Sunday, March 12, 2017

Late-night legend David Letterman's ugly personality no laughing matter, former colleagues say

A retired Letterman sporting a fierce beard.NY Daily News     "Late-night funnyman David Letterman was hardly a barrel of laughs off the air.
"A new biography of the now-retired talk show host portrays Letterman as more self-loathing than self-critical — and an often miserable man who inflicted his pain on his staff.
“ 'He was never truly comfortable unless he was seething with unhappiness at something,” one longtime writer told author Jason Zinoman in “Letterman: The Last Giant of Late Night.”
"In fact, few of the acerbic Letterman’s close colleagues sang his praises to Zinoman.
"Letterman’s demeanor soured after July 1995, when his CBS front-running program dipped to second place behind “The Tonight Show” with former friend-turned-enemy Jay Leno." . . .

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Do Not Stop Sharing This Until Every Person Who Cares About Women Sees This

Do Not Stop Sharing This Until Every Person Who Cares About Women Sees This
. . . "The silence must be broken. The whole world must wake up!
It is easy to focus on women’s rights in nations that don’t oppress women.
However, in countries where the women are not allowed to drive, how are they supposed to do anything about oppression and abuse by men?
Human Rights Organizations and Women’s Rights activists understand that the countless number of women and girls in the Muslim world need to have their honor restored.
This is not about making some minor cosmetic changes, but about making a fundamental change in the entire Islamic world.
The subjugation and persecution of women in the Islamic world needs to stop.
This video is the tip of the iceberg. It needs to be translated and distributed in multiple languages to the entire world." . . .

Intruder breaches White House grounds, arrested near residence entrance

CNN  "A man carrying a backpack with mace and a letter for President Donald Trump was arrested Friday night after he breached security at the White House complex and was discovered by a Secret Service officer near the south entrance to the executive residence, officials said.
"The incident happened just before midnight while the President was at the White House.
The suspect, identified in court records as Jonathan T. Tran, 26, of California, told the agency's officers that he was there to see the President.
"No, I am a friend of the President. I have an appointment," Tran said when approached by an officer, according to a report released Saturday by the Washington Metropolitan Police Department.
"Asked how he got there, Tran told officers: "I jumped the fence."
"The arresting officers found two cans of mace and a passport on Tran, who appeared in D.C. Superior Court shortly before 5 p.m. dressed in a dark blue hoodie and khakis. He spoke only briefly, offering a faint "yes" when told his rights. He faces a charge of unlawful entry and will be arraigned in federal court on Monday.
. . . "Secret Service officer Wayne Azevedo said in the complaint that during a search after the arrest, "two cans of mace were found on Tran, including one his jacket pocket. Tran was also carrying among other things, a United States passport, an Apple laptop computer, a book written by President Trump, and a letter he had written to President Trump."
"Azevedo also said "in the letter, Tran mentioned Russian hackers and said he had information of relevance. Tran alleged that he had been followed, and his 'phone and email communications (had been) read by third parties,' and that he had 'been called schizophrenic.'" . . .

Mother of 10 Just Said What We’d All Like To Say

Clash Daily  The ‘Activist Mommy’ strikes again. She says what we’ve all been thinking about the Feminist agenda.
This mother of 10 lays it out clearly and explains why the ‘Day Without A Woman’ protest is ridiculous.
She also tears into the ‘soft feminists’ that believe in the ‘Gender Pay Gap’.
Check out her awesome rant here:

. . . We know that Elizabeth was telling the truth with a lot of these points, but many people still believe in the ‘Gender Pay Gap’.
"Just to be clear on that, here is former University Professor, Christian Hoff Sommers explaining it:

Friday, March 10, 2017

Jeff Sessions asks Obama's holdover US attorneys to resign

Weasel Zippers

"One exception may be Preet Bharara, who had been asked to stay on by President Donald Trump. He is in charge of continuing investigations of the Clinton Foundation.
"But cleaning house, although relatively normal, seems to be essential in a time where hold-overs seem to be trying to sabotage the current administration.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday asked the remaining 46 U.S. attorneys appointed by President Obama to resign.
According to the Justice Department, those resignations will “ensure a uniform transition.”
“Until the new U.S. attorneys are confirmed, the dedicated career prosecutions in our U.S. Attorney’s Offices will continue the great work of the department in investigating, prosecuting, and deterring the most violent offenders,” said spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores in a statement Friday afternoon.

