Friday, May 19, 2017

President Trump’s Middle East Trip: An Opportunity to Reset Relations

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Middle East Eye
Heritage  "President Trump has an opportunity to reset relations with key Middle Eastern allies and restore confidence in American leadership. He can capitalize on the fact that Israel and the Sunni Arab gulf states, alarmed by what they regarded as the Obama Administration’s feeble and disastrous policy toward Iran, found themselves cooperating under the table to protect their own security. The President should use this Middle East trip to repair bilateral relationships undermined by his predecessor and build multinational coalitions to unite Arab leaders against ISIS, al-Qaeda, Iran, and other Islamist totalitarian threats.
. . . 
"President Trump has an opportunity to reset relations with key Middle Eastern allies and restore confidence in American leadership. He can capitalize on one of the Obama Administration’s legacies: Israel and the Sunni Arab gulf states, alarmed by what they regarded as a feeble and disastrous U.S. policy toward Iran, found themselves cooperating under the table to protect their own security. The President must use his Middle East trip to repair bilateral relationships undermined by his predecessor and build multinational coalitions to unite Arab leaders against ISIS, al-Qaeda, Iran, and other Islamist totalitarian threats." 

James Phillips is Senior Research Fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs in the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy, of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullum Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, at The Heritage Foundation.

Governor Jerry Brown calls California taxpayers “freeloaders”

A view from a “deplorable” in “Podunk” California!

Legal Insurrection

. . . "Sacramento has been in hyper-drive since the Democratic Party obtained super-majority after Newman’s surprising election win. Since the legislative session opened, not only has it passed the gas tax hike, but published an insulting letter to President Donald Trump, initiated a move toward single-payer healthcare, and declared California a “sanctuary state.

"That Jerry Brown feels comfortable enough to be so demeaning to a substantial number of Californians is not a shock. He cannot run for re-election, and unless the recall election is successful, has until 2018 to pass whatever insanity our state Assembly and Senate put before him. There is no need to persuade, negotiate, or compromise.
In fact, Brown seems to be acting as the “President of the Left Coast” in many ways.  Remember that Brown taunted President Trump during a visit earlier this to the nation’s capital (“Come on down from Trump Tower”).  Also, upon hearing that the administration’s plans for NASA meant a refocus on space exploration science instead of climate change pseudoscience, Brown threatened to launch a California-built satellite.

Jay Leno: Late Night Should Ease Up on Trump

PJ Media

"Jay Leno knows a thing or two about late-night TV.
"The veteran comic didn't just host NBC's "The Tonight Show" for more than 20 years. He took the baton directly from Johnny Carson, the man whose very name is synonymous with late-night excellence.
"So when Leno speaks, comedians should listen. Here's betting they won't, at least this time around.
"Leno was interviewed The New York Times about the late-night landscape in general and Jimmy Fallon in particular. Fallon replaced Leno on "The Tonight Show," and for a while replicated Leno's ratings success.
"Then along came Trump.
"Suddenly, Fallon's mostly apolitical shtick became "problematic" for many critics. And, to be fair, Fallon watched as the mean-spirited barbs thrown at President Donald Trump by his colleagues boosted their ratings. Considerably, in the case of Stephen Colbert of "The Late Show" fame.

"Yet Leno isn't ready to slam Fallon for his stance. In fact, just the opposite. He says Fallon carries the Carson torch more than "anybody in a long time." Carson famously played it down the middle, politically speaking. Leno says that approach is missing from today's late-night crew." . . .

*Remember that rodeo clown who got fired for poking fun at President Barack Obama in one of his live sketches? That performer got a lifetime ban from that particular rodeo, too, along with some death threats.

"Why? He targeted President Obama, a politician the culture overlords said was mostly off limits.

Stupid Biographer Tricks  "Now, compare that to President Trump. Few, if any, media outlets would rise up to defend Trump against a similar attack. We're seeing that play out right now. Or, more specifically, not play out.
"Sarah Palin. Paul Ryan. Mitt Romney. They all got viciously attacked at various points in their political careers. Few, if any, of the folks who slammed them suffered any consequences." . . .

