Saturday, December 7, 2024

Serial Liar Adam Schiff Officially Resigns From [House] Effective December 8; Joins Senate

He is the California Coast's choice along with Gavin Newsom. The congressman elected by Atwater Village, Burbank, East Hollywood, Echo Park, Elysian Valley, Fairfax, Glendale, Griffith Park, Hancock Park, Hollywood, Hollywood Hills, Larchmont Village, Los Feliz, Mid-Wilshire, Miracle Mile, Park La Brea, Pasadena, Shadow Hills, Silver Lake, Sunland, Tujunga, Universal City and West Hollywood. TD

 Cristina Laila: The Gateway Pundit 

"Serial liar and Trump-Russia collusion hoaxer Adam Schiff officially resigned from Congress effective Sunday after more than two decades in the US House of Representatives. Schiff will be sworn into the Senate on Monday after defeating Republican Steve Garvey in California." . . .

. . .“I just cast my last vote as a member of the House of Representatives,” Schiff said on Friday.
“ 'To my LA constituents — thank you for the amazing opportunity to serve,” he said. “And to the people of the whole state of CA, I’m so grateful for your confidence and look forward to all we can get done together!”
"Schiff was deeply involved in spreading the Trump-Russia collusion hoax after Trump won the 2016 election.
"He was also involved in the first impeachment show trial against Trump in 2019 and the unconstitutional J6 Committee.
"Shameless liar Adam Schiff said there is significant and incriminating evidence that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election even though Mueller concluded his investigation with no new indictments in 2019." . . .

Gavin Newsom Breaks With Biden to Set Up Presidential Run

 The American Spectator  "Biden is toxic for those seeking the Oval Office." But does he know it or even care?

 . . ."This weekend, Newsom will take one more step toward solidifying his role as the leader of the opposition against Trump when he hosts the Democratic governors for their winter meeting and seeks to set the tone for the next four years." . . . 

"Gavin Newsom is going full-speed ahead with his presidential bid — and he’s hardly being shy about it.

"This week, he made a major, necessary move given the current environment: splitting from Joe Biden. On Tuesday, Newsom told Politico that he is “disappointed” with Biden’s decision to pardon his son Hunter Biden. The carefully crafted quote read: “With everything the president and his family have been through, I completely understand the instinct to protect Hunter. But I took the president at his word. So by definition, I’m disappointed and can’t support the decision.”

"Newsom’s disavowal of the president’s action begins to remedy the major mistake he made over the past year: siding with Biden over and over again, and vocally so, even as it became increasingly clear that Biden was not remotely up to the task of the presidency and had no prayer of being elected.

"Even when other Democrats, including Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, were demanding behind closed doors that the president pull out of the race, Newsom was appearing on cable news show after cable news show to claim that the president was as sharp as ever.

"Newsom took his defense of Biden so far that he embarked on a campaign tour of swing states to vouch for the president after the disastrous debate. At one Biden rescue mission in western Michigan, on the Fourth of July no less, Newsom said, “I’m all in, and not only that, I’m here with you to prove it.” In fact, Newsom’s efforts to support Biden even while powerful Democrats worked to force the president out were so all-encompassing and impactful that he single-handedly kept Joe Biden’s campaign on life support for over a month.

"Newsom is running from this reality now that Biden’s desperate effort to remain in the race is being looked upon by Democrats as selfish, conceited, and foolish — a nearly evil endeavor that cost Democrats the presidency and handed it to “fascist” Donald Trump. For instance, Axios reported yesterday that Biden is “loathed by many Democrats who blame him for twin sins of selfishness: running again, then pardoning Hunter after repeatedly saying he wouldn’t.” . . .

'Free Palestine' Supporter Shoots Two Kindergarteners at CA Christian School - Where's Newsom's Outrage?   . . ."Another possible reason for Newsom's relative silence on this case is that Litton was a mentally ill homeless person who'd been arrested three times in the last month in various California jurisdictions and released on his own recognizance (yes, even as a convicted felon!), so it highlights Newsom's utter incompetence in dealing with homelessness and crime." . . .

. . ."Contrast that with Newsom's response when a Muslim boy in Illinois - which, obviously, is not the state he leads - was stabbed to death in another religiously-targeted killing:

My heart broke when Wadea al-Fayoume, a 6-year-old child, was stabbed to death in Chicago—he and his mother viciously attacked because they were Palestinian and Muslim. I grieved not just for Wadea and his family but for all who felt less safe after that devastating tragedy, who wondered whether they or their children might also be targeted because of their Muslim faith or Palestinian heritage. This sort of horror doesn’t just inflict violence on one life or one family—it tears at the safety and belonging of whole communities. 

