Mike Adams
"Feminists often decry the “fact” that women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. Despite the
flaws in the studies upon which this statistic is based, the idea of treating a human as less than fourfifths of a person appalls them. Similarly, while ignoring political context, feminists decry the “fact”
that our founders were racists by complaining that they considered blacks to be three-fifths of a
person. Yet feminist administrators at UNC-Wilmington (a.k.a. “The Dub”) recently ruled that
conservative women are less than one-half of a person. Unlike the feminists, I can bolster that
accusation with facts and appropriate political context.
Last August, a conflict emerged between a feminist adminiistrator and two conservative women –
one an alumna and the other a student. The feminist administrator ran the Women Studies
Resource Center (WSRC) until she recently resigned in the wake of the conflict, which has now
resulted in a federal civil rights complaint. The initial conflict was over the question of whether the
WSRC would fund an abortion debate sponsored by a Christian organization. It was doubtful they
would, given their long herstory of only sponsoring unequivocally pro-abortion events."
. . .
" . . .I was incensed. I was one of the proposed debate participants. The other was abortionist
Dr. Willie Parker. (That debate eventually happened and you can watch it by clicking on this link).
"It will come as no surprise to readers that I did not take this laying down. I decided to file a formal
Title IX complaint since the funding for my speech was denied on the basis of my gender. I was one
of the males subjected to discrimination. So I had standing as the complainant. The two conservative
women were the ear-witnesses to the discrimination." . . .
Thursday, May 23, 2019
President Trump stands against the Democrats, academia, and pretty much all the media that has access to this nation's minds
From The Federalist Papers: Pelosi, Schumer Whine And Cry After Trump Owned Them On Live Television . . . "The trio were supposed to meet in The White House to discuss plans to fix America’s infrastructure but that is not what happened.
Roger L. Simon at PJ Media: No, Nancy. It's the Dems Who Are Engaged in a 'Cover-Up'
"The president walked in the room, read the two top Democrats the riot act, and then went to the Rose Garden to speak to the gathered reporters." Video
Roger L. Simon at PJ Media: No, Nancy. It's the Dems Who Are Engaged in a 'Cover-Up'
"The Democrats are like a beehive that has lost their queen -- only, in this case, the queen is not Nancy Pelosi, but Barack Obama. He alone was able to hold this fractious cuckoo's nest together. And one wonders if he could do it now.
"Nevertheless, Pelosi, anxious to do her part and stave off impeachment charges she knows are electoral poison for her party, did her best to damp things down by accusing Trump of a "cover-up" when she emerged from the Democratic caucus Wednesday morning.
"Talk about projection!" . . .
Socio-Political Journal: Trump Ends Infrastructure Talks With Schumer, Pelosi Over Demands Dems Cut 'PHONY' Probes . . . "This whole thing was a takedown attempt at the president of the United States, and honestly you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for the way you reported so dishonestly,” he said.
"Last month, Schumer and Pelosi said Trump had agreed to support a $2 trillion infrastructure spending package. But, at the time, they said no decisions on how to pay for the plan. The president – a real estate developer before he was elected president – has long sought to strike a big infrastructure deal, but has faced some resistance from conservatives in his party over concerns about the country’s rising debt.
"But questions have remained over whether Pelosi and Schumer can strike deal with Trump on infrastructure, as congressional Democrats ramp up investigations of the president and subpoena members of his administration in the wake of the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia report."
"Last month, Schumer and Pelosi said Trump had agreed to support a $2 trillion infrastructure spending package. But, at the time, they said no decisions on how to pay for the plan. The president – a real estate developer before he was elected president – has long sought to strike a big infrastructure deal, but has faced some resistance from conservatives in his party over concerns about the country’s rising debt.
"But questions have remained over whether Pelosi and Schumer can strike deal with Trump on infrastructure, as congressional Democrats ramp up investigations of the president and subpoena members of his administration in the wake of the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia report."
Donald Trump: I am an ‘Extremely Stable Genius’ and ‘Crazy’ Nancy Pelosi Is a ‘Mess. . . "Conway said that the Democrats were lying about the president. Sanders said that the president was “very calm.”