"Today's late-night humorists won't follow Johnny Carson's template when it comes to the current presidential election.
"Carson famously stayed bipartisan with his yuks. To do anything else, he argued, meant potentially losing half his audience. He stayed true to that philosophy, shaping a legendary late-night run in the process. His immediate successor, Jay Leno, stayed true to that mantra." . . .
That means more funny business for her late night court jesters. Chances are, Kimmel and co. will be savaging her critics far more than the candidate herself in the days and weeks to come.

Charles Krauthammer: The guardrails can't contain Trump

Charles Krauthammer  "The pleasant surprise of the First 100 Days is over. The action was hectic, heated, often confused, but well within the bounds of normalcy. Policy (e.g., health care) was being hashed out, a Supreme Court nominee confirmed, foreign policy challenges (e.g. North Korea) addressed.

"Donald Trump’s character — volatile, impulsive, often self‑destructive — had not changed since the campaign. But it seemed as if the guardrails of our democracy — Congress, the courts, the states, the media, the Cabinet — were keeping things within bounds.

"Then came the last 10 days. The country is now caught in the internal maelstrom that is the mind of Donald Trump. We are in the realm of the id. Chaos reigns.

"No guardrails can hold. Normal activity disappears. North Korea’s launch of an alarming new missile and a problematic visit from the president of Turkey (locus of our most complicated and tortured allied relationship) barely evoke notice.

"Nothing can escape the black hole of a three‑part presidential meltdown.

"• First, the firing of James Comey. Trump, consumed by the perceived threat of the Russia probe to his legitimacy, executes a mindlessly impulsive dismissal of the FBI director. He then surrounds it with a bodyguard of lies — aributing the dismissal to a Justice Department recommendation — which his staff goes out and parrots. Only to be undermined and humiliated when the boss contradicts them within 48 hours.

"Result? Layers of falsehoods giving the impression of an elaborate cover‑up — in the absence of a crime. At least Nixon was trying to quash a third‑rate burglary and associated felonies. Here we don’t even have a body, let alone a smoking gun. Trump insists there’s no there there, but acts as if the there is everywhere. •

Second, Trump’s divulging classified information to the Russians. A stupid, needless mistake. But despite the media hysteria, hardly an irreparable national security calamity.

"The Israelis, whose asset might have been jeopardized, are no doubt upset, but the notion that this will cause a great rupture to their (and others’) intelligence relationship with the U.S. is nonsense. These kinds of things happen all the time. When the Obama administration spilled secrets of the anti‑ Iranian Stuxnet virus or blew the cover of a double agent in Yemen, there was none of the garment‑rending that followed Trump’s disclosure. " . . .

Democrats start to worry they are out on a limb with Russia conspiracy theories, and Mueller has a saw

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Thomas Lifson  "The appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate the wild charges of Russian interference in the 2016 election has turned the tables on the conspiracy theorists.  Some are even acknowledging the total lack of evidence behind the media-induced frenzy that grips the Beltway and left-wing crazies, but not most normal Americans.  MSNBC discovered the hard way that the mania gripping Rachel Maddow & Co. at its anchor desks was not shared by the people it interviewed on the street in North Carolina when it took "the pulse of the people."

"Perhaps remembering what happened to the GOP in the wake of the failed Clinton impeachment trial, Nancy Pelosi urged her House members to squelch their impulse to impeach.  Even rabid Trump-hater Adam Schiff warned the troops:
"That's not something that we should be rushing into or rushing to suggest," Schiff told CNN's New Day, according to The Hill.
He said the impeachment process would be a "wrenching experience" for the country, and it was important to get answers first.
"Dems, it seems, forgot to be careful what they wish for, because they just might get it.
"That lack of evidence is so worrisome that as Jason Willick pointed out at The American Interest, some of the Trump haters are de-escalating:" . . . More at the link.

"The Democrats and the Mainstream media with their so called “Anonymous Sources”, are a big part of the Washington DC swamp determined to destroy Trump. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017."
Swamp Creature

Victor Davis Hanson: Democrats pushing the 'big lie" to destroy President Trump

Harvard study: Extraordinary media bias against Trump

Rick Moran  "A study prepared by the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy at Harvard reveals a shocking level of media bias against President Trump.  This comes as no surprise to anyone – friend or foe of the president.
"But the extreme percentage of negative coverage of the president is absolutely breathtaking."

