Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Harris Will Defeat Herself During Debate; She simply cannot speak extemporaneously for the length of time required by the format.

They said that not me. TD

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics 

 In 2020, you will recall, a single exchange with then-Democrat Tulsi Gabbard essentially destroyed the Harris presidential campaign. 

                                                                                          via GIPHY

"ABC News has now published the final rules for Tuesday night’s presidential debate, and they are essentially identical to those which governed the June 27 encounter between former President Trump and President Biden on CNN. They contain nothing that should worry anyone who can stand on stage for 90 minutes and provide coherent two-minute answers to questions involving the major issues of the day. Yet Vice President Harris will be on the stage with Trump Tuesday night precisely because her boss couldn’t get over that low bar. Nor is it obvious that she can clear it either.

"The Harris campaign is well aware of her rhetorical limitations, of course. Consequently, after insisting that Trump was somehow obligated to debate her on Tuesday because he had agreed to face off with Biden that night, the Harris team promptly attempted to change the rules. Specifically, they began pressuring ABC to drop the “muted microphone” precondition originally put in place pursuant to a demand made by the Biden campaign. This rule was meant to protect the President, but it actually worked in Trump’s favor by forcing him to remain quiet while Biden imploded. According to a report in Politico, however, the Harris campaign contended that this rule unfairly constrains her and pushed ABC hard to change it. Somewhat surprisingly, the network stood firm:

Harris and her team — holed up in Pittsburgh for a multi-day debate camp — wanted unmuted microphones so that the vice president could lean on her prosecutorial background, confronting the former president in the same way she laced into some of Trump’s Supreme Court nominees and Cabinet members … Harris campaign officials argued that she will be “handcuffed” by the rules, which were negotiated by President Joe Biden’s team earlier this summer.

"The claim that Harris wanted to “lean on her prosecutorial background” in the debate is nonsense. It would violate several debate rules, including this stipulation: “Candidates will not be permitted to ask questions of each other.” A more plausible explanation for their objection to the muted microphone rule involves their fear of what she might say if permitted to speak extemporaneously for even a couple of minutes. They are afraid she might revert to factory settings and start churning out word salads. The Harris campaign badly wants Trump to interrupt her before she says something that permanently damages her campaign."

She wants to have that "I'm speaking!" moment too.

Douglas Murray issues warning over Kamala’s ‘irritating’ debate tactic  "Author Douglas Murray has issued a warning to Donald Trump’s team over Kamala Harris’ likely plan to try and “trap” the former president during the first presidential debate.

" 'Mr Murray referred to the vice president’s tactic used when she faced Mike Pence in the vice presidential debate before the last election where she repeatedly told the Republican running mate “I’m speaking”. “ 'I don't think she'll use that technique, but I bet they've come up with a new one that's equally irritating and equally designed to effectively trap her opponent,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi." Video

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