“ 'I’ve seen both, and this was definitely not angry or ranting. Very calm and straightforward and clear,” Sanders added.
"The president reacted to Pelosi after she needled the president at a press conference earlier in the day.
“ 'I pray for the president of the United States,” she said on Thursday morning. “I wish his family, his administration or his staff would have an intervention for the good of the country.”
Free at last! The American Taliban is on the streets and available to the media (Updated)
Christmas for the media!
Update: This CNN employee may just agree with the above cartoon:
CNN Employee Shreds Jim Acosta as Book Set to Be Released
Update: This CNN employee may just agree with the above cartoon:
CNN Employee Shreds Jim Acosta as Book Set to Be Released
. . . The first takeaway here is – Holy cow this guy actually views himself as some sort of war hero fighting the oppressive regime that is the Trump administration. He’s a warrior only in his own mind, however.
There have been times Acosta is so bent on ‘fighting the establishment’ that he walked out of a press briefing practically teary-eyed.
The second takeaway is how an employee of the network he works for told Fox News that insiders there are pretty much embarrassed by Acosta.
Biden a "walking time-bomb"
Don Surber "Brit Hume has lived in Washington all his life.
"He has seen them come and he has seen them go.
"For 46 years, Hume has watched Joe Biden in action.
"Hume's assessment is Biden is a walking time-bomb.
"Hume said, "I like Biden on a personal basis, but I think he
is a walking time-bomb. I think his age is an issue, I’m the same age as he is, my age is an issue, I think his is too... the filters don’t work as well, the memory isn’t as sharp.
" 'You might blurt out things as he did the other day when he said China is no competitor of ours. Now, I can kind of get where he was coming from on that, meaning you know we are the best and nobody can beat us. But that’s not how it came out and that is not how he said it.
" 'He is gaffe-prone and always has been and I don’t think that he’s less-so now. He’s got a lot of strengths, he’s got a huge body of sympathetic support in the party, and he’ll be able to raise money. He’ll be in this, but it’s a high-wire act and I’m not sure he can make it.' "
Johnny Carson on Joe Biden in 1987
"He has seen them come and he has seen them go.
"For 46 years, Hume has watched Joe Biden in action.
"Hume's assessment is Biden is a walking time-bomb.
"Hume said, "I like Biden on a personal basis, but I think he
is a walking time-bomb. I think his age is an issue, I’m the same age as he is, my age is an issue, I think his is too... the filters don’t work as well, the memory isn’t as sharp.
" 'You might blurt out things as he did the other day when he said China is no competitor of ours. Now, I can kind of get where he was coming from on that, meaning you know we are the best and nobody can beat us. But that’s not how it came out and that is not how he said it.
" 'He is gaffe-prone and always has been and I don’t think that he’s less-so now. He’s got a lot of strengths, he’s got a huge body of sympathetic support in the party, and he’ll be able to raise money. He’ll be in this, but it’s a high-wire act and I’m not sure he can make it.' "
Ian Macfarlane |
The Winnowing of the Democratic Candidates
Tony Branco |
"Markets are information-generating mechanisms, and the political market is working."
“We’re cutting out some of this ear hair that you get when you get older,” said the 46-year-old man-child who is auditioning to be Skateboarder-in-Chief. Live-streaming his visit to an El Paso barbershop, Beto O’Rourke continued: “It grows out of your ears, and if you don’t get it cut, it can be nasty.”
"You might respond to this, as you perhaps did to O’Rourke’s prior livestreaming of his dental-cleaning appointment, by thinking: TMI. This is, however, not too much information. It is exactly the sort of information we need about the Democrats seeking their party’s presidential nomination. Markets are information-generating mechanisms, and the political market is working.
"Before she is winnowed out, perhaps before Iowa’s first frost, note New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s campaign slogan: “Brave Wins.” It pats her on the back for unspecified acts of bravery, but this strange conjunction of words is the most vacuous advertising noise this side of Miller Lite’s current slogan: “Hold True.” The first substantive sentence — this counts as substance nowadays — in New York mayor Bill de Blasio’s video announcing his candidacy is: “There’s plenty of money in this world, there’s plenty of money in this country, it’s just in the wrong hands.” . . .