Obama crawls out of the woodwork, blows dog whistle to leftists to disrupt Trump's presidency

 Monica Showalter 

. . ."He's come out of the woodwork to project Democrat riggings onto Republicans, and to repeat the old tropes already rejected by the voters about Trump being a "threat" to "democracy." . . .

. . ." The video posted by Dr. Swain, makes the absurd claim that Republicans are the ones who have rigged the election process, as well gone beyond democratic means in matters such as "politicizing the armed forces," which certainly hasn't happened under Republicans, (Democrats are another story), meaning no compromise is possible, because "in those circumstances, a line has been crossed. And we have to stand firm."

"She reads that as a dog whistle to leftists to do all they can to disrupt the Trump inauguration rather than try to get along, since Republicans are hopelessly antidemocratic. With that the firm belief, and Obama promoting it, there can't be any cooperation, just disruption, which is why Dr. Swain views it as a dog whistle to disrupt the inauguration, and probably the presidency of President Trump, which has been done before.

"If you consider your opponent an inhuman monster, a Hitler, a threat to all democratic order, well, why would you treat them as opponents instead of enemies? Yet oddly enough, Obama says Republicans consider them the enemies, (defeated enemies) a situation he bemoans as uncivil.

"It all goes to show that Obama is practicing the same old divisiveness, cloaked as unity, but only if the opposition is banned, the way they do in dictatorships beloved in his party, like Cuba.

"Republicans have no history of Castro-worship, or communist China envy (Obama once bemoaned that he couldn't run America the way the ChiComs already run China), or general dictator envy -- they just play civilly, and get rolled for it every time, until, it seems, now, with President Trump giving them a taste of their own tactics." . . .

Biden White House Isn’t Blaming Trump for His Pardon of Hunter. It’s Blaming This Guy Instead

Robert Spencer

So there you have it: don’t blame Old Joe for pardoning his son and reinforcing the idea that there is a two-tier justice system in America, one for leftists and one for patriots. It’s not Biden’s fault, it’s James Clyburn’s. Feel better now?

"Old Joe Biden is deeply proud of being a member of the Biden clan, as he has made clear on numerous occasions when he has guaranteed the veracity of some statement (usually a whopping lie) by following it up with “My word as a Biden.” In reality, however, being a Biden has come to mean the total evasion of responsibility, and the determination to blame someone else for one’s failures when not denying outright that they were failures at all. This is, actually, a general tendency on the left. On Friday, Biden’s chief propagandist, Karine Jean-Pierre, found a new person to blame for the pardon Old Joe just gave to his son and bag man, Hunter Biden.

"Oddly enough, Jean-Pierre did not blame the man whom the left regards as the focus of evil in the modern world, Donald Trump, for the Hunter pardon. Would that have been too much of a stretch even for the dwindling number of true-believing Bidenites to accept? Instead, she blamed Rep. James Clyburn (D-Trump Is Hitler). What Clyburn has done to offend the Biden crime family remains a mystery, but the New York Post reported that Jean-Pierre claimed that Old Joe had a hard time making up his mind about whether or not to pardon Hunter, and that it was Clyburn who pushed The Big Guy over the edge into naked, gleeful, my-family-is-above-the-law corruption.

"Jean-Pierre couched it all, of course, in soothing rhetoric about what a devoted family man the senescent corruptocrat in the Oval Office is, and how his corrupt decision grew out of that devotion: “You heard this president say this many times before, he believes when it comes to his family, when it comes to how he moves forward, about thinking about his family, they’re the beginning, the middle and the end. And he wrestled with this. It was not an easy thing for him to decide.”

"Enter Clyburn. Jean-Pierre recounted that a couple of weeks ago, the viciously partisan representative appealed to Old Joe on Hunter’s behalf, urging him to break his repeated promise not to pardon Hunter: “This is Clyburn’s words: ‘The president was reticent’ when he tried to encourage him to pardon Hunter.… I think that’s important to note.” . . .

Joe Biden Just Got Some Devastating News About His Legacy    "Joe Biden has long considered himself a successful and consequential president. He boasts about creating jobs that he didn’t actually create, claiming credit for more job growth than any president in history, despite most of those jobs simply returning after the COVID shutdowns. He presents himself as the leader who ended the war in Afghanistan, conveniently overlooking the disastrous withdrawal that allowed the Taliban to reclaim control. 

