Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kamala gets up for the Debate


Margolis & Cox

Kamala Harris finally uploads a policy page to her website 50 days after Biden dropped out of the race: Here's what it says...   . . . "The website showcases Harris' support for the bipartisan border deal and slams Trump, similar to what the vice president has done on the campaign trail. It claims she and Biden took action after the deal was killed, but it does not address her work to address the root causes of migration as vice president. 

"Harris has vowed to bring back the bipartisan deal as president and sign it. Her website also claims the vice president knows the immigration system is 'broken' and calls for comprehensive reforms including security and an 'earned pathway to citizenship.' "

Kamala’s policy page is generic mush with some leftism thrown in - Andrea Widburg   "Almost a month into her candidacy, Kamala’s website finally has a policy page. Let’s dive into the specifics—and as to each specific, be sure to ask yourself this question: “For those things Kamala promises as new initiatives, if these are such good ideas, why hasn’t the current administration already done them?' ” . . .

It's Tuesday and It's All on the Line: How Trump 'Can Win the Debate and the Election in Two Minutes' – RedState

. . ."Republican strategist Karl Rove believes Trump has the more difficult task because he’s the one running on substantive issues — as opposed to Harris’ vacuous “joy”-filled campaign. Which, again, is why the former president must stay on point. Can he do it? We will soon find out." . . .

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