"To be sure, the media isn’t entirely responsible for the sad state of our representative republic, but their contribution to our current tribulations is enormous and destructive."
CNN talking head Jake Tapper has done at least one good thing: his book “The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor” was made into a movie. Both are compelling examples of American bravery against military/political stupidity and overwhelming odds. Other than that, Tapper has proven himself a stereotypical Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) media shill.
Normally, the media is pretty much invulnerable to lawsuits for their reckless, D/s/c opinions badly disguised as news, but amazingly, Tapper and CNN face a defamation suit brought by Navy veteran Zachary young. Tapper’s false claims about Young and his efforts to rescue innocents from Joe Biden’s Afghanistan debacle obliterated Young’s private security career. The suit has been allowed to proceed, and is in the deposition stage. Tapper and CNN are stonewalling: . . .
"Perhaps the media and D/s/cs in general will take the time necessary for introspection, for reflecting on the fact that when they abandon American values and try to tear down what far better men and women have built, they destroy themselves as well. Maybe they might rediscover humility and our common humanity…nah."
No matter who President Trump picks, the media and other Democrats seek to trash and besmirch their character and name. If they succeed in taking down one, they just move on to the next target. Trump is obviously (personally and painfully) aware that Democrats are the party of personal destruction.
. . ." Basically, the media and other Democrats have had the goal to destroy Trump for nine years. They clearly don’t care about the best interest of America, and that couldn’t be more obvious."