"Perhaps most of all, he views himself as the only Democrat capable of defeating Trump — even if the circumstances surrounding that victory remain questionable. However, regardless of how Biden perceives his legacy, voters have a very different view of him and his presidency." . . .

Poll: Americans think Biden was a terrible president  Who wouldn't?

. . ."Biden is unique in that he deliberately created the circumstances that made his presidency so disastrous. It was his affirmative, proudly touted policies that drove inflation, opened the border, and led to so much American weakness on the world stage that two potential “WWIII starting points” erupted. It was his values, his weaknesses, his corruption, and his senility that got moved events.

"I sincerely hope that history is incredibly cruel to Biden. He will have left the White House 50 years after setting his sights on it, but I want his legacy to be tarnished in his own mind. Anyone who has wreaked such terrible havoc on this once proud nation deserves to be horribly aware of the disdain in which his countrymen hold him."

The Much Awaited End of KJP   . . ."In the view of many observers, the daily double-talk from the White House podium by KJP came on like a come-on from a carnival barker: instead of presenting straightforward, unvarnished truths from the briefing room lectern, listeners were subjected to a daily diet of kaleidoscope logic.

"The main reason her versions of events worked for as long as they did was that the briefing room was populated by a band of willing accomplices, happily lapping up the White House spokesperson’s blather.  Based on years of softball questions that the White House legacy media corps put forth, it was apparent that the majority of the reporters were content to run with KJP’s falsehoods in order to maintain their access to “unnamed, high level Administration sources.” . . .

Friday, December 6, 2024

Bruce and Howard admire the man; what's left to discuss?

 "Do you remember the presidential debate when Trump stated that a Biden presidency would lead to new wars, wide open borders, and an economic crisis? It was all true and Democrats fooled themselves thinking Joe Biden was going to bring peace, stability and a growing economy." Comment by TommyConnolyn| Fox News

"Though his disdain for Donald Trump is well-known, Springsteen has revealed he supports Joe Biden and believes his election will help repair America's global reputation.
"Speaking about this year's RNC, Springsteen said it was "just seeded with constant lies and total distortion of the American idea."
"The 70-year-old told Rolling Stone: "It's heartbreaking and terrible. The first thing is to get the Trump administration out of office and start again."
"The "Born to Run" singer is advocating for "some pretty serious systemic changes moving leftward" and cited Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as leading left politicians in the U.S.
" 'I like Bernie Sanders a lot," he said. "I don't know if he was my main choice, my first choice. I like Elizabeth Warren, I like Bernie."
. . . As for the current Democratic nominee Joe Biden, Springsteen approves and believes his presidency will resurrect the "power of the American idea."
" 'The power of the American idea has been abandoned," he said. "It's a terrible shame, and we need somebody who can bring that to life again.... I think if we get Joe Biden, it's gonna go a long way towards helping us regain our status around the world."
"He added: "The country as the shining light of democracy has been trashed by the administration. We abandoned friends, we befriended dictators, we denied climate science."
"The musician backed Biden at this year's DNC with a a new video for his 2002 song, "The Rising." . . .
Then he gets to the subject of the George Floyd riots and Antifa, whom I suspect appears today chanting for Hamas and praise for all the Israeli families they murdered on Oct 7, 2023:
Sophie Corcoran combines her thoughts about liberals resenting British mourning for the departed Queen and American youths rioting over the death of George Floyd:

... Howard Stern lets President Biden off the hook: Letters to the Editor   "The horrible farce of the failed Biden presidency reached a staggering new low during the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday (“Indecent exposure,” April 29).

"Not only did Biden demean his putative opponent; he outright insulted the press by admitting to The New York Times’ complaint that he avoids the questions of journalists.

"Yet the press corps almost universally laughed at this. That means its members do not take their profession, craft and mission seriously.

"Freedom of the press is meaningless unless journalists respect their role in our democracy."

'NO EVIDENCE': Biden mocked for stretching the truth on shock jock Howard Stern's show | Fox News  "Comment to this post:  The US has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. I've needed a Doctor, a Teacher, I need Farmers everyday. I need Truck Drivers everyday. I've needed an auto mechanic, a plumber, a painter, and a lot of other skilled everyday people. I have NEVER, not once, NEEDED a Pro-Athlete, a Media Personality,an Entertainer for ANYTHING!"

