her on Tuesday because he had agreed to face off with Biden that night, the Harris team promptly attempted to change the rules. Specifically, they began pressuring ABC to drop the “muted microphone” precondition originally put in place pursuant to a demand made by the Biden campaign. This rule was meant to protect the President, but it actually worked in Trump’s favor by forcing him to remain quiet while Biden imploded. According to a report in Politico, however, the Harris campaign contended that this rule unfairly constrains her and pushed ABC hard to change it. Somewhat surprisingly, the network stood firm:

Harris and her team — holed up in Pittsburgh for a multi-day debate camp — wanted unmuted microphones so that the vice president could lean on her prosecutorial background, confronting the former president in the same way she laced into some of Trump’s Supreme Court nominees and Cabinet members … Harris campaign officials argued that she will be “handcuffed” by the rules, which were negotiated by President Joe Biden’s team earlier this summer.

"The claim that Harris wanted to “lean on her prosecutorial background” in the debate is nonsense. It would violate several debate rules, including this stipulation: “Candidates will not be permitted to ask questions of each other.” A more plausible explanation for their objection to the muted microphone rule involves their fear of what she might say if permitted to speak extemporaneously for even a couple of minutes. They are afraid she might revert to factory settings and start churning out word salads. The Harris campaign badly wants Trump to interrupt her before she says something that permanently damages her campaign."

She wants to have that "I'm speaking!" moment too.

Douglas Murray issues warning over Kamala’s ‘irritating’ debate tactic  "Author Douglas Murray has issued a warning to Donald Trump’s team over Kamala Harris’ likely plan to try and “trap” the former president during the first presidential debate.

" 'Mr Murray referred to the vice president’s tactic used when she faced Mike Pence in the vice presidential debate before the last election where she repeatedly told the Republican running mate “I’m speaking”. “ 'I don't think she'll use that technique, but I bet they've come up with a new one that's equally irritating and equally designed to effectively trap her opponent,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi." Video

Kamala gets up for the Debate


Margolis & Cox

Kamala Harris finally uploads a policy page to her website 50 days after Biden dropped out of the race: Here's what it says...   . . . "The website showcases Harris' support for the bipartisan border deal and slams Trump, similar to what the vice president has done on the campaign trail. It claims she and Biden took action after the deal was killed, but it does not address her work to address the root causes of migration as vice president. 

"Harris has vowed to bring back the bipartisan deal as president and sign it. Her website also claims the vice president knows the immigration system is 'broken' and calls for comprehensive reforms including security and an 'earned pathway to citizenship.' "

Kamala’s policy page is generic mush with some leftism thrown in - Andrea Widburg   "Almost a month into her candidacy, Kamala’s website finally has a policy page. Let’s dive into the specifics—and as to each specific, be sure to ask yourself this question: “For those things Kamala promises as new initiatives, if these are such good ideas, why hasn’t the current administration already done them?' ” . . .

It's Tuesday and It's All on the Line: How Trump 'Can Win the Debate and the Election in Two Minutes' – RedState

. . ."Republican strategist Karl Rove believes Trump has the more difficult task because he’s the one running on substantive issues — as opposed to Harris’ vacuous “joy”-filled campaign. Which, again, is why the former president must stay on point. Can he do it? We will soon find out." . . .

The Cheney Attacks on Trump Will Backfire -

 The American Spectator 

Which goes to the heart of the GOP Establishment’s contempt for Trump. The former president — a self-made billionaire — has turned his back on the elite social class self-regard that Establishment Republicans have for themselves. Whether it was Reagan back then or Trump today, GOP Establishment elites cannot stand conservative Outsiders who have turned their backs on Establishment social elitism.

Broc Smith


And decidedly anti-conservative.

Yet again, the dinosaurs of the Republican Establishment are targeting an Outsider. The attack, as always, is backfiring big time.

This time around, it is the decidedly anti-conservative, anti-constitutional Cheneys — dad and ex-Vice President Dick Cheney. And his daughter, the defeated-by-her-GOP-constituents former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney.

Dick Cheney showcases his now decidedly anti-conservative beliefs by openly endorsing the Democrats’ decidedly socialist–Marxist Vice President Kamala Harris. Daughter Liz has done the same. Principle? What’s that?

Make no mistake, the Cheney assault on Trump is merely the current version of the GOP Establishment assault on Outsiders — decided conservatives — who refuse to play the Establishment’s corrupt game.