Silvio Canto thinks Beto is over with for now. Beto without Ted Cruz is like Costello without Abbott. Better yet, Chamberlain without Churchill.
Trump's fear about impeachment
Don Surber "President Donald John Trump had Nancy Pelosi and company at the White House to discuss fixing the nation's infrastructure. The meeting lasted three minutes because he asked her to back off on impeachment proceedings.
"She cannot. He knows this. He staged this. She is trapped by the resistance she and Obama and others allowed to fester for two years. This helped propel her back into the speakership after Obama lost the House in 2010.
"But now the new members want to impeach the president. After all, he is Hitler, right?
"That was what they meant by resistance.
"Failure to impeach makes one complicit in the Orange Man's war crimes. After he is gone, Nuremberg trials await those who fail to impeach.
"Never mind that there [are] no grounds for impeachment, Never mind that the Mueller Report found nothing even after an exhaustive investigation. Never mind that there is no groundswell of public support for this.
"Democrats want to impeach." . . .
Editorial: Right out of the gate, Beto goes low
Boston Herald
"The guy with the skateboard was not at all above board at CNN’s town hall appearance on Tuesday night. The very first question dealt with restoring “global leadership” post-Trump and Beto O’Rourke swung away at the current president, unhindered by facts or the toxicity of his words.
. . .
"Cynical, misleading, divisive attacks, all in the first three minutes of the town hall. Scare tactics are a tool of the trade, but if any of us thought skateboarding Beto was different, we were wrong." . . .
"The guy with the skateboard was not at all above board at CNN’s town hall appearance on Tuesday night. The very first question dealt with restoring “global leadership” post-Trump and Beto O’Rourke swung away at the current president, unhindered by facts or the toxicity of his words.
. . .
"Cynical, misleading, divisive attacks, all in the first three minutes of the town hall. Scare tactics are a tool of the trade, but if any of us thought skateboarding Beto was different, we were wrong." . . .
Coulter: U.S. Isn’t Becoming Europe. We’re Becoming Rome
Whatever the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire, one thing is for damn sure: There were not vast bands of powerful Romans prattling about “Roman privilege,” demanding that the Huns be given preference over Romans and writing articles with titles like “Abolish the Romans!” That is the driving impulse of one of our two major political parties. . . .Ann Coulter "Can we have a quick reality check and acknowledge that what is happening to America is a million times worse than what’s happening in Europe and is of much greater consequence?
"Conservatives regularly point to the mass migration afflicting Europe as if it’s the Ghost of Christmas Future for America. Since waves of Third World migrants began sweeping into the European Union, we’ve seen terrorism, knifings, rape gangs and riots popping up all over the birthplace of Western civilization. Sweden has gone from a country where rape was essentially nonexistent to the Rape Capital of the World.
"It’s sweet of Americans to be so concerned about Europe, but maybe they should look at their own country. On account of a mass immigration policy imposed on us by our government, the United States has undergone a transformation unprecedented in all of world history.
"From 1620 to 1970, the U.S. was demographically stable — not to be confused with “a nation of immigrants.” The country was about 85% to 90% white, almost entirely British, German, French and Dutch, and 10% to 15% African American. (The American Indian population, technically in their own nations, steadily plummeted — an example of how vast numbers of new people can displace the old, both accidentally and on purpose.)
"In a generation, the white majority has nearly disappeared, while the black percentage has remained about the same, with more than 90% of African Americans still native-born. White Americans are one border surge away from becoming a minority in their own country." . . .
"It’s sweet of Americans to be so concerned about Europe, but maybe they should look at their own country. On account of a mass immigration policy imposed on us by our government, the United States has undergone a transformation unprecedented in all of world history.
"From 1620 to 1970, the U.S. was demographically stable — not to be confused with “a nation of immigrants.” The country was about 85% to 90% white, almost entirely British, German, French and Dutch, and 10% to 15% African American. (The American Indian population, technically in their own nations, steadily plummeted — an example of how vast numbers of new people can displace the old, both accidentally and on purpose.)