Know what parody is? The Babylon Bee.

Tragic: Celebrities Flee To Canada Only For Trump To Annex It

"At publishing time, celebrity Raven-Symoné had started to feel left out after Trump said he had no idea who she was."

"CANADA — The celebrities who fled the U.S. in horror following Trump's presidential victory are finding themselves right back where they started: under the tyrannical iron fist of Trump's authoritarian will. Trump's surprise announcement to annex Canada has sent ripples through the persecuted celebrity community.

" 'All those celebrities — all terrible and untalented, by the way — are Americans again," Trump posted on Truth Social. "I have taken Canada as America's 51st state. They now live in MAGA country, which is the best country, even if they don't know that. They don't have to thank me, but I'll still say, 'You're welcome, celebrities.'"

"Several celebrities, including Robert DeNiro, Meryl Streep, and Alec Baldwin are all feeling the heat, each of them concerned they will soon have to get pregnant and wear Handmaid's Tale uniforms.

" 'How could it come to this?" Alec Baldwin asked no one. "I was in Cats & Dogs. Everyone loves that movie!"

" 'This can't be happening!" Streep reportedly said upon hearing the news. "He's going to force me to get pregnant!"

"Trump pushed back on the negativity. "Don't be ridiculous, no one is going to get you pregnant, Meryl," he said, directly addressing Streep's claims. "You'll be working in the maple syrup mines with the rest of the menopausal celebrities."

"At publishing time, celebrity Raven-Symoné had started to feel left out after Trump said he had no idea who she was."

The lives we lost: Helene took entire families, couples, children •

 Asheville Watchdog

"The staggering scale of destruction in Asheville and surrounding communities from Tropical Storm Helene is almost too much to comprehend. Buncombe County was hit harder than any other county in the state; forests toppled, mountainsides scarred by landslides, roads and bridges destroyed, houses smashed to pieces or buried in mud, entire communities swept away by floodwaters. But ultimately the cruelty of the storm comes most sharply into focus at the individual level. In this continuing series, Asheville Watchdog reporters and photographers document the lives of the dozens of neighbors we lost.
"They perished under the most harrowing circumstances: entire families swept away by raging floodwaters, couples tossed out of their homes or crushed as the land underneath gave way, people battling diseases unable to access the treatments that kept them alive.
"The devastating, heartbreaking picture of the lives lost in Buncombe to Tropical Storm Helene, a calamity few could have imagined, is just beginning to emerge. 
"In the initial days after the storm, Buncombe Sheriff Quentin Miller put the death toll at 72, but his office has since clarified that that number included all deaths, and some were not hurricane-related or from Buncombe. State medical examiners are in charge of determining disaster-related fatalities, and their official count for Buncombe as of Friday was 42.
"Asheville Watchdog is bringing you the stories behind the staggering loss of life, the children, parents, grandparents, multiple generations of a single family, all gone in one of the worst natural disasters to hit the mountains of western North Carolina. This is the first installment. "  

Be very afraid of the Joe Biden we begin to comprehend

We saw Biden's pure hatred for President Trump in several of his speeches. But is it actually so visceral that he would start a war with Russia just to spite Trump and inundate this nation with millions of illegals from many countries to make America ungovernable? The Tunnel Dweller

Tucker Carlson on Joe Biden Ramping Up War with Russia: “We’re Watching the Most Evil Thing I’ve Ever Seen in My Lifetime”   "As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, Joe Biden and his handlers are moving quickly to ignite World War III before Christmas and before President Trump can be inaugurated and bring peace to the region.

"On Sunday, Joe Biden’s regime approved Ukraine’s use of US-made long-range missiles to strike deep inside Russia.

"The Washington Post reported that Biden will allow Ukraine to use a powerful American long-range weapon for strikes inside Russia, supposedly in response to North Korea’s recent aid to Russia in the form of thousands of troops. Ukraine will be specifically allowed to use the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to hit targets inside Russia." . . .

 As part of the new doctrine Russia spelled out that aggression against Russia and its allies by a non-nuclear country with the support of a nuclear state will be considered a joint attack.

 Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, Admits His DOJ is Working to Jail Trump After the Election

 National Christmas Tree Lighting Interrupted by Joe Biden Being a Complete Weirdo

How Joe looks when awakened suddenly

 "I'm not sure whether to laugh about this stuff or be deeply concerned. After all, this guy is still in charge of the nuclear codes. Well, at least ostensibly. 