Then the author shows the coverage based on individual issues:

Hannity: It's Time to Fight Back Against the Forces Trying to Destroy Trump

Fox News Insider

"In his opening monologue tonight, Sean Hannity called on supporters of President Donald Trump to come together and fight back against those who are trying to destroy the president.
"He said it's time to take on the five powerful forces that have aligned to undermine Trump's presidency: the deep state, the "destroy Trump media," the Democrats, establishment Republicans and "NeverTrumpers."
" 'Sitting back and doing nothing is no longer an option," Hannity said, putting out "a call to arms.' " . . .

The Democrats vs. Trump in two pictures

Maxine Waters: A Gift That Keeps Giving

"It is a perverse irony that President Trump works round-the-clock to make inroads to improve the lives of Americans in his few months in office, and Waters with a whopping 35 years on the job continues representing a district where the socioeconomic conditions grow progressively worse."
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American Thinker  "Congresswoman Maxine Waters failed to anticipate her “destroy Trump” campaign would have an unpleasant boomerang effect on her own political career.
"She experienced an unwanted surprise this week when returning to her posh home in Hancock Park after making the media rounds in the so-called impeachment campaign against President Trump. 
"Protestors had gathered outside her LA mini-mansion waving placards that read: “Impeach Maxine Waters” and “Do Your Job,” referring to the congresswoman’s 35-year tenure representing the infamous suburb of Compton. “She’s not representing her constituents, especially the black constituents,” complained one of the protestors before the KABC media crew. “She thinks by putting down our president, we’re going to like her more,” complained another protestor. “Every time she talks, she makes me want to throw up.” That can’t be good for her re-election chances.
. . . 
"Apparently Waters is too distracted as the new media darling -- dubbed “Auntie Maxine” by fawning reporters -- to perform her job.  Her long history of corruption and abysmal performance in office never seems to make its way into the conversation among her co-conspirators (aka reporters) in the mainstream media." . . .
Throughout the congresswoman’s 13 terms in office, she has acquired a long history of shameful conduct and baseless allegations dating back to the 1990s: She accused the CIA of deliberately distributing “crack cocaine to young blacks” in the inner cities and paid a courtesy visit to the parents of the black youth who randomly selected a white person (pulled from his truck) to bash his head with a cement block in a LA race riot in 1992. The parents of the innocent truck driver, Reginald Denny, did not receive the same courtesy visit. These acts of violence were dubbed by Waters as “somewhat understandable” at the time. Therefore she said: “So I call it a rebellion.” She’s on to her next “resistance” movement.

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Maxine Waters as Resistance Leader? What a Joke  "Are you freaking kidding me? Thirteen-term Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters, Beltway barnacle permanently affixed to USS Government, is now the fresh-faced “rock star” of the Democratic party. 
“ 'Auntie Maxine” is stoking the resistance, inspiring Millennials, combating hate, crusading against corruption, and invoking the counterinsurgent cry to “stay woke!” I do not have enough guffaws to give." . . .   Read more...

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Five Clinton-Russia Bombshells Progressives Yawned Over

Jerome Hudson at Breitbart

"Given the establishment media’s focus on the “scandal” surrounding President Donald Trump and his administration’s contact with Russian officials, it is worth reminding Americans of the revelations involving Hillary Clinton and the Kremlin."
"1. Hillary Clinton approved the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation." . . .
"2. Bill Clinton bagged $500,000 for a Moscow speech paid for by a Kremlin-backed bank while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State." . . .
"3. Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman’s Joule energy company bagged $35 million from Putin’s Rusnano." 
 . . . "Podesta also failed to fully disclose his position on Joule Unlimited’s board of directors and include it in his federal financial disclosures, as required by law, before he became President Obama’s senior adviser in January 2014.
"4.  Clinton Foundation chatter with State Dept. on Uranium Deal with Russia.
5. Hillary Clinton hid $2.35 million in secret donations from Ian Telfer, the head of Russia’s uranium company.
“Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million,” the Times reported. “Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”

Maxine Waters Uses Her Impeachment Crusade Against Trump To Fundraise…

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Weasel Zippers

Pictured: Waters' constituents taking part in what she called a "rebellion" back in 1992.
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