"In a generation, the white majority has nearly disappeared, while the black percentage has remained about the same, with more than 90% of African Americans still native-born. White Americans are one border surge away from becoming a minority in their own country." . . .
What could we find objectionable about these media commentaries that Ms Coulter cites:
"The Unbearable Whiteness of Congress" -- The Daily Beast
"Whiteness is terrorism" -- Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams on Twitter
"The Problem of Whiteness" -- course at University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Abolish the White Race" -- Harvard Magazine ("The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.")
. . .
Washington Becomes Sanctuary State . . . "Under the new measure, state and local authorities will be barred from questioning individuals about their immigration status except in limited cases.
"Whiteness is terrorism" -- Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams on Twitter
"The Problem of Whiteness" -- course at University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Abolish the White Race" -- Harvard Magazine ("The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.")
. . .
Rich Terrell |
" 'Our state agencies are not immigration enforcement agencies," said Inslee, who’s running for president. "We will not be complicit in the Trump administration's depraved efforts to break up hard-working immigrant and refugee families." . . .
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The media tries to change your language to manipulate you
The Post Millennial
"Yesterday on Twitter, Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian’s senior technology editor announced that they would be making some changes to their style guide. “Climate change” will become “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown.” “Global warming” will become “global heating.” “Climate skeptic” will become “climate science denier.' ”
. . .
"Today we are constantly facing demands that we speak and write in a politically correct way. They demand that we all use preferred pronouns so that theys, thems, xims, and xirs don’t feel left out. They insist that the terminology surrounding womanhood and motherhood be changed: woman is wrong; menstruator or pregnant person is correct; breastfeeding is wrong; chestfeeding is correct. The language surrounding the concept of racial and ethnic discrimination has been broadened. Teens in MAGA hats and evolutionary biologists are now racists and sexists respectively. Even with regard to suicide, there is an argument being made that people should stop saying “committed suicide,” because it legitimizes the idea that it is a crime.
"Major media outlets like The Guardian are in lockstep with governments and social media companies in attempts to monitor your speech and censor what you say. The well-intentioned but Orwellian Christchurch Call is just the latest manifestation of this." . . .
Read the full article.
"Yesterday on Twitter, Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian’s senior technology editor announced that they would be making some changes to their style guide. “Climate change” will become “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown.” “Global warming” will become “global heating.” “Climate skeptic” will become “climate science denier.' ”
. . .
"Today we are constantly facing demands that we speak and write in a politically correct way. They demand that we all use preferred pronouns so that theys, thems, xims, and xirs don’t feel left out. They insist that the terminology surrounding womanhood and motherhood be changed: woman is wrong; menstruator or pregnant person is correct; breastfeeding is wrong; chestfeeding is correct. The language surrounding the concept of racial and ethnic discrimination has been broadened. Teens in MAGA hats and evolutionary biologists are now racists and sexists respectively. Even with regard to suicide, there is an argument being made that people should stop saying “committed suicide,” because it legitimizes the idea that it is a crime.
"Major media outlets like The Guardian are in lockstep with governments and social media companies in attempts to monitor your speech and censor what you say. The well-intentioned but Orwellian Christchurch Call is just the latest manifestation of this." . . .
Read the full article.
Angry Trump slams Democrats' investigations after cutting infrastructure meeting short
CNN "President Donald Trump took his deepening rage with Democrats to the White House Rose Garden on Wednesday, orchestrating a public display of fury at persistent oversight requests he says have forestalled any bipartisan cooperation.
"The episode, meant to shame his political rivals, also placed into clear relief how Democrats' recent subpoenas and information requests have rattled the President. And it raised the stakes on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is facing calls from members of her party to begin impeachment proceedings.
"Speaking minutes after abruptly cutting short a meeting at the White House with Pelosi and her Senate counterpart Sen. Chuck Schumer, Trump announced he wouldn't attempt any further efforts at bipartisanship until the congressional investigations conclude.
"I've said from the beginning -- right from the beginning -- you probably can't go down two tracks. You can go down the investigation track or you can go down the investment track," Trump said." . . .
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