"It certainly seems like his handlers have lost all control. I'd assume that if they had any sway left, they'd have Biden locked up in Delaware until Donald Trump's inauguration. That he continues to make high-profile public appearances, especially after embarrassing himself in Africa, is astonishing. I guess once a president burns their legacy to the ground by pardoning their criminal, degenerate son, the rest is gravy.

"Fast-forward to Thursday, and Biden showed up for the National Christmas Tree Lighting. He could have just stood around and enjoyed the show, but the president is just way too weird for that. So he ripped his beanie off instead, leading to some hilarious pictures, and mumbled insults at the press."

The dark reason why Justice Gorsuch was dead silent during arguments in most high-profile case…

 Revolver News 

The bottom line now is that Justice Gorsuch has a chance to correct the course and stand up for what’s right. Let’s hope he seizes this moment to protect America’s most vulnerable—our children. They deserve better than to be sacrificed as little pawns in the left’s twisted and perverted ideological war.

 "We get it—judges are human. They’re not perfect, and sometimes, they mess up. But every once in a while, a mistake is so massive, so destructive, that it leaves you sitting there in utter disbelief.

"That’s exactly what happened with a case Justice Neil Gorsuch got completely wrong. At the time, it might have seemed like just another ruling, but looking back, it’s downright bone chilling. Little did he know that very decision would become a weapon for the left—a legal machine gun used to shoot their warped trans agenda into the hearts and minds of innocent and vulnerable kids.

"It’s no wonder Justice Gorsuch was dead silent today when a major case landed before the court. The case, US v. Skrmetti, tackles the constitutionality of a state ban on so-called “gender-affirming” care for minors.

"But here’s the kicker—this high-profile case ties directly back to the infamous 2020 ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County. That’s the case Gorsuch totally fumbled, even going so far as to author the court’s majority opinion. It was that decision that handed the Biden regime the keys to kick open the door for their ghoulish kids’ trans agenda.

"Maybe, just maybe, as Justice Gorsuch sat there in silence today, he wasn’t pondering the case in front of him—while also being haunted by the ripple effects of his 2020 misstep.

"Sarah Parshall Perry:

Justice Gorsuch remained entirely silent throughout oral arguments at #SCOTUS today in the Court’s most high-profile case, U.S. v. Skrmetti. That case concerns the constitutionality of a state ban on so-called gender-affirming care for minors under the age of 18.

My thought?

The justice is reckoning with the ghost of Bostock v. Clayton County (2020) in which he authored the majority opinion for the Court that held under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, employment discrimination prohibitions based on “sex” also included “gender identity.”

From that decision, a host of ills was born. The Biden administration has used Bostock to expand gender identitarianism in healthcare, education, housing, & more.

Today, the rent came due.

Penny is not a hero but a victim of America's twisted culture.; He "deserves Hunter Biden Treatment"

 Fearless with Jason Whitlock - Apple Podcasts  

"If Joe Biden thought Hunter would ever be on the same subway as Jordan Neely, Daniel Penny wouldn’t be on trial today. He’d be a high-ranking member of the Secret Service."

 "According to this country, if a homeless crackhead attacks you, just hand over everything. However, that’s not what Daniel Penny did. On May 1, 2023, Daniel Penny, a 24-year-old Marine veteran, was jumped by a homeless crackhead. A scuffle broke out, which later led to the death of said crackhead. Penny is facing 15 years in prison today, and Whitlock poses the question of whether the legacy media is really in touch with the culture. Does our nation support the pardoning of Hunter Biden over and innocent verdict for Daniel Penny? Or does our country just love protecting crackheads?"

Daniel Penny verdict is nearly as important as the election  . . ."This week, a New York jury will deliberate Penny’s fate. Closing arguments in his trial began on Monday and will conclude today or tomorrow. I feel immense empathy for Daniel Penny. He’s just 25 years old. His traditional upbringing and military service triggered his God-given instincts to act as a protector.

"In the same week President Joe Biden pardoned a decade’s worth of crimes for his son Hunter, the criminal justice system could very well send Daniel Penny to prison for restraining a deranged lunatic with a history of violence.

"America has lost its mind.

"Rather than diminishing racial bias, we’ve simply changed targets. We’ve turned Daniel Penny into the modern-day Tom Robinson, the fictional defendant in Harper Lee’s classic novel “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Lee’s book explores the killing of innocence. Nothing kills innocence more than the destruction of family.