While You Weren’t Looking, the Democrat–Media Election-Hacking Narrative Just Collapsed


Andrew C. McCarthy
That supposed FBI investigation of collusion with the Russians? Never mind . . .

"They’re in retreat now. You may have missed it amid President Trump’s startling Saturday tweet storm, the recriminations over president-on-candidate spying, and the Jeff Sessions recusal — a whirlwind weekend. But while you weren’t looking, an elaborate narrative died.

For months, the media-Democrat complex has peddled a storyline that the Putin regime in Russia hacked the U.S. presidential election. There is, of course, no evidence that the election was hacked in the sense that the actual voting process was compromised. Rather, there is evidence that e-mail accounts of prominent Democrats were hacked months before the election, and thousands of those e-mails were published by WikiLeaks in the months leading up to the election.

"Into this misleading “Russia hacked the election” narrative, the press and the Dems injected a second explosive allegation — or at least an explosive suspicion that they’ve wanted us to perceive as a credible allegation meriting a serious investigation. The suspicion/allegation is: Not only did Russia hack the election, but there are also enough ties between people in the Trump orbit and operatives of the Putin regime that there are grounds to believe that the Trump campaign was complicit in Russia’s hacking of the election.

"Transparently, the aim is to undermine the legitimacy of Trump’s election victory.
Finally, the third prong, without the support of which the stool would collapse: the impression that the FBI has been feverishly investigating what is said to be the Trump campaign’s collusion in what is said to be the Russian hacking of the election. This reporting is designed to get you saying to yourself: “Why would there be such a zealous investigation by FBI agents — in addition to several other intelligence and law-enforcement agents — unless there really were grave reasons to believe the shocking election-hacking conspiracy narrative?”

"Thus, details about investigative activity have been leaked to the media. The press and the Democrats then exploit the leaks to spin the “Trump complicity in Russian election-hacking” story. It seems not to matter how objectively ill-conceived the Russian election-hacking claim is, or how woefully insufficient the purported Trump–Russia ties are to support an inference of campaign collusion in the hacking. The specter of an investigation — breathless media reports of FISA-court applications, wiretaps, surveillance of agents of a foreign power, and mysterious servers; painstaking analysis of shady financial transactions involving Russian banks and funding streams — seems to make the outlandish conspiracy impossible to dismiss out of hand." . . .

"Now that they’ve been called on it, the media and Democrats are gradually retreating from the investigation they’ve been touting for months as the glue for their conspiracy theory."

Obama Wiretapping? Trump Colluding? We Are Headed Down a Rabbit Hole

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Charles Krauthammer
"When he was Ronald Reagan’s secretary of state, George Shultz was once asked about the CIA’s disavowal of involvement in a mysterious recent bombing in Lebanon. Replied Shultz: “If the CIA denies something, it’s denied.”

"Has there ever been a more dry, more wry, more ironic verdict on the world of espionage? Within it, there is admission and denial, smoke and mirrors, impenetrable fog and deliberate obfuscation. Truth? Ask the next guy.

"Which is why my default view of espionage is to never believe anyone because everyone is trained in deception. This is not a value judgment; it’s a job description.

"We learn, for example, from Tuesday’s spectacular WikiLeaks dump that among the CIA’s various and nefarious cybertools is the capacity to simulate intrusion by a foreign power, the equivalent of planting phony fingerprints on a smoking gun.

"Who are you going to believe now? I can assure you that some enterprising Trumpite will use this revelation to claim that the whole storyline pointing to Russian interference in the U.S. election was a fabrication. And who was behind that? There is no end to this hall of mirrors. My rule, therefore, is: Stay away.

"Hard to do with Washington caught up in one of its periodic conspiracy frenzies. Actually, two. One, anti–Donald Trump, is that he and his campaign colluded with Russian intelligence. The other, anti–Barack Obama–CIA– “deep state,” is that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower to ensnare candidate Trump.

"The odd thing is that, as of today, there is no evidence for either charge. That won’t, of course, stop the launch of multiple all-consuming investigations." . . .