Take a spin in the time capsule and go back to what GOP Establishment figures of the day said when their target was a conservative Outsider named Ronald Reagan. A sample of it is mentioned here but is worth recalling in view of the Cheney attacks on Trump. As noted at the time:

  • Republican Vice President Nelson Rockefeller dismissed Reagan as “a minority of a minority” who “has been taking some extreme positions.” 
  • New York’s Republican Sen. Jacob Javits said Reagan’s positions were “so extreme that they would alter our country’s very economic and social structure and our place in the world to such a degree as to make our country’s place at home and abroad, as we know it, a thing of the past.”
  •  Illinois Republican Sen. Charles Percy said Reagan’s candidacy was “foolhardy” and would lead to a “crushing defeat” for the Republican Party. “It could signal the beginning of the end of our party as an effective force in American political life,” he said.
  •  Former Republican President Gerald Ford said: “I hear more and more often that we don’t want, can’t afford to have a replay of 1964.” He argued that, if the Republican Party nominated Ronald Reagan, “it would be an impossible situation” because Reagan “is perceived as a most conservative Republican. A very conservative Republican can’t win in a national election.” When he was asked if that meant he thought Reagan couldn’t win, Ford replied to the New York Times: “That’s right.” The Times story went on to observe that Ford thought “Mr. Reagan would be a sure-loser in November” and that Reagan held “extreme and too-simple views.” 

. . ."In a matter of weeks, the American people will have the opportunity to render their own verdict on the Cheneys’ support of Kamala Harris, the socialist–Marxist nominee of the Democrats.

"Stay tuned. 

"But whatever else, it is crystal clear that the Cheney’s have now left their conservatism behind and have no intention of returning. And it will backfire." . . .

Anybody home at the White House?

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker  "Anybody seen Joe Biden lately?

"He's not on vacation today, which is unusual, having spent 40% of his entire presidency plopped out on a lawnchair on a Delaware beach.

"Conservative Daily News describes his busy scheduled for this day this way:

President Joe Biden will get start his day at crack of noon by arriving at work and then he will deliver a speech.

President Joe Biden’s Itinerary for 9/9/24


  • 11:35 AM Depart Wilmington, Delaware en route to the White House
  • 12:45 PM Arrive at the White House
  • 1:15 PM Receive daily briefing
  • 5:00 PM Deliver remarks to mark Disability Pride Month [Live Stream]

"Oh, and there was a briefing today added at 1:30 p.m.

"The Quiet-Quitter's schedule a couple weeks ago looked like this:

. . . Biden's schedule is absolutely blank. Meanwhile, Emily Goodin reports Biden was "visibly shaking" as he exited AF1 in CA on Tuesday morning, and needed a boost from Secret Service agents just to get into his SUV.

Who is running the country?

So...the Cheney's are OK with what Democrats have done to America in these past four years?


The death of loyalty? - Lynne Lechter     . . ."Cheney has stated his reason for supporting Harris is because Trump is the most dangerous person in the country to be president. What?  Really?  I don’t recall Trump giving plane loads of money to Iran — our sworn enemy.  I don’t remember Trump pulling out of Afghanistan, which resulted in the deaths of 13 Americans — with many more stranded in-country, along with the billions of dollars in materiel that was simply abandoned and is now for sale to America’s enemies. And, at the expense of the American taxpayers.  Both of which occurred under Harris’s tenure as Vice President and who was reportedly — in her own words — “the last person in the room” when these egregious decisions were made.

"I don’t remember Trump ever having been made “Border Czar” as Harris has been for the last three years. Under her watch, she has been to the border exactly once and approximately 6–7 million illegals have sashayed across our Southern border. And, unfortunately they are not just from Mexico and Central American countries looking for a job and more pay, as they were in the past.  No!  Now they are from every country in the world — and mostly single males, with motives unknown." . . .

Tulsi Gabbard Reacts to Dick Cheney’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris-(Madeline Leesman) ) 

 "Remember: A vote for Kamala is a vote for Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, and the woke warmongering cabal. A vote for Kamala is a vote for war, war, and more war — and with it, more infringement on our liberties in the name of “national security.' "

 'Caught off guard': How Tulsi Gabbard's big moment with Harris is playing into Tuesday's debate 

. . ."Gabbard didn’t target Joe Biden, who at the time was the front-runner. She turned instead to Kamala Harris, then the junior senator from California, and unleashed a bitter attack that took her prosecutorial record apart in detail." . . .

Cotton Bursts Bash's Bubble on Cheney's Harris Endorsement and Hunter Biden Laptop Lies   

COTTON: Well, I mean, some of this is probably that Donald Trump beat his daughter in her last election by 39 points.  I think most Americans are going to look at this race and compare the records they have. Again, it's a very unusual race when you have a president who served in office, who brought good times to America, and you have Kamala Harris, a San Francisco liberal, who has brought to America exactly what you see in San Francisco, as well. 


Monday, September 9, 2024

Douglas Murray: "People Behaving Like Israel Hostages In Netanyahu's Basement!"J-TV

  Jewish Ideas - YouTube

Murray mourns the sheer lack of empathy for Israel.

God bless Israel!!! BEBE and the Israel government is Protecting its citizens!! God bless all countries and people who support and defend Israel!