"Penny’s freedom and liberty rest in the minds of a jury pool that has endured the same anti-masculinity, anti-family, anti-white man, and pro-elites propaganda as the rest of America.

"The witnesses and facts say that Neely behaved in a way that caused Penny to restrain him and that Neely’s poor health and drug abuse made the justifiable restraint lethal. It’s the exact same set of facts that killed George Floyd. Jurors in Minnesota chose to ignore the facts and convict Derek Chauvin and three other officers.

"Will history repeat in New York?" . . .

Getting Tired of Playing the Progressive 'Guess Who Is the 'Victim' Here' Game

Hot Air 

"There are also the same sort of hate speech laws protecting everyone but the native Germans living there. Immigrants, their crimes, or their extortionate cost to German society can't be spoken against, illegal or otherwise. Certainly, their religion is off-limits." . . . 

"It doesn't matter if you're talking New York City or the European Union. So many formerly accepted social norms, what were once recognized as civilized behaviors or anticipated and correct outcomes, have been turned on their head by progressive, Woke ideology that it's hard to know which end is up.

"Can I visit Ebola in England safely? That's not a rhetorical question. I've got a bit of an online presence, and I've been vocal in my condemnation of the authoritarian direction the UK government has taken.

"That's a no-no as far as those autocrats are concerned. They reserve the right not only to hound and imprison their own citizens, which they do routinely, but also to take close looks at the opinions expressed by arriving visitors.

"I'd rather not get turned around at Heathrow, but who would have ever thought such a thing could be a possibility to begin with?

"Such is the world we live in now, thanks to 'progressives.'

"In Germany, the madness is pervasive, and 'democracy' is a laughable construct. Sure, you can belong to a political party, but if that party doesn't pass a smell test and, God forbid, becomes too popular, well, the powers that be will work to ban it entirely. If they can dream and debunk you for being a 'right-wing extremist' at the same time, fantastic. One less populist they have to worry about." . . .

. . ."The Stürzenberg case shows how dangerous, intimidating and anti-democratic Germany’s laws against incitement to hatred and hate speech are. It would be difficult to find a country in Western Europe that restricts free speech as radically as Germany does – especially when it comes to criticising Islam. Indeed, the German elites regard criticism of Islam as an act of right-wing extremism that needs to be censored." . . .

How odd that Hitler and his Nazis preferred Muslims as allies because they hated Jews as much as the Nazis did. Yet how many of our society's youth attack Jews on behalf of Hamas while calling them, wait for it...NAZIS. Then express regret that the real Nazis "didn't finish the job!". 

Pardon my pardons...

W.A. Eliot

No worries — the mainstream media will provide cover.  In any case, if he already is not prosecutable because he is “an elderly man with a poor memory,” what will he be a year or two from now?

"According to Politico, Joe Biden and his team are discussing pre-emptive pardons for those Donald Trump is planning to “target” for prosecution (as if it were all just petty political retribution on Trump’s part).  By now, you should be familiar with the following partial list of names and their alleged offenses (if not, just click on the link):

  • Joe Biden & extended family
  • Barack Obama
  • Kamala Harris
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Letitia James
  • Arthur Engoron
  • Liz Chaney
  • Jack Smith
  • Alvin Bragg
  • Mark Milley
  • James Comey
  • Peter Strzrok
  • Lisa Page
  • Adam Schiff
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Michael Cohen
  • Michael Byrd
  • Jamaal Bowman
  • the 51
  • Jan. 6 select committee
  • Anthony Fauci

"Many of these are already claiming they’re not asking for a pardon, but they would say that, wouldn’t they?

"Hey, here’s an idea for how Joe Biden can get back at Barack Obama for ousting him from his re-election bid: give Obama a pardon, whether he wants one or not.  Be sure to specify that it’s for knowing about Hillary’s Trump-Russia collusion plot but saying nothing, and allowing Cabinet members who had no business doing so to unmask Trump’s associates and violate FISA norms in spying on the Trump campaign." . . .

Liberal Pundits Made Fools of Themselves Defending the Hunter Biden Pardon

. . ."ChatGPT aside, I think we're likely to see a lot more of this now that progressives have isolated themselves on Threads and Bluesky. With no one around to correct them from jumping on claims they'd really like to believe, they are going to drift into partisan fantasy land a lot more often." . . .