Top 10 Most Obnoxious Hollywood Liberals

Human Events "Hollywood stars invariably get involved in the political debate from the left side of the spectrum.  What better way to draw attention to themselves than to testify before Congress about the latest threat to humanity, even if their cause is laughable.  It was hard to narrow it down to only 10, but here are the Top 10 Most Obnoxious Hollywood Liberals."

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Democrat Senator: I Have More Personal Time With Trump In 2 Months Than Obama In 8 Years

Manchin's cooperation with Trump has angered progressive groups. Some groups have begun petitioning for a more progressive candidate to challenge Manchin in the 2018 primary.

Image result for manchin with obama cartoons

Weasel Zippers  "Manchin and his constituents didn’t fit any of Obama’s agendas, so they were ignored.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D.,W.Va.) said that he has had more personal time with President Donald Trump than he ever did with former President Barack Obama.
Manchin said that in the first two months of the Trump administration, he has talked with Trump more than he did with Obama in eight years, according to a Politico profile of the senator.
“I’ve had more personal time with Trump in two months than I had with [Barack] Obama in eight years,” Manchin said.
Keep reading…

New Yorkers To Hillary Clinton: No Thanks

Weasel Zippers
Daily Caller  "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn’t perform well in the latest poll in the New York City mayor’s race, according to a new Rasmussen poll released Tuesday.

"Fifty-eight percent of likely voters in the city don’t want Clinton to run again, compared to just 23 percent of voters who wanted the former presidential candidate to run. Nineteen percent of voters hadn’t yet made up their mind.

"Current Mayor Bill de Blasio is set to run for reelection, but trails Republican challenger Paul Massey, Jr. in terms of fundraising. Massey raised $1.6 million in the race so far, compared to de Blasio’s $1 million.

"Clinton expressed interest in the race, but said she would only consider running if de Blasio didn’t enter the race for some reason." . . .

With campus shout downs, first they came for the Jews and Israel

Legal Insurrection

The anti-free speech “social justice warrior” monster now stalking campuses didn’t start recently.
. . . "And the disruption of former Ambassador Michael Oren, as the SFGate reported in 2011, Muslim students found guilty of disrupting speech:
In an emotional conclusion to a case that generated national debate over free speech rights, a jury on Friday found 10 Muslim students guilty of disrupting a speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren at UC Irvine last year.
Although the students faced up to a year in jail on the misdemeanor charges, they instead were placed on three years of informal probation, and ordered to perform 56 hours of community service.
District Attorney Tony Rackauckas issued a statement afterward in which he called the students’ disruptions “censorship by a few.”
“History requires us to draw a line in the sand against this sort of organized thuggery,” he said.

While You Weren’t Looking, the Democrat–Media Election-Hacking Narrative Just Collapsed

"That supposed FBI investigation of collusion with the Russians? Never mind . . "


Andrew C. McCarthy  . . . "For months, the media-Democrat complex has peddled a storyline that the Putin regime in Russia hacked the U.S. presidential election. There is, of course, no evidence that the election was hacked in the sense that the actual voting process was compromised. Rather, there is evidence that e-mail accounts of prominent Democrats were hacked months before the election, and thousands of those e-mails were published by WikiLeaks in the months leading up to the election.

"Into this misleading “Russia hacked the election” narrative, the press and the Dems injected a second explosive allegation — or at least an explosive suspicion that they’ve wanted us to perceive as a credible allegation meriting a serious investigation. The suspicion/allegation is: Not only did Russia hack the election, but there are also enough ties between people in the Trump orbit and operatives of the Putin regime that there are grounds to believe that the Trump campaign was complicit in Russia’s hacking of the election.

"Transparently, the aim is to undermine the legitimacy of Trump’s election victory.
Finally, the third prong, without the support of which the stool would collapse: the impression that the FBI has been feverishly investigating what is said to be the Trump campaign’s collusion in what is said to be the Russian hacking of the election. This reporting is designed to get you saying to yourself: “Why would there be such a zealous investigation by FBI agents — in addition to several other intelligence and law-enforcement agents — unless there really were grave reasons to believe the shocking election-hacking conspiracy narrative?' ” . . .